Post:Armor Food for Thought - 09/29/2012 - 16:27

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Armor Food for Thought · on 09/29/2012 04:27 PM CDT 2615
I just completed some armor testing in 3.0, and wanted some feedback on the numbers.

100 hits were directed towards an opponent with the damage randomizer turned off, using a Tier 4 claymore.

We assume no armor is our 0% baseline.

First, the numbers with no armor skill -

Cloth - 18.5% damage reduction
Leather - 22.5% damage reduction
Chain - 33.0% damage reduction
Brigandine - 43.0% damage reduction
Plate - 47.0% damage reduction

Now, numbers with armor skill over what the enemy's offenses are -

Cloth - 32.8% damage reduction
Leather - 37.8% damage reduction
Chain - 41.2% damage reduction
Brigandine - 51.0% damage reduction
Plate - 58.8% damage reduction

Note that all armor used was Tier 3. From these numbers I see a clear progresion of increasing protection that is largely modified by skill. The light armors in particular depend just a litle more on skill than the heavy armors. Any thoughts? Our goal was to provide incentives for the Armor Primary/Secondary Guilds who will be the most likely Guilds to have armor skills trained to ranks comparable to the enemy types being hunted.

This message was originally posted in Combat - Weapons and Armor \ General Discussions, by DR-KODIUS on the forums.