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Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 01292025/The Machine Evolves
The Machine Evolves |
Event Date: 1/29/2025 |
Event Instance: Prime |
It has been 451 years, 297 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 8th month of Skullcleaver the Dwarven Axe in the year of the Amber Phoenix.
- Steward of Recursion Liraxes joins the adventure.
[Inside the Machine]
The room is vast and angular, its deep blue crystal walls scattering light into a spectrum of hues. The walls slope inward to a point far above, bristling with crystalline spikes that all reach toward a point a bit below the apex. Sparks of energy occasionally leap from one spike to another, casting intricate patterns across the floor. Embedded in the walls are complex metallic patterns wrought in nickel, icesteel, niniam, and zinc, occasionally glowing with heat in rhythmic pulses. Thin crystalline rods connect the mechanisms, shifting and changing smoothly. The air hums with a steady vibration, punctuated by frequent metallic clicks and cracks of energy dancing along the spikes. Glowing blue fluid rushes steadily through thin, translucent tubes. Just below the peak of the ceiling a large blue crystal hangs unsupported in the air, slowly rotating in place. You also see a pink-eared white piglet with a peach pirate's gown with a ruffled bodice and daisies adorning the layered skirt on it, a spirited shadow-black kitten with ethereal loimic bands spiraling the tail and an opening in the wall.
Also here: Ezathiel, Defier of the Heralds Saragos who has a stony visage, Tale Singer Katriwen, Troupe Cast Member Allye who is haloed by ethereal lotus and gladiolus blooms dancing in a gentle breeze, Master Healer Eskerith, Esotericist Eyst, Lady of Elamiri Ayrell, Chakrel Heart Malkien, Rozalynde who is surrounded by a pink cloud of glitter, Aerilia, Thinker Couri, Bastion of Life Karthor, Primal Lady Zalinyar, Mathematician Avrenka, Soul Surgeon Zynell who is crowned by a ring of glimmering stars, Druid Zyros, Bodyguard Elurora whose figure is gracefully highlighted in a soft aurora of silvery-violet light, Historian Gridaksma, Fearless Crobin, Dzive Asini Leayne, Strawberry Nurse Illiya, Knight of Meraud Tirost and Sir Imroth.
Obvious paths: none.
Eskerith just touched a sanowret crystal.
Allye declines Zynell's offer.
Zynell giggles.
Imroth says, "I am going to cast some spells on myself outside in case this turns sour."
A pinpoint of crystal gathers from the floor and begins to grow, unfurling.
Allye grins.
Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.
Aerilia tilts her head to one side.
Zalinyar says, "Great."
Imroth blinks.
Elurora gazes down at the ground.
Imroth says, "Too late."
Malkien says, "Hmm."
Zalinyar sighs.
Crobin says, "Oh...loookie."
After a moment, the crystal folds in on itself several times, and explodes with light. When the light fades, you see Liraxes standing where the form previously grew.
An acid-green bone wasp with an incarnadine stinger falls out of hiding.
Zalinyar says, "I'm not buffed."
Valynn came through an opening in the wall.
Rozalynde waves to Liraxes.
Zalinyar puts her rum in her firesilk backpack.
Aerilia bobs a brief, respectful bow towards Liraxes.
Allye says to Liraxes, "You do know how to make a dramatic entrance."
Veteran Apprentice Anuril's group came through an opening in the wall.
Malkien says, "That was improbable. Or highly probable."
Illiya waves to Liraxes.
Anuril casually observes the area.
Allye smiles at Liraxes.
Liraxes observes the gathered people.
Imroth nods to Liraxes.
Kethrai casually observes the area.
Valynn raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Anuril.
Zynell puts her quill in her encompassing shadows.
Clematis came through an opening in the wall.
Valynn grins at Tirost.
Gridaksma asks Allye, "Trying to recruit a new member?"
Firehawk Casari came through an opening in the wall.
Anuril says to Liraxes, "It has come to my attention that you intend to engage in some large amount of sorcery. You have two roisaen to cease all sorcery and depart this plane. This will be your only warning."
Light of the World Gwenddolyn's group came through an opening in the wall.
Allye says to Gridaksma, "Always."
Anuril gets a hazy glass gyre prominently inscribed with esoteric runes from inside his leather haversack.
Elurora waves to Casari.
Anuril concentrates on his gyre, releasing a frenzy of light and sound!
Anuril flips his gyre onto its other side.
Casari waves to Anuril.
Anuril puts his gyre in his leather haversack.
Aerilia glances at Anuril.
Casari waves to Elurora.
Allye flashes a quick grin.
Imroth grins at Anuril.
Imroth moves into position to block attacks against Liraxes!
Kethrai casually observes the area.
Ezathiel went through an opening in the wall.
Imroth draws forth a sungold-inlaid Imperial spear with a gleaming split-blade tip.
Liraxes tonelessly says, "The transformation of the machine has proceeded in line with expectations. An opportunity to test the principles that will be involved has arisen."
Elurora glances at Imroth.
Gridaksma snickers at Anuril.
Elurora glances at Anuril.
Mountain Lord Ezerak came through an opening in the wall.
Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Liraxes.
Ezerak joins Ayrell's group.
Crobin shakes Ezerak's hand.
Elurora slowly says, "I don't know that fighting among ourselves is really the best course of action."
Crobin waves to Ayrell.
Gridaksma says, "I hope you see the same humor in your hypocracy that I do."
Ezerak shakes Crobin's hand.
Anuril pointedly ignores Elurora.
Ayrell smiles at Crobin.
Ayrell waves to Crobin.
Liraxes tonelessly says, "This test will not involve sorcerous casting, and will not require additional support."
Allye waves to Ayrell.
Ayrell smiles at Allye.
Ezerak acts puzzled.
Tirost asks Anuril, "What?"
Anuril dryly says, "I don't believe you."
Kethrai casually observes the area.
Rozalynde says, "Math doesn't lie."
Elurora says to Anuril, "I do not partake in sorcery either, I'm just saying that we are a bit...small compared to what we fight already."
Liraxes tonelessly says, "Belief is not necessary for this endeavor."
Gridaksma says to Rozalynde, "Except when it does."
Kethrai quietly says, "I suppose the casting's already been done building and preparing this place."
Elurora gazes up at the sky.
Anuril says, "Time is up."
Defier of the Heralds Saragos went through an opening in the wall.
Stellar Statistician Urbaj came through an opening in the wall.
Anuril settles into a comfortable position and closes his eyes.
A painful ripping sensation erupts through your abdomen! You seem unharmed, but something terribly... wrong just happened.
Illiya assesses her combat situation.
Ezerak blinks at Anuril.
Aerilia blinks at Anuril.
Elurora rubs her abdomen.
Crobin hugs Malkien, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.
Anuril stands up.
Anuril begins to advance on Liraxes.
Enelne's Champion Nawain came through an opening in the wall.
Ayrell blinks.
Anuril begins to focus intently on Liraxes.
Anuril closes to pole weapon range on Liraxes.
Leayne hugs Nawain, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.
Anuril closes to melee range on Liraxes.
Elurora bows to Nawain.
Defier of the Heralds Saragos came through an opening in the wall.
Anuril gestures at Liraxes with skeletal fingers glowing blue.
Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.
Anuril laughs!
Tirost says to Anuril, "Stop, Anuril."
Leayne smiles at Casari, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Anuril dryly says, "Of course."
Nawain frowns.
Leayne just hugged Anuril.
Liraxes bristles menacingly and Anuril blinks in surprise as a river of blood pours from his neck
The wounds afflicting Anuril gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Kethrai's flesh.
Kethrai blinks.
Leayne gasps!
Kethrai touches Anuril with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.
Anuril gestures at Liraxes.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Liraxes!
Liraxes barely manages to stay on his feet.
Imroth touches the tattoo on his right cheekbone and closes his eyes in concentration.
Aerilia says, "Tch."
A pained expression crosses Allye's face.
Couri gasps!
Elurora sighs softly.
The wounds afflicting Anuril gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Kethrai's flesh.
Aerilia folds her arms across her chest.
Leayne sighs.
Anuril gestures at Liraxes.
Bands of opaque iridescence appear around Liraxes in a concentric hexad. Each begins to revolve along a different axis, soon collectively fading into a colored blur that obscures him for several moments.
Valynn gazes at Anuril.
Rozalynde blinks.
Valynn frets.
Zalinyar says, "And Liraxis turns evil."
Tirost asks Kethrai, "Can you stop him?"
Anuril gestures at Liraxes.
Crobin asks, "So no casting had happened, but still an attack?"
Liraxes tonelessly says, "This will not accomplish anything useful."
Tirost asks, "Or should I?"
Anuril gestures at Liraxes.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Liraxes!
Liraxes barely manages to stay on his feet.
Casari says to Tirost, "They'll work it out between themselves."
Zalinyar says, "He's possessed."
Zalinyar shrugs.
Allye quietly says to Anuril, "I believe you have made your point."
Anuril gestures.
A glowing amber mist briefly appears around Anuril's arms.
Imroth touches the tattoo on his right cheekbone and closes his eyes in concentration.
Anuril gestures.
The faint roar emanating from Anuril's forearms suddenly ceases.
A muted roar begins to emanate from Anuril's arms.
Urbaj snaps a copper Lirum at Anuril!
Anuril ducks at the last second as the copper coin narrowly misses!
Malkien says to Zalinyar, "He was responding to being cast at."
Anuril assesses his combat situation.
Eyst asks, "Possessed?"
Zalinyar gets a glass goblet of darkefire rum with silver varked flames from inside her firesilk backpack.
Anuril inhales sharply, then violently spits a bolt of churning flame toward Liraxes!
A multicolored ward wavers about Liraxes, softening Anuril's attack against him.
Some of the fiery breath breaks against his crystal fragments.
The incendiary spittle singes his left leg.
Anuril gestures at Liraxes with a casual flick of his wrists.
A multicolored ward wavers about Liraxes, softening Anuril's attack against him.
Liraxes's crystal fragments jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Liraxes is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his abdomen!
Rozalynde says, "He did say he had to leave or he would attack. But no, he hasn't done a sorcery yet."
Liraxes tonelessly says, "Desist."
Anuril gestures at Liraxes with a casual flick of his wrists.
A multicolored ward wavers about Liraxes, softening Anuril's attack against him.
Liraxes's crystal fragments jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Liraxes is struck by a violent wind that lands a glancing (0/23) strike to his chest!
Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.
Anuril gestures at Liraxes with a casual flick of his wrists.
A multicolored ward wavers about Liraxes, softening Anuril's attack against him.
Liraxes's crystal fragments jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Liraxes is struck by a violent wind that lands a hard hit (5/23) to his back!
Anuril gestures at Liraxes with a casual flick of his wrists.
A multicolored ward wavers about Liraxes, softening Anuril's attack against him.
Liraxes's crystal fragments jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Liraxes is struck by a violent wind that lands a light hit (1/23) to his abdomen, sending a sharp chill through the area.
Anuril gestures at Liraxes with a casual flick of his wrists.
A multicolored ward wavers about Liraxes, softening Anuril's attack against him.
Liraxes's crystal fragments jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Liraxes is struck by a violent wind that lands a light hit (1/23) to his right eye!
Anuril gestures at Liraxes with a casual flick of his wrists.
A multicolored ward wavers about Liraxes, softening Anuril's attack against him.
Liraxes's crystal fragments jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Liraxes is struck by a violent wind that lands a light hit (1/23) to his right arm!
Anuril gestures at Liraxes with a casual flick of his wrists.
A multicolored ward wavers about Liraxes, softening Anuril's attack against him.
Liraxes's crystal fragments jerks around as a gale blows past it.
Liraxes is struck by a violent wind that lands a light hit (1/23) to his left leg!
The faint roar emanating from Anuril's forearms suddenly ceases.
Anuril points at Liraxes.
Anuril puts his bolt in his leather haversack.
Anuril begins to focus intently on Liraxes.
Anuril lowers his shoulders and draws back his arm.
Anuril's palm is engulfed by fire as bright as the noontime sun!
- Anuril's strike is caught by Imroth, bouncing harmlessly off his gais lotus and narrowly missing Liraxes!
Anuril makes an agile leap and thrusts his open palm towards Liraxes!
Imroth gestures.
The wind begins to shift until it blows gently from behind Imroth's back.
The Imperial spear lands nearby!
Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.
Imroth bows his head and chants a prayer.
Crobin sighs.
Imroth begins to advance on Anuril.
Saragos shakes his head at Anuril.
Anuril glances at Imroth.
Gwenddolyn says, "Banner is up west."
Imroth closes to pole weapon range on Anuril.
Imroth closes to melee range on Anuril.
Kethrai gestures toward Anuril's head.
Imroth gestures at Anuril.
A brilliant stream of pure white light jumps toward Anuril from Imroth, which warps into a spiraling force as it slams into him!
Anuril is blasted back, reeling backwards in a light daze from the blow!
The light silently explodes.
Elurora shakes her head.
Anuril is obscured as the intricate matrices of crystals around his chest shatter!
The sphere surrounding Anuril thrums with energy and he seems somehow empowered.
Imroth's spear lands a hard hit (5/23) to Anuril's chest.
The Imperial spear lodges itself shallowly into Anuril!
Allye slowly empties her lungs.
Anuril tremors suddenly and rouses from his stupor.
Anuril gestures at Imroth.
Imroth suddenly turns pale and begins to look unsteady.
Kethrai touches Anuril with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.
Zalinyar says, "I'm a bit confused."
The room glows brightly, momentarily blinding you. When the light fades, Anuril is gone!
Zalinyar frets.
Illiya blinks.
Imroth turns deathly pale as both eyes turn inwards!
Allye quirks her ears outward in surprise.
Illiya says, "He disappeared.."
Saragos just left.
Avrenka says, "....interesting."
Elurora gives Illiya a slight nod.
Clematis chuckles.
Couri exclaims, "Gah!!"
Urbaj says, "Impressive."
Illiya lays her hand on Imroth's arm.
Allye touches Imroth with a confident grace and familiar smile.
Imroth turns deathly pale as both eyes turn inwards!
Imroth collapses to the ground!
Saragos just arrived.
Karthor scratches his head.
Elurora glances at Imroth.
Zynell angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Kethrai.
Aerilia asks, "Teleported away, I assume?"
Light of the World Gwenddolyn's group went through an opening in the wall.
Liraxes tonelessly says, "He still lives."
Imroth stands up.
Elurora quietly asks Kethrai, "Can you tell if he's safe?"
Illiya asks Liraxes, "Where is Anuril?"
Avrenka says, "He's ...outside."
Imroth turns deathly pale as both eyes turn inwards!
Imroth collapses to the ground!
Crobin asks, "I have a feeling attacking a creation in a creatioon that was built buy bad?"
Zynell asks Kethrai, "Can you sense him still?"
Saragos gets a lynx talisman from inside his firesilk tote.
Eskerith closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.
A spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes creeps into the area, pads up to Saragos and nuzzles its head against him.
Avrenka says, "He moved him to outside the machine."
Imroth suddenly regains his composure.
The storm-grey lynx pads off.
Allye says, "Oh."
Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.
Kethrai nods to Zynell.
Tirost gets a lynx talisman from inside his watersilk bag.
Zynell nods to Kethrai.
Some cracks in the crystal forming Liraxes fade away.
Leayne frowns.
Avrenka says, "Quite the restraint."
Eyst says, "What about Imroth? I've never seen a fellow go so cross-eyed as just now."
Avrenka says, "He showed."
Tirost asks Liraxes, "Apologies. Do you remain functional?"
Zalinyar says, "Does anyone have a portable forge? THis thing is made of metals."
Liraxes tonelessly says, "Yes, Liraxes remains functional."
Imroth asks, "What about me?"
Valynn went through an opening in the wall.
Crobin stands near Leayne.
Tirost grins at Imroth.
Rozalynde asks Imroth, "Do you remain functional?"
Illiya says, "Imroth is fine too."
Elurora folds her arms across her chest.
Imroth grins.
Allye grins at Rozalynde.
Illiya grins at Rozalynde, her dimples flashing into view.
Aerilia chuckles.
Imroth says, "Functional as well."
Gridaksma asks, "Was he functional before?"
Valynn came through an opening in the wall.
Rozalynde pats Imroth on the back.
Tirost nods to Imroth.
Imroth laughs!
Malkien chortles softly at some secret joke.
Zyros looks at Gridaksma and shrugs.
Ezerak chuckles at Valynn.
Liraxes tonelessly says, "The optimal time for engaging the test is approaching."
Xibar slowly rises above the horizon.
Zyros smiles at Imroth.
Aerilia glances up at the sky.
Illiya asks Liraxes, "What is the test?"
Valynn grins at Ezerak.
Despite no movement from Liraxes, glowing white symbols spring into being along the crystal walls. Most of the symbols are unrecognizable, though some of them feature numbers. One set of symbols stands out as changing over time, parts of the pattern shifting as sparks jumping from the crystal spikes about the chamber increase in frequency.
(Moon Mage only)
Your prophetic senses vibrate oddly, and you momentarily confuse upward from downward. The feeling passes.
Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.
Light of the World Gwenddolyn's group came through an opening in the wall.
Ezerak whispers something to Ayrell.
Malkien taps some haralun knee spikes that he is wearing.
Kethrai casually observes the area.
Elurora squints.
Kethrai says to Illiya, "Whatever it is, we're powerless to stop it now."
Elurora glances at Liraxes.
Imroth stands up.
Ezerak nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.
Liraxes tonelessly says, "None of you should be in any danger from this process."
Aerilia nods.
Rozalynde quietly says, "If we all get teleported to a dfifferent plane and imprisoned in math, that'll be some egg on our face."
Rozalynde glances up at the sky.
Karthor says, "How much liftin' is that "should" doin' there, I wonder."
Nawain asks, "Is anything else in danger by it?"
Nawain fidgets nervously.
Karthor scratches his head.
Zalinyar nods to Karthor.
Allye grins at Karthor.
Zalinyar stands near Karthor.
Gwenddolyn says, "I have banners just outside and one north if needed."
Zynell lifts her clasp above her head and closes her eyes.
Ezerak whispers something to Ayrell.
Crobin glances up at the sky.
The shifting symbols eventually stop changing and begin pulsing brightly. A steady stream of sparks jump up toward the geometric shape at the apex of the spire as it begins to glow intensely white. The metal mechanisms within the walls also glow steadily, while the tubes shudder as fluid rushes through them.
(Moon Mage only)
Your prophetic senses vibrate oddly, and you are convinced for an odd moment that you smell protea blossoms. The sensation passes.
Katriwen nods to Gwenddolyn.
Liraxes tonelessly says, "Engaging stellar alignment protocols."
Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity.
Eskerith leans forward.
Zyros says, "Mmmm protocols."
Zalinyar says, "I don't feel good about this."
Zyros casually observes the area.
Gwenddolyn nods at Zalinyar, obviously agreeing with her views.
Leayne nods to Zalinyar.
Zalinyar says, "Too much liquid."
Eskerith cocks his head.
Energy continues to leap up toward the shifting geometric shape, forming glowing rings around it. The steady hum filling the room lowers in tone but increases in intensity. A new number, larger than the others, appears in the midst of the glowing symbols and showing a single zero.
(Moon Mage only)
Your prophetic senses vibrate oddly, and you find yourself shaking hands with... yourself? After a disorienting moment, everything returns to normal.
Nawain says to Zalinyar, "It's math. If it feels good, you're doing it wrong."
Valynn gazes at Liraxes.
Nawain shudders.
Allye ponders.
Illiya says, "Zero.."
Zalinyar says, "And math."
Aerilia tilts her head to one side.
Zalinyar sighs.
Allye asks, "Is zero good?"
Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.
Urbaj asks, "Is stellar alignment made more difficult when there are no stars to be seen?"
Elurora says, "Depends."
Avrenka wobbles, looking a bit faint.
Elurora flashes a quick grin at Allye.
Liraxes tonelessly says, "Commencing."
Avrenka says, "That was ... disorienting."
Gridaksma says, "Zero enemies yes, zero cupcakes, no."
Nawain gnaws on her lip.
Zalinyar says, "All of us do not equal zero, just saying."
The floating shape at the top of the spire begins rotating so quickly that it appears as a glowing blur, the air around it shimmering and distorting, disrupting your ability to gauge how far away it really is.
A portion of the sky tears, and the constellation of the Heart can be once again seen, the hiding scorpion rearing momentarily, and the approaching champions saluting in relief.
(Moon Mage only)
Your prophetic senses wrench uncomfortably, and you feel as though something has been returned.
Nawain gasps!
Avrenka exclaims, "Ah!"
Eskerith gazes up at the sky.
Allye blinks.
Eyst squints.
Katriwen gasps!
Avrenka exclaims, "The relief ...!"
Gwenddolyn says, "Wiw."
The zero changes to a one.
Suddenly, the energy focused around the contorting geometric shape winks out, the mechanisms of the crystal machine reverting to their previous level of activity.
Aerilia beams!
Tirost smiles.
Avrenka exclaims, "I feel ... again!"
Elurora raises an eyebrow.
Zyros exclaims, "And one!"
Zyros gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Urbaj glances up at the sky.
Tirost glances at Aerilia.
Avrenka breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.
Crobin says, "Hmm don't look at the bright light."
Couri gasps!
Liraxes tonelessly says, "Test successful."
Crobin says, "Got it."
Aerilia glances up at the sky.
Zalinyar says, "Yeah, but whos it? I'm not it."
Gwenddolyn says, "Well done."
Valynn glances up at the sky.
Zalinyar shakes her head.
Imroth asks, "What was all that??"
Nawain gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Illiya touches the tattoo on her arm and closes her eyes in concentration.
Illiya asks, "What did you test?"
Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.
Gwenhwyfach lets out a hearty cheer for Liraxes!
Nawain praises Liraxes.
Ayrell glances up at the sky.
Clematis lets out a hearty cheer for Liraxes!
Kethrai glances up at the sky.
Aerilia exclaims, "Well done!"
Saragos raises an eyebrow in Liraxes's direction.
Nawain glances up at the sky.
Karthor scratches his head.
Rozalynde says, "I think one means it worked."
Allye glances up at the sky.
Couri glances up at the sky.
Tirost quietly says to Aerilia, "How in Elanthia did that work..."
Casari glances up at the sky.
Malkien nods to Tirost.
Kethrai says, "Couldn't have done this when the weather was better, I suppose."
Elurora gazes off into the distance.
Liraxes tonelessly says to Illiya, "Principles involved in the operation of the machine's new configuration."
Aerilia looks at Tirost and shrugs.
Gwenhwyfach glances up at the sky.
Tirost glances up at the sky.
Crobin says, "Quickly it seemd tirost."
Nawain says, "Yaknow, I was so happy to have big thick rainclouds just an anlas ago."
Nawain mutters to herself.
Tirost nods to Crobin.
Clematis glances up at the sky.
Avrenka asks Liraxes, "I felt ... myself ... shaking hands with myself ... what was that?"
Aerilia says to Tirost, "Beats me. But from what I glimpsed of the Immortals, they appreciated it."
Crobin asks, "So...was that like 1 percent power or?"
Illiya asks Liraxes, "What is the machine's new configuration?"
Liraxes tonelessly says, "This is also a step toward restoring things to their proper state."
Zalinyar asks Liraxes, "And remind me, if you could please, what does this machine do?"
Valynn gazes at Avrenka.
Crobin says, "Distractioon."
Zalinyar smiles at Liraxes, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Crobin nods to Zalinyar.
Zalinyar nods to Crobin.
Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.
Valynn nods to Crobin.
Gwenddolyn says, "It has changed over time but yes a glaring distraction to the Heralds."
Eyst asks, "I take it some of us perceived more than just lights and numbers?"
Kethrai asks Liraxes, "Restoring things to the homeostasis that existed earlier, yes?"
Liraxes tonelessly says, "The machine has been reconfigured to be of use as a possible weapon against the Heralds. It is intended to serve to disrupt them when the Immortals begin their full assault."
Saragos nods to Liraxes.
Aerilia praises Liraxes.
Imroth says, "What does nod."
Imroth grumbles.
Valynn folds her arms across her chest.
Imroth clears his throat.
Rozalynde says, "Shine a sorcery light in a harold's eye."
Gwenhwyfach asks, "Does Liraxes have an idea when that attack will occur?"
Imroth nods.
Liraxes tonelessly says, "For that purpose, however, Liraxes will need assistance in assembling a sorcerous pattern."
Nawain observes Liraxes with fascination.
Elurora shakes her head.
You hear a female Elf voice exclaim, "Oh, I love sorcerous patterns!"
Illiya says, "Ah, let's call Anuril back in here."
Tirost whispers something to Valynn.
Aerilia nods to Liraxes.
Imroth nods.
Ayrell frowns.
Angel smiles at Liraxes.
Zalinyar says, "Oh I bet."
Nawain snorts at Illiya.
Zalinyar chuckles.
You hear someone let out a loud "Huzzah!" from somewhere nearby.
Valynn whispers something to Tirost.
Avrenka says, "When the machine was working... I felt ... myself shaking hands with myself ... it was disorienting, but in a ... good way? Like something was being resolved."
Tirost gazes at Liraxes.
Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Avrenka.
Tirost asks Liraxes, "What kind of sorcerous pattern?"
Couri beams at Avrenka!
Allye smiles at Avrenka.
Elurora slowly asks Avrenka, "Did you see a glimspe of The Heart?"
Crobin says, "Odd I don't think I felt anything."
Liraxes tonelessly says, "Liraxes does not know the exact plans of the Immortals, but expects all should be ready to act swiftly."
Citizen Miraeven came through an opening in the wall.
Illiya asks Liraxes, "And when?"
Avrenka says to Elurora, "I did ..."
Eyst asks Elurora, "The Heart?"
Elurora gives Avrenka a slight nod.
Katriwen nods to Elurora.
Elurora says to Eyst, "In the sky."
Elurora points up.
Avrenka says, "The most elementary of constellations ... the one that every novice is first taught."
Eyst glances up at the sky.
Elurora points at Avrenka.
Aerilia says, "Is the Heart restored now? I can't see past the rainclouds."
Elurora says to Eyst, "What he said."
Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Avrenka.
Aerilia glances up at the sky.
Couri glances up at the sky.
Elurora appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Angel scans the sky from horizon to horizon.
Tirost nods to Aerilia.
Angel says, "The Heart is in the sky, yes."
Illiya asks Elurora, "What did you see exactly?"
Aerilia nods to Angel.
Sofina reveals herself.
Aerilia says, "Excellent."
Zalinyar ponders.
Sofina smirks.
Angel glances up at the sky.
Rozalynde says, "Oh, interesting."
Crobin glances up at the sky.
Katriwen glances up at the sky.
Ezerak glances up at the sky.
Eyst says, "Ah. Well a bit of the normal sky returning is promising."
Valynn glances up at the sky.
Saragos says to Liraxes, "As far as you are aware, are the Balance completely in line with the observed actions of the Immortals? Or do you have reservations."
Zalinyar says, "Hmm. One would think the heart, being us, is here in Elanthia. Not any other plane, or place."
Angel says, "The scorpion was out a night or so ago too."
Elurora slowly says to Illiya, "I saw a portion of the sky tear, and the costellation of The Heart visible once again. I also saw the 'hiding' scorpion rear and the champions salute."
Avrenka quietly says to himself, "If only Miskton were here..."
Katriwen glances up at the sky.
Light of the World Gwenddolyn's group went through an opening in the wall.
Roughneck Rileos came through an opening in the wall.
Liraxes tonelessly says, "The actions taken by the Immortals thus far align with Balance. They are capable of taking actions to disrupt it, but for the immediate future they are acting in a correct manner."
Eyst ponders.
The rain slackens off to a heavy downpour.
Allye nods to Liraxes.
Crobin flicks one ear back as though listening for something.
Saragos nods to Liraxes.
Crobin puts his parazonium in his battle-scarred carryall.
Angel says, "Though it is not quite the actual star of the scorpion. It appears like it is."
Illiya nods to Elurora.
Nawain glances up at the sky.
Liraxes tonelessly says, "With this test completed, Liraxes will continue to prepare for the full activation. Be ready to assist."
Nawain asks, "How much longer is it supposed to rain?"
Aerilia nods to Liraxes.
Avrenka asks Liraxes, "Can you explain in a little extra detail what the machine exactly did just now? Were alternate timelines or dimensions involved?"
Jagged crystal grows from the floor of the machine and encases Liraxes. After a moment, the form of Liraxes shatters, leaving nothing behind.
Avrenka sighs.
Rozalynde exclaims, "Bye!"
Zalinyar says, "That's releiving I suppose, the immediate future is secure."
Light of the World Gwenddolyn's group came through an opening in the wall.
Avrenka says, "Of course."
Ezerak blinks.
Elurora says, "He isn't big on small talk."
Kethrai gazes up at the sky.
Crobin ponders.
Illiya says, "He leaves as fast as Madigan does."
Nawain pats Avrenka on the back.
Tirost lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.
Crobin nods to Illiya.
Aerilia chuckles.
Imroth grins at Illiya.
Crobin says, "Maybe faster."
Karthor chuckles.
Tirost says, "Interesting."
Rileos scratches distractedly at his beard.
Valynn smirks at Illiya.
Allye says, "Well, that was something."
Ayrell nibbles her lip thoughtfully.
Zynell gets a gold-edged ivory parchment from inside a rugged red backpack.
Imroth says, "That was an exit."
Aerilia says, "Still, what an incredible result."
Zalinyar says, "Oop, and there he goes."
Urbaj says, "No time or interest in small talk."
Rileos's body below the waist is dripping water everywhere.
- Liraxes returns home from a hard day of adventuring.
Avrenka says, "Now I know how other people feel when I teleport out."
Rozalynde glances up at the sky.
Elurora quietly says, "Nor do I trust him."
Elurora gazes off into the distance.
Rileos peers quizzically at Zynell.
Light of the World Gwenddolyn's group went through an opening in the wall.
Rileos accepts Zynell's ivory parchment.
Sofina yawns expansively.
Avrenka chuckles.
Allye giggles at Avrenka.
Nawain grins at Avrenka.
Kethrai says, "No interest in explaining anything he's actually doing to us, for that matter."
Angel gestures.
Several motes of light gather, briefly forming a minute version of the constellation of the Heart before collapsing into a translucent magenta sphere.
Elurora nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.
Tirost says, "The reactions of the Immortals was positive. They seemed relieved."
Illiya says, "Or for us."
Clematis chuckles at Avrenka.
Aerilia nods to Tirost.
Nawain says, "They did."
Elurora says to Kethrai, "That is part of why I don't trust him."
Imroth says, "I don't know if it for us."
Nawain nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.
Ezerak nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.
Leayne gestures.
A sky-blue sufil tree with wispy rills of water flowing up its branches rises up from the ground, its golden leaves stretching out into the air.
Illiya says, "We don't know if it is to us either though."
Citizen Miraeven went through an opening in the wall.
Chakrel Heart Malkien went through an opening in the wall.
Imroth says, "But it seems like our objectives align."
Leayne softly says, "Tree is up for Empaths."
Zynell looks at Rileos and shrugs.
Rozalynde says, "Well, it's not actively trying to set us on fire or encase entire clans in stuff. So..."
Illiya asks, "What is the significance of the Heart?"
Sofina went through an opening in the wall.
Mathematician Avrenka went through an opening in the wall.
Elurora says to Imroth, "For now."
Firehawk Casari went through an opening in the wall.
Imroth nods to Elurora.
Imroth says, "All we have is now."
Zalinyar says to Illiya, "We're the heart. All of us."
Kethrai says to Imroth, "A con artist makes it seem like your interests align right up until they don't."
Elurora points at Kethrai.
Mathematician Avrenka came through an opening in the wall.
Illiya says to Zalinyar, "I mean the constellation.."
Ezerak says, "I still think of the visions and such before it arrived, and still wonder if the thing may be dangerous."
Eskerith ponders.
Zalinyar nods to Illiya.
Valynn nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.
Avrenka says, "The Heart constellatoin is there, it's realy there ... none of the others are there, though."
Zalinyar says to Illiya, "So do I."
Avrenka says, "As to what the Heart signifies ...."
Aerilia ponders.
Saragos roots around the area for a moment.
Avrenka says, "The Heart, symbol of marriage and love, is formed by a cluster of stars resembling a proud member of the Olvi race encircled in a shining circlet of bright stars. A sparkle of light gleams forth briefly from the center -- a faithful reminder that though stars may fade, their light is constant and true for those who know where to look."
Zalinyar says, "All of us."
Eyst says to Kethrai, "A con artist would probably attempt to gain more confidence than Liraxes does."
Allye begins chortling at Eyst.
Imroth nods to Eyst.
Leayne leans back against Crobin with a loving smile.
Avrenka says, "It is the first constellatoin that every moon mage novice is taught to see."
Valynn went through an opening in the wall.
Tirost says to Eyst, "Interesting point."
Rozalynde says, "Awww, Liraxes wants to marry us."
Angel says, "The Heart was attached to lore in the olden days of enchanting."
Saragos says to Kethrai, "For what it's worth, it makes sense that Sorcery would be required to do what Liraxes says - and what we've seen - the machine does. Altering things on so grand a scale has always required Sorcery - or even Feral magic, such as we used to kill Maelshyve."
Kethrai says to Eyst, "I dunno, seems to have been effective at that so far. Somehow."
Nawain asks, "Is the Heart being the easiest constellation a young Moon Mage can find because its closest?"
Nawain frowns.
Rozalynde yells, "I accept Liraxes!"
Gridaksma says to Eyst, "A con artist doesn't put out more effort than required."
Elurora says, "Since it does not appear that the sky or drakes are going to fall on us, I have a play to get ready for."
Elurora bows.
Nawain praises Elurora.
Illiya hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.
Crobin hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.
Eskerith grins at Elurora.
Elurora hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.
Angel says, "It is out all year long, and all night long."
Zynell beams at Elurora!
Bodyguard Elurora went through an opening in the wall.
Clematis pats Nawain on the back.
Katriwen waves.
Urbaj says, "It's one of a handful of constellations that aren't direct representations of the Immortals."
Clematis waves.
Illiya asks, "What did Anuril summon in here?"
Tale Singer Katriwen went through an opening in the wall.
Aerilia says, "A sorcery domain."
Aerilia frowns slightly.
Imroth says, "A fit."
Kethrai says to Saragos, "Unlike my husband, I've not got my hackles up specifically because of the sorcery. Just because we have no idea what that thing is planning, but we're helping it carry it out anyway."
Rozalynde points at Imroth.
Rozalynde nods.
Tirost says, "Can't understand why he did that."
Clematis went through an opening in the wall.
Illiya asks, "Which one, and why would he do that?"
You hear a voice say, "We should probably just burn him at the stake."
Rozalynde says, "A bad vibe."
Crobin nods to Kethrai.
Saragos nods to Kethrai.
Zalinyar nods to Kethrai.
Leayne gasps!
Illiya says, "It is confusing that he did that after stating his opposition to sorcery."
Kethrai says to Tirost, "He was trying to use... that spell, on it, I think. But it doesn't seem to have worked."
Zalinyar scans the area briefly.
Eskerith says, "Well, I've got metal to forge and clothing to stitch."
Tirost blinks.
Master Healer Eskerith went through an opening in the wall.
Historian Gridaksma went through an opening in the wall.
Zalinyar searches around for a moment.
Zynell nods emphatically at Allye.
Tirost asks Kethrai, "THAT spell?"
Illiya asks Kethrai, "What spell?"
Tirost asks, "Anuril!?"
Avrenka says, "Hylomorphism."
Avrenka says, "I saw it."
Ezerak says, "Calling it a con artist is to try and wedge an extraplanar square peg into a mortal circular hole. This thing is unknowable to us. It is going to do whatever it was sent here to do."
Rozalynde snorts, loudly.
Tirost rubs his head.
Imroth asks, "He was going to use sorcery because he hates sorcery?"
Avrenka says, "It did not seem effective."
Kethrai says, "It's not of this plane. That's what it was made for."
Tirost asks Kethrai, "Think he'll talk to me when he's calmer?"
Zalinyar nods to Ezerak.
Avrenka asks, "The irony, isn't it?"
Allye nods to Ezerak.
Rozalynde asks, "Stare into the abyss long enough I guess?"
Illiya asks, "Like fighting fire with fire?"
Crobin ponders magic users
Angel says, "The Heart is also attached to the Survival skills we have."
Avrenka says, "Or fighting evil with evil."
Leayne giggles at Crobin.
Saragos says, "I think we can at least feel reassured that the machine is doing something related to helping the Immortals. It demonstrably did so. If there is a con here, it seems like it would be the 'hidden cost' kind."
Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.
Faebound Leilanie came through an opening in the wall.
Aerilia nods to Saragos.
Zalinyar says to Ezerak, "And there's not much we of this world can do until it makes up it's mind as to what we shall endure."
Tirost nods to Saragos.
Eyst says, "Does Anuril have any more aim than just stopping the creature from performing sorcery? Seems rather short-sighted given all we've learned till now."
Rileos asks, "So I was late for reasons, what'd it say?"
Couri leans on Leilanie.
Leilanie leans on Couri.
Aerilia says to Saragos, "Even if there a gotcha, surely the immediate aid it can provide the Immortals is worth it."
Kethrai says to Eyst, "He doesn't trust it. I don't either. I don't think any of us should."
Leayne takes her rightful place beside Crobin.
Avrenka says, "Not much .. just that the machine and test were ready, and then it did some stuff with math and the number zero, then the Heart constellatoin appeared."
Illiya says to Imroth, "What a book.."
Zalinyar says to Rileos, "It said we're all dust in the wind."
Gypsy Amabalis came through an opening in the wall.
Crobin says, "There is a saying out there."
Lunar Princess Angel went through an opening in the wall.
Tirost says, "It sounds like Liraxes is going to use this machine to help the Immortals. He said we should be ready to support."
Zalinyar looks at Rileos and shrugs.
Crobin says, "I am not sure I remember all of it."
Illiya says, "Disbanding the group."
Imroth laughs at Illiya.
Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.
Avrenka says, "And be ready for the Immortal's full all out assault."
Ezerak says to Aerilia, "I'm sure they said the same thing about the Voidspell."
Zynell joins Leilanie's group.
Crobin says, "But it is stay close, but be ready to kill everyone in a room if needed."
Zalinyar joins Crobin's group.
Couri joins Leilanie's group.
Crobin nods to Leayne.
Avrenka says, "As far as I'm concerned, we can debate about the pros and cons of sorcery all we like, but we have a much more immediate threat to deal with."
Crobin nods to Zalinyar.
Sir Imroth went through an opening in the wall.
Sir Imroth came through an opening in the wall.
Rozalynde says, "If the choices are pay a hidden cost later or cease to exist now, I'll usually pick the first one."
Eyst asks Kethrai, "Ah, then he was not against sorcery, but whatever Liraxes particular sorcery was meant to do then?"
Saragos says to Aerilia, "Probably? I've got more reason than most to want to see the Heralds get it. If there is a price, the most likely one would seem to be giving the PoP a foothold here, and possibly a lever for beings there to get revenge on the Moon Mages."
Karthor says, "Well, that was as confusin' as usual. At least the "not dangerous" thing worked out okay fer the moment. Take care folks."
Karthor adjusts the fit of his spectacles.
Aerilia nods to Saragos.
Karthor raises his hand in a quick salute.
Illiya waves to Karthor.
Allye waves to Karthor.
Bastion of Life Karthor went through an opening in the wall.
Saragos says to Aerilia, "Whether that's better or not, I suppose, depends on where you stand on Heralds and Moon Mages."
Allye says, "Please excuse me. Safe paths, everyone."
Leayne waves to Allye.
Zynell beams at Allye!
Illiya hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.
Zalinyar nods to Crobin.
Allye hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.
Kethrai says to Eyst, "A little of column A, a little of column B. He believes sorcery to be dangerous and destructive. Dangerous and destructive has its place, wielded in moderation."
Crobin hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.
Allye says, "How do I... oh there."
Allye hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.
Troupe Cast Member Allye went through an opening in the wall.
Saragos nods to Kethrai.
Eyst gives a slight nod.
Zalinyar says, "I'm a bit concerned about the tubes of liquid."
Aerilia says to Saragos, "Sure, that may be bad. But we're talking about defeating the beings that want to drain our plane dry and destroy us all. Anyone that's 'with' the Heralds is suicidal."
Kethrai says, "But he also feels we've gone well past the point of moderation, and he doesn't trust it being wielded by... whatever that thing is."
Zalinyar says, "There's only a few kinds of liquid I know, one blood, two, rum, three waters."
Couri nods to Kethrai.
Kethrai shakes his head.
Kethrai shrugs.
Rozalynde says, "Pee."
Rozalynde says, "You forgot pee."
Ayrell gazes up at the sky.
Kethrai says, "I can only speak to his state of mind so far."
Zalinyar frowns.
Zalinyar nods.
Ezerak frowns, shaking his head with an expression of exasperation before resting his face in the palm of his hand.
Tirost frowns thoughtfully.
Illiya asks Kethrai, "And what is that presently?"
Crobin ponders.
Rileos looks at Nawain, obviously trying not to grin.
Tirost says, "So much of this is literally over our heads. All we can do is reason from what we've experienced."
Imroth says, "There are trainers for both Intelligence and Wisdom at the Academy in Crossing. He could maybe visit those."
Nawain begins chortling at Rileos.
Saragos says, "]aerilia I agree. The alternate path would be if the Immortals don't need the help, but in this case we have good signs that the Heralds are more powerful in some way than the Immortals, so they can probably use everything we can give them to help."
Leayne nods to Tirost.
Zyros nods to Tirost.
Kethrai asks Illiya, "Worried enough to try to destroy Liraxes inside its machine here to prevent it achieving whatever unknown goals it has?"
Kethrai looks at Illiya and shrugs.
(Crobin moves around the inside of the machine looking over and taking mental notes)
Aerilia nods to Saragos.
Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.
Zalinyar takes a sip of her rum.
Zalinyar ponders.
Aerilia says to Saragos, "Their response to the Heart being restored is sign enough for me to fully support what Liraxes is doing."
Zalinyar slowly asks, "Should we worry that our plane of abiding is going to disolve?"
Nawain smiles at Aerilia.
Tirost says to Kethrai, "For someone who was just asking for more talking with Asildu, you don't seem to have a problem with the attack on Liraxes..."
Kethrai says to Zalinyar, "I'm always worried about that, these days..."
Imroth nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.
Zalinyar looks at Kethrai and sighs.
Ezerak nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.
Zalinyar nods to Kethrai.
Kethrai says to Tirost, "Asildu is a person."
Nawain says to Zalinyar, "If it does, we're done, and nothing we cn do about it, so why worry? If it doesn't, it doesn't, and we still don't need to worry about it."
Zalinyar sadly says to Kethrai, "Me too."
Crobin says, "Well...questionable."
Saragos says, "We certainly haven't seen any signs that the Heralds care enough about us, or have the restraint to not drain this world dry. For me, the Immortals retrieved my wife and friends from the prison the Heralds set them in - that means I'm with them."
Rozalynde says, "Debatable at this point."
Eyst says, "I've heard he's less of a person lately."
Kethrai says, "Asildu at least WAS a person, at some point, then."
Crobin nods.
Nawain nods to Saragos.
Imroth says, "Liraxes is obviously and intelligence being. Not trusting him because he looks different seems... strange."
Avrenka says to Saragos, "You could argue Liraxes helped with the clans liberation as well."
Tirost asks, "I think Liraxes is an intelligent entity, and a being supporting the Immortals. Would that entity not be worthy of the same dignity as Asildu?"
Crobin says, "You say that Imroth, but oothers will say the same about Asildu when he first showed up."
Avrenka says to Imroth, "Well .. I don't trust him because I know he is a higher being from the Plane of Probability."
Kethrai says to Imroth, "It doesn't just... look different. It's a different class of being. It's a concept made manifest in our plane."
Crobin says, "There is always going to be three different parts of a story."
Crobin says, "The truth."
Crobin says, "The lie."
Avrenka says, "And those beings tend to be treacherous, and exact very high prices, usually one's sanity, for their deals."
Illiya gazes at Crobin.
Crobin says, "And whatever others have."
Aerilia begins chortling at Crobin.
Zalinyar nods to Crobin.
Nawain chuckles.
Nawain glances up at the sky.
Crobin says, "We tried speaking with Asildu, and each time it got worse and worse."
Avrenka says, "I believe if I were to receive answers to all of my questions from Liraxes, I would likely lose my mind."
Imroth says, "Well coming in here with your chest puffed out making demands probably isn't they best way to interact with cosmic beings."
Crobin says, "Now he talks little and sends his pets to do his talking for him."
Saragos says to Avrenka, "That's true. I've a bit less trust in Liraxes just because it represents a concept. It's a being that represents the living incarnation of that concept. In thise case, our interests align with that concept, but in other cases, they might not. And those beings aren't even capable of setting aside their goals, I don't think, because it might hurt their past allies. I don't think they even CAN."
Kethrai says, "And that concept would just as quickly support the Immortals in their work, or eradicate all life on this plane, if it would serve the purposes of its creator Balance."
Crobin says, "He did come in a lot like Madigan did the first time."
Kethrai says, "It wouldn't feel a moment's hesitation or remorse."
Avrenka nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.
Nawain nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.
Zynell nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.
Saragos says, "But, in this case, our interests seem firmly aligned with Liraxes'. We just need to make sure we're not going to be in trouble after this is all over."
Saragos nods to Kethrai.
Aerilia nods.
Saragos says to Kethrai, "Right. It wouldn't even be capable of remorse, probably."
Ezerak says, "It is supporting the Immortals *for now*. That could change if it decides thier goals no longer align."
Crobin studies his slim almanac closely.
(Nawain gazes up at the downpour with exasperation.)
Nawain mutters to herself.
Kethrai nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.
Avrenka asks, "So what's the harm in using It for our mutual survival?"
Saragos nods to Ezerak.
Ezerak nods at Saragos, obviously agreeing with his views.
Imroth says, "Everyone could change at a moments notice."
Crobin nods.
Crobin nods to Imroth.
Avrenka says, "We need all the help we can get."
Imroth says, "You don't threaten people because of it."
Ayrell nods to Ezerak.
Imroth exclaims, "Well you MIGHT attack me right now!"
Aerilia says, "I still suspect we'd prefer to have to fight Liraxes one day than let the Heralds continue as they are."
Imroth glares at Ezerak.
Crobin laughs!
Kethrai says, "I'm not worried that Liraxes can change. I'm more worried that it can't."
Avrenka nods at Aerilia, obviously agreeing with her views.
Tirost nods to Aerilia.
Urbaj says, "I trust Liraxes BECAUSE its a concept, or an extension of one - because it's a noble concept. It's not capable of doing something outside of the pursuit of balance."
Ezerak says to Imroth, "Only if you give me a reason to."
Ezerak shrugs.
Kethrai says, "It's the inflexibility that makes it impossible to reason with."
Saragos says to Imroth, "I'm not agreeing with Anuril's methods. I think there's a point to be made that we shouldn't trust Liraxes as fully as the Immortals, but I think in this case our path is clear to support Liraxes' machine."
Urbaj says, "Liraxes has been nothing but upfront and demonstrably, provably honest with us. It's given us a clear path, and every step has improved our lot in this war. The constant hostility and confusion toward Liraxes are tiresome."
Crobin says, "I got a coin we could flip."
Crobin smiles at Ezerak.
Imroth asks Ezerak, "Oh how the tables have turned, eh?"
Avrenka says, "Anuril was landing some hits on Liraxes, if anybody noticed."
Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Avrenka says, "Not sure we could do the same to a Herald."
Zalinyar says, "I feel that placing blind support on anyone who isn't firmly planted on this ground (points at the earth beneath her feet) and doesn't think that there are those out to destroy it (gestures towards the sky)."
Saragos nods to Urbaj.
Zalinyar sighs.
Ayrell gazes at Imroth.
Aerilia nods to Avrenka.
Zynell nods to Avrenka.
Rozalynde says, "I'm not sure Liraxes was "designed" to fight."
Urbaj grumbles.
Stellar Statistician Urbaj went through an opening in the wall.
Illiya says, "He healed himself too."
Avrenka says, "His body was showing light damage."
Illiya hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.
Illiya hugs Ayrell, getting a smile in return.
Ayrell hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.
Leayne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.
Strawberry Nurse Illiya went through an opening in the wall.
Zalinyar says, "Well, look me up if you want some good rum on your last day on the plane we exist upon."
Avrenka says, "Well ... "healed" ... is one way to put it."
Zalinyar holds a glass goblet of darkefire rum with silver varked flames high into the air for all to see.
Avrenka grins wryly.
Kethrai shakes his head.
Eyst says, "Would any agree that it seemed Liraxes held back against Anuril? It appeared to have no trouble inflicted a grievous injury on him, but settled ultimately for only removing him from the area."
Primal Lady Zalinyar went through an opening in the wall.
Aerilia nods to Eyst.
Kethrai says, "Well... For now, be safe, all. Keep your feet planted and your wits about you."
Tirost smiles.
Ayrell nods politely to Kethrai.
Leayne hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.
Tirost says, "Farewell, Keth."
Nawain nods to Kethrai.
Rozalynde says, "The injury was a warning, likely, when that was ignored..."
Leayne waves to Kethrai.
Crobin hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.
Rozalynde shrugs.
Zynell says, "A balance of violence and discression."
Kethrai nods to Crobin.
Zynell nods to Eyst.
Aerilia nods to Rozalynde.
Eyst says, "Interesting considering we were just speaking of how cutthroat Liraxes would likely be if he were ever our adversary."
Heart Tender Kethrai went through an opening in the wall.
Ezerak nods at Eyst, obviously agreeing with his views.
Ezerak says to Eyst, "Literally."
Imroth says, "It's almost like he doesn't want to do us harm."
Crobin says, "If he was our enemy."
Eyst snorts, loudly.
Eyst says to Ezerak, "Indeed."
Crobin says, "That is the problem with machines so to speakk."
Avrenka says, "He did almost take Anuril's head off in one move."
Zynell says, "Now would be a poor time for it to do so though, it needs our sorcery assistance still."
Zynell nods.
Zynell nods to Eyst.
Leayne nods.
Tirost says, "There's a lot of worrying about worst case scenarios when we've seen really bad situations that have gotten better as the Immortals have asserted themselves. Liraxes' machine helped the Immortals."
Crobin says, "They have a directive, not a conscience."
Aerilia nods to Tirost.
Rozalynde frowns.
Rileos says to Crobin, "That hardly stops people already."
Rileos grins at Crobin.
Crobin chuckles.
A strange sense passes through you. Afterward, the area feels somehow more... normal than it did a moment ago.
Aerilia asks, "I suppose that number we saw may have represented the constellations in the sky? Form zero to one?"
Ezerak grins at Rileos, his dimples flashing into view.
Crobin says, "Even cold hearted murders think about what they have done."
Crobin says, "Good or bad."
Tirost laughingly says to Rileos, "Gods, Rileos."
Avrenka says, "I do have one small thing to add to our musings ... while the machine was working, I swear I smelled ... protean blossoms."
Crobin says, "A machine does what it is programmed to do."
Crobin says, "Nothing more."
Crobin says, "Nothing less."
Nawain frowns at Avrenka.
Rozalynde says, "Y'all are goofy."
Avrenka asks, "Did anyone else feel that ... sense of normalcy just now?"
Leayne nods to Avrenka.
Aerilia nods.
Avrenka says, "Ok not just me, thanks."
Tirost says to Avrenka, "Expiration of the Metal Domain Anuril summoned."
Aerilia says, "Anuril's domain faded."
Leayne giggles.
Avrenka says, "Ah."
Ezerak nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.
Avrenka says, "I keep forgetting about that thing."
Saragos nods to Tirost.
Crobin ponders.
Imroth says, "Alright, well take care."
Rozalynde went through an opening in the wall.
Crobin waves to Imroth.
Imroth raises his Imperial spear in a quick salute.
Nawain waves to Imroth.
Aerilia waves to Imroth.
Tirost raises his hand in a quick salute.
Zynell says, "By the way, for the next drake invasion, if you missed the meeting earlier..."
Eyst nods politely to Imroth.
Zynell says, "Triage in taelberts."
Tirost smiles at Zynell.
Imroth smiles.
Sir Imroth went through an opening in the wall.
Eyst glances up at the sky.
Crobin sighs.
Crobin says, "This needs to end...and soon."
Leayne rubs Crobin gently, massaging his muscles.
Tirost says, "I should take my leave. Take care, everyone."
Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.
(Tirost bows to Ezerak and Ayrell.)
Leayne hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Leayne with a warm smile.
Eyst gets a sleek nightsilk umbrella topped with a hexagonal abyssal quartz from inside his tinker's pack.
Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.
Tirost hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Tirost with a warm smile.
Ezerak nods politely to Tirost.
Leayne waves to Tirost.
Eyst opens a sleek nightsilk umbrella topped with a hexagonal abyssal quartz with a snap.
Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.
Nawain waves to Tirost.
Tirost bows to Saragos.
Ayrell curtsies gracefully to Tirost.
Nawain nods to Crobin.
Tirost waves to Nawain.
Avrenka says, "There have been a few visions relating to protea blossoms .... I must investigate further ..."
Aerilia waves to Tirost.
Tirost waves to Aerilia.
Knight of Meraud Tirost went through an opening in the wall.
Ezerak says to Crobin, "We're at the mercy of the Immortals and Heralds at this point, I think."
Ezerak sighs.
Zynell ponders.
Zyros asks, "Zynell, would you have a moment to teach me dragging?"
Crobin says, "I hate being aat anyones mercy but my own."
Crobin says, "But you are right."
Zyros says, "I think I got the gist of it earlier..."
Rileos says to Ezerak, "Oh, we was the whole time, s'what happens when things this big throw down."
Ezerak says, "And maybe the Plane of Probability too, at that."
Zynell says, "A very short one, but aye."
Zynell nods.
[General] Your mind hears Yiel thinking, "It's so beautiful! The Heart is visible in the sky!"
Zyros smiles at Zynell.
[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "only if you can see through clouds"
You notice Avrenka attempting to conceal his spell preparations.
Avrenka asks, "Oh gods, can I cast SLS again?"
Avrenka gestures.
Several motes of light gather, briefly forming a minute version of the constellation of the Heart before collapsing into a glittering magenta sphere.
Crobin says, "Leayne."
Avrenka laughs!
Ezerak nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.
Avrenka says, "Yessssssss."
Leayne nods to Crobin.
Avrenka says, "SLS."
Aerilia grins at Avrenka.
Avrenka gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.
Crobin asks, "Shall we head towards the feeder?"
Ezerak says to Rileos, "At least it seemed like we had a choice in the matter, at various points before."
[General] Your mind hears Elore thinking, "Did you give us back our constellations, Yiel?? My hero!"
Rileos flashes a quick grin at Ezerak.
Nawain glances up at the sky.
Leayne nods to Crobin.
Crobin says, "Alright everyone."
Avrenka joins Nawain's group.
Crobin says, "We are going to head out."
Crobin just hugged Nawain.
Leayne softly says, "I have to go turn myself in."
Ezerak shakes Crobin's hand.
Crobin waves to Ayrell.
Aerilia hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Aerilia with a warm smile.
Nawain hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Nawain with a warm smile.
Aerilia hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Aerilia with a warm smile.
Crobin shakes Ezerak's hand.
Ayrell waves to Crobin.
Leayne laughs!
Crobin hugs Aerilia, getting a smile in return.
Ezerak waves to Leayne.
Crobin hugs Amabalis, getting a smile in return.
Leayne hugs Aerilia, getting a smile in return.
Leayne hugs Amabalis, getting a smile in return.
(Crobin waves to the shadows)
Amabalis hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Amabalis with a warm smile.
Amabalis hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Amabalis with a warm smile.
Crobin hugs Zynell, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.
Leayne hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.
Crobin gives Rileos a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.
Rileos says to Ezerak, "Oh, fair sure we did, suicide is always an option."
Aerilia glances up at the sky.
Zynell nods to Zyros.
Crobin waves to Couri.
Crobin hugs Leilanie, getting a smile in return.
Zynell hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Zynell with a warm smile.
Ezerak says to Rileos, "Unless they keep bringing us back anyway."
Crobin waves to Avrenka.
Leayne hugs Leilanie, getting a smile in return.
Zynell hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Zynell with a warm smile.
Rileos wraps his arms around Crobin, giving Crobin a great big bear hug!
Leilanie hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Leilanie with a warm smile.
Couri waves to Crobin.
Leilanie hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Leilanie with a warm smile.
Leayne just hugged Rileos.
Rileos hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Rileos with a warm smile.
Leayne softly says, "Be well."
Leayne softly says, "Visit me in jail."
Crobin chuckles.
Eyst says to Ezerak, "One has to wonder where we'd be if the Herald's agents had been more convincing."
Crobin smiles at Leayne.
Leayne hugs Nawain, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.
Zynell says, "We wil write you letters."
Zynell giggles.
Crobin says, "Be good all."
[General] Your mind hears Yiel thinking, "It wasn't me! I just noticed it's visible"
Leayne laughs at Zynell.
Leayne softly says, "Send food."
Rileos says to Eyst, "Screwed I imagine."
Saragos says to Eyst, "Or if they had bothered to kidnap people who were actually big users of Sorcery."
Crobin asks, "With a file in it?"
Crobin angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Leayne.
Leayne nods to Crobin.
Eyst gives a slight nod.
Leayne softly asks, "Is that how it's done?"
Soul Surgeon Zynell's group went through an opening in the wall.
Nawain nods to Avrenka.
Crobin nods.
Crobin says, "Be well all."
Ezerak says to Eyst, "I figure we'd have figured it out eventually. I can only ignore the evidence I see with my own eyes for so long."
Ezerak chuckles.
Leayne nods to Crobin.
Aerilia nods.
Crobin hugs Aerilia, getting a smile in return.
Fearless Crobin's group went through an opening in the wall.
Avrenka waves.
Avrenka gestures.
Without fanfare, Avrenka is simply gone.
Enelne's Champion Nawain went through an opening in the wall.
Eyst says, "Well, good evening to you all."
Eyst nods politely.
Esotericist Eyst went through an opening in the wall.
Amabalis smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.
Rileos says, "Glad to see we're still rehashing the same three or four arguments we been having this whole damn time. Would be weird to stop now."
Rileos appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Ezerak grins at Rileos, his dimples flashing into view.
Aerilia chuckles.
Couri grins.
Saragos grins at Rileos.
Ezerak leans on Ayrell.
Rileos says, "Thinkin I'm gonna get movin on along, though, try and stay dry out there."
Rileos glances up at the sky.
Aerilia nods.
Ezerak hugs Rileos, getting a smile in return.
Saragos nods to Rileos.
Rileos raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.
Faebound Leilanie's group went through an opening in the wall.
Aerilia says, "Good night and safe travels."
Ayrell waves to Rileos.
Aerilia bobs a brief, respectful bow.
[General] Your mind hears Rozalynde thinking, "Liraxes' Machine went Bing! And the heart came back, I'm assuming cause Liraxes wants to marry us, me most of all, but all of us, together. Spread the good words!"
Roughneck Rileos went through an opening in the wall.
Aerilia went through an opening in the wall.