Post:Consent based on guarding someone. - 08/20/2011 - 21:48

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Re: consent based on guarding someone. · on 08/20/2011 9:48 PM CDT 811
<In the other example if JoeShmo is killed by the person guarding and ends the conflict, Does JoeShmo get to retaliate on the person (that was) guarding?

Nope. JoeSchmo started it, and he lost. That's it. And he lost the consent on Bubba because he came after me instead. It really does make sense if you think it through!

We'd like it better of course if everyone was just OPEN profile and then we could say "we don't care, unless there's harassment or mech abuse, it's your conflict, NOGM!" :P

SGM Riel Mystsong,
CE Team Leader

This message was originally posted in DragonRealms Policy Discussions \ PvP combat policy, by SIMU-RIEL on the forums.