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>>How do i tell what my current bonus is?

Step 1: Appraise a pouch and get the base appraisal value (if you can't get a certain appraisal, find someone who can) Step 2: Ask appraiser to appraise pouch, divide this number by the base appraisal value, subtract 1, and multiply by 100. This number will be an integer between 90 and 160. Step 3: Keep repeating Step 2 and writing down all the values you obtain, until the highest value you have ever written down minus the lowest value you have written down equal 20. Step 4: Your Trader bonus is "highest value minus 110" or "lowest value minus 90"

For example if a non-Trader does this, they would see values between 90 and 110 (i.e. Trader Bonus = 0, so values are between 90% to 110% of base appraisal). If a very high level Trader does it, the values would be between 140 and 160 (i.e. Trader Bonus = 50%, which is the maximum).

This test should first be done without Spec Finesse to tell actual Trader Bonus, and then if you want to test how spec finesse changes things, you can do it again with spec finesse on. Things can be more complicated with spec finesse if you have 50% Trader Bonus, because then you won't have max minus min values equal to 20%
