Post:The likely future of our guild, please work on these. - 12/15/2009 - 16:50:01

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Re: The likely future of our guild, please work on these. · on 12/15/2009 4:50:01 PM 16690
>Lodged arrows do more damage, are harder to remove the deeper you lodge them.

Count on it.

> Bleeding becomes a serious hazard if left untended.

Count on it.

Making lodging actually a desirable result is high on the priority list, as is making bleeders actually dangerous. One thing I can and will say is that having something lodged in you or having a bleeder will drastically reduce your vitality recovery. This can be a Bad Thing (tm) if both are still doing damage over time to you in addition to severely retarding recovery rates.

- GM Dartenian

This message was originally posted in The Rangers (31) \ General Discussions (3), by DR-DARTENIAN on the forums.