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Armor:Tawny gold leather hood trimmed with scarlet and orange beads

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tawny gold leather hood trimmed with scarlet and orange beads
Look: Running along the bottom edge of the hood is a zigzag pattern of scarlet and flame-orange beads. A phoenix, worked in the same beads, rises from some flames on the back of the hood, its wings spreading around the sides so that the wing tips frame the eye sockets of the hood.
Type: Light Armor
Areas Covered: hands
Hindrance: light (3/15) / insignificant (1/15) for stealth
Protection: very good (6/15) protection and good (7/17) damage absorption for puncture attacks.
high (7/15) protection and good (7/17) damage absorption for slice attacks.
very high (8/15) protection and good (7/17) damage absorption for impact attacks.
very good (6/15) protection and very good (8/17) damage absorption for fire attacks.
good (5/15) protection and somewhat fair (4/17) damage absorption for cold attacks.
fair (3/15) protection and low (3/17) damage absorption for electrical attacks.
Construction: rather reinforced (11/18)
Metal: No
Weight: 48 stones
Appraised Cost: 125,000 Kronars100,000 Lirums <br />90,200 Dokoras <br />125 LTBpoints <br />125 Tickets <br />125 Scrips <br />
Dimensions: 2 length x 1 width x 1 height
Sources: Source is Hero to Go (5), Hero to Go (4), Hero to Go (3)