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Property:Min protection is
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Description: A property for listing the minimum protection a shield provides.
Type: String
Allows Value: none, very poor, poor, rather low, low, fair, better than fair, moderate, moderately good, good, very good, high, very high, great, very great, impressive, very impressive, tremendous, incredible, god-like
There are currently 1211 items in this property, 978 of which are incomplete, and 415 of which are outdated. |
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "god-like", "unbelievable", "tremendous", "incredible", "amazing", "very impressive", "impressive", "very exceptional", "exceptional", "very great", "great", "very high", "high", "very good", "good", "moderately good", "moderate", "better than fair", "fair", "low", "rather low", "poor", "very poor", "dismal", "terrible", "extremely terrible", "none" ] } }