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Property:Impact protection is

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Revision as of 03:06, 12 June 2008 by CARAAMON (talk | contribs) (New page: '''Type:''' has type::Number '''Allowed values:''' allows value::0 - none, allows value::1 - poor, allows value::2 - low, allows value::3 - fair, [[allows value::4 - m...)
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Type: Number

Allowed values: 0 - none, 1 - poor, 2 - low, 3 - fair, 4 - moderate, 5 - good, 6 - high, 7 - great, 8 - extreme, 9 - incredible, 10 - impressive, 11 - god-like

Showing 20 pages using this property.
The request is being processed and may take a moment. Preparing...
{ "type": "PROPERTY_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", "constraints": { "type_constraint": "_txt", "allowed_values": [ "no", "poor", "low", "fair", "moderate", "good", "very good", "high", "very high", "great", "very great", "extreme", "exceptional", "incredible", "amazing", "unbelievable" ] } }