Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09152024/Can Blight Make Right

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Can Blight Make Right
Event Date: 09/15/2024
Event Instance: Prime


This event was open to everyone, but was understood to be one of which not all adventurers were aware. Although anyone could have stumbled upon the gathering, only those within certain circles would have heard about it to know when, where, and what the event was. The log is being documented for the sake of preserving and sharing important information regarding the ongoing (as of the date of this log) Wild Magic storyline, but should not be considered something that would be known widely without in-game communication with those involved.


It has been 450 years, 153 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Golden Panther.

Arrival & Explanation

[Viper's Nest, The Pit]
The Viper's Nest is known throughout the land for catering to the dregs of society. The premises are often frequented by spies, conspirators, thieves, smugglers, rogue adventurers and crooked traders. Folks congregate around long, rough-hewn tables, hunched forward listening, gesturing or speaking in harsh, sibilant whispers. The ale is warm, the viands are inedible, nonetheless the Pit is jammed. You notice a large proportion of S'Kra Mur and Gor'Togs in the mix. You also see a heavily scarred door, a crowded bar with several things on it, Amfitro, a dimly-lit staircase in the back of the room and a scrawled menu.

Eyst says, "Good evening to all you newly arrived."

Zersha curtsies gracefully to Zynell.

Zynell bows to Zersha.

You hear a male Human voice say, "Hello."

Kaylecca says, "Hiya."

Zynell says, "Hello."

Lilustra gets a can of sickly yellow liquid from atop a crowded bar.

Eyst asks, "Does anyone know if any others are still on their way?"

Lilustra sniffs at a can of sickly yellow liquid.

Zynell perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Lilustra.

Zynell says, "The empath meeting just ended."

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Zynell says, "But i did not see anyone who would typically head this way."

Zynell shrugs.

Zersha grins at Zynell, her dimples flashing into view.

Eyst says, "It will be interesting if we pulled any from their ranks."

Lilustra smiles at Zynell.

Zynell says, "Aye well some of them have no sense of adventure."

Zynell playfully tilts her ears in opposite directions.

Zynell leans on Zfora.

Zfora smiles at Zynell.

Zynell playfully tilts her ears toward Zfora.

Sothios just hugged Zfora.

Sothios grins.

Zfora hugs Sothios, who wraps his arms around Zfora with a warm smile.

Eyst says, "Some do. I know at least one, though it doesn't seem like they will be joining us tonight."

Zfora nods to Zynell.

Zynell nods at Eyst, obviously agreeing with his views.

Eyst says, "But anyway, let us get on with the preparations."

Zynell beams at Eyst!

Sothios nods to Zfora.

Sothios searches around for a moment.

Eyst says, "If you are here then I expect you know a little of what will go on here. We will be performing an experiment on the encasement involving blighted materials, and arcane abilities. If this offends you, you may leave at any time."

You hear someone chortling.

Zynell giggles.

Lilustra searches around for a moment.

Eyst says, "I recognize some of you as the uninitiated. You will have the opportunity to directly aid in this experiment should you choose, but it is not required."

Sofina reveals herself.

Zynell nods to Eyst.

Eyst says, "To begin, I would like to explain the thought process behind this experiment. We have seen environments twisted by demonic corruption. We have seen areas inundated by elemental forces. However, despite some areas of course being more verdant than others, I am unaware of any locations so overflowing of Life as the encasement zones."

Lilustra takes a sip of her liquid.

Eyst says, "That is, Life with a capital L. Possibly a few underscores. I want to make clear this is Life as an energy. Life as a cycle. This seems to be the medium through which the Heralds act. The materials and abilities I have asked you to bring to bear today are ideally suited to combat this, I believe."

Eyst asks, "After all, what is the antithesis of Life?"

Zfora smirks.

Zersha nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Lilustra takes a sip of her liquid.

(Eyst glances around at those gathered for an answer.)

Lilustra sniffs at a can of sickly yellow liquid.

Zersha asks, "Death?"

You hear a voice say, "I haven't had enough tea for this."

Khurzh matter-of-factly says, "Unlife."

Zersha quietly says, "I didn't know there would be a quiz."

Zersha appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Eyst nods to Khurzh.

Kaylecca laughs!

Zynell nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zfora smoothly says, "Zehira, it's been so long, how lovely to see you again."

Eyst says, "Indeed. Death is an obvious answer to some. But death comes for life, as life consumes death."

Eyst says, "Undeath is the interruption of this process."

Eyst asks, "Does anyone have thoughts on the soundness of this theory?"

Zersha gnaws on her lip.

Lilustra takes a sip of her liquid.

Zfora says, "I do."

Naturalist Coilm came through a heavily scarred door.

Eyst gives Zfora a slight nod.

Zfora says, "Arcane mana is anchored with Life mana."

"Burn him! Burn him!" You hear the cries echo around you as everyone in the vicinity immediately gives Coilm a wide berth!

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

You hear a voice say, "For once its not me their after."

You hear someone giggle.

Zersha chortles softly at some secret joke.

Pack Brother Ghust came through a heavily scarred door.

Zfora says, "And we work our thanatological magic due to a corruption of the empathic link."

Sofina glares at Ghust.

Sothios ponders necro's in a justice area i see that happening a couple times

Zfora fixes Ghust with a serene, lofty stare.

Ghust quietly says, "Oh no please go on."

You hear a voice say, "Oh not hikm."

You hear a voice say, "You can be my sacrifice this evening."

Ghust suddenly yelps!

Zersha gazes upward.

Zfora says to Eyst, "I think your theory is correct, however I think there could be more to it than simply undeath being in opposition to life."

Eyst says, "Indeed, yet undeniably we perform our art and disrupt the cycle."

Ghust quietly says, "Well that would be borin wouldnt it. Ah support ya."

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Eyst says, "It is a good point. Whether it is truly an opposing force might be questioned."

You hear a voice say, "Worth a shot at least."

Eyst says, "If it is yet another path that the cycle might take, then perhaps that will be enough."

Sofina reveals herself.

Eyst says, "On to the experiment though. It will take place in two parts. The first is straight forward. We will be bring our collected specimens and see whether any latent energies in them produce an observable phenomenon with the encasement. If mere proximity is not enough, then we will... hm, physically project, the specimens into the zone."

Zersha glances at Eyst.

Lilustra takes a sip of her liquid.

Zfora says to Ghust, "Buckle up buttercup."

Ghust smirks.

A Prydaen commoner quietly walks into view.

Eyst asks, "I know some of you have gathered such specimens, may I inquire if any more have?"

Ghust quietly says, "Like ah said, ahm just here ta support you all."

You hear a voice ask, "You lost my torso?"

You hear a voice ask, "What sort of specimens?"

Strawberry Nurse Illiya came through a heavily scarred door.

A Prydaen commoner suddenly howls in pain, and you notice its left arm fall apart in a shower of blood and a dozen small, neatly slashed limb sections that remind you of dicing a vegetable.

Zersha asks, "Maybe she ate it?"

You hear Sofina muttering to herself from the shadows.

Eyst says, "Material from creatures of an undead or demonic nature."

You hear a voice say, "I have material but not whole parts."

A Prydaen commoner wanders away, seeking rest.

Zynell ponders.

Eyst says, "Skins, bones, flesh, anything will do."

You hear a voice ask, "Anyones?"

Eyst coughs.

You hear some shuffling of items.

You hear some shuffling of items.

Eyst says, "Only those of an undead or demonic nature. Or anything that might have grown from a corrupted area."

Sothios ponders undead material?

You hear a voice say, "Damn."

Eyst gets a rugged black backpack from inside his tinker's pack.

Zfora fixes Illiya with a serene, lofty stare.

Zynell glances at Illiya.

Eyst says, "As an example, this is what I have gathered."

You hear a voice say, "Yes I know what the things are."

(Eyst opens the backpack and takes a step back. At once a fetid smell emanates from it, the first warning of its contents. A clear view into the backpack shows all manner of organic matter, from viscera taken from creatures, to the fruits and clippings of plants. Regardless of its origin they all bear the similar tell tale markings of corruption, unnatural growths, sickly colorations, the visible story of their previous tortured existences.)

Zersha blanches.

Zfora smirks.

Eyst closes his black backpack.

Eyst nods in agreement.

Lilustra drops a can of sickly yellow liquid.

Eyst puts his backpack in his tinker's pack.

Eyst says, "Regardless, we will make do with what we have."

You hear a voice say, "I have some regular black coffee. Dark magic if there ever was."

You hear a female Elf voice say, "My risen lost my body parts. I may have to stop at the xalas to aquire some more."

Eyst says, "Our second step, I leave open to the opinion of the group. It must involve necromantic sorcery and the manipulation of the arcane mana streams. What methods we employ is the question."

Eyst says, "The floor is open to suggestions."

Zynell casually observes the area.

You hear a voice exclaim, "Well let's get to it!"

You hear a female Elf voice say, "I agree both steps should be tried."

You hear a voice say, "Until our options are bled dry or run out of them."

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Sothios says, "Well people tried pure mana andthat didnt work for crap, why not give sorcery a shot."

Sothios shrugs.

Zynell asks, "Like lots and lots of acid?"

Zynell angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Zfora grins.

You hear a voice say, "So much acid."

Zynell says, "Excellent."

Zynell joins Eyst's group.

Blackspine wavers into view for a moment.

Blackspine joins Eyst's group.

Zersha joins Eyst's group.

Khurzh joins Eyst's group.

Sothios joins Eyst's group.

Zfora joins Eyst's group.

You hear a voice ask, "Which Spire are we going to?"

You join Eyst's group.

Eyst says, "I'm of a mind that a risen chorus would go well with what we do. Something I saw during the recent pure magic gathering leads me to believe that it may alter the streams in a way inimical to the heralds."

Lilustra joins Eyst's group.

Zehira wavers into view for a moment.

Zehira joins Eyst's group.

You hear a voice say, "I have a many headed risen just for that."

Eyst ponders.

You hear a voice say, "Its a disgusting beast but it loves to sing."

Kaylecca joins Eyst's group.

Zynell nods.

Zehira reveals herself.

Eyst says, "Acid might be a wonderful idea. A necromantic solvent to serve as both herbicide and to further our magical goals."

Sofina reveals herself.

Zynell nods to Eyst.

Eyst asks, "I don't wish to linger here too long. Are there any other thoughts?"

Zfora says, "No, lets go, we've been here for too long."

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Eyst says, "One more point before we leave."

Eyst gets a large box from inside his tinker's pack.

Eyst says, "There are some among you here who are not capable of these sorceries. I have taken the liberty of providing an option for you as well. In this box you will find several scrolls, all low necromancy patterns. It is of course up to you whether you wish to take part."

Eyst drops a large box.

Eyst says, "I warn you now, there may be consequences to your use of these scrolls. But a few low sorceries does not a necromancer make, I would say."

Zfora grins.

Sothios raises his hand.

Eyst nods to Sothios.

Sothios says, "Thief, no magic here sorry."

Zfora pats Sothios on the back.

Sothios grins.

Kaylecca sniffs at a large box.

Zynell exclaims, "Thief?!"

Zynell gasps at Sothios!

Zersha glances at Zynell.

Zersha glances at Sothios.

Sothios says, "I know i know."

Zersha nods to Illiya.

Zersha smiles at Illiya, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Sothios grins.

Eyst says to Sothios, "I regret I have nothing to offer those unverse in magical arts. I hope our experiment will be of value to you nonetheless."

Zynell says to Sothios, "Corrupted xalas stabber."

Strawberry Nurse Illiya went through a heavily scarred door.

Zynell nods to Sothios.

Eyst casually observes the area.

Eyst asks, "Is anyone planning to take from the box?"

Zfora smirks.

You hear some shuffling of items.

Sothios says, "Ive been a friend a your guild for longer then most of yahave been in it, im here for moral support."

Sothios grins.

Zfora asks Ghust, "I thought you were a supporter?"

Zynell says, "No, but many thanks for the offer. my Immortal is not keen on that level of involvement."

Zynell bows to Eyst.

Eyst says to Sothios, "It is good to know we have such friends."

Eyst says, "Very well."

Eyst picks up a large box.

Zynell nods at Sothios, obviously agreeing with his views.

Zfora fixes Ghust with a serene, lofty stare.

Eyst says, "If you would all follow me, we will see about finding an appropriate space."

Ghust quietly says, "Ah do."

Khurzh nods to Eyst.

Zfora says to Ghust, "Then I really do insist you take a scroll..."

Ghust nods.

Eyst drops a large box.

Zynell nods at Zfora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Eyst raises an eyebrow in Ghust's direction.

Ghust quietly says, "Ah yeah ah support you but ah cant taint my empathy eithor."

Eyst picks up a large box.

Zfora says to Ghust, "It won't."

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Zynell says, "Eh."

Eyst says, "We will be moving in a moment, if you are left behind, knife clan will be our first stop."

Zynell nods to Eyst.

Eyst puts his box in his tinker's pack.

Esotericist Eyst's group went through a heavily scarred door.

Knife Clan