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Hindrance is a representation of how hard it is to move in an armor. A piece of armor's hindrance can be estimated by appraising it. The higher the hindrance, the less chance there is to evade attacks or perform stealthy actions while wearing it.

Order of Hindrance (Ascending):

  • unhindered
  • insignificantly hindered
  • lightly hindered
  • fairly hindered
  • somewhat hindered
  • moderately hindered
  • very hindered
  • highly hindered
  • greatly hindered
  • extremely hindered
  • overwhelmingly hindered
  • insanely hindered

Different types of armor are more or less hindering, with Heavy plate generally being the most hindering armor type and Cloth generally the least hindering. However, you character's skill in the specific armor type will reduce the hindrance of every piece of armor in that type. Some of the less hindering armors (e.g. Leather Armor) can have their hindrance completely trained away by raising your character's skill in that armor high enough. Additionally, certain guilds have an easier time reducing the hindrance of certain armor types.