Post:Ranged damage - 01/06/2013 - 16:49

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Ranged damage · on 01/06/2013 04:49 PM CST 1265
Alright, I reworked ranged damage a bit. A few things...

Base damage is the ammo's appraise.

The ranged weapon used modifies this based on its Power and the class of weapon it is. This is a rough comparison of weapon class:

Thrown < Sling < Staff Sling < Shortbow < Longbow < Comp Bow < Light Crossbow < Heavy Crossbow < Arbalest

Essentially, the shorter the RT the lower the base damage adjustment. No real way to make this visible in the appraise. Its kind of an old old hardcoded thing. When I get to writing bow making we'll see if something better can be implemented.

Finally, snap shots give no damage bonus, and fully aimed gives a moderate damage bonus.

You should notice a fully aimed bow shot is capable of doing a really good amount of damage now. As always, this took a lot of code edits and mistakes were possible. Please don't freak out if something seems off :P

Thanks for testing!

This message was originally posted in DragonRealms 3.0 \ Combat, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.