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ItemSource isRarity is
Item:Antique rosewood canopy bedDragon's Horde
Item:Azure ballgown with a corseted top and cascading tiers of gossamer skirtingNatural Beauty (1)
Item:Belted sash of windstorm gossamer accented with a stormfire topaz medallion
Item:Blouse (1)
Item:Blue gossamer sjarta blooms sprinkled with snow-white geshi pearlsIllwind & Sons Lucky Disaster Salvage Company, Illwind & Sons Lucky Disaster Salvage Co. (1)festival
Item:Bluefire velvet gown with an extravagantly ruffled windstorm gossamer trainDamsel In This Dress (3)
Item:Bodice (1)Miakoda's Fine Clothing
Breaking and Entering/Rooms and Loot/Material options
Item:Breeches (2)Ongadine's Garb and Gear
Item:Brightly colored butterfly doll with graceful gossamer wingsItem:Gemstone-studded dragonfly doll with delicate gossamer wings Animal Agenda
Item:BritchesMiakoda's Fine Clothing
Item:Broad-brimmed hatOngadine's Garb and Gear
Item:Cerulean velvet dress with a thin gossamer chemiseRefined Lady (2) Refined Lady (1)
Item:ChaperonOngadine's Garb and Gear
Item:ChaussesOngadine's Garb and Gear
Item:Chocolate silk garter edged with delicate white gossamerGalleria of Garters (1)
Item:Cloth-lined celestial charts detailed with inkBreaking and Entering/Sanctum lootcommon
Item:Cloudy blue windstorm gossamer tea towelTea For Tamsine (3) Tea For Tamsine (2)
Item:CoifOngadine's Garb and Gear