Really not sure how to make this fit, so I'll just post from my recollection and who ever wishes to flesh out the article go for it.
There was an invasion of undead in Crossing. During the invasion, along with the typical treasure, three tiny blood dolls were dropped and eventually picked up by Matrimcauthon, Bluewither and Sigarra. After some time the three with the dolls were brought together and the dolls combined to form the Blood Figure, who's name was obviously taken from the characters who found the doll.
Mawitherarra was very child-like simple in his logic and reasoning. When he was afraid, upset, or angry undead were sure to invade. He was subject to tantrums much like a toddler. A lot of his behavior was learned by his interaction with those who surrounded him. --Paschein 20:06, 28 March 2008 (CDT)