Avtalia crystal

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Avtalia crystal at a Glance
Material Type Stone
Colors Unknown
Cultural Relevance
Required for Alterations Unknown

Material description needed

Alteration Rules

This material is possibly needed for alterations.

Raw Material Sources


ItemSource isRarity is
Crystal orlog showcasing shining star-kissed kertig clockworkHollow Eve Festival 443/AuctionShadowbark tinkerer's box with a star-kissed kertig-lined keyholeauction
Dark grey shadowleaf surcoat with star-kissed kertig claspsHollow Eve Festival 443/Auctionauction
Deadly star-kissed kertig dart shrouded by umbral veins of maelstoneHollow Eve Festival 443/AuctionAshen enaada wrist cuff with intricate blackened moonsilver mechanismauction
Resplendent gentleman's walking cane of shining star-kissed kertigEstate Holder Mini-Fest 449/Auctionauction
Shadowbark tinkerer's box with a star-kissed kertig-lined keyholeHollow Eve Festival 443/Auctionauction
Shining star-kissed kertig meteor hammer chased in pure white mistglassHollow Eve Festival 443/Auctionauction
Star-kissed kertig aegis of spiraling feathers encircling a midnight diamondHollow Eve Festival 450/Auctionauction
Star-kissed kertig sterak axe encrusted in layers of coruscating Firulfian crystalHollow Eve Festival 447/Auctionauction
Star-kissed kertig tower shield depicting a sinuously coiled roaring leviathanHollow Eve Festival 443/Auctionauction
Team captain's star-kissed kertig warhornTaisidon Mystery 446/RaffleTaisidon silkcress satchel pinned with a carved Dalterein diamond captain's badgeauction

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