Post:Microtrans - A Discussion - 07/22/2011 - 21:15

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Re: Microtrans - A Discussion · on 07/22/2011 09:15 PM CDT 4138
<<Agreed. I'm sorry, but this whole conversation sounds like you're just planning wallet biopsies on all of us, and I'm not sure why some of you are drooling over the idea.>>

Considering that I've said a few times now that the entire idea is that you'd ideally be playing the same game and paying the same price for it, I'm not sure why you're concerned if other people would like to be able to pay more for a merchant, private hunting areas, an alteration, or access to special areas, exactly the same way that Premium subscribers who pay more now currently do.

And if you're Premium, I'll mention again that you'll also get the opportunity to pay less if there are only a few Premium Perks that appeal to you at all. You pay for the ones you want and get off cheaper.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Player \ General Discussions, by SIMU-SOLOMON on the forums.