Tools of the Trader: Difference between revisions

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(Created page with "{{Store At A Glance |Store Name = Tools of the Trader |Owner = n |NumRooms = 2 |Store Type = |Fest = Trader Mini-Fest |Coin ...")
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Line 3: Line 3:
|Owner = n
|Owner = n
|NumRooms = 2
|NumRooms = 2
|Store Type =
|Store Type = Trader,Container,Clothing,Food,Drink
|Fest = Trader Mini-Fest
|Fest = Trader Mini-Fest
|Coin = Kronars
|Coin = Kronars

Latest revision as of 22:55, 25 December 2012

Tools of the Trader
Event Trader Mini-Fest
# of Rooms 2
Store Type Trader shops, Container shops, Clothing shops, Food shops, Drink shops
This store only accepts Kronars

[Tools of the Trader, Sales Floor]
The interior of this caravan is the epitome of organization -- there's a place for every item, and every item has a place. A cloak rack stands tall in one corner at the end of a counter, adorned with a multitude of fabulous garments draped from every side. Opposite the counter, a long table rests pushed up against the wall. To complete the symmetrical design, a trunk sits in the corner directly opposite the rack. You also see a shoe tree with some stuff on it, a feedbag display with some stuff on it, an abacus stand with some stuff on it, and a door.
Obvious exits: north.

On the cloak rack
Item Price Done
A large parchment notice reads: "Please be certain you are purchasing the correct cloak by getting it first and confering with the clerk. There will be no refunds."
exquisite triptych cloak 125,000   No
textured tapestry cloak 125,000   No
flowing traveler's cloak edged with curling gypsy knotwork 56,250   !!
dark traveler's cloak stitched with a mass of writhing serpents 62,500   No
richly beaded traveler's cloak 50,000   No
road-worn traveler's cloak 37,500   !!
soft fur cloak trimmed with pristine white fox tails 75,000   No
heavy greatcloak with a thick mane of clouded arzumos fur 75,000   !!
thick leather greatcloak painted with a pattern of shimmering dragon scales 50,000   !!
elegant black gentleman's greatcloak 56,250   !!
matted yak-hair cloak 37,500   !!
gaudy crazy-quilt cloak adorned with a multitude of miniature coin charms 56,250   No
On the narrow counter
Item Price Done
ironwood caravan care kit carved with various pack animals 2,881   No
thick leather rucksack painted with a pattern of shimmering dragon scales 12,500   No
soft fur rucksack with dangling white fox tails 12,500   !!
road-worn traveler's rucksack 12,500   No
textured tapestry rucksack 87,500   No
colorful traveler's rucksack draped with long silk ribbons 12,500   No
traveler's rucksack 12,500   No
elegant black traveler's rucksack 12,500   !!
canvas feed pouch 862   No
white linen feed pouch covered with grass stains 625   No
cerulean feed pouch stitched with tiny daisies 1,112   No
On the long table
Item Price Done
short blue brocade skirt with fine gold fringe along the hem 8,750   No
rich cashmere dress jacket with polished turtle-shell buttons 25,000   !!
elegant black shirt 7,500   No
soft spidersilk gown with a cluster of moonstones at the neck 30,468   No
smooth linen sundress stitched with large tropical flowers 6,250   !!
light cotton sundress embroidered with tiny white flowers 6,250   No
delicate sundress with rich shadow embroidery 6,250   No
crushed velvet tunic emblazoned with a large feathery chicken 2,500   No
elegant black trousers 1,250   No
fluid pearlescent blouse 6,250   No
flowing silk tunic clasped at the shoulder with a diamond brooch 50,000   No
finely tailored silk shirt with polished nacre buttons 7,500   No
On the brass-edged trunk
Item Price Done
dark ebonwood ledger case set with a deep red step-cut ruby 168,750   No
cut silver ledger case with gold velvet lining 168,750   No
white ironwood contract case inlaid with coins 225,000   No
ironwood contract case carved in bas-relief 212,500   No
On the shoe tree
Item Price Done
dainty dress slippers 1,250   No
glossy black dress shoes 3,000   !!
detailed tapestry slippers 750   No
soft slippers with flowing silken straps 562   !!
elegant black leather boots 18,202   No
On the feedbag display
Item Price Done
simple canvas feedbag 1,000   No
white linen feedbag covered with grass stains 812   No
cerulean feedbag stitched with tiny daisies 1,187   !!
large leather feedbag stitched with a plump yak 1,250   !!
cheery yellow feedbag constructed to resemble an ear of corn 1,562   No
On the abacus stand
Item Price Done
polished maple abacus with frosted glass beads 3,750   !!
fine black ironwood abacus with faceted crystal beads 6,250   !!

[Tools of the Trader, Waiting Area]
Mild gaethzen lights hang from a silvery chandelier that casts a gentle glow on all below it. Plush settees line the walls, providing comfortable places to relax. In the center of the room, a round ironwood table sits topped with refreshments of all kinds. You also see an arched ironwood doorway and an elegantly penned note.
Obvious exits: south.

An elegantly penned note reads:
"There will be no work done from at least day 279 to day 303. I have appointments elsewhere. 
Do not sit here and eat all my food while I am away. I will be quite cross if you do." 

On the ironwood table
Item Price Done
crystal dish filled with golden foil-covered chocolate lirums 0   No
silver platter filled with plump red strawberries covered with thin chocolate shells 0   No
glass yak filled with Trade Route Brandy 0   !!
silver urn filled with rich mocha coffee frothed with steamed milk 0   DG
faceted crystal pitcher filled with cold chocolate milk 0   DG