Asketi's Stop (1)

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[Asketi's Stop, Front Room] The flickering flame of a carved pumpkin hanging from the ceiling provides the only source of illumination in this ominously quiet tent. An errant breeze emanates from further within, causing the flame to cast eerie shadows across the walls. Hanging limply from one wall, a tattered out-of-place banner proclaims "Happy Jeolandu!" in a bold, broad script. Despite outward appearances, the merchandise is neatly organized on cloth-covered tables and chests. You also see a billowing black curtain. Also here: Medicine Man Mordibar. Obvious exits: north. !>look on table On the cloth-covered tables you see a large wooden spoon covered in pumpkin seeds, a carving knife covered with pumpkin innards, a blackened sword etched with a multitude of severed heads, a blackened skull-crushing mace carved with a multitude of severed heads, a blackened horseman's bow painted with a multitude of severed heads and a blackened bastard sword etched with a multitude of severed heads. !>look on other table I could not find what you were referring to. Citizen Pureblade came through a billowing black curtain. !>look on chest On the cloth-covered chests you see a ghostly-white leather mask, some ghostly-white double leathers, some ghostly-white leather gloves, a balaclava painted to resemble rotting flesh, some chain mail painted to resemble rotting flesh and some mail gauntlets painted to resemble rotting flesh. Medicine Man Mordibar went through a billowing black curtain. !>look in chest There is nothing in there. Citizen Pureblade went through a billowing black curtain. !>n [Asketi's Stop, Back Room] Two chipped wooden chairs, crudely painted with images of unicorns and adders, stand next to a clean table in the middle of the room. An oddly shaped window opens at the rear, positioned in such a way to focus any puff of air into the front of the tent. You also see some wooden chairs with some stuff on it and a clean table with some stuff on it. Also here: Sticky Fingers Breydon. Obvious exits: south. !>look on chair On the wooden chairs you see a rough burlap hip pouch, a rough burlap backpack and a rough burlap duffel bag. !>look on other chair I could not find what you were referring to. !>look table You see nothing unusual. !>look on table On the clean table you see a small box, a front-laced silk shirt embroidered with an adder climbing up the right arm, a pair of fitted leather pants embroidered with an adder climbing up the left leg and some snakeskin boots with blackened steel toe caps.