Visions of Holiness (1)

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Visions of Holiness
Event Holy Festival 392
# of Rooms 4
Store Type Armor shops, Clothing shops, Miscellaneous shops, Weapon shops
This store only accepts Dokoras

[Visions of Holiness, Rebirth]
Polished mahogany walls reflect the light from rows of pale ivory candles in flame-shaped gold sconces. The lush velvet carpet is patterned with swirling phoenix feathers, their bright crimson and gold hues mirrored in a pair of gold-framed portraits depicting the death and resurrection of the mythical bird. A narrow ebonwood table stands near an arch leading to the shopping areas, while a wide door leads back outside.
Obvious exits: none.

[Visions of Holiness, Ritual]
Several white-robed clerks stand behind the long counter, ready to assist customers with their selections. Near the archway leading to the front room is a tall ebonwood rack, while a glass-topped table stands against the opposite wall. A long wooden shelf hangs behind the counter, within easy reach of the smiling clerks.
Obvious exits: northeast, east.

On the ebonwood rack
Item Price Done
polished onyx jar etched with a ruby-eyed adder ?   No
pale green crystal jar etched with a wren surrounded by a group of fae ?   No
bright blue crystal jar beaded with tiny gold lions ?   !!
white ceramic jar painted with a tabby cat sleeping before a fire ?   !!
polished onyx jar etched with an intricate maze of spiderwebs ?   !!
fiery crystal jar stoppered with a golden phoenix ?   !!
small placard -   
On the glass-topped table
Item Price Done
velvet-lined grey sack embroidered with a wavering death spirit ?   !!
velvet-lined indigo sack embroidered with a leaping dolphin ?   !!
velvet-lined crimson sack embroidered with a fiery phoenix ?   !!
velvet-lined bright green sack embroidered with a rearing unicorn ?   !!
velvet-lined dark onyx sack embroidered with a striking cobra ?   !!
small note -   
On the wooden shelf
Item Price Done
sea-blue crystal vial sculpted to resemble a leaping dolphin ?   No
slender jade vial etched with wandering ivy vines ?   No
translucent crystal vial capped with a rearing gold unicorn ?   No
polished onyx and ruby vial ?   !!
slender silver vial etched with a thirteen-point star ?   No
gem-encrusted platinum vial capped with a polished onyx raven ?   !!
flame-polished gold vial inlaid with an amber phoenix ?   !!

[Visions of Holiness, Ceremony]
Simply furnished with a low, velvet-draped table and a tall ebonwood rack, this corner of the wagon is softly illuminated by pale ivory candles. Soft robes hang from a row of shiny hooks above the table, while a cedar chest has been tucked underneath.
Obvious exits: west, northwest.

On the shiny hooks
Item Price Done
flowing nightsilk robes ?   !!
leaf green silk robes clasped with a gold san'ati tree ?   !!
soft white cotton robes adorned with downy owl feathers ?   !!
ceremonial robes of stiff crimson silk ?   !!
white samite robes woven with sparkling platinum threads ?   !!
white samite robes woven with sparkling gold threads ?   !!
white samite robes woven with sparkling silver threads ?   !!
ceremonial robes of stiff sapphire silk ?   !!
dark indigo silk robes embroidered with a pattern of crashing waves ?   !!
royal blue silk robes embroidered with roaring gold lions ?   !!
On the velvet-draped table
Item Price Done
brightly polished platinum prayer beads ?   No
brightly polished gold prayer beads ?   No
string of golden amber prayer beads ?   No
brightly polished animite prayer beads ?   No
string of polished onyx prayer beads ?   No
faceted onyx prayer beads clasped with a polished silver shark ?   No
brightly polished silver prayer beads ?   !!
On the ebonwood rack
Item Price Done
leaf green silk devotional pouch embroidered with gold sana'ati trees ?   !!
gold spidersilk devotional pouch adorned with tiny onyx ravens ?   !!
bright silk devotional pouch embroidered with a wild-eyed shrew ?   !!
pale beige wool devotional pouch embroidered with a placid cow ?   !!
sapphire silk devotional pouch clasped with a silver dolphin ?   !!
crimson silk devotional pouch embroidered with tiny gold phoenixes ?   !!
ebony silk devotional pouch beaded with tiny ruby scorpions ?   !!
tattered canvas devotional pouch ?   !!
ebony silk devotional pouch ?   !!
pale blue wool devotional pouch embroidered with orange and white tabby cats ?   !!
watered silk devotional pouch ?   !!
In the cedar chest
Item Price Done
gold silk sandals dangling tiny onyx charms ?   No
gold silk sandals with supple leather soles ?   !!
soft leather sandals embossed with mischievous raccoons ?   No
soft leather sandals dangling tiny ivory charms ?   No
silver silk sandals dangling tiny sapphire dolphins ?   No
crimson silk sandals dangling tiny golden phoenixes ?   !!
black silk sandals dangling tiny onyx charms ?   No

[Visions of Holiness, War]
Luxury contrasts with utility in this corner of the wagon. The thick velvet carpets are covered with weapon stands, and weapons hang on the polished mahogany walls. A smiling clerk stands behind a silk-draped counter flanked by a pair of sturdy weapon racks, while a graceful glass-topped table rests between a tall armor stand and an open iron cabinet.
Obvious exits: southeast, southwest.

On the armor stand
Item Price Done
brightly polished mail hauberk with a golden thirteen-point star woven over the heart ?   !!!!
crimson-hued chain hauberk fashioned to resemble swirling phoenix feathers ?   !!
black and grey hunting leathers mottled in distinctive cobra skin pattern ?   !!
ebony field plate formed from interlocking scales to resemble an exoskeletal scorpion ?   !!!!
creamy ivory and gold leathers embossed to resemble a striped cat's fur ?   !!
supple black hunting leathers embossed with hundreds of bright golden eyes ?   !!!!
On the mahogany wall
Item Price Done
heavy iron mace with a polished yew handle ?   
sturdy iron komno etched with a horde of running boars ?   
spiked steel mace with a sharkskin-wrapped grip ?   
darkened iron komno ?   
In the iron cabinet
Item Price Done
darkened steel nimsha etched with a sinuous cobra ?   
polished golden schiavona inset with a trio of dark onyx stars ?   
dark steel broadsword etched with a lithe panther that curls up the blade ?   !!
wave-etched schiavona with a sharkskin-wrapped basket hilt ?