Genie roleplayer highlights

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Revision as of 14:34, 3 May 2016 by RY4NPW (talk | contribs) (I don't use Genie, but figured this list could be useful.)
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This is a list of name highlights for characters actively involved in roleplay.

Last Updated: 5/3/2016



  1. Open your names.cfg file in Notepad. This file is stored in Genie's Config folder. You can find this folder by opening your Genie window, opening the File menu, and choosing "Open User Data Directory." By default, this folder is located at: %AppData%\Genie Client 3\Config\
  2. Copy and paste the above lines (beginning with #name) to your names.cfg.
  3. There should be no other entries for those names (this may/will conflict with Genie Order Highlights).
  4. Save.
  5. If you are running Genie when you make these changes, you will need to manually reload your names file to see the changes. To do this, send the following command to Genie: #name clear;#name load


  1. Open your substitutes.cfg file in Notepad. This file is stored in Genie's Config folder. You can find this folder by opening your Genie window, opening the File menu, and choosing "Open User Data Directory." By default, this folder is located at: %AppData%\Genie Client 3\Config\
  2. Copy and paste the above lines (beginning with #subs) to your substitutes.cfg.
  3. Make sure there are no other entries for those names. If there are, delete the other ones.
  4. Save.
  5. If you are running Genie when you make these changes, you will need to manually reload your names file to see the changes. To do this, send the following command to Genie: #sub clear;#sub load


#name {#B58900} {Ahneya}
#name {#B58900} {Anabasis}
#name {#B58900} {Basteht}
#name {#B58900} {Bellicia}
#name {#B58900} {Briaen}
#name {#B58900} {Broichan}
#name {#B58900} {Ceindrech}
#name {#B58900} {Ciressa}
#name {#B58900} {Ciroce}
#name {#B58900} {Dartellum}
#name {#B58900} {Damoza}
#name {#B58900} {Derhael}
#name {#B58900} {Destren}
#name {#B58900} {Dianelle}
#name {#B58900} {Drexella}
#name {#B58900} {Emyrose}
#name {#B58900} {Gwenddolyn}
#name {#B58900} {Haileyann}
#name {#B58900} {Hazelnut}
#name {#B58900} {Ianhanse}
#name {#B58900} {Ishadi}
#name {#B58900} {Isharon}
#name {#B58900} {Jessalyne}
#name {#B58900} {Kaelie}
#name {#B58900} {Kenamer}
#name {#B58900} {Kheldas}
#name {#B58900} {Rairken}
#name {#B58900} {Khaelyn}
#name {#B58900} {Kintalia}
#name {#B58900} {Klines}
#name {#B58900} {Komeri}
#name {#B58900} {Lilustra}
#name {#B58900} {Liurilias}
#name {#B58900} {Lomelinde}
#name {#B58900} {Maiyra}
#name {#B58900} {Mandalynn}
#name {#B58900} {Marcul}
#name {#B58900} {Marsin}
#name {#B58900} {Mazrian}
#name {#B58900} {Mistanna}
#name {#B58900} {Munchausen}
#name {#B58900} {Navesi}
#name {#B58900} {Nahvani}
#name {#B58900} {Padhg}
#name {#B58900} {Perune}
#name {#B58900} {Razhak}
#name {#B58900} {Saragos}
#name {#B58900} {Sarkranis}
#name {#B58900} {Sebestyen}
#name {#B58900} {Sendithu}
#name {#B58900} {Shaidval}
#name {#B58900} {Sideron}
#name {#B58900} {Sijan}
#name {#B58900} {Soonuh}
#name {#B58900} {Temmel}
#name {#B58900} {Vaniotte}
#name {#B58900} {Voyle}
#name {#B58900} {Whiteburn}
#name {#B58900} {Xionara}
#name {#B58900} {Xzean}