
From Elanthipedia
Revision as of 05:16, 24 November 2010 by CARAAMON (talk | contribs) (updated maces and morning stars, more coming soon)
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You see Keep of the Holy Templates Caraamon, God of Elanthipedia, a Hunk.

Heyo, I'm Caraamon, Gor'Tog Barbarian. I've been playing DR for about 12 years now and ......

Let's change topics before I become depressed about getting old.

My areas of interest are (gasp) Barbarians, Gor'Togs, and combat. So that's what I'll be working on.


You can contact me via my Talk page or poke me at CaraamonDR on the AIM.


I forge the following blunts:

Those items marked with a star are recent creations. More additions available soon.

Weapon Pierce Slash Blunt Balance Suitability Construction Weight
mace dismal dismal moderate inadequately fairly average 26
mace dismal dismal moderate fairly fairly marginally 26
mace dismal dismal s. heavy inadequately fairly average 32
mace dismal dismal heavy inadequately decently average 39
mace dismal dismal v. heavy inadequately decently marginally 48
mace poor dismal great poorly reasonably marginally 54
mace poor dismal severe dismally reasonably average 70

Weapon Pierce Slash Blunt Balance Suitability Construction Weight
Morning Star poor dismal heavy dismally fairly average 30
Morning Star poor dismal v. heavy dismally decently average 36
Morning Star poor dismal great dismally reasonably average 43
Morning Star low dismal great dismally reasonably average 46
Morning Star low dismal v. great dismally reasonably average 48
Morning Star low dismal severe terribly soundly average 55

Weapon Weight Pierce Slash Blunt Balance Suitability Construction
flail 33 poor dismal heavy dismally decently average
flail 36 poor dismal very heavy dismally reasonably average
flail* 40 poor dismal great dismally reasonably average
flail 60 poor poor severe terribly well average
flail 85 poor poor mighty terribly well average

Weapon Weight Pierce Slash Blunt Balance Suitability Construction
war mattock 42 s. fair s. fair great dismally soundly a bit
war mattock (not updated) 49 low low great dismally well well
war mattock* 51 s. fair s. fair severe dismally well a bit
war mattock 77 fair fair very extreme terribly superbly a bit
war mattock 88 fair fair very mighty terribly incredibly a bit
war mattock 109 fair fair devestating terribly incredibly a bit