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Approximate coin per level

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Approximate coin per level (ACPL) is an OOC measurement of how much value a creature should drop, based on a variety of factors.

Don't read too much into the name, because a lot of things end up affecting it along the way, but a creature's wealth is ultimately based off that value if it drops coins/gems/boxes. Level ends up having a double effect in some ways -- because higher level creature's have...higher levels...they generate more coin. For example: a level 3 goblin vs a level 150 goblin using the same settings. Just because its level is higher, ignoring all other factors, it will generate more treasure.

In general, lower level/lower difficulty creatures will have a lower ACPL than higher level ones. Some, but not all, of the factors the GameMasters consider:

  • Low vs high level creature (gains at 100 and 175)
  • Does it cast a TM spell or debuff of some kind?
  • Does it have a special attack or ability (like re-stealthing after initial spawn)?
  • Is it undead/evil/construct?
  • Does the hunting area have extra hazards as a substantial part of the area ("the claw" in Zaulfung, dark areas, swamp troll anti-magic effect, swimming, etc)? Climbing a single thing or swimming a single thing to access the area does not qualify.

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