Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 08262024/Liraxes Appears at Eik Wood

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Liraxes Appears at Eik Wood
Event Date: 08/26/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 450 years, 72 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 2nd month of Ka'len the Sea Drake in the year of the Golden Panther.


[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "Liraxes has identified another location for optimal placement for sorcerous activity, in the vicinity of the locale known as Leth Deriel."

[Trade] Your mind hears Kerennya thinking, "Can you be more specific, Liraxes?"

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "after what happened at the tower...is it such a good idea?"

[General] Your mind hears Vendelt thinking, "noooo no no no no no, you leave Leth Deriel alone please."

[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "North of the city, there is a granite outcropping before one would proceed deeper into the woods."

[General] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "I doubt Liraxes cares what happened, he is just programmed to find locations ever since he was asked to"

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "look - if people decide to follow this things advice, someone go into that other plane and see if things happen inside there?"

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "I don't think anyone was inside zangolermedtehtahte during the tower debacle"

[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "I don't think the tower is one of the sorcery spots is it? Just the ruined building west of crossing. Or did I miss a thing?"

[General] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "I wonder if Liraxes has completed building what the materials were given for"

[General] Your mind hears Buzan thinking, "i thought it wasn't getting anything unless it figured out how to return the five?"

[General] Your mind hears Gwenhwyfach thinking, "several gave Liraxes what it needed"

[Eik Wood, Granite Outcroppings]
A smooth, sloping granite outcropping, like a monolith fallen and half buried, stands as a gate between familiar ground and the forest beyond. With the momentum of a trot it is an easy climb up and over to the forest trail.
Also here: Steward of Recursion Liraxes.
Obvious paths: southwest.

Liraxes slowly moves its head in something like a nod.

Urbaj nods.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Events seem to be currently moving along an acceptable trajectory."

Urbaj says, "Excellent. I was worried that actions taken by others recently would have disrupted that trajectory."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes is aware of the recent sorcerous activities which took place. Although not an optimal location, the effect was still an improvement toward Balance in the long term."

[General] Your mind hears Liraxes thinking, "The supplied materials have been more sufficient than anticipated for the original task. Construction is ongoing, though final placement is still to be determined."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "The presence or absence of those hostile entities should not impact the overall suitability of this location, but their removal is helpful."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "As stated previously, sorcerous activity is a long term goal, so Liraxes does not expect repeat performances on the scale of what was recently undertaken."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Construction is still ongoing, so there is still use for additional materials."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "However, current monitoring indicates that sorcerous activity thus far is having an effect. Recent activity related to the wild magic phenomenon has decreased significantly in the wake of the recent sorcerous gathering."

Aerilia says, "Ah, that's reassuring to hear."

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a demolishing hit (15/23) to a moss mey's abdomen.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "However, this is calculated to be a temporary change, rather than an immediate reversion to a state of Balance."

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

Trajan raises an eyebrow in Liraxes's direction.

Lexxa just arrived.

Lexxa bows.

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

Urbaj asks Liraxes, "What activities will bring less temporary changes?"

Aerilia ponders.

Healer Leilanie just arrived.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Continued use of sorcery will help to achieve a long term balance."

Casari asks, "Balance between what and what?"

A moss mey steps daintily from the mist!

The moss mey begins to advance on Aerilia.

Kerennya says to Casari, "Liraxes means balance more in the sense of homeostasis."

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a powerful strike (10/23) to a moss mey's right arm.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right leg.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "A stable system of magical energy, available to be used for spellcasting purposes but not running out of control."

You see Steward of Recursion Liraxes, Warden of Adaptation, a being of pure probability.
Liraxes is composed of fractal blue crystal that twists and arcs in lattices into a form vaguely resembling a male humanoid. Impossible geometry forms in only vaguely symmetrical patterns across the body of this being, extruding into a jagged network of fragmented spines. A translucent face approximates what one would expect of a Human, only without a clear definition; it adjusts between varying expression of approximation of emotion, appearing noticeably similar but entirely alien.
Liraxes is of indeterminate age.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a raiment of fractal crystals.

Casari says, "I think my question has an answer, and that's not it."

Liraxes tonelessly says, "A balance between sorcerous and non-sorcerous casting."

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

Urbaj asks Liraxes, "Is there a surplus of non-sorcerous casting occurring somewhere?"

Casari asks, "That's on the cover of the book. What's in the heart of it?"

A moss mey steps daintily from the mist!

A moss mey steps daintily from the mist!

The moss mey begins to advance on Aerilia.

The moss mey begins to advance on Aerilia.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right arm.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right arm. The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Ezathiel just arrived.

The moss mey closes to pole weapon range on Aerilia.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a vicious strike (13/23) to a moss mey's chest.

The moss mey closes to melee range on Aerilia.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a cataclysmic strike (22/23) (Did the Greater Fist just erupt again?) to a moss mey's abdomen.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Urbaj, "Over a very long period of time, yes. But not limited to a specific location."

Ezathiel smiles.

Lexxa moves over to guard Ezathiel.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Casari, "Liraxes does not comprehend what you are asking."

Lexxa nods to Ezathiel.

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

Leilanie rests her hand on Couri's arm with a soft smile.

Casari asks, "Fine, I'll try something else. How did this place become special?"

A moss mey steps daintily from the mist!

A moss mey steps daintily from the mist!

The moss mey begins to advance on Aerilia.

The moss mey begins to advance on Kerennya.

Couri smiles at Leilanie.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right arm.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to a moss mey's chest.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right arm.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a demolishing hit (15/23) to a moss mey's neck.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Leilanie smiles.

Lexxa gets a haralun throwing hammer from inside her hip pouch.

Kerennya asks Liraxes, "Are there any other things you are trying to accomplish in addition to achieving balance?"

Lexxa flourishes her throwing hammer about in a butterfly pattern.

A moss mey steps daintily from the mist!

The moss mey begins to advance on Aerilia.

Aerilia traces a careful sigil in the air.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a powerful strike (10/23) to a moss mey's chest.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a devastating hit (17/23) (That'll leave a mark!) to a moss mey's chest.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Trajan gets a tursa military fork from inside a surging eddy of cold blue light radiating within a polished silversteel matrix.

Kerennya asks, "Perhaps some kind of secondary benefit?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "It was calculated that the effects of sorcerous casting in this location have a larger impact on the probability of an outcome favorable to Balance. This location is not required, just optimal."

A moss mey steps daintily from the mist!

A moss mey steps daintily from the mist!

The moss mey begins to advance on Aerilia.

The moss mey begins to advance on Aerilia.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a devastating hit (17/23) to a moss mey's abdomen.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a massive strike (11/23) to a moss mey's chest.

The moss mey closes to pole weapon range on Aerilia.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an apocalyptic strike (23/23) (So that's what it felt like when Grazhir shattered!) to a moss mey's neck.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Casari asks, "But how did it get into the state that it would have more impact?"

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes does not consider that to be of relevance."

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

Urbaj asks Liraxes, "Should we be concerned that entities may have a negative reaction to today's sorcery, similar to the drakes that came recently?"

Liraxes tonelessly says to Kerennya, "The only concern which Liraxes has is to restore and maintain Balance."

Leilanie gnaws on her lip.

Kerennya asks Urbaj, "Where/when did that happen?"

Trajan asks Liraxes, "'Just for clarification, what is your definition of 'balance'?"

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's left arm.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Urbaj, "That is a possibility. Calculations indicate that there will be further responses along those lines."

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right leg.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Couri says, "So Liraxes as well as the other visitors cares nae fore us."

Leilanie says to Kerennya, "Only yesterday in Crossing."

Leilanie nods.

Urbaj nods to Leilanie.

Kerennya nods to Leilanie.

Casari asks Liraxes, "Is Liraxes capable of sorcery?"

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Leilanie nods at Couri, obviously agreeing with her views.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. A moss mey deftly sidesteps Urbaj's smokewhorl whip.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a devastating hit (17/23) (That'll leave a mark!) to a moss mey's chest.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Trajan, "A system in homeostasis, able to function and fluctuate without running out of control and destroying itself."

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's left leg.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to a moss mey's abdomen.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Trajan nods to Liraxes.

Lexxa puts her hammer in her hip pouch.

[General] Your mind hears Urbaj thinking, "Liraxes is in the Eik Wood, Granite Outcroppings, north of Leth Deriel, to anyone interested."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Couri, "At present calculations indicate that the outcome with the highest probability of success is one in which your kind remains alive." Aerilia chuckles.

Leilanie asks, "Your kind?"

Couri coughs. Leilanie cocks her head at Liraxes. The moss mey closes to melee range on Kerennya.

A mey leans against a birch, and strokes the hanging branches in a strange embrace.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Local intelligent life."

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right arm.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Aerilia shoves a moss mey with tremendous force, knocking it into a sprawling heap.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's left leg.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right leg.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Aerilia gestures.
Aerilia's cambrinth armband emits a loud *snap*.
An instant rush of black and blue fire explodes into being, consuming Aerilia's outstretched limbs and turning them into ash!

A pained expression crosses Aerilia's face.

Trajan asks Liraxes, "'Are you capable of pondering the consequences, or ramifications of the actions you're performing?"

Couri says, "So us stayin alive works out best, but if'n folks do sorcery, they are destined fer death."

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to a moss mey's chest.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a devastating hit (17/23) (That'll leave a mark!) to a moss mey's chest.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Aerilia asks, "I've lost my arms. Any healers present?"

Scout Vendelt just arrived.

Ezathiel touches Aerilia and smiles, an odd but eager glint in his eyes.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Trajan, "Liraxes is capable of calculating the probability of outcomes, and compare how helpful they are to maintaining Balance."

Vendelt flails his arms about.

Vendelt exclaims, "No!"

Aerilia says, "Thank you."

Vendelt says, "No no no no no."

Ezathiel pleasantly says to Aerilia, "Let me take your vitals in a sec."

Vendelt exclaims, "You people get people blown up and my family is here! Please stop!"

[General] Your mind hears Couri thinking, "Liraxes is an it, from the Plane of Probabilty, sort of like a Negotiant but not"

Aerilia nods to Ezathiel.

Trajan nods to Liraxes.

Ezathiel touches Aerilia and smiles, an odd but eager glint in his eyes.

Urbaj says to Vendelt, "It's necessary for the continued existence of this plane."

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a spine-rattling strike (16/23) to a moss mey's chest.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Couri says, "We are not all fer doin sorcery."

Zehira yawns expansively.

Leilanie nods at Couri, obviously agreeing with her views.

Vendelt exclaims, "Find a different spot, got back to the spider's house!"

Vendelt points at Liraxes.

Vendelt asks Liraxes, "This isn't the only spot, is it?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "In the wake of recent sorcerous activities, there is currently a lull in wild magic effects, however this is at present only temporary. Liraxes calculates that there will be swings in activity, and also that the entities taking advantage of the current state of things will take actions to prevent the restoration of Balance."

Trajan asks Liraxes, "'And who was it that set you about this task, again?"

Urbaj ponders.

Leilanie frowns.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Vendelt, "This specific location is not a requirement, but it has been calculated to be one of the optimal locations."

Liraxes tonelessly says to Trajan, "Balance."

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a spine-rattling strike (16/23) to a moss mey's chest.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Leilanie whispers something to Couri.

Leilanie pulls Couri to her in a tight hug.

Couri hugs Leilanie, who wraps her arms around Couri with a warm smile.

Couri nods.

Vendelt exclaims, "Then let's find another!"

Aerilia asks Liraxes, "Do these locations stay optimal, or do they.. even out over time?"

Zehira dusts herself off.

Healer Leilanie walks southwest.

The moss mey closes to melee range on Vendelt.

Vendelt glances at a moss mey.

Vendelt sighs.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Aerilia, "There is a possibility that optimal locations may change over time. Liraxes continues to monitor."

Aerilia nods to Liraxes.

Trajan looks thoughtfully at Liraxes.

Aerilia asks, "For instance, is the location west of crossing that you previously identified still optimal?"

Liraxes tonelessly says, "At present, yes."

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to a moss mey's abdomen.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an overwhelming strike (19/23) (Oooh, the next generation of meys are going to feel that!) to a moss mey's chest.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Aerilia nods.

Ezathiel whispers something to Lexxa.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right hand.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a spine-rattling strike (16/23) to a moss mey's chest.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

(Vendelt claps to emphasize every word)

Vendelt says, "Go. back. there."

Lexxa asks Liraxes, "Why is sorcery neccessary to restore the balance and not other magic types?"

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a powerful strike (10/23) to a moss mey's abdomen.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an overwhelming strike (19/23) (Oooh, the next generation of meys are going to feel that!) to a moss mey's chest.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

A moss mey dissolves into the mist with a cry of despair.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Lexxa, "An excess of non-sorcerous casting is the source of the imbalance."

Lexxa nods to Liraxes.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right hand.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Ezathiel furrows his brow.

Lexxa ponders.

Trajan asks, "How can there be an excess of nothing?"

Zehira gets a narrow flamethorn cigarillo case clasped with a rencate dragon from inside her deathfiber carryall.

Zehira opens her cigarillo case.

Zehira gets a long platinum-foiled cigarillo infused with black rum from inside her cigarillo case.

Zehira closes her cigarillo case.

Zehira puts her case in her deathfiber carryall.

Zehira gets a diminutive tin magma viper from inside her deathfiber carryall.

Zehira points her tin viper at a long platinum-foiled cigarillo and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigarillo quickly catch fire.

Zehira puts her viper in her deathfiber carryall.

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-foiled cigarillo.

Zehira exhales some tobacco smoke. The warm scent of rum is joined by the heavy, sharp aroma of exotic spice.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's right arm.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-foiled cigarillo.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes must return to monitoring and calculations. Summarization of report: Sorcerous activities appear to be having desired effect, currently resulting in a lull in wild magic effects. This is temporary, however, and they will return before Balance can be achieved. Expect interferance from entities wishing to prevent the restoration of Balance."

Trajan asks, "There weren't always people in Elanthia. How was the balance maintained then?"

Trajan glances at Liraxes.

Vendelt hopelessly asks Liraxes, "What's the point of saving existance if everything good about it is distroyed in the process?"

Vendelt grabs Liraxes by the shoulders and shakes him!

Zehira exhales some tobacco smoke. The warm scent of rum is joined by the heavy, sharp aroma of exotic spice.

Zehira chuckles.

Casari sighs.

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-foiled cigarillo.

Trajan says to Vendelt, "'Please refrain from physically accosting the construct of unknown origin."

You notice a majestic white snowy owl with a hooked black beak appear overhead, circling.

The snowy owl begins to watch the goings on carefully.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Trajan, "Mana not being manipulated at all, in that scenario."

Kerennya says to Trajan, "Liraxes is from the Plane of Probability."

Zehira casually flicks some ashes off the end of her platinum-foiled cigarillo.

Vendelt sighs.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands a devastating hit (17/23) to a moss mey's neck.
The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Urbaj bends over the mey's corpse briefly.

Casari says, "Maybe no magic is the way to go."

Ezathiel sighs.

Aerilia scoffs.

Lexxa scoffs.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "If interference from local residents causes issues with this location, the previously identified location west of The Crossing remains another optimal location."

Lexxa says, "I'm not giving up my magic."

Lazy curls of smoke drift off of Zehira's platinum-foiled cigarillo.

Trajan says to Kerennya, "'Yes, but we don't know who 'made' him."

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-foiled cigarillo.

Vendelt exclaims, "Yes!"

Urbaj says to Liraxes, "We should use the most optimal location."

Aerilia nods to Liraxes.

Aerilia says, "Good to know."

Ezathiel softly says to himself, "Some say excess sorcery is the cause of imbalance, Liraxes says excess non-sorcerous casting is the cause...whom are we to believe."

Vendelt exclaims, "The Moss Mey will constantly interfere!"

Vendelt exclaims, "That's what they do!"

Vendelt exclaims, "Go away!"

Kerennya asks Liraxes, "What effect would no casting at all have on the balance?"

Urbaj says, "I'm glad that my sorcerous casting of the bless spell is able to protect us from the moss meys."

Zehira says, "Then kill them. Kill anything in the way."

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-foiled cigarillo.

Liraxes tonelessly says to Kerennya, "At this point it would likely slow down the problem, but not be able to stop it."

Kerennya nods to Liraxes.

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-foiled cigarillo.

Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes will resume monitoring and calculations. Further details will be forthcoming as calculations are refined and construction on the monitoring device continues."

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an earth-shaking strike (14/23) to a moss mey's chest.

The air around Liraxes shimmers and distorts, and its crystalline form seems to recede into the distance without actually moving. In just a moment it has taken the appearance of a tiny dot, at which point the distortion of the air vanishes with a faint pop.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's abdomen.

The mey desperately claws at the air, but falls to the ground without a sound.

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Zehira's platinum-foiled cigarillo as it burns.

Liraxes steps into a shadow and is simply gone!

Vendelt says, "Sorcery has caused something to assault ..."

With a great leap, a majestic white snowy owl with a hooked black beak launches into the air.

In a weak and directionless display of aggression, a moss mey extends a thin, frail hand at Aerilia.

Vendelt sighs.

Casari glances up at the sky.

Urbaj whips his smokewhorl whip at a moss mey. The smokewhorl whip lands an awesome strike (12/23) to a moss mey's left leg.

The snowy owl swoops off.

Casari says, "No drakes, at least."

Ezathiel pleasantly says, "And we are dismissed."

Ezathiel shakes his head.

Zehira snuffs out her platinum-foiled cigarillo.

Zehira gets a narrow flamethorn cigarillo case clasped with a rencate dragon from inside her deathfiber carryall.

Zehira opens her cigarillo case.

Aerilia says, "Not necessarily. This spot remains optimal without Liraxes' presence."

Zehira puts her cigarillo in her cigarillo case.

Zehira closes her cigarillo case.

Aerilia says, "If you want to contribute, contribute."

Zehira puts her case in her deathfiber carryall.

Vendelt quietly says, "Dammit."

Urbaj says, "Not so dangerous after all. When the Heralds' spies aren't around to throw a tantrum."

Lexxa says, "Not enough people here to cause a drake attack."

Ezathiel shakes his head.

Couri says, "It doesn't hae any sort of knowledge of dismissal."

Lexxa says, "And not a lot casting sorcery."

Ezathiel strolls southwest.

Vendelt takes a seat.

Zehira says, "Without sorcery I wouldn't be here."

Lexxa strides southwest.

Vendelt sighs deeply, looking very depressed.

Kerennya says, "So maybe in terms of avoiding things like drake attacks, smaller groups casting sorcery are better and still help the balance."

Aerilia glances at Vendelt.

Vendelt quietly says, "Just do the sorcery away from Leth... please."

Aerilia says to Vendelt, "I'm married to this spot. Since Liraxes said the previous spot is still fine, I'll go there."

Thinker Couri goes southwest.

Casari gazes up at the sky.

Vendelt quietly says, "Thank you."

Firehawk Casari goes southwest.

Aerilia nods to Vendelt.

Mageling Aerilia strides southwest.