Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09292024/The Immortals Act

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The Immortals Act
Event Date: 09/29/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 450 years, 209 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 6th month of Arhat the Fire Lion in the year of the Golden Panther.
It is currently summer and it is night.
You think it's approaching the Anlas of Starwatch.

Visions Received

Note: These visions were received by the respective five individuals and are shared with their permission for documentation purposes. They were not visible to everyone.

Shaylynne: Everild
The ground around you seems to tremble with a silent authority.

Time slows, and the air takes on a golden light. Everything goes silent.

Before you stands a towering figure, wrapped in the scent of blood and iron, with eyes burning with battle-fueled rage. At his side, a massive reddish-gold boar snarls, its face twisted in a scream of unrelenting fury. Razor-sharp tusks gleam in the dim light, bared ferociously at some unseen foe. Yet, for all its ferocity, the boar's presence carries an unexpected comfort, a promise of unyielding strength in the face of any storm.

As you reach out to touch the boar, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. Through the quick succession of flashes you see the Knife Clan encasement, a patch of withering blue irises beset, and a glimmer of golden light waning at the top of the spire.

The towering figure says, "The time has come to blaze a new trail. Mixed magic is the key. Stand before the last encasement and cast all that you can, for we will forge a salvo that is anathema to them, and free Knife Clan. Tell them. And hurry."

The figure slams his spear into the ground, and a golden-silver haze suffuses the area, fading with starlight crackles. The boar lets out a final, ear-splitting snort, echoing with battle cries, as He and boar vanish. The scent of iron and blood fades, replaced by the deafening silence of an empty battlefield.

Aaiyaah: Truffenyi
The air around you hums with a silent authority.

Time slows, and the air takes on a golden light.

Everything goes silent.

A stalwart figure emerges, clothed in simple and rustic garments, his gaze paternal and stern. By his side, an enormous ox with rigid eyes lumbers forward, its coat cast with tawny hues. There's a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the lessons of hard-won battles.

As you reach out to touch the ox, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. Through the quick succession of flashes you see Knife Clan encasement, great siege weapons, drakes plummeting from the sky, and a glimmer of golden light waning at the top of the spire.

The man says, "We call on you now to serve. Mixed magic is the key. Stand before the last encasement and cast all that you can, for we will forge a salvo that is anathema to them, and free Knife Clan. Guide Our children. Tell them what must be done. Hurry."

The man smiles and a warm glow intensifies for a moment, then dims, leaving you with a renewed sense of strength and stamina. The smell of tobacco lingers in the air. He and the ox vanish.

Eyst: All Immortals
The air around you hums with a silent authority.

Time stops, and there is nothing but agony.

The air around you feels suddenly burdensome as though many eyes gaze upon you in authoritative judgment. A snarl echoes across your mind, and you are battered by the significance of Their rage, their disappointment, their... yearning for your return. A cadre of voices hiss in your ear, full of malice and contempt, understanding and empathy, strength and honesty. Making out any specific words or phrases is impossible, yet a message still lives in the madness. A command yet unspoken, a truth carried from the complex order of divine law. You feel guilty.

Your ritual knife rings, as if struck by an unseen force. A flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. Through the quick succession of flashes you see the last encasement.

As the voices subside, you are overcome by a sense of deficiency. Still, strangely, you feel full of purpose and urgency.

Tirost: Meraud
A figure cloaked in the deepest black steps forward, his tall staff crackling with barely contained power. Beneath a deep hood, no face can be seen, only the glint of hidden eyes. A low growl rumbles through the stillness as a massive black wolf pads to his side, its eyes fixed on you. Its tail wags slowly, not out of joy, but as if beckoning you closer. There's a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from the darkened depths.

As you reach out to touch the wolf, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. Through the quick succession of flashes you see Knife Clan encasement, a patch of dry, brittle vine set aflame, and glimmer of golden light waning at the top of the spire.

The man says, "Mixed magic is the key. Stand before the last encasement and cast all that you can, for we will forge a salvo that is anathema to them, and free Knife Clan. Tell them. And hurry. Lymira needs you."

The man slams his staff into the ground, and a golden-silver haze suffuses the area, fading with starlight crackles. He and the wolf vanish and you are left with a distinct feeling of purpose, filled with a knowledge you barely recall consuming.

Maintain: Firulf
The air around you hums with a silent authority.

Time slows, and the air takes on a golden light. Everything goes silent.

A cloaked figure steps forward, his black marbled staff crackling with a silvery energy. Beneath a deep hood, you're unable to make out his face, only the glint of hidden eyes. Upon his shoulder perches an owl, its watchful eyes fixed on you. There's a message in its gaze, a command yet unspoken, a truth it carries from eons of foreknowledge.

Entranced by the owl's gaze, a flurry of disparate images fight in the back of your mind for expression. Through the quick succession of flashes you see Knife Clan encasement, an unbalanced equation, drakes plummeting from the sky, and a glimmer of golden light waning at the top of the spire.

The figure says, "Humble one. Mixed magic is the key. Stand before the last encasement and cast all that you can, for we will forge a salvo that is anathema to them, and free Knife Clan. Tell them. And hurry."

The figure holds out his staff towards you. Instinctively, you reach out to grasp it, only to be bewildered by a battery of lightning. A golden-silver haze suffuses the area and you are left with a distinct feeling of wisdom and of knowledge you barely recall consuming. He and the owl vanish.

How it Began - The Immortals Call

[The Healerie, Combat Wing]
The corridor widens here, the ceiling arching upwards in a dramatic vaulted style from which lanterns hang to provide lighting. A practice mat, complete with a display that holds an impressive-sized shield, provides space for training defensive maneuvers and healing while in the thick of combat. Set behind a painted paper screen depicting battle, a circle of soft chairs surrounds a table topped with a decanter and a vase of pink dahlias. You also see a copper lockpick ring, a metallic lockpick ring, a stone seat and some junk.

Tirost hesitantly asks Kethrai, "...Have you seen Nawain lately?"

Crobin gets a telothian serrated parazonium from inside his multi-strapped carryall.

Rileos says to Kethrai, "I ain't so sure, if he's hard like stone he'll surely impact better."

Elurora slowly says, "I think I will go remind myself how many paces from the clan that gate is."

Illiya takes a tiny bite of a dreamy coconut creme cupcake covered in chunky strawberry puree and crystalline sugar and chews daintily on it.

Kethrai says to Tirost, "Not in an andu or two..."

Elurora bows.

Lady Knight Elurora goes west.

Kethrai angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Tirost.

Tirost nods.

Misteeus fiddles with the ends of his mustache.

Misteeus slowly braids his beard.

Tirost says to Kethrai, "I was just concerned about her... condition."

Kethrai asks Tirost, "Why do you ask?"

Illiya takes a tiny bite of a dreamy coconut creme cupcake covered in chunky strawberry puree and crystalline sugar and chews daintily on it.

Tirost says, "The marking on her neck since she came back."

Kethrai says, "Ah. Well... I don't know that there's anything to be that worried over. At least... She's seemed fine, medically."

Tirost nods to Kethrai.

Shaylynne gets a miniature silverwood panda cub wearing a smoky blue jaalmin loincloth from underneath a softly padded silverwillow chair.

Kethrai says, "And as determined and in good spirits as ever."

Rileos says to Tirost, "She was just at the auction, looks doin well to me since she was yellin and hollerin with everybody else."

Valynn glances at Shaylynne.

Tirost grins at Rileos.

A beam of golden light suddenly bathes Aaiyaah. They blink as their gaze focuses on a specific point. You turn to see, but can't spot what they are looking at.

Tirost nods.

A beam of golden light suddenly bathes Tirost. They blink as their gaze focuses on a specific point. You turn to see, but can't spot what they are looking at.

Aerilia blinks.

Valynn glances at a softly padded silverwillow chair.

Shaylynne puts her cub under a softly padded silverwillow chair.

A beam of golden light suddenly bathes Shaylynne. They blink as their gaze focuses on a specific point. You turn to see, but can't spot what they are looking at.

Kethrai blinks.

* Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

Avrenka blinks.

Misteeus stands up.

Illiya grins at Shaylynne, her dimples flashing into view.

Rileos slowly empties his lungs.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

* Messenger Miraena joins the adventure.

Rileos says, "Here we go again."

Avrenka says, "That looks familiar."

Aerilia stands up.

Misteeus raises an eyebrow.

Valynn grins at Shaylynne.

Rileos grasps his chin roughly and jerks it to the side. You hear a loud pop and see him visibly relax.

Aerilia gazes at Tirost.

Anuril nods to Rileos.

Kethrai says, "Spells up everyone."

Dasheek whistles a merry tune.

Shaylynne blinks.

Casari peers quizzically at Shaylynne.

Dasheek asks, "Anyone want some Warrior Mage buffs?"

Rileos gets a leaf-bladed Imperial spear bound in crimson fabric along its etched bronze shaft from inside his war belt.

Rileos flourishes his Imperial spear about in a butterfly pattern.

Misteeus stretches his arms.

Avrenka asks, "Anyone want a buff?"

Aaiyaah ponders.

Aaiyaah gazes off into the distance.

You notice as a spotted storm-grey lynx with piercing blue eyes pads into the room.

The storm-grey lynx begins to watch the goings on carefully.

Kethrai gazes silently at Aaiyaah.

Tirost appears to completely block out the world about him.

Illiya asks, "Does anyone need healing?"

Aaiyaah asks, "Does, anyone else....see that?"

Rileos shakes his head at Aaiyaah.

Tirost kneels down.

Kethrai shakes his head at Aaiyaah.

Illiya asks, "See what?"

Faenella's Fist Salubrie goes west.

Aaiyaah gazes off into the distance.

Rileos asks Aaiyaah, "Just you, what'd you see?"

An expression of wonder flickers over Tirost's face.

Illiya observes Aaiyaah with fascination.

Valynn shakes her head at Aaiyaah.

Misteeus shakes his head at Aaiyaah.

Kerennya says, "I wouldn't say no to that WM buff that helps armor."

Shaylynne nods to Aaiyaah.

Tirost gazes at his surroundings with a curious look on his face.

Kerennya asks, "YS?"

Aaiyaah says, "We are being called to serve....Mixed magic is the key..."

Tirost says, "What..."

Kethrai says to Kerennya, "'Helps' is an overstatement..."

Shaylynne says, "I saw...something."

Dasheek ponders.

Casari stares blankly into the distance.

Avrenka says to Kerennya, "Here's my buff. You are a nice person, and everybody likes you."

Tirost stands up.

Illiya asks, "Serve?"

Crobin says, "Buffing."

Avrenka beams at Kerennya!

Kerennya smiles at Avrenka.

Aaiyaah says, "We need to be standing before the encasement....and call all that we can. Knife Clan, we need to be there now."

Crobin says, "Ready."

Dasheek winks at Crobin.

Tirost says, "Meraud came in a vision. We must go to the Knife Clan and used mixed mana."

Illiya says to Avrenka, "I could use one of those."

Leayne softly says, "Not quite."

Aaiyaah says, "Everyone on Crobin."

Avrenka joins Crobin's group.

Tirost exclaims, "Quickly!"

Aerilia nods to Tirost.

Rileos asks Aaiyaah, "Then why are we still here?"

Shaylynne says, "I saw the same from Everild."

Firehawk Casari goes west.

Kethrai joins Crobin's group.

Rileos joins Crobin's group.

Aerilia joins Crobin's group.

Crobin says, "Moving in 10."

Anuril sighs.

Illiya joins Crobin's group.

Dasheek joins Crobin's group.

Anuril joins Crobin's group.

Leayne softly says, "No."

Misteeus joins Crobin's group.

[General] Your mind hears Tirost thinking, "Meraud has called us to the Knife Clan. We must use mixed mana casting there. Please hurry!"

Leayne softly says, "Buffing you."

Avrenka exclaims to Illiya, "You're smart, you're brave, you're kind, and you're strong!"

Crobin says, "Waiting."

Tirost flips the lid on his silversteel tankard closed.

Tirost puts his tankard in his sling bag.

Illiya beams at Avrenka!

[General] Your mind hears Maintain thinking, "Firulf has blessed this lowly monk with wisdom. He calls for the mixing of magic before the encasement of Knife Clan."

Rileos puts his spear in his war belt.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Eskerith just left.

Illiya takes a huge mouthful of a dreamy coconut creme cupcake covered in chunky strawberry puree and crystalline sugar and gnaws heartily on it.

Illiya finishes off her coconut creme cupcake.

Illiya rubs her hands together.

[General] Your mind hears Madigan thinking, "Recived. Thank you all."

Crobin asks, "IS everyone have spells up?"

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Knight of Meraud Tirost drifts west.

Illiya says, "Hope we get to kill some stuff."

Dasheek nods.

Thanator nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Thanator rubs his hands together.

Dasheek says, "Spells been up, spells staying up."

Valynn frets.

Shaylynne holds her breath.

Rileos says, "Been ready, let's get this party wrapped up."

Rileos runs his fingers through his hair.

Shaylynne nods.

Kethrai says, "Ready."

Ruea just arrived.

Aerilia nods.

Valynn nods to Crobin.

Ruea raises an eyebrow.

Crobin says, "Leayne is getting one more."

Rileos glances at Ruea.

Kethrai says to Ruea, "Join Crobin."

Rileos says, "Wait, I'm having a vision from the gods too."

Ruea joins Crobin's group.

Aaiyaah says, "I saw the Ox...Truffenyi...gave me this direction."

Rileos squints at Ruea.

Jundara joins Crobin's group.

Purn joins Crobin's group.

Anuril smirks at Rileos.

Leayne softly says, "Almost."

Illiya nods to Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah asks, "What did you see Shay?"

Rileos chuckles.

Ruea says to Kethrai, "I like it when you're bossy."

Ruea winks at Rileos.

Avrenka blinks.

Leayne softly says, "Ready."

Kethrai says, "Let's have further discussions at the encasement."

Crobin says, "Moving in 5."

Leayne nods.

Crobin says, "Moving."

Fearless Crobin saunters west, leading his group.

Knife Clan

[Wilderness, Edge of the Primal Encasement]
An abrupt line slashes across the forest here, the tree line ending with a stark immediacy and with the ground cleared. To the north, a crater descends gently downward, encased in a veritable wall of snapping and writhing thorny vines that constantly churn the land and create an impassable barrier. Extending upward into a vague teardrop pinnacle from which erupts a golden beam of light, the lifesculpted spire occupies the same space Knife Clan previously occupied. You also see a pale avaes runestone.

Caledric offers Madigan a goblet of dandelion wine.

Madigan says, "I'll go drop another if things get spicy. I am guessing we will need our brains more than our brawn this go around."

Madigan accepts Caledric's dandelion wine.

Madigan bows to Caledric.

Raising his roasted coffee to Caledric, Madigan gives him a toast.

Caledric weaves the e'erdream wand through a serpentine series of gestures. A flagon of Tezirah ale appears in his right hand!

Madigan puts his wine in his traveler's pack.

Caledric exclaims, "Ahh there we go, a good Ale!"

Caledric holds a flagon of Tezirah ale high into the air for all to see.

Malkien says, "Meraud loves a good crossword puzzle."

Ryeka grins at Caledric, her dimples flashing into view.

Madigan grins.

Caledric takes a sip of his ale.

Hodierna's Hand Rhainn just arrived, gliding in from the south on her white-winged unicorn at a slow pace.

Elizzibiana offers Whynd a ceramic jug of partially congealed blood-ale.

Caledric says, "We offered prayers to Kertigen yesterday. I'm sure he'll lend us his aid."

Whynd accepts Elizzibiana's congealed blood-ale.

Deathbeing scans the area briefly.

Elizzibiana says, "Never even drank it."

Madigan asks, "I am curious what Immortals might jump in the fray for the assault on Knife Clan?"

Whynd sweeps a dapper black top hat sporting amber dice with black pips off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.

Elizzibiana chuckles.

Caledric takes a sip of his ale.

Caledric takes a sip of his ale.

Caledric gasps and chokes as his face takes on a bright reddish hue!

Whynd weirdly says, "Is a delicacy of drinks among the Skra......that I lived with."

Grinning, Whynd pulls a swig from a ceramic jug of partially congealed blood-ale.

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Whynd puts his blood-ale in his scavenger's pack.

Elizzibiana says, "I didnt even see it, and I dont drink things others give me."

Ezerak doffs his top hat.

Elizzibiana chuckles.

Shavay just arrived.

Caledric gets an enormous rainbow-glazed cupcake on a stick from inside his oversized haversack.

Caledric begins to carefully examine an enormous rainbow-glazed cupcake on a stick.

Madigan grins at Elizzibiana.

Light of the World Gwenddolyn just arrived.

Whynd weirdly says, "Pardon me for trying to be generous then."

Elizzibiana says to Gwenddolyn, "Sorry, wasnt referring to your banner, someone was whispering something to me."

Caledric examines an enormous rainbow-glazed cupcake on a stick.

Caledric puts his cupcake in his oversized haversack.

Gwenddolyn chuckles.

Caledric gets a kertig throwing hammer from inside his oversized haversack.

Gwenddolyn says, "I added one before and after Mad's just in case."

Ryeka pets a gold-eyed blue point kitten.

Elizzibiana says to Whynd, "Is okay, I just dont trust qua'rin."

Madigan praises Gwenddolyn.

Ryeka chuckles.

Malkien says, "The Banner sandwich..."

Whynd nods to Elizzibiana.

Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples.

Madigan grins.

Buzan hums to himself.

Caledric picks up an amber bottle of Snake Bite scotch.

Buzan nods.

Gwenddolyn says, "It works well for the moongate to triage to be in the middle to."

Caledric says, "All this good booze just going to waste..."

Elizzibiana says, "Especially because folks have been ahh tampering with drinks lately."

Madigan asks, "Ryeka, where are you keeping yourself nowadays? Zoluren?"

Ezerak scans the area briefly.

Caledric guzzles down some of his scotch and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Caledric guzzles down some of his scotch and then smacks his lips and wipes them with his sleeve.

Malkien says, "Booze is free for anyone."

Caledric lets loose with a loud belch and rubs his belly!

High Priestess Maraisel just arrived.

Damoone picks up an amber bottle of Snake Bite scotch.

Ezerak hugs Maraisel, who wraps her arms around Ezerak with a warm smile.

Maraisel hugs Ezerak, who wraps his arms around Maraisel with a warm smile.

Maraisel smiles.

Damoone holds an amber bottle of Snake Bite scotch high into the air for all to see.

Ryeka says, "Mostly Ilithi- But I have been in Zoluren to deal with the clan situation."

Shar'Elur Whynd goes northeast.

Buzan picks up a bottle of passionfruit vodka.

Damoone takes a sip of his scotch.

Madigan nods to Ryeka.

Madigan smiles at Ryeka.

Ryeka says, "And to try to help with our missing."

Elizzibiana gets a snifter of Indakar nectar from inside her spidersilk pack.

Buzan takes a drink of his passionfruit vodka. He begins to look very wobbly, and crumples to the ground in a very uncomfortable-looking position. Strangely, he doesn't seem very bothered by it.

Caledric asks, "Anyone mind if I say a quick prayer?"

Buzan looks happy, and like he doesn't want to move much.

Ryeka snaps to attention and hails Caledric with a crisp hand salute.

Dragon Zealot Elizzibiana goes south.

Madigan says, "Have at it Father."

Damoone praises Caledric.

Madigan smiles at Caledric.

Caledric kneels down.

(Caledric closes his eyes and raises his forging hammer to the sky)

Buzan gets a rather glazed look on his face.

Caledric recites:

   "O mighty Kertigen, Master of craft and forge, Guardian of treasures and patron of the skilled, I humbly beseech you in this hour of dire need. Your strength is known to those who work with hands of skill and hearts of iron, and your wisdom guides the creations of jewelers, blacksmiths, and traders alike. I come before you, not seeking wealth or protection from thieves, but asking for your divine intervention in a greater cause."

Dragon Zealot Elizzibiana just arrived.

Caledric recites:

   "The Knife Clan, once proud and free, now lies ensnared by the Heralds, those ancient beings who seek to choke the lifeblood of magic from our realm. Their towering forms wield power beyond mortal comprehension, and under their cruel gaze, the very essence of magic falters. Spells that once flowed like the rivers now stagnate, and the people of Knife Clan suffer under the weight of their oppression."

Caledric recites:

   "You, O Kertigen, whose hands have forged the finest of weapons and strongest of armors, know better than any that without freedom, without the ability to create and shape our destiny, we are lost. I call upon your might to shatter the chains the Heralds have woven around our people. May your favored workers, the leprechauns, guard not only your treasures but also the essence of magic itself, keeping it safe from those who would see it smothered."

Caledric recites:

   "Let your raven, the symbol of your power, soar over the land, striking fear into the hearts of those who stand against us. May the weight of your hammer fall upon the Heralds, and may your forge burn bright with the fire of our freedom. Guide us, O Kertigen, in crafting a future where magic flows once more, where the Knife Clan is free, and where the realm is bathed in the light of prosperity and strength."

Shar'Elur Whynd just arrived.

Caledric recites:

   "In your name, I ask this, for only with your aid can we hope to reclaim what has been lost."

Buzan looks very unfocused and seems to be staring at nothing with a blissful smile on his face.

Caledric prays fervently.

Whynd joins Buzan's group.

Caledric stands up.

Caledric nods.

Ryeka smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Buzan seems to be relaxed, but a bit sad.

Shavay asks, "All these people and no classes?"

Shavay clucks his tongue and shakes his head.

Ryeka nods to Caledric.

Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples.

Madigan asks, "What would you like Shavay?"

Damoone begins to listen to Deathbeing teach the First Aid skill.

Caledric says to Shavay, "I'm a classless fellow."

Shavay says, "Evasion always works."

Ryeka laughs!

Buzan grins at Whynd.

Holy Vengeance Imroth just arrived, leading his group.

Shavay tips his cavalier hat.

Imroth raises his hand in a quick salute.

Madigan says, "Always a good subject."

Shavay begins to listen to Madigan teach the Evasion skill.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Imroth with a crisp hand salute.

Shavay quickly salutes Madigan by bringing two fingers to his brow.

Whynd gets a smoothly carved mikkhalbamar pipe from inside his cigar case.

Ryeka nods in agreement.

Whynd sighs.

Malkien says, "Madigan is almost an avatar of dodging around with the plate on, quite impressive."

Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples.

Whynd studies the faces around him.

Madigan chuckles.

Imroth grins.

Ryeka dances a lively jig!

Madigan gestures.

Imroth says, "That is impressive."

Ryeka asks, "Like that?"

Ryeka winks at Madigan.

Shavay says, "Madigan: The Moving Immovable Object."

Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples.

Gwenddolyn says, "Some of us can hide in full plate."

Gwenddolyn grins, revealing her dimples.

Whynd puts his pipe in his cigar case.

Ryeka chuckles.

Madigan says, "Spry. That's me."

Madigan makes a grunting noise.

Whynd snaps the top of his cigar case into place.

Shavay chuckles.

Ryeka nods in agreement.

Ryeka grins, revealing her dimples.

Imroth chuckles.

Whynd gets a kertig awl pike with a tempered blade from inside his war belt.

Whynd leans on his pike.

Caledric glances at a black gold dragon with a spiked tail.

Caledric glances at Madigan.

Caledric puts his dragon in his oversized haversack.

Madigan says to Caledric, "Great prayer Father."

Madigan smiles at Caledric.

Caledric nods.

Damoone praises Caledric.

Caledric says, "Thanks, I can only hope he answers our call."

Ershta Zehira traipses south.

Madigan says, "Just so."

Malkien adds to Caledric's praises.

Damoone glances up at the sky.

Ershta Zehira just arrived.

Damoone takes a sip of his scotch.

Whynd removes a pale silver prayer bead chain from his wrist.

Whynd kneels down.

Gwenddolyn says, "I will go refresh banners in 10 roisen."

Damoone scans the area briefly.

Whynd prays fervently.

Imroth nods.

Whynd rubs a pale silver prayer bead chain.

Shavay glances at Whynd.

Lady Knight Elurora just arrived.

Shavay casually observes the area.

Madigan stretches his arms.

Madigan adjusts his half plate.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Damoone bows to Elurora.

Whynd raises an eyebrow in Shavay's direction.

Elurora bows to Damoone.

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Shavay asks, "No Hounds lurking around for you today, are there?"

Whynd looks at Shavay and shrugs.

Damoone takes a sip of his scotch.

Whynd weirdly says, "Dont care."

Whynd stands up.

Malkien scans the area briefly.

Whynd attaches a pale silver prayer bead chain to his wrist.

Elizzibiana cleans her red cloak, smoothing out the wrinkles and creases, giving special care to the stitched symbol of the Crossing town guard.

Istercal just arrived.

Shavay asks, "Maybe try a large hat?"

You hear a voice say, "Who are you praying to? Because thats odd."

  • Holy Guardian Unaka joins the adventure.

Buzan giggles.

  • Messenger Miraena joins the adventure.

Whynd weirdly says, "And Buzan I pray to the ones I feel worthy of it."

Malkien nods amiably.

Buzan grins at Whynd.

Forest Watcher Damoone goes south.

Zehira coughs.

Sclerotia just arrived.

Severei stands up.

Whynd weirdly says, "Eylhaar and Phelim."

Forest Watcher Damoone just arrived.

Damoone joins Malkien's group.

Zehira rolls her eyes.

Holy Guardian Unaka just arrived.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

You hear a voice say, "Pathetic."

Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.

Istercal strolls south.

Malkien nods amiably at Unaka.

Elurora snaps to attention and hails Unaka with a crisp hand salute.

Ryeka lets out a hearty cheer for Unaka!

Zehira says, "Uhh."

Unaka nods.

Imroth snaps to attention and hails Unaka with a crisp hand salute.

Istercal just arrived.

Gwenddolyn grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Madigan grins at Unaka.

Hunter Hanryu just arrived.

Ryeka exclaims, "Heyo!"

Zehira says, "Yea."

Unaka flashes a wide grin.

Zehira gets a thin silver cigarillo case from inside her deathfiber carryall.

Zehira gets a long hazy purple cigarillo printed with bronze swirls from inside her cigarillo case.

Unaka says, "Hello all."

Zehira snaps the top of her cigarillo case into place.

Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.

Rhainn waves to Unaka.

Zehira gets a diminutive tin magma viper from inside her deathfiber carryall.

Hanryu searches around for a moment.

Shavay tips his hat to Unaka with a courteous nod.

Zehira points her tin viper at a long hazy purple cigarillo and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigarillo quickly catch fire.

Ezerak nods politely to Unaka.

You hear some heavy breathing.

You hear some heavy breathing.

Whynd shakes his head as if clearing it.

Zehira says, "You know what if you did I wouldn't even bat an eye dear."

Olinslag puts his mirliton in his goblin-hide backpack.

Unaka asks, "What's going on?"

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning hazy purple cigarillo.

Malkien says, "For now, we await a sign."

Buzan gazes up at the sky.

Unaka asks, "A sign, huh? What kinda sign?"

Istercal gets a thick prayer tome coated in broken gloamstone shards from inside his supply satchel.

Dawnsworn Briaen just arrived, leading his group.

Caledric rubs a kertig throwing hammer.

Ryeka says, "We're going to try to free Knife Clan now."

Istercal opens his prayer tome.

Whynd weirdly says, "To be carried away by a valkyrie of battle is not pathetic, unlike you in the shadows, Ive spent days in the spiral. ive seen both sides."

Ryeka nods to Unaka.

Imroth ponders.

Allye nods amiably at Unaka.

Briaen snaps to attention and hails Unaka with a crisp hand salute.

Firehawk Casari just arrived.

Unaka nods.

Caledric says, "A sign from the immortals."

Maintain bobs a brief, respectful bow towards Unaka.

Nawain stands up.

Severei stands up.

Ezerak waves to Casari.

Istercal puts his tome in his dreamweave pack.

Rhainn stands up.

Hanryu springs effortlessly to his feet!

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning hazy purple cigarillo.

Sukidesu just hugged Nawain.

Casari waves to Ezerak.

Elizzibiana leaps to her feet!

Whynd tilts his head, clearly curious about something.

Dragon Zealot Elizzibiana goes northwest.

Imroth says, "Sounds like a sorcery party is a-brewin'."

Nawain hugs Sukidesu, who wraps his arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Whynd gets a ceramic jug of partially congealed blood-ale from inside his scavenger's pack.

Nawain beams at Sukidesu!

Unaka says, "Ahh, I like that kinda sign. I'll be with you."

Zehira's hazy purple cigarillo glows faintly as it burns down.

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

Madigan says, "Everyone hear the gweth? If you desire to, please cast mixed mana spells."

Dragon Zealot Elizzibiana just arrived.

Gwenddolyn grins at Unaka, her dimples flashing into view.

Nawain straps her tyrium nodachi to a shimmering strip of faeweave dusted with opal butterflies.

Soul Surgeon Zynell just arrived, leading her group.

Elizzibiana asks, "Any clerics here that can cast Merauds blessing?"

Nawain nods.

Allye nods to Elurora.

A crash of shattering glass echoes through the area. You are overcome by a sense of wrongness.

Chelinde taps Damoone's nose.

Tirost asks Maintain, "You saw a vision too?"

Gragnel says to Unaka, "Oh, hey. It's me, Gragnel. Down here."

Imroth sighs.

Gragnel waves to Unaka.

Messenger Miraena just arrived.

Maintain takes a deep breath and then raises his hands, murmuring prayers under his breath. A strong white light fills him, exploding outward and blinding you momentarily. When the light fades Maintain seems to be floating a few inches above the ground while descending slowly to a standing position, looking exhausted but happy.

Allye quietly says, "Unfortunate."

Unaka blinks at Gragnel.

Casari moves over to guard Miraena.

Imroth glances at Miraena.

Ezerak waves to Riverlynn.

Unaka gazes down at the ground.

Unaka waves to Gragnel.

Miraena breathes heavily as she enters the area, having come in at a near run.

Gragnel smiles.

Elurora smiles at Miraena.

Malkien studies the faces around him.

Nawain nods to Miraena.

Miraena tiredly asks Casari, "Did I miss anything?"

Madigan makes a grunting noise.

Maintain says, "Meraud's blessing protects us in this place from the frailties of magic."

Casari looks at Miraena and shrugs.

Sukidesu rubs his kyanite gwethdesuan.

Casari says to Miraena, "If you did, I did."

Gwenddolyn nods at Maintain, obviously agreeing with his views.

Miraena nods to Casari.

Ezerak shakes his head at Miraena.

Imroth says, "Not really."

Tirost nods to Nawain.

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning hazy purple cigarillo.

Gwenddolyn says, "Going to refresh banners."

Shavay pats Madigan on the back.

Light of the World Gwenddolyn goes south.

Life Weaver Ysilda just arrived.

Zynell holds her hand out towards Imroth for a highfive.

Citizen Miraeven just arrived.

Ezerak says to Miraena, "We're all just sort of standing here."

Elizzibiana says, "Thanks Nawain."

Madigan nods to Allye.

Allye touches Madigan with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Whynd weirdly says, "You ask for mixed spell, ok."

Nawain nods to Elizzibiana.

Unaka says to Miraena, "They said we were waiting for a sign, and then we got one."

Forest Sprite Lileath just arrived.

Imroth and Zynell highfive each other.

Miraena tiredly says, "I ran as quick as I could when I heard Adventurer Tirost on that gweth."

Whynd puts his blood-ale in his scavenger's pack.

Gragnel asks Miraeven, "You are looking well, Miraena. Did you have any more free time to look over that book on the Immortals that I gave you?"

Whynd gets a terrible chunk of wyvern material from inside his scavenger's pack.

Tempest Knight Saragos just arrived, leading his group.

Gragnel laughs!

Zehira says, "He never was...my dear."

Langen Esturi Nilme just arrived.

Tirost says to Miraena, "Thank you, Miraena."

Severei says, "I didn't hear anything...I forgot to reset my gweth."

Gragnel says to Miraeven, "Excuse me."

Maintain says, "This humble monk makes no requests. He merely relayed the wisdom dispensed by Firulf."

Allye beams at Nilme!

A pained expression crosses Severei's face.

Unaka asks, "Did any of you see anything? A vision or something?"

Miraena nods to Gragnel.

Maintain nods to Unaka.

Eyst nods to Unaka.

Shavay smiles.

Unaka asks, "What did you see?"

Tirost says to Unaka, "Yes, from Meraud."

Gragnel says to Miraena, "Oh, you heard me."

Eyst says, "Indeed. It would seem several others have as well."

Caledric kneels down and touches his lips with the tips of his fingers.

Caledric prays fervently.

Allye hugs Nilme, who wraps her arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Miraena tiredly says to Gragnel, "Yes, I have been reading a bit of it. Thank you again for getting me a copy."

Saragos puts his rod in his leather holster.

Tirost sheathes his haralun sword.

Caledric prays fervently.

Miraena smiles at Gragnel.

Nilme joins Briaen's group.

Caledric prays fervently.

Gragnel bows to Miraena.

Nilme grins at Allye.

Caledric stands up.

Damoone takes a sip of his scotch.

Shavay says, "Ouch."

Nawain nods to Saragos.

Tirost says, "He said mixed mana is the key, here, before the encasement."

Elurora joins Briaen's group.

Istercal recites:

   "*Meraud Muses*"
       by Sartor

Nawain says, "Let an empath know if your arms fall off."

Sukidesu gazes up at the sky.

Briaen nods graciously at Saragos, giving him a polite smile.

Istercal reads:

   "O farthest-sighted masterful Meraud,
    You know our past, time out of mind, a god
    Remembering our beast-like days when we
    Kept each his mind in silent secrecy.

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning hazy purple cigarillo.

Zynell grins at Istercal.

Nawain says, "Sores, too. Don't need those."

Mageling Urist just arrived.

Madigan gestures.

Reader Purn just arrived.

Istercal continues:

   "You pitied then our mute and mortal state,
    And so that we might worlds of words create,
    You gave us speech, and taught us to aspire
    To kindle fleeting breaths to lasting fire.

Deathbeing assumes a calm stance, concentrating on something.

Shavay asks, "Medic?"

Gragnel says to Miraena, "I serve them, and all should know them as I do. If they are able, that is."

Lileath gestures.

Allye beams at Elurora!

Elurora smiles at Allye.

Miraena nods to Gragnel.

Fearless Crobin just arrived, leading his group.

Gragnel smiles at Miraena.

Istercal continues:

   "Not yet content, a burden you unsealed,
    A burden and a joy, your quest revealed--
    To join your search to probe each hidden lore
    And solve the riddle at creation's core.

Allye traces a gossamer pattern in the air.

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

Thanator just hugged Ryeka.

Unaka asks Eyst, "What did you see? Was it like your head was kinda melting at the time?"

Damoone snaps to attention and hails Crobin with a crisp hand salute.

Shaylynne flips through her flamingo-pink codex.

Crobin says, "Here we are."

Nawain gestures.
A myriad of disjointed sounds seem to linger aimlessly in the air for a few moments before blending inaudibly into the background noise.

Istercal continues:

   "To ready us, you gave a second gift,
    Writing, the bridge that overleaps time's rift,
    And joins the generations yet to be
    And those long gone in one community.

Maintain gestures.

Rhainn touches Shavay on the wrist with two fingers, feeling for a pulse hopefully.

Rileos gets a leaf-bladed Imperial spear bound in crimson fabric along its etched bronze shaft from inside his war belt.

Damoone bows to Leayne.

Allye nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rhainn touches Shavay on the wrist with two fingers, feeling for a pulse hopefully.

Unaka quietly says, "That's how it was for me. But maybe that was just me."

Buzan gestures.

Rhainn touches Shavay on the wrist with two fingers, feeling for a pulse hopefully.

Istercal concludes:

   "Twice-blessed, we offer you our double laud,
    For each beneficence, one deep, one broad.
    Accept our humble promise in return,
    To strive, to seek, to think, to speak, to learn.

Istercal looks up and sighs, smiling.

Damoone hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Madigan smiles at Leayne.

Aerilia stands near Tirost.

Sublime Mender Kerennya glides south.

Shaylynne turns her codex vertically and flips through the pages rapidly, glancing at the contents.

Damoone snaps to attention and hails Dasheek with a crisp hand salute.

Jundara rests her hand on Istercal's arm with a soft smile.

Rozalynde just arrived.

Sukidesu lays his hand on Shavay's arm.

Madigan waves to Illiya.

Dasheek nods to Damoone.

Shaylynne opens her codex.

Elurora gestures.

Avoxies just arrived.

Imroth says to Miraena, "So I heard you aren't supporting the encasing of villages in the name of the Heralds now."

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Madigan.

Madigan shakes Dasheek's hand.

Sublime Mender Kerennya just arrived.

Crobin gets a telothian serrated parazonium from inside his multi-strapped carryall.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Crobin with a crisp hand salute.

Dasheek nods to Madigan.

Maintain gestures.

Madigan grins.

Istercal puts his tome in his dreamweave pack.

Miraena says to Gragnel, "It doesn't seem as I can help this time, if they are relying on casting."

Aaiyaah says to Unaka, "Truffenyi spoke to me, said to be here...time to serve. We must cast all that we can...Mixed Magic is the key."

Miraena frowns.

Rileos nods to Madigan.

Whynd gestures.
The wind begins to shift until it blows gently from behind Whynd's back.

Dasheek gestures.

A sizzling sound briefly emanates from Dasheek's direction.

Damoone sniffs at Chelinde.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Miraena.

Shaylynne puts her codex in her box hive.

Crobin says, "Have a group formed."

Kerennya touches a sky-blue imnera runestone marked with a symbol for Zephyr and closes her eyes in concentration.

Unaka gazes at Aaiyaah.

Shaylynne moves a leopard-spotted scroll labeled with Demrris' Resolve to her right hand.

Whynd joins Buzan's group.

Kethrai sighs.

Crobin shakes Unaka's hand.

Damoone smiles at Chelinde.

Avrenka raises his palms skyward, chanting.

Madigan shakes Aaiyaah's hand.

Shaylynne peruses a leopard-spotted scroll labeled with Demrris' Resolve.

Rhainn touches Shavay on the wrist with two fingers, feeling for a pulse hopefully.

Aaiyaah shakes Madigan's hand.

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning hazy purple cigarillo.

Hanryu reaches out to touch an ethereal vela'tohr plant, and it extends a green branch, soft leaves curling against his flesh as he sighs softly.

Aaiyaah grins at Madigan.

Kerennya gestures.
Kerennya winces in pain!

Olinslag gets a translucent amber spellbook case imbedded with several captive black widows from inside his goblin-hide backpack.

Leayne smiles at Madigan, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kethrai gestures.
Kethrai looks steadier.

Leayne curtsies to Madigan.

Light of the World Gwenddolyn just arrived.

Unaka says to Aaiyaah, "You, too, are connected to Him, then."

Dragon Zealot Elizzibiana goes northwest.

Crobin stands near Leayne.

Istercal bows his head and chants a mantra.

Emily just arrived.

Allye gestures.
A sizzling sound briefly emanates from Allye's direction.

Gragnel says to Miraena, "You were very helpful last time, and you have my thanks. Wolf Clan is my home."

Crobin waves to Madigan.

Madigan says to Thanator, "Good to see you Than."

Crobin hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Shaylynne nods to Aaiyaah.

Gwenddolyn says, "Banners refreshed."

Leayne leans back against Crobin with a loving smile.

Math Witch Messica just arrived.

Miraena says to Imroth, "I don't believe I ever said that, but someone did ask me if I was the one to call the golden light from the sky to free Wolf Clan, so misinformation abounds."

Aaiyaah sweeps a gold-inlaid tyrium great helm accented with royal blue off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Unaka at the same time.

Thanator pivots in Madigan's direction and salutes him with his haledroth rapier, bringing the weapon downwards in a precise, fluid movement.

Allye hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Lileath reaches out to touch an ethereal vela'tohr plant, and it extends a green branch, soft leaves curling against her flesh as she sighs softly.

Miraena chuckles.

Tirost recites:

   "Cast as many mixed mana spells as you can manage!"

Messica joins Briaen's group.

Madigan touches a pale avaes runestone and closes his eyes in concentration.

Madigan puts his runestone in his traveler's pack.

Maintain says to Unaka, "Firulf's presence was overwhelming, if that is what the Paladin means. But this one's head is...surprisingly fine given the information conveyed."

Gragnel asks Miraena, "Sometimes, though, the best support is to just be there to support. Ya know?"

Allye touches Messica with a confident grace and familiar smile.

Aaiyaah gets a discolored leather scroll ledger with cracked covers from inside his silk backpack.

Thanator says, "Good ta see ya too Cmdr."

Unaka says to Miraeven, "I can't help much either. My only sorcerous spell kinda hurts people."

Crobin asks, "What would you like us non casters to do?"

Miraena nods to Gragnel.

Rhainn says to Shavay, "You're good to go."

Dragon Zealot Elizzibiana just arrived.

Aaiyaah flips through his scroll ledger.

Jundara offers Istercal an ilmenite runestone.

Shavay smiles at Rhainn.

Istercal accepts Jundara's ilmenite runestone.

Aristrona gets a yellowed scroll from inside her cloth lootbag.

Shavay says, "Thank you."

Unaka says to Miraena, "I can't help much either. My only sorcerous spell kinda hurts people."

Aristrona peruses a yellowed scroll.

Imroth asks, "So you are still supporting the Heralds?"

Avrenka asks, "Are banners up?"

Olinslag touches a sky-blue imnera runestone marked with a symbol for Zephyr and closes his eyes in concentration.

Eyst says to Unaka, "Melting? Something akin to that. It was more than one of them, which seems to be an anomoly. They made clear that they desired us here."

Rhainn smiles at Shavay.

Gwenddolyn says, "Yes I have 3 up."

Dragon Zealot Elizzibiana goes south.

Aristrona puts her scroll in her dreamweave unicorn.

Avrenka says, "Excelent."

Unaka nods to Eyst.

Aristrona peruses a tattered scroll.

Zehira takes a long drag off of a burning hazy purple cigarillo.

Shaylynne touches the tattoo on her thigh and closes her eyes in concentration.

Olinslag puts his runestone in his goblin-hide backpack.

Nawain gestures.
A myriad of disjointed sounds seem to linger aimlessly in the air for a few moments before blending inaudibly into the background noise.

Istercal touches an ilmenite runestone marked with a symbol for Clear Vision and closes his eyes in concentration.

Unaka asks Eyst, "Who was it, do you know?"

Ryeka gets a lemicule runestone marked with a symbol for Heroic Strength from inside her spidersilk backpack.

Ezerak waves to Anuril.

Avrenka says, "I'll set up the moongate when things get sticky."

Aristrona puts her scroll in her dreamweave unicorn.

Ezerak waves to Kethrai.

Dragon Zealot Elizzibiana just arrived.

Aristrona gets a faded vellum from inside her cloth lootbag.

Gwenddolyn chants in a soprano voice:

   "3 banners south 1 on this side of the gate and 2 on the other side"

Aristrona peruses a faded vellum.

Faenella's Fist Salubrie just arrived.

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Allye traces a gossamer pattern in the air.

Dasheek gestures.

Aaiyaah flips through his scroll ledger.

With a friendly smile, Miraeven holds Emily's hand.

Aristrona puts her vellum in her dreamweave unicorn.

Nawain leans back against Tekhelet with a loving smile.

Aerilia gestures.

Aristrona gets a papyrus roll from inside her cloth lootbag.

Riverlynn glances up at the sky.

Allye gestures.
The wind blowing from behind Allye falters for a moment, then picks up again.

Shaylynne touches the tattoo on her thigh and closes her eyes in concentration.

Shaylynne inhales deeply and adopts a naturally cyclical rhythm to her breaths.

Aaiyaah turns his ledger vertically and flips through the pages rapidly, glancing at the contents.

Aristrona peruses a papyrus roll.

Kerennya glances up at the sky.

Saragos gestures.
A sizzling sound briefly emanates from Saragos's direction.

Aaiyaah opens his ledger.

Gwenddolyn chants in a soprano voice:

   "Moongate will be in the middle room"

Aristrona gets a moldering scroll from inside her cloth lootbag.

Aristrona peruses a moldering scroll.

Dasheek gestures.

Tirost gets a pale avaes runestone from inside his sling bag.

Reader Purn goes south.

Kethrai says to Unaka, "There may well be a swarm of drakes soon, so you'll have a target."

Istercal touches an ilmenite runestone marked with a symbol for Clear Vision and closes his eyes in concentration.

Istercal bows his head and chants a mantra.

Tirost drops a pale avaes runestone.

Tirost gets a pale avaes runestone from inside his sling bag.

Aaiyaah peruses a rumpled scroll labeled with Essence of Yew.

Tirost touches a pale avaes runestone and closes his eyes in concentration.

Tirost traces a geometric sigil in the air.

Ryeka gets an ilmenite runestone marked with a symbol for Clear Vision from inside her spidersilk backpack.

Tirost puts his runestone in his sling bag.

Crobin chuckles.

Imroth says to Miraena, "Maybe a word of your intentions might clear up some misinformation."

Crobin nods to Zynell.

Aristrona puts her scroll in her dreamweave unicorn.

Elurora gestures at Allye.

Aerilia gestures.

Reader Purn just arrived.

Sukidesu gestures.

Unaka nods to Kethrai.

Aristrona gets a moldering scroll from inside her cloth lootbag.

Sympath Kalilyna just arrived.