Post:Consent and Accuse - 4/7/2011 - 13:05:11

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Re: Consent and Accuse · on 4/7/2011 1:05:11 PM 21899
>>I also highly suggest reading up on some of the lore and policy rules of the guild before joining. I actually wish that before you finish the joining quest players were linked to this sort of info.

It's closing in on impossible to become a Necromancer without access to that information.

Coincidentally, this is sort of the reason I am so strongly against spoilers of content like this. We put in what I affectionately refer to as Teh Stupid checks for a reason, and I can take no responsibility that they have been so thoroughly circumvented.

This message was originally posted in The Social Side of DragonRealms (43) \ Conflicts - Strictly Out of Character (7), by DR-ARMIFER on the forums.