Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09152024/Can Blight Make Right

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Can Blight Make Right
Event Date: 09/15/2024
Event Instance: Prime


This event was open to everyone, but was understood to be one of which not all adventurers were aware. Although anyone could have stumbled upon the gathering, only those within certain circles would have heard about it to know when, where, and what the event was. The log is being documented for the sake of preserving and sharing important information regarding the ongoing (as of the date of this log) Wild Magic storyline, but should not be considered something that would be known widely without in-game communication with those involved.


It has been 450 years, 153 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Golden Panther.

Arrival & Explanation

[Viper's Nest, The Pit]
The Viper's Nest is known throughout the land for catering to the dregs of society. The premises are often frequented by spies, conspirators, thieves, smugglers, rogue adventurers and crooked traders. Folks congregate around long, rough-hewn tables, hunched forward listening, gesturing or speaking in harsh, sibilant whispers. The ale is warm, the viands are inedible, nonetheless the Pit is jammed. You notice a large proportion of S'Kra Mur and Gor'Togs in the mix. You also see a heavily scarred door, a crowded bar with several things on it, Amfitro, a dimly-lit staircase in the back of the room and a scrawled menu.

Eyst says, "Good evening to all you newly arrived."

Zersha curtsies gracefully to Zynell.

Zynell bows to Zersha.

You hear a male Human voice say, "Hello."

Kaylecca says, "Hiya."

Zynell says, "Hello."

Lilustra gets a can of sickly yellow liquid from atop a crowded bar.

Eyst asks, "Does anyone know if any others are still on their way?"

Lilustra sniffs at a can of sickly yellow liquid.

Zynell perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Lilustra.

Zynell says, "The empath meeting just ended."

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Zynell says, "But i did not see anyone who would typically head this way."

Zynell shrugs.

Zersha grins at Zynell, her dimples flashing into view.

Eyst says, "It will be interesting if we pulled any from their ranks."

Lilustra smiles at Zynell.

Zynell says, "Aye well some of them have no sense of adventure."

Zynell playfully tilts her ears in opposite directions.

Zynell leans on Zfora.

Zfora smiles at Zynell.

Zynell playfully tilts her ears toward Zfora.

Sothios just hugged Zfora.

Sothios grins.

Zfora hugs Sothios, who wraps his arms around Zfora with a warm smile.

Eyst says, "Some do. I know at least one, though it doesn't seem like they will be joining us tonight."

Zfora nods to Zynell.

Zynell nods at Eyst, obviously agreeing with his views.

Eyst says, "But anyway, let us get on with the preparations."