Don't Miss A Ring

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Don't Miss A Ring
Event Hollow Eve Festival 450
# of Rooms 1
Store Type Mail shops
This store only accepts Kronars

Don't Miss A Ring

[Don't Miss A Ring, Salesroom]
Thick canvas walls hang from the sturdy tent poles while the peaked roof soars overhead. A few counters display the merchandise that glitters under the lantern light.
You also see Attendant Vyn and a tent flap.
Obvious exits: none.

On the oak counter
Item Price Done
gold signet ring 25,000   No
acenite signet ring 18,750   No
brass signet ring 6,250   No
covelite signet ring 62,500   No
electrum signet ring 18,750   No
copper signet ring 6,250   No
iron signet ring 6,250   No
pewter signet ring 6,250   No
platinum signet ring 75,000   DG
razaksel signet ring 18,750   No
silver signet ring 9,375   No
steel signet ring 9,375   No
On the lunat counter
Item Price Done
white gold signet ring 50,000   No
rose gold signet ring 75,000   No
blue gold signet ring 1,250,000   No
green gold signet ring 375,000   No
black gold signet ring 250,000   No
aldamdin signet ring 250,000   No
coralite signet ring 2,500,000   No
kelpzyte signet ring 2,500,000   No
niello signet ring 187,500   No
darkstone signet ring 250,000   No
vardite signet ring 562,500   No
loveglass signet ring 250,000   No
silversteel signet ring 750,000   No
On the silverwillow counter
Item Price Done
coralite stamp seal 4,000,000   No
gold cylinder seal 25,000   No
steel cylinder seal 12,500   No
gold stamp seal 25,000   No
silversteel cylinder seal 1,500,000   No
loveglass cylinder seal 500,000   No
niello stamp seal 250,000   No
brass stamp seal 12,500   No
silver stamp seal 12,500   No
silversteel stamp seal 1,500,000   No
kelpzyte cylinder seal 4,500,000   No

Attendant Vyn

You've overheard others asking Vyn about a number of topics, including types, styles, symbols, shapes, choose, orders, finish, and status.


Attendant Vyn points at a nearby parchment listing the possible types:

    1) baroque                            2) bent                               3) blocky                           
    4) broad                              5) bulky                              6) chunky                           
    7) circular                           8) cracked                            9) curved                           
   10) delicate                          11) elaborate                         12) elegant                          
   13) fancy                             14) gaudy                             15) huge                             
   16) intricate                         17) large                             18) little                           
   19) massive                           20) modest                            21) narrow                           
   22) ornate                            23) oval                              24) petite                           
   25) plain                             26) round                             27) rounded                          
   28) simple                            29) sinuous                           30) slender                          
   31) slight                            32) slim                              33) small                            
   34) spartan                           35) square                            36) stark                            
   37) tapered                           38) tawdry                            39) thick                            
   40) thin                              41) twisted                           42) warped                           
   43) wide                             

[ASK VYN TO CHOOSE TYPES {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding your signet item.  When finished, ASK VYN ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]
[Note that if you ask for an option that is already present, Vyn *will* take your coins for attempting the work!  Vyn also isn't responsible for your goofy choices -- it's your time and coin!]


Attendant Vyn points at a nearby parchment listing the possible styles:

    1) chased                             2) debossed                           3) embossed                         
    4) engraved                           5) etched                             6) incised                          
    7) scratched                          8) worked                             9) wrought                          

[ASK VYN TO CHOOSE STYLES {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding your signet item.  When finished, ASK VYN ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]
[Note that if you ask for an option that is already present, Vyn *will* take your coins for attempting the work!  Vyn also isn't responsible for your goofy choices -- it's your time and coin!]


Attendant Vyn points at a nearby parchment listing the possible symbols:

    1) acorn                              2) albatross                          3) ale-filled mug                   
    4) anchor                             5) badger                             6) balloon                          
    7) bell                               8) blood wolf                         9) boar                             
   10) bobcat                            11) boobrie                           12) bull                             
   13) bunch of grapes                   14) burning torch                     15) butterfly                        
   16) curled-up cat                     17) sitting cat                       18) stalking cat                     
   19) tabby cat                         20) centaur                           21) cantering centaur                
   22) chalice                           23) chicken                           24) cobra                            
   25) coiled snake                      26) comet                             27) cornucopia                       
   28) cow                               29) coyote                            30) howling coyote                   
   31) crab                              32) crane                             33) crescent moon                    
   34) crocodile                         35) crown                             36) dog                              
   37) dolphin                           38) donkey                            39) dove                             
   40) dragon                            41) flaming dragon                    42) flying dragon                    
   43) duck                              44) erupting volcano                  45) eye                              
   46) falcon                            47) faiyka                            48) feather                          
   49) jellyfish                         50) exploding fireball                51) firecat                          
   52) flaming anvil                     53) flickering flame                  54) fox                              
   55) frog                              56) gargoyle                          57) ghost                            
   58) goat                              59) goblin                            60) goshawk                          
   61) gremlin                           62) gryphon                           63) hanged man                       
   64) hangman's noose                   65) harp                              66) hawk                             
   67) heart                             68) hedgehog                          69) heron                            
   70) sprig of holly                    71) honeybee                          72) horseshoe                        
   73) hourglass                         74) hummingbird                       75) iladza                           
   76) imp                               77) ivy vine                          78) jackal                           
   79) jaguar                            80) jug                               81) kelpie                           
   82) key                               83) kingsnake                         84) kitten                           
   85) knight on horseback               86) kraken                            87) lamb                             
   88) lantern                           89) leaping fish                      90) leopard                          
   91) leucro                            92) lightning bolt                    93) lily                             
   94) lion                              95) lit candle                        96) lizard                           
   97) lobster                           98) lotus                             99) lute                             
  100) lyre                             101) magpie                           102) maple leaf                       
  103) mermaid                          104) mongoose                         105) monkey                           
  106) mouse with cheese                107) musical notes                    108) needle and thread                
  109) negeri blossom                   110) nyad                             111) oak leaf                         
  112) octopus                          113) oil lamp                         114) open book                        
  115) orc                              116) orlog                            117) otter                            
  118) owl                              119) ox                               120) padlock                          
  121) pair of dice                     122) palm tree                        123) panther                          
  124) parrot                           125) peacock                          126) pelican                          
  127) pen and inkwell                  128) peony                            129) phoenix                          
  130) pine cone                        131) pine tree                        132) plow                             
  133) pumpkin                          134) racoon                           135) raindrop                         
  136) ram                              137) rat                              138) raven in flight                  
  139) rearing horse                    140) rearing unicorn                  141) roaring lion                     
  142) rooster                          143) rosebud                          144) running horse                    
  145) sailing ship                     146) sana'ati dyaus leaf              147) set of scales                    
  148) scarecrow                        149) scorpion                         150) rolled up scroll                 
  151) scythe                           152) seahorse                         153) seven-pointed star               
  154) shallow basin                    155) shariza                          156) shark                            
  157) sheaf of grain                   158) flock of sheep                   159) shrew                            
  160) shrike                           161) skeleton                         162) skull and crossbones             
  163) skunk                            164) snail                            165) snarling wolf                    
  166) snow-capped mountain             167) snowbeast                        168) snowflake                        
  169) spider in a web                  170) spoked wheel                     171) sprite                           
  172) squirrel                         173) stack of books                   174) stack of coins                   
  175) stag                             176) stork                            177) storm goose                      
  178) striking adder                   179) sunburst                         180) sunflower                        
  181) swamp troll                      182) swan                             183) target                           
  184) tart                             185) telescope                        186) thistle                          
  187) thundercloud                     188) tiger                            189) toadstool                        
  190) togball                          191) tombstone                        192) triskele                         
  193) turkey                           194) turtle                           195) umbrella                         
  196) unicorn                          197) Vela'tohr blossom                198) velver                           
  199) viper                            200) wand                             201) weasel                           
  202) wedge of cheese                  203) welkin                           204) whale                            
  205) willow tree                      206) windmill                         207) wineglass                        
  208) witch's hat                      209) wolf                             210) wolverine                        
  211) woodpecker                       212) wren                             213) wyvern                           
  214) yak                              215) yeehar                           216) zombie                           
  217) monogram of the letters "C.V."   

[ASK VYN TO CHOOSE SYMBOLS {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding your signet item.  When finished, ASK VYN ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]
[Note that if you ask for an option that is already present, Vyn *will* take your coins for attempting the work!  Vyn also isn't responsible for your goofy choices -- it's your time and coin!]


Attendant Vyn points at a nearby parchment listing the possible shapes:

    1) circle                             2) hexagon                            3) octagon                          
    4) oval                               5) rectangle                          6) square                           
    7) triangle                         

[ASK VYN TO CHOOSE SHAPES {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding your signet item.  When finished, ASK VYN ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]
[Note that if you ask for an option that is already present, Vyn *will* take your coins for attempting the work!  Vyn also isn't responsible for your goofy choices -- it's your time and coin!]


Attendant Vyn points at a nearby parchment listing the possible orders:

  1) a (symbol) (style) within (type) (shape)
  2) a (type) (shape) around (style) (symbol)
  3) a (type) (symbol) (style) into (shape)

[ASK VYN TO CHOOSE ORDERS {#} to select the option you're interested in while holding your signet item.  When finished, ASK VYN ABOUT FINISH to review and confirm.]
[Note that if you ask for an option that is already present, Vyn *will* take your coins for attempting the work!  Vyn also isn't responsible for your goofy choices -- it's your time and coin!]