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Abasha's Office

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[Abasha's Office, Temporal Rift]
Whorls of random but vibrant color streak across the otherwise pitch black landscape, dancing constantly as if the entire area were surrounded by the aurora borealis. The floor is completely invisible, though firm, and a color-filled void stretches out below, in a state of constant dancing and swirling lines. Silent explosions of light shimmer in the distance, constantly reforging themselves from the utter darkness that lies beyond the colors.
You also see a jagged crack in reality and a color-filled void.
Obvious exits: northeast.

Color-filled void:

An absolute blackness is visible just beyond the strands of color.  
Staring at it too long makes images of horrendous monsters dance across your eyes.

[Abasha's Office, Temporal Rift]
Deep purple and dusky violet colors predominate the pocket of forgotten space, varying in hue and shade as they form a completely smooth floor and heavy clouds that fill the sky. Piled haphazardly in teetering mounds are strange piles of objects, making hills that dot the otherwise smooth landscape. A foggy haze obscures the ground through most of the area, forming a nearly solid wall that obscures the horizon.
You also see a wide portal.
Obvious exits: southwest, northwest.

Strange piles of objects:

Visible in the distance and half-shrouded in fog, the mound of objects looks like a massive amount of disorganized clutter.


The giant hill looks like a repository for a number of objects lost long ago, creating a massive cache of treasure that would put a swamp troll to shame.

Foggy haze:

The haze floats thickly through the air in branchlike tendrils, obscuring any path except those leading northwest or southwest.

[Abasha's Office, Laboratory]
With off-white walls and a tiled marble floor, the laboratory feels clean to the point of being sterile, with stacks of supplies arranged neatly inside a nearby cabinet. The wide room is quite chilly, and a thin layer of frost coats the top of a table that stands predominantly in the center of the room. A row of metallic lockers lines one wall, each one closed tightly with a padlock.
You also see a wide portal.
Obvious exits: east.

Nearby cabinet:

In the glass cabinet you see a glass box filled with arcane supplies, a stack of washcloths and some small jars.


Although almost thoroughly cleaned, a hint of dried blood remains visible on the very edges of the table.  
Whoever cleaned it last must have missed a spot.

Row of metallic lockers:

Thin vents open the sides of the locker just slightly, allowing air to flow out.  
A strange metallic odor comes from the locker.

[Abasha's Office, Laboratory]
Bizarre contraptions decorate every corner of the room, ranging from a seat surrounded by scalpel knives dangling on hooks, to a clockwork machine covered in dials and switches. Metallic creations that seem part of a vast experiment clutter one corner of the long rectangular room, a white sheet covering it partially. A large desk in the corner is piled high with papers, most depicting bizarre alchemical formulas or mathematical equations.
You also see a narrow door.
Obvious exits: west.

Bizarre contraptions:

A tangled mess of wires and gears, the contraption doesn't look like there's a 
snowball's chance in the void of turning on, let alone actually working properly.

Vast experiment:

Whatever it was, it's clear that the experiment was a massive failure.

Large desk:

Made from a durable steel, the desk looks sturdy enough to fend off any accidents that might occur in the laboratory.

Scattered papers (on desk):

A tangled mess of formulas and alchemical symbols, the papers depict 
either the secrets of the universe or absolute gibberish.  Possibly both.
On the large desk
Item Price Done
large tray of red and green star-shaped cookies 0   !!

[Hidden Den of Scope Creep]
Only about the size of a broom closet, the little room has pitch black walls lined with numerous shelves, each one stacked to the brim with knickknacks. The room is lit from above by a single gaethzen orb that flickers occasionally with an unsteady light. Shoved into the back, large boxes pile up to the ceiling, each one labeled with a sloppily written card.
You also see a narrow door and a wooden crate filled with rejected silks.
Obvious exits: none.

Numerous shelves:

On the wooden shelf you see a pile of assorted knickknacks, a half-built epic quest, 
a failed verby thing, a giant project and an unfinished wedding build.

Pile of assorted knickknacks (on shelf):

None of the various knickknacks look anywhere near finished, and a few look like hideous abominations 
that have grown well past what they were originally intended to be.

Half-built epic quest (on shelf):

The quest looks like it will be truly epic.  Once it's finished, that is.  
Right now, it's not really worth looking into all that deeply.

Failed verby thing (on shelf):

A thick layer of dust covers the strange item, and it is very difficult to tell just what it is.  
A dusty looking note says, "Finish after Project XYZ."

Giant project (on shelf):

The project looks like it's probably a new area that ended up much larger than was originally intended.

Unfinished wedding build (on shelf):

Though some of the items look like they might eventually be lovely, the majority of them have spelling and grammar errors.

Large boxes:

Judging from the labels, the boxes appear to be filled to the brim with merchandise, perhaps from past festivals and other events.  
Each one is sealed tightly shut and locked with a padlock.

Wooden crate:

A large sign on the front says 'DO NOT USE'.

Inside the crate:

In the wooden crate you see a bolt of bright green silksilk, a bolt of crimson red sandsilk, 
a bolt of pale white ragesilk, a bolt of bright yellow cheesesilk, a bolt of pitch black deathsilk, 
a bolt of abyssal grey doomsilk, a bolt of dark green orangesilk and a bolt of green and tan tacosilk.
silksilk: It's almost certain that the silk was designed as a joke, but it's hard to be absolutely sure.
sandsilk: It's quite unclear why this particular silk is red and not sand-colored.
ragesilk: It seems almost as if the cloth was scowling, ready to lash out.
cheesesilk: A merry bright yellow color, the cheesesilk is thin and looks more like cheesecloth than a real silk.
deathsilk: This length of fabric looks almost alive and ready to eat anyone it touches.
doomsilk: Just looking at this piece of cloth is like staring into the void. It stares back at you.
orangesilk: For some reason, the orangesilk can be any color except for orange.
tacosilk: Little speckles within the fabric resemble ground beef.

[Abasha's Office, Temporal Rift]
Crackling tongues of fire and lava dance constantly across the sky and at the horizon, though it's not clear what exactly is burning. A faint acrid odor hangs in the air, and the zigzagging pathway is made up of charred ground that drops off steeply on either side, with tongues of flame licking up from the infinite void below. Waves of heat flicker through the air, and constant rivers of lava make rivers that end in falling sheets of magma that drop down into nothing.
You also see a crackling red portal.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast.


A bright orange glow comes from the flowing lava, occasionally pierced by white hot light whenever the crust shifts.

[Abasha's Office, Surface of Yavash]
Protected from the toxic atmosphere by a glass structure that is roughly triangular in shape, the tiny section of the moon Yavash is lit from above by the red clouds that rapidly swirl through the sky. The ground is made of a dark grey rock that creates strange formations, twisting upward into impossible shapes aided by the moon's weak gravity. Low mountains that resemble piles of ash rise from the landscape outside.
You also see a crackling red portal.
Obvious exits: northeast, southeast.

Glass structure:

The glass wall prevents the choking, miasmatic atmosphere from coming into the shelter, while still offering a full view of the landscape.

Dark grey formations:

Spiraling lazily upward into the air, the structures appear to be too fragile to stand, yet still manage to.
When you GET the formation:
You reach out toward the fragile formation, but the glass structure is in the way.  Too bad it's the only thing keeping you alive.

Low mountains:

The low mountains appear to be swept into place by the wind, and occasionally a black cloud of dust trickles from the top of one of them.

[Abasha's Office, Surface of Yavash]
Perched on the edge of a cliff, the glass structure looks out onto an enormous and completely circular crater that stretches out to nearly the horizon's edge. Fingers of some unknown liquid creep along the crater's surface, pooling in the exact center of it and giving it a slightly metallic tinge. The sky churns and swirls above it in ominous curtains of red, occasionally stirring up dust and debris from the ground in flame-like tornados.
Obvious paths: south, southwest.

Enormous crater:

Wisps of red mist cling to the rocky surface of the crater, moving slowly and lazily like apathetic ghosts haunting a barren landscape.
When you GET the crater:
The crater is on the other side of the glass.  That's probably a good thing, because it looks deadly.

Unknown liquid:

The metallic liquid looks similar to quicksilver, but with a reddish green tint to it.

[Abasha's Office, Surface of Yavash]
Large rock formations dot the landscape outside the glass structure, stretching up toward the red sky in thin filaments that nearly touch the clouds. Roiling red clouds fill the entirety of the sky above, offering little view past them. A dim red glow suffuses the entire landscape, giving the dark grey rock a reddish tinge along their edges.
Obvious exits: north, northwest.

Rock formations:

Stretching upward with thin tendrils that resemble branches, 
the odd formations create a forest comprised of whisper-thin tendrils of stone.
When you GET the formation:
You're inside a glass structure that separates you from the thin tendrils.  About all you can do is put your hand on the glass wall and smudge it up slightly.

Glass structure:

The glass wall prevents the choking, miasmatic atmosphere from coming into the shelter, while still offering a full view of the landscape.

[Abasha's Office, Temporal Rift]
Showers of sparkling glitter fall in a constant stream from the sky, which sparkles with light brightening the edges of the horizon. The streams of glitter create enormous mounds and waves of the sparkling substance, with only one small route kept clean by walls of force. Some larger gems sparkle among the piles of multicolored glitter, though much too far out of reach from the safety of the cleared path.
You also see a glitter-covered green portal.
Obvious exits: southwest.

Multicolored glitter:

The pile of glitter is larger than a house.  
It would surely be more than enough to cover the entire Northern Trade Route in glitter.

Tap or Get the glitter:

You attempt to <verb> some of the glitter, but it just gets everywhere.  What a mess.

[Abasha's Office, Tranquil Meadow]
Wild and untamed expanses of knee-deep green grass stretch out to the north, the large field closed in by woods on all other sides. Small patches of dandelions hide among the taller grasses, blooming a bright yellow with long stems. The wide grassy meadow is dotted with small hills, gently sloping and creating miniature valleys filled with streams that continue into the distant woods.
You also see a glitter-covered green portal.
Obvious paths: north.


The constantly burbling water runs through a shallow valley between two of the gently sloping hills.
  • Note: the stream has water.

[Abasha's Office, Tranquil Meadow]
Wildflowers dot the vast expanse of vibrant green grass, with vibrant blue geraniums growing between bushes of pale yellow ghostflowers. Tiny purple violets grow in large numbers at the edge of the thick woods, filling the air with a subtly sweet aroma that carries on the breeze. A bubbling stream trickles through the vibrant meadow, with cattails growing at its edges.
Obvious paths: north, south.

Bubbling stream:

The trickling stream winds its way lazily through the grass, attracting insects and occasionally animals.
  • Note: the stream has water.

[Abasha's Office, Tranquil Meadow]
The meadow ends at a tiny pond surrounded by trees, the bright green grass fed by the constant water running through the area. Next to the serene pond, a long fallen log serves as a makeshift bench, its surface covered in a thick layer of moss. Wide branches from nearby trees shade the area, and a few branches hang downwards to brush the surface of the water.
Obvious paths: south.

Tiny pond:

A small stream runs from the pond, trickling lazily through the grass.

In the tiny pond you see some moss-coated boulders and some water.:

The tops of the boulders just barely peek above the surface of the water.
  • Note: the pond has water.

Fallen log:

The moss covering the log is a uniform green color, and is thick enough to act as a cushion.