Post:Weapon/armor tier - 06/16/2013 - 09:50

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Re: Weapon/armor tier · on 06/16/2013 09:50 AM CDT 2860
The problem with this is Tier is a range, can be somewhat subjective and is completely OOC. We also have no way of detecting that a piece has special properties that counts as a +Tier boost on it, for example. I realize that in cases like the auction people want a quick way to see if something is worth bidding on... but that takes out some of the risk and IMO distills the game down to nothing more than a Diablo clone.

Once Alchemy is out I do need to revisit COMPARE and make it more useful. Let's see how that ends up going.

This message was originally posted in Discussions with DragonRealms Staff and Players \ Suggestions for DragonRealms (Overall), by DR-KODIUS on the forums.