Ayrell/Logs/07242024/Wild Magic Discussion

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It has been 449 years, 341 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 9th month of Dolefaren the Brigantine (ship) in the year of the Bronze Wyvern. It is currently fall and it is night.

Announcement Gweth

[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "In approximately 20 roisaen, I will be at Milene's Rose in Shard for some discussion on theories regarding wild magic and ideas for potential next steps in our research, for anyone who is interested in joining."
You concentrate on projecting your thoughts.


You go west.
[Milene's Rose, Tavern]
Roomy and rectangular, the tavern for Milene's Rose is always busy, but strangely never so full that it becomes unbearably crowded. A booth in the corner allows for privacy, and a bar offers service for the thirsty and the hungry. There is little sign of disarray anywhere. You also see the publican.
Also here: Veteran Apprentice Anuril who has a fiery visage, Ruea, Roughneck Rileos, Philomath Miskton and Electrical Fury Hamuk who is sitting.

You smile.

Anuril nods to you.

Firehawk Casari just arrived.

You nod politely to Anuril.

You hug Ruea who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of violets clings to her skin.

Casari waves.

Miskton gets a snifter of Milene's brandy from inside his researcher's backpack.

Anuril bows to Casari.

Ruea hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.

Hamuk smiles at you.

You hug Rileos who wraps his arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of burning tobacco clings to his skin.

Miskton nods politely to you.

Hamuk stands up.

Rileos says to Ruea, "No, see, cause I can't say anything that won't get me arrested."

Rileos casually observes the area.

Casari exclaims, "Hi!"

Anuril says to Casari, "Lieutenant."

You nod politely to Miskton.

Miskton takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-hued cigarillo.

Casari grins at Anuril.

Hamuk bows to you.

Miskton exhales purposefully and takes on a pensive look. He then pokes a finger around in the reddish plume of smoke as if searching for buried treasure. The unusual scent of fresh sniper lily emanates from the cigarillo as fragile tendrils fill the air with a strange, murky aroma.

Hamuk extends his bared palms to you ritualistically in wordless greeting. You finish the gesture by covering his palms with yours.

You smile at Hamuk.

You extend your bared palms to Hamuk in wordless greeting. Hamuk places his palms over yours, completing the ritual.

You wave to Casari.

Hamuk waves to Casari.

Rileos hugs you, and you wrap your arms around him with a warm smile.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Rileos's cream-colored cigarillo.

Miskton nods politely to Casari.

You smile at Rileos.

Rileos casually flicks some ashes off the end of his cream-colored cigarillo.

Casari waves to Miskton.

Casari takes a bite of the tart.

Ruea says to Rileos, "Well done."

Miskton's platinum-hued cigarillo glows faintly as it burns down.

Ruea praises Rileos.

You chuckle at Anuril.

Tiny puffs of smoke rise from Ruea's forest-green cigarillo as it burns.

Rileos winks at Ruea.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Rileos's cream-colored cigarillo.

Miskton takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-hued cigarillo.

Miskton blows out a cloud of smoke which forms a wavy disk. Miskton sends a lopsided ball of smoke into the center of the disk, which promptly collapses.

Lazy curls of smoke drift off of Ruea's forest-green cigarillo.

Lady of the Watch Dantia just arrived.

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

A smoke image of a collapsed disk dissipates into the air.

Dantia touches Rileos with a confident grace.

Dantia touches Tirost with a confident grace.

Dantia touches Ruea with a confident grace.

You smile at Dantia.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Rileos's cream-colored cigarillo.

Dantia's body is dripping water everywhere.

Tirost smiles at Dantia.

Anuril smiles.

Miskton nods politely to Dantia.

Dantia smiles.

Miskton nods politely to Tirost.

Tirost gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around Dantia.

You smile at Tirost.

Tirost bows.

Hamuk smiles at Dantia.

Hamuk waves to Dantia.

Hamuk shakes Tirost's hand.

Dantia smiles at Hamuk.

Ruea grins at Dantia.

Dantia touches Hamuk with a confident grace.

Tirost says to Miskton, "Good to see you, Miskton."

Ruea says to Dantia, "Thank you."

Rileos flashes a quick grin at Dantia.

Hamuk beams at Dantia!

Tirost says to you, "And you, My Lady."

Rileos takes a long drag off of a burning cream-colored cigarillo.

Dantia says to Ruea, "My pleasure."

Miskton says to Tirost, "Likewise."

Miskton smiles.

You smile at Tirost.

Tirost smiles.

Labor Organizer Urbaj just arrived.

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

Miskton takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-hued cigarillo.

You say to Tirost, "It is good to see you as well."

Anuril inhales deeply of the drink.

Miskton blows out a cloud of smoke which forms a wavy disk. Miskton sends a lopsided ball of smoke into the center of the disk, which promptly collapses.

Tirost shakes Hamuk's hand.

A light haze of smoke wafts off Ruea's forest-green cigarillo.

Hamuk says to Dantia, "Thank you."

Miskton takes a sip of his brandy.

Hamuk smiles.

Dantia nods to Hamuk.

Casari takes a bite of the tart.

A smoke image of a collapsed disk dissipates into the air.

You say, "This evening we shall see how many people attend, and how many have grown tired of hearing me ramble about wild magic."

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Miskton chuckles.

Hamuk casually observes the area.

Tirost chuckles.

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Ezathiel just arrived.

Casari exclaims, "They just like the sound of your voice, Commander!"

Ezathiel bows.

Ezathiel smiles.

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Casari waves to Ezerak.

Ezathiel pleasantly says, "Greetings."

Hamuk smiles at Ezerak.

Dantia says to you, "I think many have adjusted to the new way of life and... aren't as concerned with the changes anymore."

Casari waves to Ezathiel.

Hamuk nods to Ezerak.

Dantia sighs.

Ezerak waves to Casari.

Tirost bows to Ezerak.

Rileos says to you, "Oh we're all tired of it. Liraxes needs to speed its ass up and come catch some back."

You smile at Ezathiel.

Ezathiel waves to Casari.

Tirost nods to Rileos.

Ezathiel smiles at you.

You nod at Dantia, in complete agreement with her views.

Ezerak takes your hand and gently kisses the back of it.

Hamuk laughs at Rileos.

Casari says, "Hi Sofina."

Ezathiel places his hands on his thighs and bows deeply at the waist towards you, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Anuril nods to Dantia.

Casari takes a bite of the tart.

You say to Dantia, "I think you may be right."

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.

You hear the voice of Sofina say, "Hello."

Dantia gives a slight nod.

You chuckle at Rileos.

You nod at Rileos, in complete agreement with his views.

You curtsy gracefully to Ezerak.

Ezerak hugs Rileos, getting a smile in return.

Miskton takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-hued cigarillo.

Ezerak shakes Miskton's hand.

Miskton blows out a cloud of smoke which forms a wavy disk. Miskton sends a lopsided ball of smoke into the center of the disk, which promptly collapses.

Wild Card Elore just arrived.

Miskton nods politely to Ezerak.

Ruea casually flicks some ashes off the end of her forest-green cigarillo.

You curtsy gracefully to Ezathiel.

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning forest-green cigarillo.

Hamuk smiles at Elore.

Hamuk waves.

Ruea exhales in a curious manner, sticking her curled tongue out and shooting smoke through the air. She lifts her chin, her eyes filled with a sense of utter satisfaction as if her just conquered the world. The earthy scent of fresh scorpion flower emanates from the cigarillo as fragile tendrils fill the area with a revitalizing, feral aroma.

Rileos asks Ezerak, "How come you never kiss my hand?"

Rileos scoffs at Ezerak.

Elore beams at Hamuk!

Ezerak grins at Rileos, his dimples flashing into view.

Elore waves.

Rileos takes a long drag off of a burning cream-colored cigarillo.

Rileos allows a line of smoke to rise from his mouth. Rileos exhales and licks his lips. As plumes of white smoke float around, Rileos stands on his tiptoes to relish the fragrance. The pleasant scent of fresh butterfly orchid emanates from the cigarillo as fragile tendrils fill the air with a delightful, enchanting aroma.

Tirost laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.

Elore hugs Ezathiel, who wraps his arms around Elore with a warm smile.

You chortle at Rileos.

Elore wraps her arms around Rileos, giving Rileos a great big bear hug!

Miskton nods politely to Elore.

You smile at Elore.

Ezathiel beams at Elore!

Miskton inhales deeply of the drink.

Ezathiel hugs Elore, who wraps her arms around Ezathiel with a warm smile.

Hamuk waves to Ezathiel.

Elore snaps to attention and hails Miskton with a crisp hand salute.

Rileos flashes a quick grin at Elore.

Hamuk exclaims to Ezathiel, "Ezzy!"

Tirost says to Rileos, "It's often filthy for one thing."

Miskton takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-hued cigarillo.

Ezathiel grins at Hamuk.

Hamuk shakes Ezathiel's hand.

Ezerak says to Rileos, "Put on a dress and we'll talk."

Ezathiel pleasantly exclaims to Hamuk, "Hamuk!"

Light of the World Gwenddolyn just arrived.

Gwenddolyn waves.

Ezathiel grins.

Tirost smiles at Gwenddolyn.

Hamuk flashes a wide grin.

You nod politely to Gwenddolyn.

Rileos says to Tirost, "Often, but not currently. I at least wash my hands before I come out and eat and drink stuff. I'm not a barbarian."

Gwenddolyn says, "Hi1."

Gwenddolyn mutters to herself.

Rileos strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Tirost laughs!

Rileos says to Ezerak, "Oh we will."

Rileos nods to Ezerak.

Miskton nods politely to Gwenddolyn.

Gwenddolyn says, "Hi everyone."

Ezerak grins at Rileos, his dimples flashing into view.

Gwenddolyn coughs.

Hamuk waves to Gwenddolyn.

Anuril inhales deeply of the drink.

Ezathiel leans against a bar.

Casari takes a bite of the tart.

Ezathiel casually observes the area.

You say, "We will wait a few more moments before we begin, just in case anyone else is like me and running fashionably late."

Rileos takes a long drag off of a burning cream-colored cigarillo.

Ruea says to you, "I was so early."

Elore says to Rileos, "Not tonight, but I'm stealing you one day soon."

Ruea gazes at her fingernails.

Elore nods to Rileos.

Hamuk grins at Ruea.

Rileos nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Miskton says, "There are witnesses."

Miskton nods.

Illiya waves.

Ruea says to you, "I love everything you're wearing."

Illiya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Hamuk beams at Illiya!

Illiya hugs you, and you give her a smile in return.

Hamuk hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Illiya hugs Hamuk, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

You smile at Ruea.

Ruea casually flicks some ashes off the end of her forest-green cigarillo.

Miskton nods politely to Illiya.

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning forest-green cigarillo.

You hug Illiya who gives you a smile in return. A faint scent of strawberries clings to her skin.

Illiya just hugged Dantia.

Rileos says to Elore, "That sounds like I don't have a choice, just don't expect much of a ransom."

Casari says to Ruea, "Right? She never stops with that."

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Miskton.

Dantia smiles at Illiya.

Tirost smiles at Illiya.

Miskton takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-hued cigarillo.

Ruea smiles at Casari.

Illiya hugs Tirost, getting a smile in return.

Dantia assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Elore says to Rileos, "You have 0 choice, and you're bringing money with you."

You say to Ruea, "I could say the same about what you are wearing. That gown is stunning."

Hamuk says to you, "It's true, she was early, I saw it."

Tirost hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Elore says, "So figure that one out."

Elore chuckles.

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived.

You chuckle at Hamuk.

Kethrai takes his rightful place beside Anuril.

Anuril laughs!

Rileos furrows his brow.

You smile at Kethrai.

Ruea grins wryly at you.

Kethrai winks at Anuril with a playful sparkle in his eyes.

Rileos asks, "Is it still a ransom if you pay it yourself?"

Tirost smiles at Kethrai.

Hamuk waves to Kethrai.

Rileos says, "I'd imagine so."

Hamuk smiles.

Kethrai waves.

Illiya waves to Kethrai.

Tirost gets a snifter of Rissan brandy from inside his watersilk bag.

Gwenddolyn says, "If the wife demands it, yes."

Hamuk gestures, and a smooth eruption of rock rises from the ground with a low rumble, shifting and flowing fluidly before settling into a seat of stone. He walks over to it and sits down.

Gwenddolyn chortles softly at some secret joke.

Hamuk props his elbow on the arm of his stone seat and rests his chin in his hand.

Rileos grins at Kethrai.

Ezathiel hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Illiya hugs Ezathiel, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Sir Madigan just arrived.

Casari says, "We should probably order something so the publican doesn't get mad."

Illiya beams at Ezathiel!

You smile at Madigan.

Ezerak shakes Madigan's hand.

Madigan grins at Dantia.

Madigan gently kisses Dantia on the cheek.

The publican places a cup of rosehip tea on the bar.

The publican places a cup of rosehip tea on the bar.

Dantia touches Madigan with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Miskton nods politely to Madigan.

The publican places a cup of rosehip tea on the bar.

Tirost moves a snifter of Rissan brandy to his left hand.

Hamuk nods to Madigan.

Madigan moves into position to block attacks against Dantia!

Dantia grins at Madigan.

Anuril observes Madigan with fascination.

Tirost snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.

Hamuk waves.

Madigan smiles at Ezerak.

Tirost moves a snifter of Rissan brandy to his right hand.

Elore says, "I didn't use the word ransome."

Madigan shakes Ezerak's hand.

Casari takes a bite of the tart.

You curtsy gracefully to Madigan.

Illiya waves to Madigan.

Casari waves to Madigan.

Ezathiel puts his almanac in his rucksack.

Hamuk takes a sip of his brandy.

Pilgrim Nawain just arrived.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails you with a crisp hand salute.

Kethrai leans back against Anuril with a loving smile.

Madigan waves to Casari.

Ruea winks at you.

You nod politely to Nawain.

Elore leans on Ezathiel.

Madigan says, "Good to see everyone."

Kethrai gets a flute of honeywine from atop a bar.

Anuril shifts his shoulders, jostling the chain hauberk until it settles more comfortably into place.

Casari moves over to guard you.

Rileos nods to Madigan.

Nawain waves to you.

Kethrai takes a sip of his honeywine.

Casari grins.

Anuril makes a grunting noise.

Madigan grins at Rileos.

Ruea leans on Kethrai.

Madigan grunts at Anuril.

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Anuril grins.

Ezerak moves over to guard you.

You nod to Ezathiel.

Tirost takes a sip of his brandy.

Casari takes a sip of her rum.

Ruea's forest-green cigarillo glows faintly as it burns down.

Elore grins at Ezathiel.

Rileos casually flicks some ashes off the end of his cream-colored cigarillo.

Ezathiel grins at Elore.

Miskton takes a long drag off of a burning platinum-hued cigarillo.

Anuril gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around Madigan.

Miskton blows out a cloud of smoke which forms a wavy disk. Miskton sends a lopsided ball of smoke into the center of the disk, which promptly collapses.

Ayrell's Revised Theory

You say, "Thank you all so much for coming out. I know it was all rather last roisen."

Madigan smiles at Hamuk.

Hamuk smiles at you.

Kethrai begins to listen to Tirost teach the Targeted Magic skill.

Hamuk flashes a wide grin at Madigan.

Citizen Miraeven just arrived, leading his group.

Ezathiel whispers something to Elore.

Elore glances at Ezathiel.

Elore raises an eyebrow.

Elore takes a seat near a bar.

Ezathiel chuckles at Elore.

Elore looks at Ezathiel and blushes.

Illiya smiles at you, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ezathiel winks at Elore.

You say, "This evening, I would like to begin by speaking a little about a theory of mine that I have... made a few adjustments to over the recent weeks."

Hamuk raises an eyebrow.

Tirost gazes at you.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at you.

Anuril raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Hamuk gives you a studious look, as if committing you to memory.

Gwenddolyn asks, "You only have one?"

Illiya grins at Gwenddolyn, her dimples flashing into view.

Ezerak says to Rileos, "I apologize for missing your party. I did not hear about it until too late."

Haxen just arrived.

Sofina leans on Hamuk.

You have the feeling that you have attracted attention. The feeling of being watched is not comfortable, but you can't spot anything out of the ordinary. Maybe it's your imagination?

Gwenddolyn grins at you, her dimples flashing into view.

Hamuk just tickled Sofina, who laughs and returns the favor.

Ruea gazes upward.

Anuril squints.

Madigan says to Dantia, "No bloody chairs."

You say, "After that, I would like to open the floor for others to discuss their theories as well. As I am certain we all have different variations."

Ezerak casually observes the area.

A nervous tic starts up around Nawain's eye.

Casari cocks her head.

Dantia chuckles at Madigan.

Rileos says to Ezerak, "That means you gotta set up another one is all."

Rileos looks at Ezerak, obviously trying not to grin.

Gwenddolyn chuckles at Madigan.

Kethrai gazes upward.

You ponder.

Ezerak grins at Rileos, his dimples flashing into view.

Gwenddolyn asks, "Any coffee?"

Kethrai asks, "Anybody else... feel that?"

Anuril inhales deeply of the drink.

Casari searches around for a moment.

Anuril nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nawain nods to Kethrai.

Elore gazes at Ezathiel.

You nod to Kethrai.

Haxen nods to Kethrai.

Tirost chuckles.

Rileos nods to Kethrai.

Ezerak says to Kethrai, "Certainly felt...odd."

Hamuk nods to Kethrai.

Casari puts her rum in her spidersilk backpack.

Phantom Judge Crobin just arrived.

Rileos asks Kethrai, "I thought one of y'all was just lookin at my ass or somethin, I guess not?"

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Hamuk says, "I've felt that feeling before but...I'm still not sure what it is."

Dantia adjusts her Therengian rose into place.

Kethrai says to Rileos, "Well, not JUST that."

Tirost puts his brandy in his watersilk bag.

Rileos nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Rileos's cream-colored cigarillo goes out and crumbles away.

Ezathiel whispers something to Elore.

Gwenddolyn says, "Yes but ignore them, they cannot scare us."

Ezathiel smiles at Elore.

Gwenddolyn winks.

You say, "Yes. It reminds me of a sensation we felt some time ago when we first started discussing our theories."

Dantia joins Madigan's group.

Illiya nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Gwenddolyn nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Hamuk gets a slender black marble staff inlaid with a pattern of jagged silver lightning bolts from inside his leucro hide pack.

You nod at Nawain, in complete agreement with her views.

Miskton nods.

Hamuk moves a snifter of Milene's brandy to his left hand.

Hamuk moves a slender black marble staff inlaid with a pattern of jagged silver lightning bolts to his right hand.

Gwenddolyn says, "They dont want us to theorize."

Hamuk clenches his marble staff tightly until his knuckles go white.

Illiya says, "A feeling that we've attracted attention."

Gwenddolyn says, "But we will."

Hamuk inhales deeply of the drink.

Elore breaks out in a silly grin.

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Miskton says, "Yes, something seems to have taken an interest in people trying to figure out what's going on here."

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Illiya beams at Crobin!

Ezerak nods at Miskton, obviously agreeing with his views.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Hamuk waves to Crobin.

You say, "Honestly, the last time I recall feeling anything like that was the night of the vigil when... well, I will actually be discussing that momentarily as well."

Hamuk shakes Crobin's hand.

Crobin gives Hamuk a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Ezathiel mutters something into the air about oh bother that means I must buff.

Tirost nods to you.

Dantia gives a slight nod.

Anuril nods to Crobin.

Ezathiel grumbles.

Haxen gets a snifter of Milene's brandy from atop a bar.

Crobin just hugged Dantia.

Gwenddolyn nods to you.

Crobin pats Anuril on the back.

Crobin hugs you, and you give him a smile in return.

Crobin waves to Ezerak.

Crobin just hugged Ruea.

Kethrai says, "Well I wish it would stop being such a looky-loo, I don't wanna have to keep brushing my hackles down."

Crobin hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

You hug Crobin who wraps his arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of falling rain clings to his fur.

Hamuk chuckles at Kethrai.

Dantia says, "It always seems like we attract the most attention when we're simply... discussing... rather than experimenting."

Tirost grins at Kethrai.

Crobin waves to Madigan.

Dantia chuckles.

Nawain says, "Or perhaps someone who rewards knowledge-seeking is keeping an eye on how far we've gotten, to know if we are worthy of what we seek."

Nawain grins.

Casari grins at Dantia.

You nod to Dantia.

Hamuk nods to Nawain.

Rileos says, "Seriously. Needs to come out and get some, the waitin is killin me."

Hamuk emphatically raps the tip of his marble staff upon the ground.

Gwenddolyn says, "Or to see how close we are to figuring out what they are up to."

You say to Dantia, "Almost as if something... or someone... does not like us talking about things..."

Anuril asks Rileos, "Are we still talking about your ass?"

Dantia nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

You nod at Gwenddolyn, in complete agreement with her views.

Anuril inhales deeply of the drink.

Elore bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.

Urbaj's rage dissipates.

Elore holds her hand out towards Anuril for a highfive.

Ezerak asks Anuril, "Are we ever not?"

Ruea raises an eyebrow in Rileos's direction.

Anuril and Elore highfive each other and follow it up with simultaneous finger snaps. Sassy!

Anuril begins chortling at Ezerak.

Illiya says, "To be fair, discussion could be anything. But experimentation could be wrong."

Rileos asks Anuril, "I mean, -are we-?"

Rileos winks and flashes Anuril a sly grin.

Anuril laughs!

You say, "Well, with that in mind... perhaps I can go ahead and start the discussion."

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Hamuk nods to you.

You chuckle.

Ezerak nods to you.

Tirost smiles at Crobin.

Kethrai says to you, "Please."

Ruea gets a goblet of Savrin's grey wine from inside her feyweave purse.

Rileos nods.

Casari nods to you.

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

Ezathiel gazes at you.

Kethrai takes a sip of his honeywine.

Casari gets a cup of Black Hand rum from inside her spidersilk backpack.

Casari takes a sip of her rum.

Rileos says to you, "Keepin it down now, sorry darlin."

Rileos appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.

You say, "To begin this evening's discussion, I would like to start by revisiting a statement I made the evening of the lectures I presented regarding the Heralds and the day magic died."

You smile at Rileos.

A nervous tic starts up around Nawain's eye.

You say, "After the lecture concluded, we returned here to Milene's Rose where discussion ensued, during which a remark was made about the unlikelihood of the Heralds being behind the more recent severing of our connection to the mana streams. At the time, I hypothesized that it was unlikely the Heralds were involved, due to one very specific reason: The Heralds have not made themselves known.

Anuril gets a snifter of Milene's brandy from atop a bar.

Kethrai nods to you.

Hamuk raises an eyebrow.

Hamuk takes a sip of his brandy.

Anuril moves a snifter of Milene's brandy to his left hand.

You say, "On this, I feel I should elaborate."

Ezathiel nods.

Hamuk leans forward and rests his chin in his hand and directs a thoughtful expression at you.

You say, "History tells us of three documented instances in which the Heralds were involved in affecting magic. Within each instance, history tells us the Heralds did not do so quietly. During the War of Tears, they are said to have provided a clear warning prior to the destruction of the Sraan Mehath. During the Resistance War, 'Lanival's Dragons' appeared, personally, to aid in ridding the battlefield of such ancient, catastrophic magics."

Illiya smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You say, "Then, there was the day magic died. Three Heralds were said to have appeared to make it known to us mortals that it was their decision to strip us of Meraud's gift due to our 'abuse' of magic. They made no secret of their power, flaunting it so we would know our punishment was their doing."

Ruea smiles sweetly at Rileos.

Ezathiel smiles at Hamuk.

Hamuk smiles at Ezathiel.

Tirost reaches with his fist toward the ground.

The granite-like sheen vanishes from Tirost.

Dusky green motes surge upward, covering Tirost's body and hardening like a granite aegis.
A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.

Anuril concentrates for several moments, a greedy expression on his face.
A strong mana surge is abruptly erased from existence!

You say, "For this reason, it was easy for me to dismiss the possibility of the Heralds having a hand in recent events. Since then, I have given the idea some thought - and have decided to revise my theory."

Illiya smiles at Anuril, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Anuril nods to Illiya.

Kethrai praises Anuril.

Ezathiel gazes at you.

Hamuk ponders.

Hamuk leans back.

Hamuk drums his fingers on the arm of his stone seat.

You say, "Many of you may recall my initial thoughts on wild magic. In the early days of this... phenomenon, I spoke freely about my belief that the instability of our spells was being caused by something greater than the Immortals. I even went so far as to say that I believed the Immortals have been locked in a battle with... whatever is behind this... for longer than we have even known there was a problem. That the severing of our connection to the mana streams was perhaps caused by some pivotal point in their battle that finally brought the effects of it into our realm of perception."

Ezathiel raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Tirost nods to Crobin.

Casari nods to you.

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Hamuk takes a sip of his brandy.

Haxen inhales deeply of the drink.

You say, "Then, there was the evening of the vigil. During the prayers, the air took on a honeyed-tone and everything slowed. The ground seemed to heave and I lost my balance. After a moment, the sensation passed, though something felt very wrong. A few moments later, I felt the mana streams roil and was unable to make sense of the chaotic fluctuations."

Ezathiel furrows his brow.

You say, "As the sensations continued, I felt myself leaning over the edge of a cliff, indistinguishable elements crackling and blurring together. A gust of turbulent hot hair billowed around me while an expanding ring of frost spread around my feet. I smelled burnt sugar and my throat stung. My connection to the mana streams buzzed painfully, a pounding headache building as my ears throbbed and I squinted against the pain."

Casari takes a sip of her rum.

Miskton nods.

You say, "Eventually, darkness began to encroach around the edge of my vision, erupting with silvery star bursts. I fought against the loss of sight, but everything began to go black. Then... a wolf howled in the distance, a golden lightning bolt forking across the darkness, restoring my vision. The strange quality of the air faded and the headache passed. I took a shuddering breath and everything felt... a little better."

Miskton inhales deeply of the drink.

Tirost nods to you.

Hamuk leans forward on his marble staff, listening intently.

Haxen inhales deeply of the drink.

Hamuk nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Gwenddolyn nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Miskton nods.

Ezathiel ponders.

You say, "Something was happening, at first. Something... very wrong. Then, with the howl of the wolf and the flash of golden lightning, things felt suddenly... better. To me, it was like a sign. An indication that the Immortals truly are locked in some battle against... something. Something powerful enough that the Immortals have not been able to outright stop it - merely interfere."

You say, "That is what brings me back to my theory on the Heralds."

Gwenddolyn nods.

Dantia gets a flute of honeywine from atop a bar.

You say, "Although there are other beings in the history of our world that are said to have affected magic in some way, there are two... groups... for lack of a better descriptive, who are known to have the power to affect us all in unimaginable ways."

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Dantia smiles at Madigan.

You say, "The Immortals. And the Heralds."

Illiya gazes thoughtfully at you.

You say, "The Heralds, it is said, are so powerful that even the Immortals bow to them. The Heralds also have a history of making what I refer to as "snap decisions" about the use of magic, their reasoning never quite clear. In the War of Tears, they felt the spell utilized by the Sraan Mehath was unacceptable, yet those same Heralds did not intercede when Teiro's warriors used the same magic. And the day magic died... yet another "snap decision" to punish us with the removal of Meraud's gift for no other reason than their belief that we were abusing it."

Ezerak ponders.

Tirost gets a snifter of Rissan brandy from inside his watersilk bag.

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Tirost takes a sip of his brandy.

Elore nods to Hamuk.

You say, "But what were we doing differently? What was the abuse? Why then and not before? Why then and not now? There appears no rhyme or reason to what they do."

Hamuk nods to you.

Casari takes a sip of her rum.

You say, "So... what if the Heralds *did* attempt to remove our magic again? What if *this time* the Immortals decided the Heralds were out of line and chose to intercede *before* the Heralds had a chance to boast to us all of their power? If the Heralds truly are more powerful than the Immortals, it would explain why the Immortals were not able to halt the effects of wild magic. It explains who the Immortals could be fighting, even as we speak, that would create a battle of such epic proportions that it would affect... everything. The Bulwark. The Font of Creation. Devastation comparable to the destruction of Grazhir."

You sigh.

Anuril shakes his head.

Casari gazes at you.

Ezathiel winces.

You say, "Of course, I could be wrong, but the more I think about it, the more I fear the possibility. It certainly does not explain Liraxes... or many other pieces of the puzzle that do not quite fit as snugly into the equation as I would like. But it is enough for me to say that I stand by my original thoughts that the Immortals could benefit from our prayers. The upcoming vigil being a perfect opportunity for us to show our support and offer what strength we can. Even if I am wrong about the *who*, it seems plain that the Immortals are attempting to fight *something* to correct this wild magic. If there is anything we, as adventurers, can do to help - I believe we should."

Ezerak gazes at you.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Casari nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

You say, "With that, I will say that Navesi, Saragos, and myself have an idea for something else we may be able to try in hopes of assisting in regaining control over magic. But I will wait until we have had a chance to discuss other theories that some of you may have regarding the how and why of this conundrum before I delve too deeply into that."

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

Hamuk leans back.

Hamuk slowly empties his lungs.

You smile.

Follow-up Discussion

Gwenddolyn nods to you.

Nawain gnaws on her lip.

Tirost nods to you.

Anuril says, "Lady Ayrell."

Ruea beams at you! What a warm feeling!

Gwenddolyn says, "I do have a couple that somewhat line up with yours."

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

You say, "Now, I know there are some here who disagree with my theory."

You nod to Anuril.

Anuril smiles.

You say to Anuril, "I would love to hear your thoughts."

You chuckle.

Hamuk nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Hamuk gives Anuril a studious look, as if committing him to memory.

Tirost takes a sip of his brandy.

Anuril asks, "I would just point out that, one of the visions Miskton related recently, would seem to indicate a Herald-like being perhaps restoring things?"

Nawain nods.

You nod to Anuril.

Haxen inhales deeply of the drink.

Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne just arrived.

Anuril says, "The clawed being in darkness with points of light overhead."

Kethrai says, "With fabulous fingernails, as is the style."

Anuril grins at Kethrai.

Kethrai nods to Anuril.

Tirost says, "I also do not believe the Immortals are in conflict with the Heralds, if only because so many other signs point to Liraxes as the threat."

Rileos grins at Kethrai.

Casari asks Tirost, "Like what?"

Nawain says, "Oh! I thought that was Mrod. Was so confused about the fingernails."

Nawain blushes a bright red color.

Tirost says, "Visions, for one."

Madigan nods in agreement.

Tirost says, "Voices from the Astral Plane."

Casari says, "Hey man, don't listen to the voices."

Gwenddolyn whispers, "let me know when I can share"

Miskton says, "That vision Anuril referenced does make me think the Heralds either are, or will be, involved in what's going on, at least."

Hamuk says, "It's been suggested at least once that Liraxes could be a herald. I think the theory could still hold water."

You nod to Gwenddolyn.

Ezerak chuckles at Casari.

Anuril nods to Miskton.

Ezathiel whispers something to Elore.

Tirost says to Hamuk, "That would be interesting."

Hamuk nods to Tirost.

You smile at Hamuk.

Elore grabs Ezathiel's arm and shakes him!

Elore laughs!

Hamuk rubs his neck.

Elore quietly says, "Sorry."

Elore leans on Ezathiel.

Casari asks, "So do I need to kill a herald first, and THEN Asketi?"

Illiya hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Kethrai says, "The other thing to consider is that, in previous times when the Heralds have interfered with magic, it's been a very... immediate effect. But this one seemed to have been building over years."

Shaylynne grins.

Shaylynne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Elore blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Tirost nods to Kethrai.

Nawain nods to Kethrai.

Hamuk nods to Kethrai.

Rileos nods to Kethrai.

Ezerak grins at Casari, his dimples flashing into view.

Ezathiel gazes at Elore.

Kethrai says, "Or maybe the growth in the 'wildness' of magic was growing over years, but the Heralds' involvement was the sudden shutdown of magic more recently."

You say to Kethrai, "I agree. Which is why I have pondered if this has been ongoing for some time. The interference."

Miskton says, "And visions are slippery, of course. Not saying I'm decided one way or another what their involvement might be, but the vision could be about restoration, or it could be about replacement, which are not necessarily the same."

Miskton says, "It does seem to indicate being caught at least somewhat by surprise at first, though."

Anuril nods to Miskton.

Casari takes a sip of her rum.

Ezathiel grins at Elore.

Ezathiel pats Elore on the back.

Miskton gets a worn leather astronomer's journal from inside his scholar's valise.

You nod at Miskton, in complete agreement with his views.

Nawain asks, "Has it ever been only one Herald that appears? Is it always three?"

Miskton releases the clasp on his astronomer's journal and opens it.

Rileos scratches distractedly at his beard.

Miskton turns a page in his astronomer's journal.

Crobin smiles at Illiya.

Casari says, "First it was two. Well.. 'first', that we know."

Miskton says, "Everything went black, a vast emptiness swallowing all sound. In the distance, two blue eyes blinked in confusion and looked around, sliding over me. Illuminating the creature's clawed but gentle hands, specks of blue light drifted upward, lodging themselves in the sky and shining in place. Their light revealed the creature, who, wrapped in billowing shadow and with wings folded against its back, walked slowly, spreading more soft blue light above. I watched for some time, and the creature smiled softly. The vision faded."

Hamuk asks, "Wasn't it one that first appeared to Lanival?"

Haxen inhales deeply of the drink.

Tirost nods to Miskton.

You say to Hamuk, "I think it was more than Lanival stumbled across one."

You smile at Hamuk.

Nawain cheerfully says to Miskton, "Definitely Mrod."

Hamuk nods to you.

Tirost asks, "It still seems to me like Heralds and Immortals are both in their ways tasked with the preservation of the plane. Is there any example in history of a Herald in conflict with the Immortals?"

Kethrai says, "And Glacis is one of a group of three, anyway."

Ezerak asks Nawain, "Mrod has wings?"

Ezerak says, "I did not know that."

Hamuk says to you, "I would guess that the Heralds aren't stumbled across unless they desire to."

Nawain says to Ezerak, "Of course! His avatar is a crow."

Kethrai says to Ezerak, "His symbol is a crow."

Ezerak says, "Ah, I see."

Dantia takes a sip of her honeywine.

Casari asks, "Wasn't Glacis more of a former herald, though, really?"

Crobin nods to Illiya.

You say to Hamuk, "That could be. The story makes it sound like happenstance, but it is difficult to say what truly happened."

Kethrai nods to Casari.

Hamuk nods to you.

Madigan says, "It would appear to me..."

Madigan says, "That the most solid lead we have is Liraxes, the name."

Ezathiel gazes at Madigan.

Anuril nods to Madigan.

Kethrai says to Casari, "According to the story, yeah. The three Guardians took more permanent physical form, which was sometihng like a retirement from the Heralds."

You nod to Madigan.

Ezathiel nods in agreement.

Tirost nods in agreement.

Dantia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Casari nods to Kethrai.

You nod to Kethrai.

Gwenddolyn shifts her weight.

You say to Kethrai, "It created a sort of disconnect from their full... Herald power."

Tirost asks Crobin, "Were you at the vigil? Did you also experience the wolf's howl and the vision of lightning?"

Sofina snaps her fingers.

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

You ask Gwenddolyn, "You had a theory to present?"

Madigan says, "To the extent we can, I believe our relative efforts should work towards unearthing that name...who what and why behind it."

You smile at Gwenddolyn.

Gwenddolyn says, "Yes."

Dantia quietly asks Madigan, "I'm not entirely sold on that. What if Liraxes is simply a symptom, not the disease?"

You nod at Madigan, in complete agreement with his views.

You nod to Dantia.

Madigan says, "It very well could be a thing, and not a person."

Madigan looks at Dantia and shrugs.

You say to Dantia, "I have wondered that myself."

Gwenddolyn says, "I do think that what the immortals and the heralds are fighting is the cause of the corruption."

Elore gasps at Sofina!

Kethrai says, "It seems to have agency, however you define it. It assembles itself. It asserts itself."

Gwenddolyn says, "Which seems to be the Hunger."

Tirost nods to Kethrai.

Gwenddolyn says, "And the bulwark is holding it back'."

You say, "With so much going on, and these... vulnerabilities... like the attack by the plague wraiths, there could be other entities out there simply seeking to make use of the... opening."

Tirost nods to you.

Anuril ponders.

Kethrai nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Elemental Researcher Nazzarus just arrived.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Nazzarus dusts himself off.

Hamuk nods to Nazzarus.

Gwenddolyn says, "Also think that Liraxes is grazhir reforming."

Nazzarus casually observes the area.

Nazzarus clears his throat.

Gwenddolyn says, "So they can recall the world dragon."

Hamuk raises an eyebrow.

Gwenddolyn says, "Those are my theories."

Nazzarus says, "Thus far it's all been planar and sorcerously related, borders thinning, something older than the divine themselves (which would also be older than the world dragon. "Assembling" is a specific word that carries implications, possibly related to the machine thematics inside the portal that was opened into Zengmodaleth (and then heavily tinkered with, drawing who knows what), Enlightened Geometry (astral travel), or some combination thereof _especially_ considering the nature of Wild Magic giving everyone random spells that are usually of a different mana type... I'm inclined to believe the origins are Feral, specifically Chronomantic, in nature."

You nod to Gwenddolyn.

Nazzarus nods.

Hamuk flashes a wide grin at Illiya.

Anuril says, "Oh, good evening, Nazzarus."

Illiya glances at Nazzarus.

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Rileos laughs!

Nazzarus says, "Hi."

Ezathiel gazes at Nazzarus.

Kethrai says, "An egg can't get un-cracked, but even if it could, it wouldn't make the chicken un-eaten..."

Dantia chuckles at Anuril.

Nazzarus says to Anuril, "Prove me wrong."

Nazzarus appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Miskton says, "If time magic is actually involved, I don't even want to think about how much that complicates things. We could be seeing the effects of something happening 500 years in the future."

Nazzarus says, "Anywho, yes.. we all keep seeing into the past."

Anuril nods to Miskton.

Madigan asks Kethrai, "Would you mind repeating what you said about Liraxes a moment ago? Do you have any thoughts on what that means?"

Nazzarus says, "Or at least those of us who are researching."

Gwenddolyn says, "If Nera did send warnings into the future, it must be for a very dire reason."

Dantia says, "Naz I don't think it's been only planar or sorcerous. Empaths have felt a distinct pressure on life mana itself."

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

Ezathiel nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Anuril nods to Dantia.

Ezathiel nods to Dantia.

Kethrai ponders.

Nazzarus says, "Sorcerous as in a combination of mana, and Feral Magic is the combination of all 4 mana streams."

Tirost asks you, "Can you say more about why you think the Heralds might be conflicting with the Immortals? Under what circumstances might one or my Heralds actually try to overpower the Immortals?"

Elore leans forward and rests her chin in her hand and directs a thoughtful expression at Nazzarus.

Casari says, "All four that you know about, anyway."

Illiya quietly asks Nazzarus, "Hello.. I don't believe I've seen you around before?"

Kethrai says to Madigan, "That it has agency? I mean... At least, based on the visions, it is an entity that can think and want and do things."

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Nazzarus nods politely to Casari.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Crobin waves.

Haxen goes east.

Nawain says, "And name itself."

Haxen just arrived.

Anuril ponders.

The publican places a snifter of Milene's brandy on the bar.

Haxen gets a snifter of Milene's brandy from atop a bar.

Kethrai says, "Whether it was once mortal or not, it's a who, not a what, I think."

Haxen goes east.

Nazzarus says, "And the tie in to what we all experience as we research this wildness.."

Gwenddolyn says, "I think they many become one to fight something."

You say to Tirost, "It is not necessarily that they are trying to overpower. If the Heralds decided to take away magic and the Immortals chose to intervene, it could have created a... squabble. But when tw powerful forces squabble, it can have far-reaching effects."

Rileos furrows his brow.

Nazzarus says, "I plan to seek out, or attempt to seek out..Glacis."

Nazzarus says, "If any wish to join in the attempt."

Anuril says, "Speaking of Grazhir, I have been doing some thinking on how the most successful endeavors so far have involved the astral plane and the plane of probability. Considering recent history, with the Unknown fragment falling into the sea, and then the vision of it sinking into the deep ocean..."

Anuril glances at Miskton.

Anuril asks Miskton, "Miskton, what is the name of the largest shard of Grazhir, again?"

Gwenddolyn says, "I thought glacis was on leave of absence and was sleeping."

Gwenddolyn chortles softly at some secret joke.

Nazzarus says to Gwenddolyn, "That would be Eerayn."

Miskton ponders.

Illiya asks Nazzarus, "You've yet to introduce yourself, sir, how could we know if we want to join you?"

Anuril looks at Illiya, obviously trying not to grin.

Nazzarus asks Illiya, "I walked in and people knew me, did you not?"

Miskton says to Anuril, "That would be Axis, which is probably in the Reshal Sea somewhere, yes."

Anuril nods to Miskton.

Anuril says, "Axis..."

Illiya says to Nazzarus, "No, and I have been to every meeting concerning the wild magic and not seen you there."

Hamuk blinks at Miskton.

Nawain ponders.

Hamuk asks, "Axis?"

Miskton says, "Though the location is not known for certain."

Anuril nods to Miskton.

Casari says to Hamuk, "They ran out of the good names."

Hamuk laughs at Casari.

You chuckle at Casari.

Illiya grins at Casari, her dimples flashing into view.

Tirost asks Miskton, "Do you interpret the golden plate clad warriors from the visions as Heralds?"

Rileos asks Madigan, "Feel like takin your boat and goin to dredge up a big rock?"

Miskton says, "It's a chunk of Grazhir large enough to serve as a connection that travelers in the Astral Plane can pass through to reach the other shards."

Kethrai says, "Well, it's the axis upon which the microcosm turns."

Dantia takes a sip of her honeywine.

Madigan praises Rileos.

Gwenddolyn says, "Yes but Liraxes could have been the original name of grazhir before the shards were all renamed by moon mages."

Miraeven shifts his weight.

Tirost gazes thoughtfully at Gwenddolyn.

Nazzarus says to Illiya, "I haven't bothered to come to any wild magic gatherings, I've been preoccupied with my own research.. but please allow me to introduce myself, Nazzarus Stormfall, former Zoluren Cavalry, former Rathan Fencible, native of Qi, Folk Hero and Elemental Researcher."

Rileos says, "Or we could just get a really long anchor chain and, my god I can't believe I'm saying this, cast air bubble to go peek at it."

Miskton says to Tirost, "My thought on them remains that they are related to the Bulwark in some way. But as we don't know much about the nature of the Bulwark other than that it seems to be holding out beings from... outside, that doesn't rule out the Heralds."

Nawain exclaims, "Be right back!"

Nazzarus gives Illiya a slight nod.

Pilgrim Nawain skips east.

Tirost nods to Miskton.

Anuril grins at Rileos.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Nazzarus.

Ezathiel blinks at Nazzarus.

Ezathiel places his hands on his thighs and bows deeply at the waist towards Nazzarus, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Dantia raises her hand.

Nazzarus gives Ezathiel a slight nod.

Illiya says to Nazzarus, "Illiya, Strawberry Nurse and native of Zoluren, pleasure to meet you."

Casari asks, "Any chance that Bulwark is holding out the heralds?"

Dantia says, "I'd like to comment something regarding the Bulwark, since it's been mentioned."

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Dantia.

Illiya nods to Dantia.

Miskton says, "There was a vision of someone who was apparently a Trader with access to crystal magic making themselves what appeared to be a water-tight crystal suit and diving into the ocean, at one point..."

Miskton ponders.

Anuril says, "Well, we have an entity from the realm of the stars that is now in close proximity to the largest shard of Grazhir, possibly, and we have a being emerging or influencing the astral and plane of probability. It seems to me they could be related."

Dantia says, "In their research of wild magic, Paladins discovered that there was an imbalance that was shaking the Bulwark loose."

Tirost says to Miskton, "We're hoping to speak to Commodore Khoheke again to try and learn something about how the Bulwark is reacing to wild magic. Curious if he has an interpretation of those visions."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Madigan gets some Therengian roast coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Dantia says, "This has spurred many conversations about the Bulwark itself, what it is and the consequences should the Bulwark shake loose entirely."

Gwenddolyn nods to Dantia.

Dantia asks, "What I can't shake is the idea of an 'imbalance'. An imbalance of what? What order of thing could be tipping to one side such as to affect so many aspects of our world?"

Ruea says to you, "It was so kind and polite of you to open up the floor for everyone. I appreciate respectful debate."

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

Dantia says, "I also come back to the discoveries of the Bard Guild in researching wild magic. That this may be an eonic plan that stretches back to the dark histories."

Ruea says to you, "It's lovely to watch from a safe distance."

Rileos chuckles.

Kethrai takes a sip of his honeywine.

Illiya smiles at Ruea, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

You smile at Ruea.

Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Anuril inhales deeply of the drink.

Madigan gestures.

Gwenddolyn says, "I believe syal's bonding kept the bulwark stable."

Illiya puts her almanac in her encompassing shadows.

Miraeven grins at Ruea.

Illiya smiles at Ruea, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Elore fidgets nervously.

Gwenddolyn nods to Dantia.

Dantia says, "This all speaks to me as if it's something that transcends the Immortals, and perhaps even their time. Some slowly shifting imbalance that... we are just starting to see the scales tip on.

The publican places a snifter of Milene's brandy on the bar.

Anuril gets a snifter of Milene's brandy from atop a bar.

Anuril moves a snifter of Milene's brandy to his left hand.

Dantia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Nazzarus nods at Dantia, obviously agreeing with her views.

You say to Ruea, "I understand that we all have different views, so I would never stand here and claim my opinion is the correct one. Merely sharing my thoughts that may, perhaps, spark ideas for others on details I have not pinned together yet."

Hamuk says, "Would that we could speak to the Leviathans on this."

Hamuk chuckles.

Miskton nods to Hamuk.

Tirost says, "It's also frightening to think that Jeihrem, now aware of the Bulwark in a new way, might exist in some form, and have attempted to call something here to take revenge for his defeat."

Nazzarus asks, "And given the nature of the issues, what is beyond the immortals and heavily invested in the state of magic?"

Ruea says to you, "I support it entirely."

Miskton says, "I believe someone is planning at making an attempt at getting their attention."

Miskton says, "The Leviathans, that is."

Hamuk nods to Miskton.

Shaylynne declares her sudden desire to take a hike as she blends into her surroundings.

Dantia says, "As I said before, I wonder if Liraxes is some sort of reaction or response to that imbalance."

Tirost asks Miskton, "Navesi?"

Hamuk says to Miskton, "That is good to hear. Their memories are long."

Nazzarus says, "Hence why I think we must seek out a Herald, and Glacis is the only one that we have any sort of chance in finding without a lot of boats."

Shaylynne fades into view, high-spirited from her time spent with nature.

Dantia nods to Nazzarus.

Nazzarus says, "If anyone is going to know what is going on, it would be them."

Miskton says, "Ah, I think it was Shaylynne and Allye."

You nod to Dantia.

Tirost smiles at Shaylynne.

Shaylynne nods to Miskton.

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

You say to Dantia, "That is an excellent theory."

Dantia says to Nazzarus, "We've pulled many threads, attempting to speak with a Herald would not be the craziest thing that's been tried."

Dantia grins.

You nod at Dantia, in complete agreement with her views.

Tirost nods to Dantia.

Casari says, "Wouldn't it? Glacis is insane."

Tension you didn't realize you were holding dissipates as the feeling of being watched subsides.

Hamuk says, "Considering how little we know, I think...most theories and efforts have merit."

Dantia gazes upward.

Illiya grins at Casari, her dimples flashing into view.

Gwenddolyn says, "Hmm."

Hamuk nods to Nazzarus.

You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.

Ezerak asks you, "What is the name of the other one, with the lair nearby somewhere?"

Kethrai says to Casari, "You offended it."

Illiya nods at Hamuk, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ezerak casually observes the area.

Casari exclaims, "Good!"

You say to Ezerak, "Sildua."

Ezerak nods to you.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Shaylynne says to Miskton, "We'd like to see if the Merelew drivers who lead the mammoths back and forth have heard anything."

Madigan praises Shaylynne.

Casari takes a sip of her rum.

Ezerak says to Nazzarus, "There's always Sildua, who has been seen in the last thousand years."

You smile at Shaylynne.

Ezerak says, "Just have to wander the mountains."

Madigan says, "Ask them if they have heard the name Liraxes as well if you get an audience."

Madigan smiles at Shaylynne.

Nazzarus says, "So.. I spoke with Augrym, while researching Hylomorphic Blackfire when this all came to my attention, He has been hunting for Glacis around Chyolvea Tayeu'a for years.."

Shaylynne nods to Madigan.

Kethrai asks Ezerak, "Wouldn't he be most likely to eat you?"

Ezerak looks at Kethrai and shrugs.

Ezerak grins at Kethrai, his dimples flashing into view.

Nazzarus says, "I have an idea of.. a lot of magic.."

Tirost says to you, "Whether they're part of the cause or not, it is interesting to think of what the Heralds may know, or what they may be doing in response to wild magic."

Ezerak says to Kethrai, "But he's actually been seen."

Nazzarus says, "To get a Herald's attention."

Kethrai blinks.

Rileos says to Kethrai, "Yeah, but with any luck he'll say somethin important before he goes down his gullet and we all can run away."

You nod at Tirost, in complete agreement with his views.

Kethrai gazes off to the west.

Rileos says to Anuril, "And that'd be a hell of a tale."

Anuril grins at Rileos.

Madigan nods to Rileos.

Gwenddolyn nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai quietly says, "What..."

Miskton says, "There were rumors that various high ranking individuals in various governments and organizations had some contact with Eerayn, but I've never heard anything substantive there."

You say to Tirost, "Even if they are not the cause, I am fascinated by the possibility of their involvement, in some way."

Ezerak peers quizzically at Kethrai.

Dantia says, "I don't think it's a good thing that that thing has not come out yet. It tells me we're fairly insignificant to the scheme of what's happening."

Tirost nods to you.

Dantia gazes upward.

Nazzarus nods to Miskton.

Pilgrim Nawain just arrived.

Kethrai shakes his head.

A bright-eyed phantom thrall yips and hobbles off, tailing after its master.

Nazzarus asks Miskton, "Do you remember the pigeon note found on the town green?"

Illiya asks, "Going back to Tirost's earlier question, have there ever been any known instances of the Heralds and Immortals in opposition to one another?"

Gwenddolyn says, "Yes but significant enought for Meraud to intervene."

Hamuk inhales deeply of the drink.

Miskton shakes his head at Nazzarus.

Madigan nods to Illiya.

Elore hugs Ezathiel, who wraps his arms around Elore with a warm smile.

Nazzarus says, "Allegedly it wss from him signed.. E.."

Elore stands up.

Wild Card Elore wanders east.

Nazzarus says, "And mentioned he would be out of contact for.. longer than the span of our lives most likely."

Kethrai blinks.

Kethrai quietly says, "I need to go check on something."

Kethrai puts his honeywine in his rose-colored haversack.

Nazzarus says, "This was.."

Nazzarus ponders.

Ezathiel rubs his head.

Heart Tender Kethrai glides east.

Nazzarus gazes upward.

Citizen Miraeven goes east, leading his group.

You say, "If it was signed "E", I would think it was Eerayn."

Nazzarus asks, "A century ago? roughly?"

Miskton says, "A bit before my time."

Miskton chuckles.

Tirost grins.

Hamuk looks thoughtfully at Nazzarus.

Tirost nods to Miskton.

Nazzarus says to Miskton, "Well yes you are human."

Nazzarus says, "I forget sometimes."

Nazzarus chortles softly at some secret joke.

Anuril takes a sip of his brandy.

Gwenddolyn says, "There are rulers alive who were ruling a century ago."

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

Miskton chuckles.

Miskton takes a sip of his brandy.

Ruea says, "And that's normal."

Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived.

Ruea chuckles.

Hamuk says, "There are Hamuks alive who were alive a century ago."

Hamuk chuckles to himself.

Nazzarus gazes upward.

Dasheek stands near Illiya.

Madigan smiles at Hamuk.

Dasheek waves.

Casari says, "I was not alive nearly a century ago, and you're all old."

Illiya smiles at Dasheek, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Hamuk waves to Dasheek.

Madigan grins at Dasheek.

Dasheek clasps Illiya's hand tenderly.

Madigan shakes Dasheek's hand.

Hamuk grins at Casari.

Dasheek just took the hand of Illiya and gently kissed the back of it.

Ezerak chuckles at Casari.

You say to Illiya, "In answer to your question, I would say that just because they have never opposed one another before does not mean they never could."

Illiya nods to you.

Dasheek says, "Good evening, folks."

You say, "Stranger things have certainly happened."

Anuril nods to Dasheek.

Nazzarus gives Dasheek a slight nod.

Ezerak nods politely to Dasheek.

Illiya says to you, "True enough."

Ezathiel waves to Dasheek.

You smile at Illiya.

Dasheek waves.

Dantia says to Illiya, "I'm not aware of any direct conflict between the Heralds and Immortals, but my general impression has always been that the Heralds hold more power and thus a conflict would be futile."

Dantia looks at Illiya and shrugs.

Gwenddolyn says, "Well I am 129 so I was alive."

Gwenddolyn chortles softly at some secret joke.

Hamuk grins at Gwenddolyn.

Illiya nods to Dantia.

Tirost says to you, "I'll double my efforts on re-discovering the Black Fire and Voidspell patterns. You ask the Heralds about wild magic when they show up to erase my existence."

You say, "In the past, when the Heralds took away our magic, it was the Immortals we were directed to seek aid from. Whether or not that aid actually came from them, it is difficult to say."

You say, "Perhaps we need more lavender."

Hamuk grins at Tirost.

Anuril smirks at Tirost.

Casari grins at you.

Tirost smiles.

You chuckle at Tirost.

Miskton says, "So... the Immortals probably know something about what's happening, because they were able to intercede to block some of the effects. Liraxes probably knows something about what's happening, because it seems to have assembled itself for some related reason. And the Heralds probably know something about what's going on, if the vision does indicate that they will be interacting with it in some way..."

Dantia takes a sip of her honeywine.

Anuril dryly says to Tirost, "I think Nazzarus is working on that front already."

Tirost chuckles.

Dantia says to Miskton, "Now if they'd all just tell us."

Dantia grins at Miskton.

Tirost says, "Ah good."

Hamuk nods to Dantia.

Gwenddolyn nods to Miskton.

You chuckle at Dantia.

You nod at Dantia, in complete agreement with her views.

Nazzarus whistles a merry tune.

Illiya nods at Dantia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rileos ponders.

Hamuk says, "So, I'd like to share something quickly that happened last evening, if I may."

Dantia smiles at Hamuk.

Gwenddolyn says, "Somewhere in all of our theories, there is something close."

You nod to Hamuk.

Nazzarus gestures at Anuril.

A swirling black ethereal shield surrounds Anuril.

Shaylynne raises an eyebrow in Hamuk's direction.

Tirost takes a sip of his brandy.

Miskton says, "Oh, and the woman in the wide-brimmed hat probably knows something too, but she seems to just like watching."

Nazzarus says, "Look, black swirling shield on Anuril, sorcery."

Rileos says, "I also got an idea, but it's dumb."

You smile at Hamuk.

Gwenddolyn says, "Or it would not be watching us."

Hamuk says, "I'm not sure if it's more clues, or more riddles."

Dantia chuckles at Miskton.

Nazzarus rolls his eyes.

Anuril inhales deeply of the drink.

Anuril assesses his combat situation.

Anuril studies the faces around him.

Gwenddolyn asks, "Perhaps we are being watched by her?"

Hamuk says, "I was at my typical spot, out of the way, loitering, and was visited by a Seer. A Moon Mage of sorts."

Gwenddolyn peers quizzically at Miskton.

Miskton gazes at Hamuk.

Ezathiel gazes at Hamuk.

Hamuk says, "I'll recall most of what she said to me now."

Rileos nods.

Nazzarus gazes off to the north.

Hamuk says, "At least, as much as I can remember."

Ezerak says to Rileos, "Let's hear your idea."

Hamuk recites:

   "A whirlpool. You heard. A very great whirlpool.
    Everything churning, everything changing.
    Layers of rivers, laying on top of one another. Everything pushing together, bleeding through, but a whirlpool in every one.
    Every space ripped apart, every force coming together."

Nazzarus mutters to himself.

Anuril inhales deeply of the drink.

Rileos quietly says to Ezerak, "Let him finish, he's tale tellin."

Nazzarus cocks his head.

Tirost frowns.

Ezerak nods to Rileos.

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Nazzarus ponders.

Casari takes a sip of her rum.

Tirost asks Hamuk, "Where were you loitering when you heard this?"

Miskton says, "That seems to harken to the Kather metaphor for all of this."

Anuril ponders.

Hamuk says, "She asked if I was familiar with the smell of the air before a storm - which I am. And spoke that "This is it. We are in that darkness now. We are smelling the air."

Gwenddolyn nods to Miskton.

Hamuk says to Tirost, "Arhat's Tower."

Tirost nods to Hamuk.

(Nazzarus begins to pace, mumbling about catalysts and Zeng bindings.. )

Ezathiel raises an eyebrow.

Tirost says to Miskton, "It does use the imagery of the rivers, like the Kather."

Hamuk says, "She also encouraged me to "speak, move, and do."

Hamuk says, "And so, at the very least, I speak."

Hamuk smiles.

Anuril inhales deeply of the drink.

Tirost smiles at Hamuk.

Dantia observes Hamuk with fascination.

Ruea leans on Rileos.

Hamuk gets a snifter of Milene's brandy from atop a bar.

Rileos nods to Hamuk.

Gwenddolyn says, "The visions about the solstice may be a hint of when."

Madigan says, "Sounds like solid advice..and thank goodness you moon mages get these visions and not paladins."

Rileos says, "Alright, I got a quick and dumb idea."

Madigan grins at Hamuk.

Rileos clears his throat.

Tirost gazes at Rileos.

Hamuk says to Madigan, "Them moon mages."

Hamuk grins at Madigan.

Madigan gazes at Rileos.


Anuril chortles softly at some secret joke.

Tirost chuckles.

Casari casually observes the area.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Rileos seems to be waiting for something.

Nazzarus gazes upward.

Illiya chortles softly at some secret joke.

Ezathiel slaps his forehead!

Hamuk says, "One other thing."

Ezathiel shakes his head.

Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Dantia takes a sip of her honeywine.

Ruea just nudged Rileos.

Ezerak says to Rileos, "I expect nothing less."

You hear a male voice yell from the east, "BECAUSE YOU ARE BENEAth me!"

Ezathiel chuckles at Ezerak.

Madigan grins at Rileos.

Ruea blinks.

Rileos points east.

Anuril laughs!

Rileos says, "I found Liraxes, y'all."

Ezathiel snorts, loudly.

Shaylynne asks you, "He forgot the magic words, I would have asked why Liraxes is being so quiet tonight, isn't that how we get things to show up down here?"

Ezerak acts puzzled.

Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Shaylynne grins at you.

Hamuk says, "She said "Something comes here, you will see." I inquired if that meant Arhat's Tower, or in general. Here answer was essentially, "Yes"."

Illiya gazes off to the east.

Rileos flashes a quick grin at Shaylynne.

Anuril nods at Shaylynne, obviously agreeing with her views.

You chuckle at Shaylynne.

Hamuk shrugs.

You say to Shaylynne, "It certainly is."

Dantia gazes at Hamuk.

Anuril nods to Hamuk.

Rileos says, "Look, we're all throwin out crazy ideas, I had that one and it demanded testin."

Belzor just arrived.

Rileos nods.

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

You chuckle at Rileos.

Hamuk stares intently at a russet lynx for a moment.

Shaylynne nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Dantia asks Hamuk, "And how long ago was this?"

Anuril nods to Belzor.

Ezerak chuckles at Rileos.

Madigan says, "I do like picking a fight with it as an option."

Belzor nods to Anuril.

Madigan nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ezathiel leans over and whispers, "I must take my leave now milady. Safe paths and sorry I could not contribute anything. I am afraid I am too young for history and too unlearned for theories"

Ezathiel gazes at you.

You ask, "Shall we run through the ideas we have currently for potential plans?"

Rileos gestures.

You smile at Ezathiel.

Ezathiel smiles at you.

Hamuk says, "Approximately three days ago by Elanthian reckoning."

Urbaj says, "I had one additional idea for a possible next step, with the assumption that Liraxes is the thing to be worried about. I wanted to try to send a message to the Arbiter in Darkness."

Hamuk nods to Dantia.

You curtsy gracefully to Ezathiel.

Ezathiel places his hands on his thighs and bows deeply at the waist towards you, holding the position for a moment before returning upright.

Urbaj says, "As another extraplanar being that has shown an interest in preserving planar stability, I think there's a potential mutual interest in stopping Liraxes. And I do think Traders are justified in reaching out lately, for nuanced reasons I won't go into now."

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Ezathiel strolls east.

Dantia says to Hamuk, "Fascinating, thank you for sharing that."

Dantia nods to Hamuk.

Hamuk nods to Dantia.

You nod to Urbaj.

Nazzarus says, "Assembling.. whirlpools.. conjoinment.. Zengmodaleth access.. the S'kra elemental paradigm.. I think.. I think Liraxes is not a who.. I think it's a what."

Nazzarus gazes off into the distance.

Illiya asks Urbaj, "How would we go about that?"

Miskton asks Hamuk, "Did you catch her name?"

Nazzarus says, "I think Lixaes is.. everything.. and it's coming together.."

Hamuk nods to Miskton.

Nazzarus ponders.

Dantia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Hamuk says to Miskton, "Eyuve."

Rileos exclaims to Hamuk, "Oh!"

Urbaj says, "I sent a couple meeting inquiries to the Trader Guild to get something on the public calendars, if only to discuss the matter as a group, and never heard back."

Rileos says, "Oh that makes so much more sense now."

Hamuk raises an eyebrow in Rileos's direction.

Nazzarus ponders.

Urbaj says, "If someone more familiar with hosting scheduled events could speak with me privately at some point, I think I'd benefit from some guidance."

Ruea carefully adjusts the fit of her silhouette gown, making sure the fabric falls perfectly into place.

Ruea stares fixedly at her silhouette gown, studying it intently.

Anuril nods to Urbaj.

Rileos says to Hamuk, "I know Eyuve, she's a good gal, talks in riddles but she's solid."

You say to Urbaj, "We can certainly see if we can help."

You smile at Urbaj.

Anuril inhales deeply of the drink.

Nazzarus frowns.

Rileos glances at Ruea.

Ruea says to Rileos, "Oh I love Eyuve, she's so fun."

Miskton says to Hamuk, "I know of her. She can be quite insightful, but sometimes takes work to understand."

Dantia quietly asks Madigan, "I just don't believe this Liraxes to be the root cause. Why would we not sense him or her or it in our other efforts?"

Rileos nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Ruea asks Rileos, "What does she call you?"

Hamuk says to Rileos, "Ah. Almost exclusively in riddles. It was a difficult conversation for a pragmatist."

Rileos says to Ruea, "I forget now."

You nod at Dantia, in complete agreement with her views.

Ezerak nods at Dantia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rileos says to Ruea, "It's been so long."

Tirost says to Dantia, "I'm told a Moon Mage named Myrable did."

Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Gwenddolyn says, "Liraxes assembled because of what is going on."

You say to Dantia, "That is one of the key reasons why I wonder if he is more of a... being with an interest."

Ezerak says to Dantia, "It seems mostly relegated to the Plane of Probability or the Astral Plane."

Gwenddolyn says, "By whom we do not know."

Dantia nods to Ezerak.

Nazzarus says, "All the planes.."

Hamuk nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nazzarus shudders.

Nazzarus asks, "Can we survive that?"

Rileos grasps his chin roughly and jerks it to the side. You hear a loud pop and see him visibly relax.

Nazzarus asks Miskton, "I dont think we can survive a full conjoinment, do you?"

Nazzarus ponders.

Gwenddolyn says, "We are probably as small as bugs to them."

Dantia says to Tirost, "I mean more in the discoveries about the Bulwark, for example. Or the pressures we are feeling on life mana. It seems isolated from those effects, to the extent that I just can't pin it down as the cause of them."

Nawain says, "Might be a sort of being that hides its own existance well, even then reality is bending to let it pass through. We tend to have visions for a long, long time before something this potentially dangerous reaches us. We only just heard about Liraxes."

Miskton says, "And we know there seems to be something going on in the elemental planes, or at least Electricity since we can survive to observe it there. I wouldn't be surprised if the unrest does extend to Probability as well, which might cause some movement from that end."

Tirost nods to Dantia.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Madigan adjusts his half plate.

Madigan forces Dantia out of his group.

You nod to Miskton.

Madigan says, "Thank you everyone. Some outstanding minds here working on the problem."

Hamuk smiles at Madigan.

Dantia nods to you.

Anuril grins at Madigan.

Rileos says to Madigan, "Some."

Rileos looks at Madigan, obviously trying not to grin.

Nazzarus asks, "I assume everyone here is familiar with the Havri'negh?"

Dantia says to you, "Being of interest, I would agree with that."

Madigan says, "The Watch is here to support you all, please reach out if you need our assistance."

Hamuk shakes his head at Nazzarus.

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Belzor shakes his head at Nazzarus.

Dantia gently kisses Madigan on the cheek.

Nazzarus casually observes the area.

Sir Madigan goes east.

Tirost puts his brandy in his watersilk bag.

You nod to Dantia.

Gwenddolyn says, "I get the feeling there are are several things at play here that are intertwined somehow."

The swirling black ethereal shield fades from around Anuril.

Anuril asks Miskton, "What do you refer to about the plane of electricity?"

Miskton says to Nazzarus, "Doesn't ring any bells, I'm afraid."

You nod to Gwenddolyn.

Nazzarus says, "No? It's a S'Kra Mur symbol.."

Astonishingly, the mana streams twist themselves into knots as they flow.

You say to Gwenddolyn, "I am inclined to agree. I think there is more at play than just the Immortals and the Heralds and Liraxes."

Hamuk shivers.

Nazzarus says, "You can view it at the Ratha Warrior Mage guild."

Belzor sighs.

Dantia says to Nazzarus, "Sorry, there is a lot to hear, digest, and respond to. But no, I did not know that word."

Illiya says, "We can only guess blindly about who or what Liraxes is, but so far the clues we've attained have been from either the astral travel experiment, or Miskton's visions.. which seems to point to it being something extraplanar."

Belzor nods to Nazzarus.

Miskton says to Anuril, "The massive lightning storm unleashed when attempting to use Othersight to look for signs of chaos out there."

Dantia grins at Nazzarus.

Gwenddolyn nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Nazzarus recites:

   "Rings of rich brown for earth, pale blue for air, bright red for fire, and deep blue for water are joined by the gold stitching of the serrated electricity circle, all surrounding the blazing silver of the central ethereal star."

Hamuk nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rileos says to Miskton, "Well, that short fella did say that a lot of folks doin it could rile that nonsense up."

You notice as a russet lynx looks around suspiciously.

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Anuril asks Miskton, "Ah. I arrived late to that gathering, but did Uryutis not suggest that it was caused by the number of individuals using Othersight at the same time?"

Rileos says to Miskton, "Ain't passive observin he said."

Nazzarus says, "It is a descriptor for how the Elemental Planes interact withg each other."

Rileos nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Rileos points at Anuril.

Rileos says, "That."

Anuril nods to Rileos.

Nazzarus says, "Fire, Air, Earth, Water.. Aether is the medium in which theyt all exist, and Electricity binds them together."

Tirost nods to Anuril.

Miskton says, "If Othersight can have that sort of impact that easily, it seems like the kind of thing the Warrior Mage guild would take a dim view on."

Nazzarus chuckles at Miskton.

Anuril smiles.

Tirost says, "My impression was that the effects we witnessed at Zengmodaleth might be explained by the use of othersight and the effects of wild magic generally, but, as with all we've experienced, it's hard to interpret."

Nazzarus says, "The guild? yes you're probably right... they are rather rigid."

Gwenddolyn says, "It seems to be something evil, since holy spells seem to cause a feeling of wrongness."

You say, "Also, if anyone has asked me a question or wished to make a comment and I did not respond, I apologize. There are so many wonderful theories, I am struggling to focus on all of them and may not have heard you."

You blush slightly, the tips of your ears flushing with warmth.

Anuril nods to you.

Shaylynne nods to you.

Tirost smiles at you.

Anuril grins.

Nazzarus says to Gwenddolyn, "Evil is an opinion created by perspective and engrained by generations."

Ezerak smiles at you, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Tirost says to you, "We're grateful you've organized us and give us a good forum to discuss of this, My Lady. Thank you."

Nazzarus says, "There is only what is and what could be."

Hamuk says, "Uryutis didn't seem to be at all bothered by our attempt and our results, really."

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Ezerak says to you, "You are doing wonderfully."

You smile at Tirost.

Belzor gazes at a russet lynx.

Tirost nods to Hamuk.

Gwenddolyn says, "Demons are evil, no question about that."

You smile at Ezerak.

Anuril nods to Tirost.

Belzor scratches his russet lynx.

Dantia nods to Hamuk.

Casari says, "So are some of the Immortals. No question about that, either."

Miskton says, "Though, yes, I do think that the Othersight being used is what triggered something. Like pushing on something that was unsteady to begin with."

Nazzarus says, "Demons are not evil, they exist. They have a purpose, that purpose is counter to our own. This does not make them evil."

Ruea glances at you.

Hamuk leans forward on his marble staff, listening intently.

Belzor ponders.

Rileos says to Nazzarus, "That is really dumb."

Gwenddolyn says, "Ai have to disagree."

You ponder.

Rileos nods to Nazzarus.

Anuril raises an eyebrow in Nazzarus's direction.

Illiya grins at Rileos, her dimples flashing into view.

Nawain giggles at Rileos.

Rileos says, "I was wrong, he said the dumbest thing at this meetin. Sorry, folks."

Rileos says, "I tried."

Dantia just nudged Rileos.

Nawain asks Rileos, "You're truly a poet when there's need, aren't you?"

Illiya says to Rileos, "You'll get it next time I'm sure."

Dasheek gestures.
A network of thin lines form around him, then quickly fade away.

A swirling vortex of brilliant light spins across the area.
A wave of energy passes through, invisible except for the obscene ways the world stretches and pulls around you! Though it seemed as though Elanthia was going to rip itself apart, the wave passes without causing bodily harm.

Dantia concentrates for several moments, a greedy expression on her face.
A fearsome mana surge is abruptly erased from existence!

Anuril praises Dantia.

Tirost grins at Dantia.

Rileos flashes a quick grin at Nawain.

Ezerak chuckles at Rileos.

Dantia grins.

Illiya praises Dantia.

Rileos says to Illiya, "Thought I was a clear cut to win."

Gwenddolyn asks, "Ayrell said you had a plan coming up?"

Gwenddolyn peers quizzically at you.

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Rileos.

You nod.

Nazzarus shakes his head.

Shaylynne says, "I have to get going, but if anyone has additional queries the Merelew, and you're unable to be there the night of, please reach out to Allye or myself in the coming weeks. We have some ideas but are open to suggestions, of course."

Dantia nods to Shaylynne.

Anuril nods to Shaylynne.

Rileos nods to Shaylynne.

Hamuk smiles at Shaylynne.

Shaylynne says to you, "Thank you, as always, for the get together."

Gwenddolyn nods to Shaylynne.

Shaylynne hugs you, and you give her a smile in return.

Shaylynne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Sofina glances at Nazzarus.

Tirost nods to Shaylynne.

Sofina ponders.

Illiya hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Hamuk says to Shaylynne, "Thank you for chasing that particular thread. Good luck. I'll be there if I can."

You say, "Yes, I was hoping to hear of the other plans in place as well before I went too deeply into it. I am making notes of what is in the works. Reaching out to the Merelew and the Arbiter of Darkness are two I have heard this evening."

You smile at Shaylynne.

says to Shaylynne, "See you in the hunting grounds."

Ezerak hugs Shaylynne, getting a smile in return.

Shaylynne waves to Miskton.

You hug Shaylynne who gives you a smile in return. A faint scent of phofe flowers clings to her skin.

Shaylynne nods to Hamuk.

Shaylynne grins at Tirost.

Tirost smiles.

Hamuk nods to you.

Shaylynne quickly salutes Tirost by bringing two fingers to her brow.

Tirost raises his hand in a quick salute.

Tipsy Trailblazer Shaylynne wanders east.

You say, "For myself, Navesi, and Saragos, we are planning a bit of magical experimentation."

Hamuk says to you, "You know already that I've sent letters to each of our guildleaders. As yet, I am without response."

Illiya nods to you.

Ruea smiles at you.

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

Rileos nods to you.

You nod to Hamuk.

Tirost says to Hamuk, "I've asked around a bit myself, but haven't heard anything."

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived.

Hamuk quietly says, "Not even Melear."

You say to Hamuk, "Yes, which is unfortunate. I was hoping we might hear back."

Illiya waves to Kethrai.

Anuril raises an eyebrow in Kethrai's direction.

Hamuk frowns.

Kethrai takes his rightful place beside Anuril.

Dasheek nods to Kethrai.

Dantia gets a flute of honeywine from atop a bar.

Hamuk nods to you.

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

Rileos gets a cup of rosehip tea from atop a bar.

Rileos takes a sip of his tea.

You say, "We are hoping to do some experimentation with various mana streams. See if we can discover any detrails about the changes that might give us an idea of what might be causing it... or how we mightcounter it."

Hamuk says to you, "Perhaps a response will come in time. I'm trying to be patient."

You say, "Pardon... details."

Kethrai's body is dripping water everywhere.

You clear your throat.

Kethrai distantly says, "Sorry for the abrupt exit."

Anuril gestures, and a strong warm breeze swirls around Kethrai.

You nod to Hamuk.

Nazzarus says, "I was led to believe based on the rumors there were those who had some concerns of the future of their reality, but I see the limitations of personal lensing still hold true... it seems I must return to my own research, perhaps it will bear fruit so the short sighted can continue their existence in blissful ignorance. If I find Glacis, perhaps I'll send word."

You smile at Hamuk.

Nazzarus casually observes the area.

Kethrai gives Nawain a slight nod.

Nazzarus says, "Good.. day."

Elemental Researcher Nazzarus wanders east.

You arch your eyebrow.

Ezerak smirks.

Ruea puts her almanac in her feyweave purse.

Ezerak praises Rileos.

Illiya scoffs.

Illiya says, "Rude."

Casari says, "It's midnight."

Rileos says, "S'fine, we didn't lose anythin valuable."

Sofina says, "I like him."

Dasheek says, "Heh. That guy.."

Rileos says, "He said dumber things than I did, that's a talent."

Anuril grins at Rileos.

Ruea gets a goblet of Bardic blue wine from inside her feyweave purse.

Nawain worriedly says, "I hope he doesn't give that nice Ice Dragon indigestion."

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

Illiya grins at Rileos, her dimples flashing into view.

You say, "Well, if he had shown up at the start of the meeting, he might have heard my talk of potential world ending outcomes."

You shrug.

You notice as a russet lynx begins to pant.

Hamuk chuckles at you!

Gwenddolyn nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Kethrai says to you, "Couldn't imagine a meeting starting without him, I suppose."

Tirost says, "I must take my leave."

Rileos appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Kethrai.

Tirost says to you, "Thanks again for hosting us."

Dantia smiles at Tirost.

You nod politely to Tirost.

Rileos takes a sip of his tea.

Illiya waves to Tirost.

You smile at Tirost.

Tirost bows.

Hamuk says, "I think some of his ideas have merit. Some of what he said when he burst in the room I'll revisit in my thoughts later."

Urbaj smiles.

Dasheek nods to Tirost.

You chuckle at Kethrai.

Labor Organizer Urbaj strolls east.

Knight of Meraud Tirost drifts east.

Rileos says, "I liked the time magic part."

Gwenddolyn says, "Yes some interesting possibilities."

Hamuk nods to Rileos.

Rileos says, "That'd be fun. I wanna travel time."

You say, "Yes, I have always had a bit of a fascination with the time magic."

Rileos nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Gwenddolyn says, "Though the web of fate idea someone spoke of seemed that it could be involved somehow."

Kethrai says to Rileos, "If stories are to be believed, that's how you wind up your own grandfather..."

Hamuk says to Rileos, "Tell young Hamuk to train harder. Old Hamuk hates catching up."

Dasheek puts his almanac in his zibeline kit.

Gwenddolyn asks, "Who was it that had that theory?"

Ezerak nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Gwenddolyn asks, "Aislynn?"

Rileos asks Kethrai, "I mean, where else could all this come from?"

Rileos gestures at himself.

Kethrai nods to Gwenddolyn.

Anuril laughs!

Ezerak chuckles at Rileos.

You say, "There have been several good theories this evening. Time magic, the feral magic is certainly one that I have not heard prior to this evening, that I recall."

Hamuk nods to you.

Rileos says to Kethrai, "Clearly a time loop of rugged attractiveness, only thing makes sense now."

You chuckle at Rileos.

Rileos takes a sip of his tea.

Kethrai says to Rileos, "Very uniquely shaped family tree, that."

Nawain ponders.

Rileos chuckles.

You say, "I am happy to hear that so many are still working on possibilities to find answers."

Anuril snorts, loudly.

Anuril looks at Kethrai, obviously trying not to grin.

The publican places a snifter of Milene's brandy on the bar.

Anuril gets a snifter of Milene's brandy from atop a bar.

Anuril moves a snifter of Milene's brandy to his left hand.

Gwenddolyn nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Hamuk says, "There are enough of us to explore many avenues. And convening regularly to discuss our findings and further theories is wise."

Hamuk nods to you.

Illiya nods in agreement.

Rileos nods at Hamuk, obviously agreeing with his views.

You nod at Hamuk, in complete agreement with his views.

Illiya says, "This meeting was a fantastic idea."

Hamuk says to you, "I thank you for encouraging these meetings."

You smile.

Hamuk inhales deeply of the drink.

Hamuk says, "Especially somewhere with nice brandy."

Hamuk nods.

The publican places a snifter of Milene's brandy on the bar.

Ezerak grins at Hamuk, his dimples flashing into view.

Anuril nods at Hamuk, obviously agreeing with his views.

Belzor gets a snifter of Milene's brandy from atop a bar.

Hamuk grins at Anuril.

Ezerak praises Hamuk.

You say, "I thank you all for attending. I always worry interest will wane and few will show. So I am grateful to you all and your openness to discuss."

Illiya says, "I do think, as I said earlier, that Liraxes at least has some sort of extraplanar source but I'm not knowledgeable enough to know how to pursue that further."

Dantia says, "Well, when you have world affecting events like this it's unsurprising that if there are 10 faces in a room, you'll have 15 different theories. And one of them has to be the most off the wall."

Dantia nods.

Gwenddolyn says, "If anyone needs a ride to the meeting Ayrell is hosting in Ratha, I will be leaving the riverhaven dock before the meeting, just in case there are no moons."

Anuril mumbles a word of general praise.

Dantia says to you, "Thank you for gathering us, and facilitating the conversations."

You nod to Dantia.

Hamuk nods to Gwenddolyn.

Dantia smiles.

You smile at Dantia.

Ruea praises you.

Dantia puts her honeywine in her silveress case.

You say to Dantia, "It has been my pleasure. And I thank you for presenting your thoughts and theories as well."

Rileos says to Illiya, "Yeah, think the moon mages need to poke at that cause I sure as hell don't know or want to go in there."

Dantia nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Dantia waves.

Gwenddolyn says, "Good eve to everyone."

You notice as a russet lynx scratches itself.

Lady of the Watch Dantia goes east.

Raising his rosehip tea to you, Rileos gives you a toast. Cheers!

Gwenddolyn waves.

Rileos takes a sip of his tea.

Hamuk waves to Gwenddolyn.

Illiya says to Rileos, "I'd go but I don't know how to get there."

Miskton chuckles.

Light of the World Gwenddolyn goes east.

You ask Illiya, "Have you had a chance to give much more thought to your idea about Maelshyve?"

Miskton marks a page and closes his astronomer's journal, securing the clasp.

Dasheek nods in agreement.

Miskton puts his journal in his scholar's valise.

Nawain joins Anuril's group.

Rileos raises an eyebrow.

You smile at Rileos.

Hamuk takes a sip of his brandy.

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Belzor scratches his russet lynx.

Anuril nods to Illiya.

Dasheek stares intently at a russet lynx for a moment.

Belzor says, "Oxsanna, be nice."

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Hamuk grins at Belzor.

Hamuk smiles at a russet lynx.

Belzor smiles at Hamuk.

Hamuk says to Belzor, "I think that's just a lynx thing. Abby does it too."

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Anuril ponders.

Illiya says to you, "It was as I discussed with you before, but again I'm not a specialist and unsure of how to pursue further."

Anuril raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

You nod.

Belzor asks Hamuk, "They are inquisitive, aren't they?"

Veteran Apprentice Anuril goes east, leading his group.

Illiya says, "Maybe my assignment should be to talk to people who know stuff and get more information."

Hamuk nods at Belzor, obviously agreeing with his views.

Illiya hums to herself.

Dasheek grins at Illiya.

You chuckle at Illiya.

Belzor smiles at Hamuk.

Ezerak chuckles at Illiya.

You say to Illiya, "There is nothing wrong with that."

You smile at Illiya.

Illiya hugs you, and you give her a smile in return.

Ezerak says to Illiya, "Sounds like journalism to me."

Rileos takes a sip of his tea.

You say, "That is honestly the best way to learn."

You hug Illiya who gives you a smile in return. A faint scent of strawberries clings to her skin.

Ezerak winks at Illiya.

Hamuk nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Illiya nods in agreement.

Illiya exclaims to you, "Thank you for hosting another informative meeting!"

Dasheek nods in agreement.

Casari nods in agreement.

Hamuk drums his fingers on the arm of his stone seat.

You smile at Illiya.

You say to Illiya, "And thank you for coming. It is always so good to see you."

Miskton says to you, "Yes, thank you for hosting this."

Hamuk inhales deeply of the drink.

Illiya says to you, "Always, m'lady."

You smile at Miskton.

Illiya curtsies to you.

Belzor sniffs at a snifter of Milene's brandy.

You curtsy gracefully to Illiya.

You smile.

Illiya exclaims to Miskton, "I need an answer about your article!"

Belzor takes a sip of his brandy.

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Illiya hugs Hamuk, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Dasheek says, "Be dangerous, folks."

Belzor casually observes the area.

Illiya waves.

Hamuk leaps to his feet!

Casari nods to Dasheek.

A stone seat collapses back into the ground.

Dasheek waves.

Hamuk hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Danger Wizard Dasheek strolls east, leading his group.

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

Rileos takes a sip of his tea.

Hamuk chuckles.

Hamuk leans against a bar.

Rileos leans on Ruea.

Rileos says, "Well, that was silly."

Hamuk grins at Rileos.

You chuckle at Rileos.

Belzor glances at a russet lynx.

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Hamuk says, "There has to be at least a little silly or we'll all get too serious and end up like Gauthus."

Rileos chuckles.

Miskton gazes skyward and traces the planetary alignments in the air.

You say, "I am not sure if I am surprised or not that so many people disagreed with my Herald theory."

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Ezerak grins at you, his dimples flashing into view.

You ask, "Perhaps mine was the third silliest of the evening?"

Hamuk shakes his head.

Rileos says to you, "Bronze medal ain't bad."

Rileos looks at you, obviously trying not to grin.

Miskton chuckles.

You grin at Rileos.

Casari says, "I wonder if heralds are susceptible to holy fire."

You say to Rileos, "It is still a medal."

You nod at Rileos, in complete agreement with his views.

Rileos says to you, "I got no idea at this point, it's all entirely up in the air far as I can see."

Ezerak says to you, "Uryutis called it a divine war. I do not know of too many other entities that could participate in such."

Hamuk nods to Ezerak.

Rileos nods to Ezerak.

You say to Ezerak, "Ah, yes. I knew I was forgetting something in my presentation."

You sigh.

Hamuk says to Ezerak, "That stands out to me. He was fairly casual about that."

Hamuk asks, "But I also don't know he was entirely sure of it?"

Casari says, "It was one of those just-kidding-but-not-kidding things."

You say, "There have been so many tings that have pointed me in that direction for my current theory and perhaps those would have helped make it appear less... silly."

Belzor takes a sip of his brandy.

Hamuk says, "I don't think it's silly at all."

Ezerak nods to Hamuk.

You smile at Hamuk.

Ezerak nods at Hamuk, obviously agreeing with his views.

Hamuk says, "If you had said it was jellybeans becoming sentient and assembling to take revenge on us hucking them at each other willy-nilly, that would have been silly."

Miskton chuckles.

You say to Hamuk, "Now, that is a theory."

Rileos says to Hamuk, "You sure it ain't? We can't prove that."

You nod to Hamuk.

Casari says, "And yet not the silliest thing we heard."

Rileos takes a sip of his tea.

Ezerak says, "I agree. It seems relatively plausible, really."

You get a dark green lime jelly bean from inside your sinuous cloak.

You ponder.

Hamuk ducks his head.

Hamuk edges away from you.

You chortle at Hamuk.

Hamuk exclaims to you, "You're dooming us all!"

Ezerak says to you, "Oh, you've been invaded."

Rileos says to you, "You were in on it the whole time."

Hamuk throws back his head and roars with laughter!

You wave your lime jelly bean around.

Rileos shakes his head at you.

Casari exclaims, "She's one of them!"

Casari draws forth a polished lion-claw throwing dagger.

Casari points a polished lion-claw throwing dagger at you.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Miskton rummages about his person, looking for something.

You say, "All is lost. I am doomed."

Hamuk says to you, "I promise I wasn't trying to knock you off the podium."

Hamuk chuckles to himself.

Casari sheathes her throwing dagger.

You chortle at Hamuk.

Rileos says, "I still got money on some kind of astral probability conceptual whatever entity."

Casari's voice resonantes with strong vibrato as she appears to pour more energy into the next words of her song.

Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

You say to Rileos, "That certainly does resonate with some truth regarding Liraxes."

You put your bean in your sinuous cloak.

Rileos nods to you.

You say, "There. The jellybean has been put away. I have saved you all."

You nod.

Hamuk slowly empties his lungs.

Casari praises you.

Hamuk praises you.

Rileos says, "Or a dragon. It really sounds like a dragon."

Rileos says, "Either or."

Hamuk says, "Gwen's Grazhir suggestion is sticking with me as well."

Casari says, "Or something else. But definitely one of those or something else."

Casari nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Rileos nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

You ask Hamuk, "About it reassembling?"

Hamuk nods to you.

Hamuk says, "The fish vision always catches my eye when I reread them."

Hamuk nods to Miskton.

Rileos exclaims to Casari, "I said either or, I committed!"

Miskton says, "If any significant chunks of Grazhir were on the move, I think we'd start to know fairly quickly."

Casari grins.

You nod at Miskton, in complete agreement with his views.

Rileos takes a sip of his tea.

Casari asks Miskton, "Also wouldn't it just... get a new name, if that was it? Isn't that how it usually works?"

Casari says, "Something changes, it gets a new name."

Rileos asks Miskton, "Yeah, wouldn't that mess up how you teleport about?"

Miskton says, "That chunk of crystal finding its way to Axis is a potential concern I hadn't thought of before, though."

Hamuk says, "Perhaps it's more a metaphorical assembly."

Rileos gets an elegant diamond-hide almanac bearing a platinum Estate Holder's crest from inside his hunting pack.

Rileos studies his diamond-hide almanac closely.

You say, "Another reason I found myself leaning toward the Heralds is because of the research that prickles with a memory of the Sraan Mehath, which... has a Herald link."

Casari says, "Imagine if they hadn't done that."

Miskton says to Rileos, "Yes. All the scattered bits of Grazhir in the ocean make teleporting over it more difficult, for instance."

Hamuk says, "We can only sense Axis and the other named shards in cities, right? Perhaps it has something to do with assembling the other shards into the...matrix? I don't Moon Mage so pardon my ignorance here."

You say to Casari, "They would have all lived."

You ponder.

Hamuk nods to you.

Rileos says to Miskton, "Yeah, I imagine you'd notice too."

You say, "Well, except those who might have still died in the war..."

Casari says to you, "That would have been a shorter war."

Miskton says, "The named shards are where they are because people specifically placed them there, except for Axis. And calling it a 'shard' is also a bit underselling it, I suppose."

Hamuk nods to Miskton.

Hamuk says to Miskton, "See? This is why I typically stay out of Moon Business."

Hamuk chuckles.

You nod at Casari, in complete agreement with her views.

Ruea takes a sip of her wine.

Ruea says to you, "I will say you have the patience of a saint, this kind of thing is why I stick with frivelous, light hearted events."

Miskton chuckles.

Ruea says to you, "I almost had Rileos stab someone tonight."

Hamuk says, "But, we only know the location of Axis and the others? Perhaps someone is gathering other shards elsewhere."

Rileos appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Ezerak chuckles.

Rileos says to you, "S'true, I was gonna."

You chuckle at Ruea.

Casari asks, "Ooo, are we stabbing?"

Casari draws forth an imposing steel flamberge with a corvid hilt.

Belzor blinks.

Hamuk grins at Ruea.

Ezerak asks, "Oh? Did someone need stabbing?"

Rileos says to Casari, "Well, not -now-."

Casari says, "Oh."

Casari sheathes her steel flamberge.

The publican places a snifter of Milene's brandy on the bar.

Miskton gets a snifter of Milene's brandy from atop a bar.

Miskton closes his eyes and grows still for a few long moments.

You say to Ruea, "The hardest part is always putting my ideas out there and then receiving the negative feedback. Beyond that, it is mostly just listening and trying to keep an open mind. And open ears, because it is so easy to miss things being said sometimes."

You gaze upward.

Ruea chuckles.

Ruea says, "Some people need to be put through a few etiquette classes."

Hamuk puts his staff in his leucro hide pack.

Hamuk gets a thin grey book titled "The Art of Civilized Behavior" from inside his leucro hide pack.

Hamuk waves a thin grey book titled "The Art of Civilized Behavior" around.

You say, "But I do enjoy when people engage in polite debates. I learn a great deal from listening."

Miskton grins at Hamuk.

Hamuk says, "I read mine before we started."

Casari asks, "Is that the one with the fire?"

Belzor peers quizzically at Hamuk.

Hamuk chuckles.

Hamuk says, "I don't think there's fire in this book."

Miskton says, "Well, I suppose all we can really do is keep pulling at threads... with luck, eventually we'll find one attached to something substantial."

Hamuk pats a thin grey book titled "The Art of Civilized Behavior".

Hamuk puts his book in his leucro hide pack.

Casari asks Hamuk, "Can there be, though?"

Rileos nods to Miskton.

Hamuk shakes his head at Casari.

Casari says, "Sounds like we need a new book. Behave or burn."

Hamuk says to Casari, "I need to stay on my best behavior."

Ezerak says to Casari, "We don't burn books. Not yet at least."

Hamuk says to Casari, "So I have to keep reading."

Hamuk inhales deeply of the drink.

Rileos asks Miskton, "Would there be a way to go peek at Axis without going under the entire damn ocean?"

Ruea shows Rileos her silhouette gown.

Hamuk nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Miskton says to Rileos, "From the inside, via astral travel. Beyond that, not sure."

Rileos says to Ruea, "Oh damn."

Ruea chuckles.

Hamuk asks Miskton, "Do we know its physical location?"

Rileos says to Ruea, "I'm...oh damn."

Rileos nods to Ruea.

Ruea says to Rileos, "I don't wear it often but it's one of Ayrell's favorites so I dusted it off for this evening."

Rileos nods in agreement.

You smile at Ruea.

Rileos says to Miskton, "Sorry, got distracted. I'm not actually sorry though."

Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Miskton chuckles.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Ruea leans on you.

Ezerak chuckles at Rileos.

Belzor smiles at Rileos.

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Belzor smiles at a russet lynx.

Belzor scratches his russet lynx.

Rileos says to Miskton, "Yeah, lookin at it from the outside was the idea cause if it is actin funny."

Hamuk reaches up and slides his velvet hood from off of his head.

Hamuk puts his hood in his leucro hide pack.

Hamuk rubs his head.

Hamuk takes a sip of his brandy.

Hamuk licks his lips.

Miskton nods to Rileos.

Rileos asks, "Would the sky mirror thing work underwater?"

Miskton ponders.

Miskton says, "I'm not actually sure. Probably not water that deep, though."

Rileos looks at Miskton and shrugs.

Rileos's claws slowly retract as his hands return to normal.

Hamuk says, "If I have to learn Air Bubble I'm going to be sore."

Rileos says, "Maybe the merelew would know how to do that. Seems up their alley. Or hell, just go look at it."

Hamuk nods to Rileos.

Rileos says, "Should say that to Shaylynne."

Ezerak chuckles.

Hamuk says to Rileos, "I believe they're attempting an audience, so if you are able to attend you can ask directly. If not then certainly pass it on."

Rileos nods to Hamuk.

Rileos says, "Yeah."

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Belzor smiles at a russet lynx.

Rileos says, "But I think I'm gonna get on movin, y'all."

Ezerak hugs Rileos, getting a smile in return.

Hamuk nods to Rileos.

Hamuk shakes Rileos's hand.

Ruea says, "I should as well honestly."

You hug Rileos who wraps his arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of burning tobacco clings to his skin.

Miskton nods politely to Rileos.

Ruea hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.

Belzor nods to Rileos.

You hug Ruea who wraps her arms around you with a warm smile. A faint scent of violets clings to her skin.

Ezerak says to Rileos, "Behave. Poorly."

Hamuk chuckles at Ezerak.

Ruea grins wryly.

Rileos says to Ezerak, "S'the only way I know."

Ruea waves.

Casari exclaims, "Or burn!"

Rileos raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Rileos just left.

Ruea slips away, disappearing with a soft laugh and a hint of violets.

Hamuk says, "Well, I can't be last to leave, I was first to arrive."

Hamuk shakes Miskton's hand.

Belzor smiles at Hamuk.

Hamuk says, "This was enlightening."

Hamuk says to you, "Thank you again for hosting."

Hamuk smiles at you.

Hamuk shakes Belzor's hand.

You smile at Hamuk.

Hamuk bows to Ezerak.

Hamuk bows to you.

Ezerak chuckles at Hamuk.

Hamuk extends his bared palms to you ritualistically in wordless greeting. You finish the gesture by covering his palms with yours.

Ezerak lays his palms against Hamuk's in a quick, yet deliberate movement.

You say to Hamuk, "Thank you for coming."

You extend your bared palms to Hamuk in wordless greeting. Hamuk places his palms over yours, completing the ritual.

Hamuk lays his palms against Ezerak's in a quick, yet deliberate movement.

Hamuk smiles at you.

Miskton takes a sip of his brandy.

Hamuk says, "As often as I'm able."

Hamuk grins.

Hamuk says, "Long walk home. Safe paths to you all when you retire."

Hamuk smiles.

Hamuk waves.

You wave.

Hamuk gets a slender black marble staff inlaid with a pattern of jagged silver lightning bolts from inside his leucro hide pack.

You smile.

Hamuk emphatically raps the tip of his marble staff upon the ground.

Hamuk grins.

Electrical Fury Hamuk goes east.

You say, "Well, I think that went well."

Casari nods to you.

Belzor says to you, "I am sorry I missed it."

Miskton nods.

Miskton takes a sip of his brandy.

Casari says, "Didn't have to break out the naphtha or anything."

You nod to Belzor.

You chuckle at Casari.

You notice as a russet lynx begins to pant.

Ezerak nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Ezerak says to Casari, "I considered it."

Ezerak chuckles.

Casari pulls upwards on her leather belt, settling it more comfortably upon her waist.

Casari gets a vial of naphtha from inside her leather belt.

You say to Casari, "It feels cruel that you were not able to use that."

You chuckle.

Casari nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Casari says, "The poor thing never gets to play."

Casari's naphtha exclaims, "Yeah, and I'm so bored!"

You notice Casari's lips move slightly.

Ezerak chuckles at Casari.

Belzor blinks.

Miskton takes a sip of his brandy.

Belzor went over to a private booth.

A glass of sweet sherry on a bar says, "Me too."

You notice Ezerak's lips move slightly.

Belzor just arrived.

Casari grins at Ezerak.

Belzor pets his russet lynx.

Miskton takes a sip of his brandy.

Ezerak says to Casari, "You aren't supposed to see that."

Ezerak chuckles.

Casari winks at Ezerak.

Miskton takes a sip of his brandy.

Casari says, "I have three eyes."

Miskton stretches his arms.

Miskton exclaims, "Well, I should get going. Take care, all!"

Casari waves to Miskton.

Philomath Miskton strolls east.

Casari puts her naphtha in her leather belt.

Casari asks, "Well, want to fight?"

Casari leans on Ezerak.

Ezerak chuckles.

You chuckle.

Belzor blinks.

You say, "He always moves so quickly."

Belzor nods.

Belzor sighs.

Ezerak says to Casari, "Perhaps another time. I should head home myself, I think."

Casari grins.

Casari nods to Ezerak.

You nod.

You say, "I should as well."

Ezerak asks you, "I will see you soon?"

Ezerak takes your hand and gently kisses the back of it.

You say, "I have much to prepare for the meeting with Khoheke and the mana experiments."

Casari stops guarding you.

You curtsy gracefully to Ezerak.

You nod to Ezerak.

You smile.

Belzor bows to you.

You curtsy gracefully to Belzor.

You hug Casari who gives you a smile in return. A faint scent of geshiloira clings to her skin.

Casari hugs you, and you wrap your arms around her with a warm smile.

Belzor says to you, "Rest well, milady."

You say, "I bid you all a good evening."

You smile at Belzor.

Casari waves.

You wave.

Belzor waves.

You go east.

[Milene's Rose, Front Desk]
Shadows drift in lazy patterns over the gleaming dark wood that compose the floor and walls, digging into the carvings of roses that gracefully climb in vines over the satiny planks. A black desk serviced by a young man curves out of the east wall. Stairs lead up, a pattern of black roses woven into the blue carpeting that covers them. You also see a short flight of steps.
Obvious exits: west, out.