Post:Updated end treasure (Ghost Ship, Gnome, Dunshade) - 12/13/2013 - 12:35

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Re: Updated end treasure (Ghost Ship, Gnome, Dunshade) · on 12/13/2013 12:35 PM CST 4793
Hey folks,

Some clarifications:

>>Are all of the backpacks of standard Crossings-style dimensions? No large containers etc.?
They are standard backpack sizes.

>>Can you tell us what the bird charm does?
Nikpack has it right; this bird charm is a repaint of the mechanical sparrow and weaves items from grass (not a whisper charm). Good question.

>>I'm curious as to what is meant by fluff messaging re: clockwork pendant
The pendant has a few fluff verbs in addition to being cambrinth.

>>I'd just like to know why there are a good selection of HT weapons out there on quests but no really good LT weapons
This has been passed on and we'll try to get some additional items, but I cannot guarantee if/when they'll be included.

>>moar runs
This request has also been passed up ;D

JGM Akkei Events and Assorted Mayhem

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia \ Paid Events / Quests, by DR-AKKEI on the forums.