Post:Inner Fire Boost/Storage - 10/28/2012 - 21:22

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Re: Inner Fire Boost/Storage · on 10/28/2012 09:22 PM CDT 581
Some bonuses are static #s, and some are %s. Generally speaking you'll cap the bonuses quicker, and the durations slower.

If you look at a form, there are two skill contests for Inner Fire skill. You have the passive regen reduction, which is an easier contest. Then you have the IF pulse cost reduction that is a much harder contest. The pulse cost isn't quite as big a deal, so it doesn't penalize you as much for doing poorly at it. However, reducing it still benefits you when dancing multiple forms at once...

For the Augmentation challenge you have one challenge for the potency (strength of the buff). It is an easier contest than the one for the duration. This allows us to front-load the benefit, and works identical to the spell system for the most part.

This message was originally posted in The Barbarians \ The Inner Fire, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.