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 Potency is numberComplexity is numberPrecision is numberGrade is numberEbonus is
Silver statuette worked to resemble a kneeling man71magnitude, damage and accuracy (TM)
Silvery-black icon71magnitude, damage and accuracy (TM)
Tetractys of interlinked haledroth sigils81reduced activation time, damage (TM)
Misshapen lump81reduced activation time, damage (TM)
Eerily glowing blackened moonsilver crow with large gais eyes101083magnitude, damage and accuracy (TM)
Crystal-bone globe caught in a web of interlocking finivire twigs83reduced activation time, damage (TM)
Silvery grey animite sphere with stormfire topaz inlay82magnitude, damage (TM)
Massive vengeance ruby fireball82magnitude, damage (TM)
Shattered asarenjan pieces wrapped in soot-blackened cloth1082magnitude, fire damage added (TM)
Gnarled mistwood staff capped with an amber lump81reduced activation time, damage (TM)