Post:Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 - 5/6/2011 - 20:49:53

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Re: Bards 3.141592653589793238462643383279 · on 5/6/2011 8:49:53 PM 10624
>>Will these abilities work on player characters and creatures alike?

Generally speaking abilities should both work on players and creatures, though there will be some exceptions or mechanical limitations since they aren't the same thing.


Quite honestly, this is a little more light hearted than the other abilities. I didn't want to push Bards into that direction (I'm of the view they have been pushed that way more than enough historically) but I don't mind a little touch of it.

Think Elan's Dashing Swordsman attacks.

Mechanically it'll be similar to performing a feint followed by an attack, but as one action.

>>1) Did you do away with the idea of giving us a suite of special Bard-specific weapon feats or were those just not included in this list?

See Riposte

>>2) There were a hand full of other planned screams--Have those been scrapped, are they planned for the future or something else entirely?

They have been unplanned. This list was comprehensive.


This message was originally posted in an unknown folder, by DR-RAESH on the forums.