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Akul'tiz nightblade

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Akul'tiz nightblade
Unknown creature.jpg
Creature Levels:
    Overall ?
    Level Variance -
    Natural Attack ?
    Weapon Attack ?
    Defense ?
    Player Estimated -
Potential overall skill: ?
Skill Cap ? to ?
Skinnable Unknown
Has Coins Unknown
Has Gems Unknown
Has Boxes Unknown
Has Other Unknown
Uses Weapons Unknown
Alignment Unknown
Corporeal Yes
Construct Unknown
Casts Spells Unknown
Attack Range Unknown
Stealthy Yes
Special Attacks Yes
Special Defenses Unknown
Body Type unknown
Body Type (Alt) unknown
Body Size unknown
  • Invasion only
Premium-Only Unknown
Skinning Details
Ranks Required ?
Max Value ?
Max Arranged ?
Locksmithing Details
Skill Required Careful: ?
Teaching Cap ?
Manipulatable ?
Skill Required ? / ?
Teaching Cap ?


The Akul'tiz is a short, plump humanoid swathed in a blue robe, with hairless grey skin that hangs flaccidly from its frame. It goes barefoot, which may help account for the creature's remarkable speed and agility. Tipping its grub-like fingers are long, sharpened nails painted a bright malachite-green. Its rattish face wears a fixed smile on jaws too wide, teeth too white.

Special Attacks

Harms spirit health. Ambushes. Blinds?

"Svar kweld!" exclaims an Akul'tiz nightblade. It rakes green fingernails down Evro's face and shouts in delight!

An Akul'tiz nightblade spins about swiftly with its taloned fingers outstretched, sending vitriolic green droplets everywhere!

The poison splashes you squarely in the face. Your eyes suddenly feel like they're on fire as everything goes black around you!
Internal eye damage and blindness.