Khri Silence

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Thief thumb.jpgThief Guild
Requirements: Unknown
Slot Cost: Unknown
Difficulty: Unknown
Type / Skill: khri, khri / Unknown
Use Cost: 26 Concentration
Contest: Unknown vs. Unknown
Path: Unknown
Description: Crow nods and signs, "Sometimes you just don't want to be seen. While this won't make it impossible, it'll make it so that others' eyes will just glide right over you if they aren't looking hard. It has the end effect of making you invisible, although you really aren't."
Crow adds, "If something disrupts Silence, you'll be able to get it started again with enough time."
Effect: , , , , Through strength of mind, the Thief can mostly remove themselves from the perception of those around them. If disrupted, it is possible to restart this low visibility state after some time.
Messaging: You allow all thoughts and desires to cease, silencing themselves. As your mind wills itself into nothingness, so too does your presence.

  • Gives a form of invisibility similar to magical invisibility which seems to be weaker than Hiding. Allows one to do things such as walk about town without being seen (and without sneaking roundtime) or collect things from a grave.
  • Provides no hiding or stalking boosts that are visible with MARK.
  • Seems to grant an increased bonus against detection while Hiding. Testing with Khri Darken, Silence and Focus at 245 Stalking, and 239 Hiding against the Shard guards, was able to cap Escaping five times--over the course of roughly 40 minutes--by sitting in front of a guard without being noticed once. On the other hand, as soon as Silence would end would usually quickly be spotted. Being out of hiding with just Silence on gets spotted even quicker.

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