Post:Sprout - 02/10/2012 - 08:09

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Re: Sprout · on 02/10/2012 08:09 AM CST 1101
>>Can someone help me understand why Healers need to increase their ability to detect stealth, how is that benefiting Empathy? I can definitely see the question about Sprout since a Foraging buff is definitely beneficial to finding herbs used to heal wounds, but I fail to see how that is going to make you all better healers.

There's a lot more to the Empath guild than healing, just as there's a lot more to the Warrior Mages' Guild than setting stuff on fire. It's the Empath Guild, not the Healers Guild, just as we have the Warrior Mages and not the Pyromancers.

A perception buff has been discussed, but there's always a bit of give and take when it comes to these things, and I think the setup we'll have with perceive health and the new spells is best setup of the various possibilities. I don't really want to go deeply into what was discussed behind the scenes among staff for obvious reasons, but it's something that we've talked about.

This message was originally posted in The Empaths \ Magic and Empath Spells, by DR-MELETE on the forums.