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In her own words:

I always knew I'd be a healer. I guess you could say I was born into it: my mother became Moda of Ilithi when Xonei and I were only six years of age. My earliest memories are of running in and out the buildings that served as our guildhall at various points, of winding bandages and crushing herbs and holding clammy hands.

When my mother stepped down from the position, and there seemed to be some uncertainty over whether Xonei or I would replace her, I was relieved that they chose Xonei. I'm no diplomat; I haven't the head for it. I'd rather be among the people I care for. I feel I belong there, and that I'm needed. Nothing hurts me more than not being able to fix the injuries I see. When my Ferdahl was taken so cruelly, I thought I might never recover.

Shard has been through so much. We are a strong and beautiful city that has seen strife in waves over the many years. We persevere, but there are still wounds in our core. I don't know if I can heal those, but I can at least be here to try.

K'miriel Lystrandoniel is a tall Elothean woman with long shimmering silver hair and crystal blue eyes. She is wearing a soft purple blouse over black linen trousers. On a hook nearby hangs a dark grey houpelaude trimmed with light grey and deep purple silk ribbon.

As K'miriel talks with the members of her guild, age and pain drop away from her animated face. During quiet moments, they return, etching deep lines of sorrow and suffering. She loves her work and her guild, but the price of such love is clear.

The city of Shard is a beautiful city on the surface, but it houses great danger. It is K'miriel who suffers from the weight such danger brings, for it is she who must repair the damage. She carries the burden with dignity and serenity, never complaining because it is the life she has chosen. She turns to meditation to help soothe and balance herself, to let the part of her mind that she expends during healing rest while she explores internally with the other parts. It wouldn't be unusual, then, to find her listening to the fountain in the Empath lounge in Shard, or wandering in the woods or gardens in and around the city during moments when she can step away from her office.

Her serenity shouldn't be viewed as a weakness, however. K'miriel is passionate about the things she cares for: her guildmembers, her guild hall, the healing arts and things related. People who disregard life infuriate her, especially when their disregard affects others around them. She understands the necessity of war and battles in some cases; she does NOT understand the compulsion for some to return to areas they are not prepared to be in, with no care for those around them. Her passion on this topic is so well known that some of the other Guildleaders tease her about the lightning coming from Stormwill Tower, saying that it's really coming from her rather than the Warrior Mages.

K'miriel does her job efficiently and with great skill, making her much admired in her profession. What she enjoys most, though, are moments in which she gets to entertain and be social, whether it be attending a town function, or hosting a tea for another Guildleader or player.