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Unique items owned by Atazai Coffins.
A shimmery diving robe of watersilk
Tinted to an aesthetically pleasing shade of aquamarine, the fabric of the robe drapes languidly over the wearer's form. Cunningly tailored to fit close to the body, the garment's length and construction allows for unhindered movement whether on land or under water. Small, neat stitching in black thread adorns the hemlines, contrasting the fabric elegantly. Tacked into the neckline, a gremlin appears with intricate contours done in shadow embroidery.
- Gift from a branch of the Allvar family operations, given for five years of service.
A dive master's scythe with a thin glaes blade
The haft of the weapon is carved from a single piece of water-aged cypress, while the narrow glaes blade is strangely curved and etched with a plethora of grooves and channels to allow it to slice unhindered through water. The haft is engraved with an entwined motif of swimming selkies and merrows, which stand out brightly from the salt-stained backdrop. Faint lettering is etched into the wood near the blade. There appears to be something written on it.
A dive master's scythe reads: "I cut through the depths."
- Gift from the Riverhaven Portage, given as a birthday present.
Some sea-green plate armor masterfully engraved with an underwater battle scene
An epic battle is engraved in sections across the entirety of the armor. Selkies and merrow writhe and grapple up each greave and cuisse. Drowned corpses claw and bite at frenzied sharks on the vambraces. A pod of Reshal porpoise engage a marauding group of giant squid across the cuirass. Two patient mantis shrimp stalk a huge stone crab across the backplate.
- Gift from the Black Sash Fleet, given for 15 years of bumming around Hara'jaal.
A haralun medallion shaped like a tentacled mass surrounding a bloodmist garnet eye
A lone bloodmist garnet gleams like a bloody eye at the center of countless haralun tentacles that are crafted to appear as if in motion when light plays across it. There appears to be something written on it.
A haralun medallion reads: "There is no light in the deepest of depths."
- Gift from the Moon Mage Guild, given for representing the Progeny of Tezirah at the Moon Mage Conclave of 412.
A highly adjustable stargazer's sling chair
Supple gloomwood branches form the collapsible frame for the chair. Lengths of braided river grass serve to bind the wood together while strips of compressed kelp form a tight netting that comprises the combined back and seat. Almost hidden from view is a complex network of levers that allow the chair to be adjusted or folded.
- Gift from the Moon Mage Guild, given for representing the Progeny of Tezirah at the Moon Mage Conclave of 412.
An enflowered silk sarong
The multilayered flowers have been preserved and cunningly imbedded into the fabric of the sarong. White water lilies, crimson sharktooth blossoms, and green orchids comprise the bulk of the colors and are interspersed with prime examples of king protea and aldam lorma blossoms, deep purple phofe flowers, bright red jungle lilies, and vibrant dolphin flowers. A Taisidon sunset garnet is set to clasp the material at the base of the wearer's neck, while two seastar tourmalines secure it at the left hip.
- Gift from Lilidona Kersharin, given for becoming her highest paying customer.