Ayrell/Logs/Wild Magic 09082024/The Message of the Heralds

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The Message of the Heralds
Event Date: 09/08/2024
Event Instance: Prime


It has been 450 years, 124 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the 4th month of Shorka the Cobra in the year of the Golden Panther.

Attendee Arrivals & Greetings

[Gaethrend's Court, Solarium]
Amongst a variety of unrecognizable red-orange plants, you notice a small riolur bush flourishing in the sunlight. The ceiling is much lower here but is made up of a number of small multi-colored glass panes which add a curious tint to the atmosphere. You also see a white dog that is sleeping.
Also here: Healer Leilanie, Fearless Crobin, Sothios who is engulfed by a tsunami of cerulean light, Soul Surgeon Zynell who is sitting, Leviathan Friend Lupdels, Sir Madigan, Mageling Aerilia, Valynn, Firehawk Casari, Desert Dancer Zersha and Shaylynne who is encircled by ethereal phofe flowers.
Obvious exits: northeast, east, southeast.

Crobin says, "You may have."

Crobin chuckles.

Madigan says, "At this point, I think we just wander from gathering to gathering and re-hash the same stuff."

Zersha giggles.

Lupdels frowns.

Madigan grins.

High Priestess Maraisel just arrived.

Crobin nods to Madigan.

Crobin stops teaching.

Lupdels says, "No menu service ..."

Leviathan Friend Lupdels saunters northeast.

Zersha says, "That explains why I feel like I'm walking in circles."

Casari says to Madigan, "I bet this one will be a little different."

Valynn chuckles at Madigan.

Stellar Statistician Urbaj just arrived.

Zynell gets a tiny spun sugar fae from inside her encompassing shadows.

Zynell offers Sothios a tiny spun sugar fae.

Sothios accepts Zynell's sugar fae.

Zynell gets a mug of catnip-spiced milk from inside her encompassing shadows.

Valynn nods politely to Urbaj.

Zynell offers Crobin a mug of catnip-spiced milk.

Sothios grins at Zynell.

Urbaj smiles at Valynn.

Zynell's ears relax slightly as she gazes at Sothios contentedly.

Leviathan Friend Lupdels just arrived.

Madigan says to Casari, "That gives me some comfort."

Valynn grins at Sothios.

Lupdels takes a sip of his wine.

Madigan praises Casari.

Lord Knight Hebion just arrived.

Zersha smiles at Hebion, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zersha stands near Hebion.

Valynn grins at Hebion.

Hebion smiles at Zersha.

Hebion nods politely to Valynn.

Sothios grins at Valynn.

Zynell offers Crobin a mug of catnip-spiced milk.

Tezirite Luna just arrived.

Sothios takes a bite of the fae.

Madigan grins at Luna.

Sothios emits a rumbling purr, like a large mountain cat.

Valynn studies the faces around her.

Crobin accepts Zynell's catnip-spiced milk.

Zynell perks her ears up happily as she gazes at Sothios.

Zersha whispers something to Hebion.

Knight Errant Trajan just arrived.

Zynell gets a mug of catnip-spiced milk from inside her encompassing shadows.

Luna smiles at Madigan.

Valynn smiles at Luna.

Zynell offers Leilanie a mug of catnip-spiced milk.

Leilanie accepts Zynell's catnip-spiced milk.

Luna smiles at Valynn.

Leilanie smiles at Zynell.

Zersha waves to Leilanie.

Zynell gets a mug of catnip-spiced milk from inside her encompassing shadows.

Luna stands near Madigan.

Zynell offers Sothios a mug of catnip-spiced milk.

Leilanie waves to Zersha.

Luna pats Valynn on the back.

Hebion nods to Zersha.

Valynn grins at Leilanie.

Sothios accepts Zynell's catnip-spiced milk.

Crobin takes a sip of his milk.

Zynell gets a tiny spun sugar fae from inside her encompassing shadows.

Zynell offers Crobin a tiny spun sugar fae.

Leilanie smiles at Valynn.

Sothios takes a bite of the fae.

Crobin accepts Zynell's sugar fae.

Madigan says to Luna, "Hear you signed up for the Mission. That takes some moxie."

Crobin takes a sip of his milk.

Sothios grins.

Crobin takes a bite of the fae.

Luna grins at Madigan.

Luna says, "Glad to help."

Madigan praises Luna.

Zersha looks at Hebion, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Crobin takes a bite of the fae.

Zersha giggles.

Zynell gets a tiny spun sugar fae from inside her encompassing shadows.

Zynell offers Leilanie a tiny spun sugar fae.

Hebion nods to Zersha.

Etasia just arrived.

Leilanie declines Zynell's offer.

Plague Doctor Marienn just arrived.

Valynn smiles at Etasia.

Zynell grins at Leilanie.

Madigan grins at Etasia.

Crobin hugs Etasia, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Numinist Nevali just arrived.

Etasia smiles at Valynn, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Leilanie blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Etasia smiles at Madigan, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Relee just arrived.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Zynell giggles.

Shaylynne grins at Illiya.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Luna says, "I'm not quite certain what I signed up for, but I'll try my best just the same."

Shaylynne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Sothios smiles at Etasia.

Leilanie smiles.

Illiya snuggles up to Shaylynne.

Zynell takes a bite of the fae.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Valynn hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Zynell takes a bite of the fae.

Leilanie takes a sip of her milk.

Illiya hugs Valynn, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Etasia hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.

Valynn grins at Illiya.

Madigan says to Luna, "Threat of death and little pay, but the work is hard so no worries."

Zersha smiles at Casari, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

* Messenger Miraena joins the adventure.

Zynell hugs Etasia, who wraps her arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Etasia smiles at Sothios, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Madigan grins.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Aerilia leans on her spear.

* Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure.

Leilanie shifts her weight.

Casari looks at Zersha and shrugs.

Asildu & Miraena Arrive

Messenger Miraena just arrived, leading her group.

Crobin nods to Illiya.

Sothios hugs Etasia, getting a smile in return.

Miraena smiles at Asildu.

Etasia just hugged Sothios.

Zersha smiles at Miraena, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Shaylynne waves to Miraena.

Valynn raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Miraena.

Luna says, "Ah, just what I thought."

Miraena beams at Zersha!

Miraena waves to Shaylynne.

Ruea just arrived.

Luna grins at Madigan.

Rozalynde just arrived.

Bioexorcist Karthor just arrived.

Valynn snaps to attention and hails Miraena with a crisp hand salute.

Asildu glances uneasily around the room.

Zersha grins at Casari, her dimples flashing into view.

Zynell offers Etasia a mug of catnip-spiced milk.

Karthor waves.

Miraena quietly says to Shaylynne, "Please stay after this presentation, I'd like to discuss your letter."

Etasia grins at Zynell, her dimples flashing into view.

Shaylynne nods to Miraena.

Etasia accepts Zynell's catnip-spiced milk.

Valynn raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Asildu.

Luna nods politely to Miraena.

Cateress Allye just arrived.

Esotericist Eyst just arrived.

Etasia smiles at Karthor, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Illiya hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Etasia snaps to attention and hails Karthor with a crisp hand salute.

Asildu nods politely.

Miraena smiles at Luna.

Allye hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Zersha nods to Casari.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Karthor snaps to attention and hails Etasia with a crisp hand salute.

Miraena gets a vellum sheet from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena shows Shaylynne her vellum sheet.

Esotericist Eyst plods northeast.

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Allye quietly says, "Hello, everyone."

Casari waves to Miraena.

Crobin takes a sip of his milk.

Miraena exclaims to Shaylynne, "I feel so fancy when I receive a letter!"

Leilanie nods to Zynell.

Crobin takes a sip of his milk.

Esotericist Eyst just arrived.

Miraena puts her sheet in her craftsman's satchel.

Etasia smiles at Shaylynne, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Miraena beams at Casari!

Karthor waves to Allye.

Allye grins at Shaylynne.

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived, leading his group.

Zersha smiles at Allye, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Allye waves to Karthor.

Ezerak doffs his top hat.

Anuril studies the faces around him.

Asildu chuckles at Miraena.

Miraena grins at Asildu.

Crobin nods to Illiya.

Reriyn just arrived.

Leilanie nods at Zynell, obviously agreeing with her views.

Valynn raises a hand to her chest and bows her head to Anuril.

Shaylynne says to Miraena, "Those new post offices are something else."

Shaylynne nods.

Etasia nods to Zynell.

Miraena grins at Shaylynne.

Leilanie nods at Shaylynne, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya nods to Crobin.

Allye nods to Shaylynne.

Illiya grins at Shaylynne, her dimples flashing into view.

Etasia dimples at Shaylynne.

Luna smiles at Ruea.

Serial Killer Damiza just arrived.

Etasia waves to Allye.

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna just arrived, leading her group.

Allye beams at Etasia!

Holy Vengeance Imroth just arrived.

Illiya hugs Imroth, getting a smile in return.

Damiza pulls Asildu's hair into a ponytail.

Damiza fiddles with Asildu's hair until it is arranged in pigtails.

Etasia hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Etasia with a warm smile.

Shaylynne babbles something incoherent at Damiza.

Allye blinks at Damiza.

Etasia chuckles.

Imroth chuckles at Damiza.

Miraena says to Allye, "Adventurer Allye, good to see you again."

Madigan grins at Damiza.

Plague Doctor Marienn meanders southeast.

Asildu glares at Damiza.

Damiza grins.

Anuril whispers something to Kethrai.

Allye nods politely to Miraena.

Etasia grins at Damiza, her dimples flashing into view.

Allye says to Miraena, "Good to see you too."

Etasia puts her milk in her kidskin haversack.

Etasia gets a generous snifter of Jackal's Reserve whiskey from inside her kidskin haversack.

Etasia takes a sip of her whiskey.

Luna takes a sip of her wine.

Ears tilted forward, Zynell curls her tail around Sothios's ankles loosely.

Tempest Knight Saragos just arrived.

Sothios smiles at Zynell.

Asildu carefully readjusts his hair.

Casari asks, "Before we begin. A couple of people have asked me to remove the Sanctuary, while many have asked me to keep it active. What is the overall opinion of the space?"

Casari casually observes the area.

Leilanie shifts her weight.

Eyst nods politely to Miraena.

Lupdels frowns.

Allye grins at Casari.

Anuril says, "Keep it."

Miraena curiously asks Casari, "What is this sactuary?"

Miraena says, "Sanctuary, excuse me."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Zersha grins at Miraena, her dimples flashing into view.

Etasia smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Imroth says, "We don't need sanctuary."

Casari says to Miraena, "It prevents some lesser hostiles from entering the space, and makes it difficult for people to sneak around."

Miraena quietly says to Zersha, "I still get nervous around so many people."

Imroth nods.

Crobin waves to Etasia.

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

Zersha nods at Miraena, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zersha quietly says, "/quietl Me too."

Unyielding Valor Comfrin just arrived.

Bookkeeper Parkons just arrived.

Miraena quietly says, "Ah, I see."

Etasia takes a sip of her whiskey.

Zersha gazes upward.

Miraena inhales a great swallow of air.

Miraena slowly empties her lungs.

Zersha quietly says to Miraena, "Me too."

Miraena says to Casari, "We would prefer you leave it up, so that we have a chance to speak."

Serial Killer Damiza limps southeast.

Unyielding Valor Comfrin moseys southeast.

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Kethrai nods to Miraena.

Casari nods to Miraena.

Leilanie nods in agreement.

Holy Lash Nawain just arrived.

Casari says, "Then the Sanctuary will remain."

Miraena quietly says to Casari, "It was very hard for me to talk Asildu into trying one more time."

Allye nods to Casari.

Miraena curtsies to Casari.

Imroth says, "I hope it is just talking that occurs."

Eyst looks over Miraena very closely.

Malorna hugs Etasia, who wraps her arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Unyielding Valor Comfrin just arrived.

Etasia smiles at Malorna, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Comfrin searches around for a moment.

Etasia chuckles.

Comfrin searches around for a moment.

Kethrai quietly says to Miraena, "Would you be willing to accept a preemptive healing link? Just in case."

Anuril moves over to guard Kethrai.

Etasia beams at Comfrin!

Parkons asks, "One more time until what? You give up or?"

Comfrin smiles at Etasia.

Etasia waves to Comfrin.

Comfrin hugs Etasia, getting a smile in return.

Etasia just hugged Comfrin.

Casari moves over to guard Miraena.

Miraena says to Parkons, "We were very close to giving up, yes."

Miraena sighs.

Leilanie smiles at Sothios.

Comfrin shakes Madigan's hand.

Valynn gazes at Parkons.

Asildu says to Miraena, "I'll begin on your mark."

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Madigan shakes Comfrin's hand.

Miraena clears her throat.

Eyst says to Miraena, "May I ask you something before the presentation begins? I wonder if the keratosis has progressed any. Or if you have noticed any other physical changes."

Zersha gives Hebion a slight nod.

Parkons looks over Miraena very closely.

Illiya looks over Miraena very closely.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Allye shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

Illiya looks over Asildu very closely.

Asildu gazes upward.

Zersha gazes at Asildu.

Nawain fixes Asildu with a solid, steady stare.

Comfrin asks Madigan, "What news of Dantia?"

Miraena exclaims to Eyst, "We have not see any change in it, no. We both still find it quite fascinating!"

Valynn quietly says to Asildu, "Breath sir."

Madigan says to Comfrin, "Not yet my friend."

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Luna mutters something into the air about temper on that one.

Comfrin nods to Madigan.

Miraena whispers something to Asildu.

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Aerilia folds her arms across her chest.

Miraena asks Asildu, "Let us begin?"

Miraena stands near Asildu.

Asildu nods politely to Valynn.

Etasia gazes at Miraena.

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Asildu says, "Very well."

Leilanie nods at Zynell, obviously agreeing with her views.

Lupdels gets a blue iris from inside his green backpack.

Lupdels takes a sip of his wine.

Eyst says to Miraena, "I see, I expect that is well. Thank you for entertaining my inquiry."

Lataki talna Im Morlokk just arrived.

Luna takes a sip of her wine.

Miraena smiles at Eyst.

Asildu & Miraena Speak

Asildu says, "Young Miraena has asked me to join her here this evening in hopes that a more... in depth presentation... might help in painting a clearer picture of the message we bring - and why."

Comfrin pats Asildu's hair, making sure it's properly arranged.

Miraena says, "There is a lot that needs to be said, and we want to be as clear and to the point as possible. I ask that you please give Asildu the time he needs to say it all. We will try our best to take questions at the end."

Allye nods to Miraena.

Luna gazes at Asildu.

Miraena takes a step backward from Asildu, making it clear that he has the floor.

Kethrai nods to Miraena.

Nawain folds her arms across her chest.

Zersha nods to Miraena.

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Rozalynde looks over Asildu very closely.

Asildu casually observes the area.

Allye gazes at Asildu.

Asildu trembles slightly as he draws in a breath, the air around him momentarily charged with a gentle thrum of energy that slowly disperses upon his exhale.

Leilanie nods politely to Asildu.

Miraena hitches up the waistband of her workman's pants.

Zersha shifts her weight.

Asildu says, "Many of you have heard what we've had to say, and we, perhaps mistakenly, believed our words would be enough. But, we see, now, that the words we speak are somewhat foreign, compared to what adventurers have grown accustomed to hearing these days. The years I spent away from society made me blind to that, assuming that everyone was in possession of the same knowledge as myself, because I have been my only company for years and, since I know what I know, my conversations with myself have always been... well... identical in knowledge base."

Lupdels tugs at the tip of his beard distractedly.

Asildu glances at Miraena.

Miraena looks at Asildu and smiles reassuringly.

Leilanie shifts her weight.

Court Advisor Aaiyaah just arrived.

Miraena says, "And I only know how to speak as a farmer who doesn t understand much about adventurers."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Crobin gives Aaiyaah a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Hebion nods to Zersha.

Aaiyaah grins at Crobin.

Trajan nods politely to Aaiyaah.

Aaiyaah hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Aaiyaah with a warm smile.

Plague Doctor Marienn just arrived.

Imroth makes a grunting noise.

Kethrai gives Miraena a wry grin.

Asildu chuckles.

Asildu pats Miraena on the back.

Aaiyaah smiles at Trajan.

Aaiyaah nods to Anuril.

Zynell grins at Aaiyaah.

Morlokk nods politely to Aaiyaah.

Comfrin shakes Aaiyaah's hand.

Nawain gives Aaiyaah a slight nod.

Zynell kneels down and touches her lips with the tips of her fingers.

Aaiyaah shakes Comfrin's hand.

Asildu ponders.

Zynell sits down on the prayer tapestry.

Asildu asks, "Should I start with something about the Heralds? Or, I could start with our message and then tell about the Heralds?"

Asildu peers quizzically at Miraena.

Zersha nods at Hebion, obviously agreeing with his views.

Lupdels raises an eyebrow.

Etasia gazes at Asildu.

Aaiyaah grins at Valynn.

Miraena quietly says to Asildu, "Maybe the message first? It's so important that they know what's at stake."

Asildu gives Miraena a slight nod.

Aerilia tilts her head to one side.

Asildu says, "You're right, of course."

Trajan folds his arms across his chest.

Asildu says, "Our message, I think everyone has heard loud and clear, whether you agree or not. Cease the use of sorcery. Fix the imbalance by undoing what years of rampant sorcery use have caused. This is the command of the Heralds. And while I know you all despise being commanded, I can't call it anything else. It's not a request. It's a necessity. The world is on the brink of destruction. The Heralds don't care about the egos and pride of adventurers. They care about protecting their garden."

Tear Reaper Tambellis just arrived.

Asildu glances at Miraena, still seeming unsure.

Zersha glances at Asildu.

Miraena nods her head along to Asildu's words.

Miraena gently asks Asildu, "Why don't you explain the garden?"

Illiya lays her hand on Tambellis's arm.

Crobin shakes his head.

Asildu says, "The garden... yes, I suppose, if we're sharing knowledge, that's a good place to start."

Asildu inhales a great swallow of air.

Asildu slowly empties his lungs.

Aaiyaah shakes Tirost's hand.

Asildu gazes out at the faces of those assembled.

Tirost shakes Aaiyaah's hand.

Xionara suddenly blinks and wakes up from her daydream.

Xionara rubs her head.

Asildu says, "There were some visions some of you received when I joined you in your... beseeching of Elanthia to reveal. Images of a primal Elanthia. I didn't see them, but I didn't need to. I know of the Heralds. But those visions... those were for you. Visions so you could SEE just what the Heralds have wanted for this world from the start. Balance. Perfection. Purity. Everyone and everything working in harmony, as intended."

Asildu pauses briefly, looking unsettled. Uncertain.

Ruea nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Illiya nods to Asildu.

Nawain fixes Asildu with a solid, steady stare.

Zersha furrows her brow.

A subtle thrum of energy begins to gather around Asildu, pulsing once... twice... three times in succession before dispersing once again into the nothingness from whence it came.

Kethrai nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Lupdels nods.

Tirost narrows his eyes.

Asildu shakes his head.

Zynell nods emphatically at Sothios.

Allye gazes at Asildu.

Anuril squints at Asildu.

Sothios grins at Zynell.

Shaylynne observes Asildu with fascination.

Leilanie gnaws on her lip.

Asildu says, "I originally planned to mince my words tonight for the sake of your delicate sensibilities, but as I've already been declared a heretic and forsaken by your Immortals, I'm just going to speak the blunt truth. The truth your Immortals don't want you to hear."

Xionara narrows her eyes.

Crobin brushes one ear with his hand, grooming it absentmindedly.

Imroth fixes Asildu with a solid, steady stare.

Miraena frowns, turning her eyes awkwardly down towards the floor.

Casari shifts her weight.

Nawain growls low in the back of her throat.

Lupdels shifts his weight.

Valynn gazes at Asildu.

Ruea tilts her head inquisitively.

Aerilia raises an eyebrow.

Crobin squints.

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Asildu.

Eyst ponders.

Ezerak blinks.

Trajan glances at Asildu.

Luna raises an eyebrow.

Tambellis glances outside a moment.

Asildu says, "Maintaining the balance and perfection of this world is not an easy job. It requires the cooperation of everyone. And, in this case, that included your Immortals. Their job was to tend to you. To us. The mortals. They were supposed to make sure that we did our part in fostering the vision of a world in which everything exists in a sublime state of equilibrium."

Zersha cocks her head.

Asildu says, "But the Immortals grew lazy. Too lax in their duties, leaving the mortals to do as they pleased. The mortals, with their natural predilection for arrogance and greed. Their instinctive desire for more and more power. Without proper oversight, the mortals got out of hand, building on their magical studies and twisting the mana in ways it was never intended to be twisted until they were wielding spells of infinite destruction that no mortal should ever have the power to wield."

Anuril ponders.

Tirost frowns.

Allye flicks her ears restlessly.

Miraena shifts her weight between her feet. She nods her head along in agreement, but clearly finds this all difficult to hear.

Nawain fixes Asildu with a solid, steady stare.

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Lupdels takes a sip of his wine.

Eyst tugs at the tip of his mustache distractedly.

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Miraena.

Asildu says, "When this happened, the Heralds stepped in, on occasion, to set the mortals to rights. They weren't pleased, to say the least. We weren't supposed to be their job. But your Immortals were shirking their duties and someone had to do it. Someone had to remind the mortals that what they were doing went against the balance. That their abuse of the gift of magic was a threat to the preservation of this world. They didn't always have time to step in, but they did when they could. When it was absolutely necessary and apparent your Immortals would not."

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Asildu says, "Over time, it became apparent that the failure of your Immortals to perform their duties wasn't just a matter of laziness, but their own hubris. Their own flaws, similar to those of mortals, wherein they began to despise the Heralds for their power. Your Immortals hated being weak in comparison. They hated taking orders. They wanted to be the ones in charge. They knew that destroying the balance would hurt the Heralds and they WANTED that."

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Medir just arrived.

Miraena cringes.

Anuril raises an eyebrow.

Allye slowly empties her lungs.

Asildu says, "So they let the mortals do as they wished. It didn't matter to your Immortals if the world was destroyed, along with all of us in it. They could simply create a new world in which they would be the ultimate power, with new mortals and new playthings they could toy with at their leisure while the Heralds would be left here with nothing but the withering and decaying remains of what was left of their garden. Betrayal of the highest degree."

Kethrai gazes silently at Asildu.

Lupdels frowns.

Karthor strokes his beard in thoughtful contemplation.

Tambellis steps towards Madigan to join him, but Madigan steps away.

Miraena says, "It's like a farmer who neglects her crops and then instead of putting in the effort to tend to them, decides just to start a new crop somewhere else. She ignores the damage she has left behind. The farmer walks away, but the land will be left to suffer for generations."

Madigan nods to Tambellis.

Tambellis joins Madigan's group.

Miraena takes a step forward, the passion behind her words driving her body into motion. Her arms splay out in front of her, gesturing towards a theoretical field of crops before her.

Imroth ponders.

Miraena passionately says, "A good farmer, even one with crops that have begun to rot, will take the time to return the field to a healthy, fertile state, so that future crops have a place to thrive."

Tirost gazes at Asildu in defiance!

(Nawain clenches her fist around the butt of her whip, staring daggers at Asildu, but doesn't move towards him.)

Asildu says, "I know this isn't what any of you want to hear. You've spent your lives revering the Immortals because they were assigned to be our caretakers. You don't know the Heralds because THEY are the caretakers of everything else in this world. The Heralds are the ones responsible for making sure this world remains in existence, even if everything on it goes up in flames for the foolishness and arrogance of adventurers."

Tirost joins Madigan's group.

Miraena glances down at her arms, as if just realizing her dramatic gesticulations. With a blush, she pulls them back into her sides and steps backwards, nodding to Asildu.

Zersha frowns faintly, her eyes moving back and forth between Miraena and Asildu as she listens with an uncomfortable expression on her face.

Asildu says, "That's not to say the Heralds WANT to see us all destroyed. If they did, they wouldn't have taken the time to step in the times that they did when your Immortals were shirking their duties. It is why they seek to give us time to change our ways now, but the fate of the world is more important to them than the fate of us. If we don't listen - if YOU ALL continue to do the things you do that threaten the existence of this world - the Heralds will have no choice but to eradicate that which refuses to work in harmony to regain balance."

Lupdels glances at a tall glass of silver wine.

Miraena nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Crobin chuckles.

Sublime Mender Kerennya just arrived.

Asildu says, "What you all view as the Heralds destroying..."

Anuril ponders.

Asildu shakes his head.

Asildu says, "They don't destroy. They repair."

Lupdels slowly empties his lungs.

Hebion rests his hand on Zersha's arm with a soft smile.

Asildu says, "They repair the world."

Miraena gives a slight nod.

Asildu says, "And if mortals would just listen... there is still time for us to make the changes necessary to prevent the Heralds from having to take such drastic measures to succeed."

Luna takes a sip of her wine.

Aaiyaah asks, "So meteors hitting us is actually repairing , not destroying? Is that right?"

Asildu says, "It won't be an easy fix or a quick fix. Too much damage has been caused for it to be that simple. But the more pure mana we can feed into this world, the faster it will heal. Instead of throwing sorcery parties, have you considered throwing pure mana casting parties? You want an action - there's an action. Stop sorcery to halt the damage. Cast pure to fix it. I don't know how much clearer I can be with that."

(Crobin leans back against the wall watching the group)

Zersha shakes her head at Hebion.

A nervous tic starts up around Nawain's eye.

Asildu glances at Miraena.

Madigan quietly asks, "Are they repairing the clans presently?"

Leilanie just skipped out.

Imroth asks, "So the Heralds would destroy us just like you are claiming the immortals would?"

Ruea glances at Madigan.

Xionara softly asks Asildu, "Is it Heralds imprisoning friends?"

Karthor jots down some notes.

Miraena sighs lightly, but moves a little closer to Asildu and gives him another encouraging nod.

Zersha glances at Allye.

Lupdels nods to Xionara.

Zersha quietly says to Allye, "We haven't tried that yet, you know."

Miraena quietly says to Asildu, "We're doing everything we can do."

Miraena rubs Asildu in a friendly manner.

Asildu sighs.

Asildu says, "But, I suppose there's more you all would like to know about as well."

Trajan says, "It sounds to me like the Heralds would like to 'repair' our free will."

Imroth nods to Asildu.

Tirost nods.

Xionara loudly asks Asildu, "Is it Heralds imprisoning friends?"

Etasia gives a slight nod.

As if out of nowhere, a faint thrum of energy begins to pulse around Asildu. Persisting for several heartbeats, it fluctuates in its intensity, causing him to catch his breath as it dissipates once again.

Asildu says, "The spires..."

Kethrai blinks at Asildu.

Nawain scowls.

Medir shifts his weight.

Illiya says, "The accusations you are leveling against the Immortals.. some would call that blasphemy."

Asildu says, "I can explain."

Parkons applauds.

Leilanie just skipped in.

Parkons applauds.

Asildu clears his throat.

Nawain gives Illiya a slight nod.

Aerilia tilts her head to one side.

Casari says, "Everyone... just listen."

Karthor says to Xionara, "He's already answered that before with a clear "No"."

Ezerak says to Illiya, "As he said before, some already have."

Reriyn says, "Let him finish."

Parkons says, "What a load of refuse. Nice story so far."

Reriyn grumbles.

Asildu says, "Maybe not an explanation that will make any of you understand or forgive, but an explanation, nonetheless."

Xionara softly says to Karthor, "Have been daydreaming a bit."

Asildu says, "As many of you know, I suffered... effects... from my connection to the Heralds during your... sorcery party. In the past, I've felt them, sensed them, but never to the degree I felt them that night. Many of you have heard that the Heralds aren't like us, but what you have to understand is that this extends to their means of communication, too."

Asildu says, "One doesn't just converse with the Heralds. Their voices are so powerful, they could... melt one's mind if they spoke like we do. Well... their emotions are rather the same. That night... their rage... it was so strong, so all-consuming, it nearly ended me with the force of it. For days, I found myself almost possessed by the strength of it, overwhelming my senses to a point where I could think of nothing but their anger. Their outrage."

Miraena frowns deeply, watching Asildu with pain on her face.

Kethrai's lips twitch slightly as he utters a brief, curious trill.

Lupdels sighs.

Tirost glances at Trajan.

Eyst gives a slight nod.

Aerilia frowns slightly.

Asildu says, "When I tried to express my thoughts to adventurers about the seeming fate of Knife Clan, I wasn't in control of myself. My frustration was further fueled by the rage of the Heralds, and the constant resistance I have come up against since I first came to bring their message. Everyone wanting me to talk to the Heralds. To send them messages. I have been clear from the start that my connection doesn't work that way, yet you all press and press..."

Allye furrows her brow.

Asildu begins to shake slightly, clearly overcome by emotion.

Zersha nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Tambellis joylessly says, "Heh, the beings that want balance having this level of emotional imbalance isn't a good thing. I don't even have the emotional endurance to explain how insane that is."

Miraena reaches towards Asildu and rests her hand lightly on his arm. She looks into his face and offers him a tender smile.

Leilanie gnaws on her lip.

Xionara chuckles at Tambellis.

Crobin nods to Tambellis.

Marienn smirks.

Miraena tenderly says to Asildu, "It was not your fault. This is such a big task placed on our shoulders. We are learning so much, just as they are."

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Asildu slowly empties his lungs.

Lupdels nods to Miraena.

Asildu says, "I didn't expect the Heralds to respond. But the fact that they did is... telling. I don't know what happened, exactly, but I know they remain angry. I know they are displeased by the arrogance of the adventurers who would dare challenge their power, their intelligence, and their ability to fix this imbalance. I can only hypothesize that maybe the influx in power I felt through my connection to them also somehow increased my visibility to them."

A faint, peculiar outline appears briefly over Asildu's skin, highlighting the hardened, squamiform layer of subdermal keratinized flesh beneath the surface. It lingers for barely a breath before receding again, and though you are sure it was there, you cannot recall what it looked like.

Asildu says, "What I do know is that they were still angry. They ARE angry. They want you all to see the lengths that they will have to go to in order to fix this imbalance, to restore the harmony of this world if mortals refuse to mend their sorcerous ways."

Aerilia frowns at Asildu.

Asildu says, "Since that night, I have learned much. That your Immortals are so afraid of you learning the truth, they have forsaken me for telling it. But the Heralds believe. They believe that it is not too late for Miraena and myself to save you all. For that, they have accepted me. They have embraced me. And it is for that reason we are here now, in hopes that we can somehow help you all. If you will let us."

Asildu nods.

Crobin chuckles.

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Aaiyaah folds his arms across his chest.

Imroth fixes Asildu with a solid, steady stare.

Nawain fixes Asildu with a solid, steady stare.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Miraena quietly says to Asildu, "Very well said, Asildu. Thank you for making this attempt with me."

Follow-Up Questions & Answers

Illiya joins Shaylynne's group.

Kethrai asks Asildu, "The... spires. What are they? What do they do? How do they fit in?"

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Lupdels nods to Kethrai.

Comfrin says to Madigan, "I don't but it."

Plague Doctor Marienn meanders northeast.

Comfrin says, "Buy."

Miraena quietly asks Asildu, "How are you feeling? Are you open to some questions?"

Medir joins Shaylynne's group.

Asildu says to Kethrai, "They are restoring what once was here."

Lupdels frowns.

Imroth folds his arms across his chest.

Asildu quietly says to Miraena, "A few, I think. Though I have my doubts they will listen."

Miraena sighs.

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Trajan raises his hand.

Leilanie knits her eyebrows together in a thoughtful frown.

Lupdels raises his hand.

Kerennya asks Asildu, "And the people of the Clans? What of them?"

Imroth says, "I think it was fine before the vines."

Shaylynne clasps Allye's hand tenderly.

Leilanie nods at Kerennya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Allye nods to Shaylynne.

Kethrai asks, "The spires are what once was here? Or the spires are also continuing to repair? Both?"

Xionara softly says, "Forsaken."

Asildu says to Kerennya, "That, I don't know. As I said, the Heralds are focused on the planet. Not so much the people."

Saragos raises his hand.

Xionara glances at Asildu.

Miraena gives a slight nod.

Medir sighs.

Crobin shakes his head.

Illiya says, "...Not so much the people..."

Asildu says to Kethrai, "A little of both."

Kethrai gives Asildu a slight nod.

Miraena says, "Which is why we have said that the Heralds do not have the people you have lost."

Lupdels glances at a blue iris.

Luna shakes her head.

Anuril asks, "Asildu, in the most recent vision we were granted by elanthia, we saw a dragon, she empowered a being she called a gardener, later on she created another group of servants she called guardians. When you say 'heralds', which of these are you referring to?"

Trajan asks Asildu, "'Why is it so important to them to 'save' us, if they're simultaneously trying so hard to make it clear that they can also end us, if they feel like it?"

Lupdels nods to Anuril.

Tambellis joylessly says, "As someone who doesn't care much for 99% of humanity, the Herald's are more anti-humanity than even me."

Lupdels chuckles at Tambellis.

Zersha glances at Tambellis.

Valynn sighs.

Kethrai gives Anuril a slight nod.

Allye gives Tambellis a wry grin.

Imroth asks, "What is it about sorcery that angers the Heralds so much?"

Crobin pats Tambellis on the back.

Parkons says to Trajan, "It's called a threat."

Asildu says to Anuril, "Visions are tricky things. And not always direct. Or accurate."

Anuril sighs.

Morlokk nods to Trajan.

Lupdels raises an eyebrow in Asildu's direction.

Madigan chuckles.

Trajan nods to Parkons.

Asildu says, "In history books, the Heralds are sometimes referred to as Guardians."

Zersha gnaws on her lip.

Asildu says to Etasia, "If you ask that question aloud, I will answer it."

Asildu nods politely to Etasia.

Madigan calmly says, "So..pay attention to the vision unless is cuts against your story."

Madigan gets a mug of roasted coffee from inside his traveler's pack.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Trajan nods to Morlokk.

Rozalynde gazes about, drinking in her surroundings.

Valynn smiles at Etasia.

Etasia asks Asildu, "I asked, are ye not Sildua?"

Medir gets a generous dram of Chelsea Estate's Special Reserve scotch from inside his cartographer's cloak.

Luna gives Madigan a wry grin.

Miraena gazes at Etasia.

Asildu says to Etasia, "I am not."

Asildu says, "Flattered by the thought, though."

Imroth nods.

Etasia nods politely.

Miraena chuckles.

Crobin raises his hand.

Medir takes a sip of his scotch.

Shaylynne ponders.

Trajan says to Asildu, "'You shouldn't be."

Trajan glances at Asildu.

Luna takes a sip of her wine.

Saragos says to Asildu, "I have a question for you about the kidnapped people that I hope to ask respectfully."

Asildu says to Trajan, "If someone mistakes you for a very powerful being, it is flattering, believe me."

Miraena says to Trajan, "Some of us walk a harder path than others. I hope you never are never tasked with the burden we have been."

Miraena curtsies to Trajan.

Saragos asks Asildu, "Regarding out kidnapped friends, we've recently seen a vision that show a draconic being that we presume to be a Herald banishing what appears to be a some sort of rogue Gardener to a Null Prison that seems to match the one that our friends are trapped within. I assume that you still maintain that the Heralds did not take them. If that is so, do you have any insight or alternate interpretations of the vision that would explain why they seem to be imprisoned in the same way as this rogue Gardener?"

Imroth chuckles at Rozalynde.

Aaiyaah says to Asildu, "You can sit here and tell us this and that about the Heralds and how they are just trying to fix balance , the planet, etc. At the end of the day, the Immortals have not dropped the ball or been lazy. They have been there for us, protected us, fought for us countless times. Never have they sent meteors. I for one stay by faithful to our Immortals, no matter what."

Anuril nods to Saragos.

Morlokk chuckles.

Morlokk shakes his head.

Miraena asks Aaiyaah, "But have the Immortals told you what needs to be done to fix this?"

Tirost nods to Aaiyaah.

Nawain nods to Aaiyaah.

Miraena gazes upward.

Anuril quietly says to Aaiyaah, "There's this thing called the Ride..."

Crobin nods to Zynell.

Ezerak nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Zersha nods at Anuril, obviously agreeing with his views.

Casari nods emphatically at Anuril.

Ezerak says to Anuril, "I was about to bring that up."

Asildu says to Saragos, "Without having seen the vision, it's hard to say. A visual might have helped me answer that question better."

Tirost says to Miraena, "They have shown us far more than you have."

Ezerak says, "It's certainly not meteors, but still quite dangerous."

Miraena asks Tirost, "And what have they said to do, specifically?"

Tambellis joylessly says, "You're not really supposed to 'fix' having free will."

Saragos asks Asildu, "It was a very long vision, but I can attempt to summarize if that would help?"

Tirost says to Miraena, "Support the ox. Fight the dragon. Follow them."

Etasia takes a sip of her whiskey.

Miraena gazes off into the distance.

Asildu says to Saragos, "By all means."

Nawain nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Lupdels nods.

Miraena asks, "Where was the ox when your friends were taken?"

Miraena raises an eyebrow in Tirost's direction.

A pained expression crosses Tirost's face.

Zersha whispers something to Allye.

Kethrai says, "The Immortals have, roughly, told us -- what's happening is all part of the plan."

Miraena asks, "Where was the ox when my village was nearly destroyed?"

Allye nods at Zersha, obviously agreeing with her views.

Ezerak frowns.

Zersha gazes sadly at Miraena.

Crobin asks, "Where were the Heralds?"

Imroth ponders.

Tirost says to Miraena, "Fighting a great battle, I imagine."

Xionara softly asks Miraena, "Where were Heralds?"

Miraena asks, "Where is the ox now, when so many suffer and cry for answers that have always been given?"

Nawain growls low in the back of her throat.

Nevali pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

Xionara nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Illiya says to Crobin, "Exactly."

Asildu says to Aaiyaah, "They've done enough for you to be aware of them and to trust them."

Leilanie nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Aerilia calmly asks, "The Immortals and Heralds are at odds. The present state of the world is weakening the Heralds. The Immortals have shown us Their support and Forsaken Asildu. That about right?"

Allye whispers something to Zersha.

Miraena says to Xionara, "We have been here for quite some time now, giving you the messages and showing with more and more proof that we are who we say we are."

Crobin says, "I have a question when Saragos is done."

Trajan frowns at Miraena.

Zersha nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nevali nervously asks, "From all I managed to piece together of the Prydaen gods... they seemed a lot like... well, the Primal Elanthia vision, it just made me think... sorry, I can't get my thoughts straight... are ALL immortals, all gods, going against the Heralds, or are some sticking true to their task?"

Lupdels nods to Nevali.

Tirost asks Miraena, "Where are the Heralds you so adore? Where is their help?"

Miraena says to Xionara, "We just gave an entire presentation on the will of the Heralds."

Kethrai trills softly at Nevali.

Casari looks thoughtfully at Nevali.

Xionara softly says to Miraena, "Asking impossible by all stop use of sorcery. Some will not. Necromancers will not."

Aaiyaah says to Miraena, "It is interesting. We have not had any Immortal guiding us to blame you or the Immortals or cast blame. Why is that you think? Meanwhile, you are blaming the Immortals every chance you can."

Miraena says to Tirost, "They have told us what needs to be done for us to save ourselves. Cease sorcery."

Anuril rubs his head.

Crobin laughs at Miraena.

Parkons takes a sip of his brandy.

Xionara softly says to Miraena, "That path closed to us. Necromancers do not die."

Imroth asks, "I thought the Heralds were supposed to be vastly more powerful than the Immortals. Why is this even a battle at all? Why don't the Heralds just remove the Immortals entirely if they are so dissatisfied?"

Xionara flicks her ears back in obvious annoyance.

Miraena says, "If we do not, maybe they wipe the slate clean and start over. Their survival does not rely on us."

Tirost says to Miraena, "And hope it all gets better? Some have, and our friends are still missing. Nothing has improved - but when we've used sorcery, we receive visions from our gods and a sense of balance."

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Nawain snorts, loudly.

Crobin says, "That is the problem you speak oof."

Allye rubs her head.

Parkons says, "We've heard their pitch and this is what I think."

Leilanie nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Miraena says to Tirost, "I am still awaiting the ox with the answers."

Parkons asks, "Someone call stable hands from across the continent. We need a monumental cleanup in here. Why are some people still convinced their message is genuine?"

Casari says, "Nevali's question was a good one."

Miraena gazes off to the northeast.

Miraena gazes off to the east.

Miraena gazes off to the southeast.

Kethrai nods to Casari.

Allye gazes at Miraena.

Crobin says, "To get everyone in the realms to stop doing something is not something we can do. There is always those that will do as they wish when they want. You can't stop something when people have free will."

Aaiyaah asks Miraena, "Can you or Asildu explain why it is then the only improvement in these wild magic issues come from either our vigils to Immortals or the use of Sorcery?"

Xionara nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Pit Viper Ophidian just arrived.

Madigan takes a sip of his coffee.

Ophidian smiles.

Holy Lash Nawain patters east.

Ophidian waves.

Miraena says to Crobin, "Every single person who ceases the use of sorcery starts tipping the balance back."

Etasia smiles at Ophidian, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ophidian hugs Etasia, who wraps her arms around Ophidian with a warm smile.

Kethrai says to Crobin, "And yet, we've never been told sorcery must go to zero. Even just stopping its increase would be a step."

Ophidian wraps his arms around Malorna in a loving hug.

Crobin says, "But you said cease Sorcery."

Etasia hugs Ophidian, getting a smile in return.

Asildu says, "I apologize for not addressing questions momentarily. I am waiting to see if I can answer this gentleman's question."

Miraena says to Crobin, "Or, for people like yourself who I believe said has never used sorcery, keeps it from getting worse."

Asildu gestures at Saragos.

Nevali says, "Aaaalso... are the Heralds making other worlds... other planets? Or are they just in charge of this one? Might as well throw that question out there."

Trajan says, "Back in the Heralds' favor."

Lupdels says, ""I do not want to exceed what Saragos is preparing to say, but the Rangers shared the vision with me as well. The perspective of an orange dragon turning into a woman. Anointing an entity, the point of view of the vision, as her Gardener. One of her Gardeners. The entity became hungry, too hungry, and consuming too much mana. It drove itself to break free from its planar existence to consume more mana. That sated its hunger, but triggered the response of the woman. The entity was snuffed out of existence, but still survived as a speck in a null prison. I believe it's important to respond to this."

Imroth nods.

Tirost asks Miraena, "Should you not be beseeching the Heralds to help the clans, as Unaka has asked of Truffenyi?"

Nevali says, "We need a question list..."

Anuril nods to Lupdels.

Miraena asks Aaiyaah, "Those moments of relief that you have felt, have they come while doing these mass sorcerous events, or... when you finally stopped?"

Urbaj says, "If the feeling of stability and decreased wild magic is a result of us eventually slowing down our sorcery after parties and such, it doesn't make sense that it would be measurably MORE stable than before."

Holy Lash Nawain just arrived.

Nawain slowly empties her lungs.

Lupdels says, "If the Heralds do not have our friends, our friends may still be in a prison the Heralds know about ..."

Tirost says to Miraena, "I thought you said we haven't stopped..."

Ophidian assesses his combat situation.

Parkons takes a sip of his brandy.

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "I apologize for I am not a magic user, but I have been told they have all been felt when it stopped, as if the world was snapping back to a more relieved place once it STOPPED."

Zersha nods at Nevali, obviously agreeing with her views.

Comfrin says to Miraena, "Not onces have I felt the balance go a different way. Only when researching wild magic have I seen it."

Aerilia shakes her head.

Miraena says to Tirost, "I'm speaking of those mass sorcerous events."

Allye whispers something to Leilanie.

Ophidian joins Malorna's group.

Tambellis joylessly says to Urbaj, "I've mentioned this before, but the fact that adventurers get pinned as the sorcery problem is insane. I and others are out there killing sorcerers non-stop every day, and apparently that doesn't matter in the slightest."

Xionara shakes her head.

Malorna rests her hand on Ophidian's arm with a soft smile.

Leilanie whispers something to Allye.

Parkons sympathetically says, "While I believe that these two represent our foe who has brought meteors down on nearby villages, I also believe they are themselves innocent."

Saragos says to Asildu, "Ok, I will summarize as best I can."

Malorna rests her hand on Ophidian's arm with a soft smile.

Allye nods to Leilanie.

Urbaj nods to Tambellis.

Asildu nods to Saragos.

Ophidian grins at Malorna.

Saragos says to Asildu, "The vision contained a large orange Dragon that took a humanoid, feminine form. We took the place of an individual that she said would be one of her Gardeners. We experienced this Gardener's incredible hunger for mana that could not be sated, until it eventually broke the Dragon's own rules and drew mana from outside of the paradise."

Saragos says to Asildu, "The draconic humanoid returned, and while we did not understand her words, we became aware that this Gardener was accused of poisoning the purity of this world, and was unmade with a touch. In the unmaking, its consciousness became attached to a speck of dirt inside a beam of light, and it sat there within that null prison, watching from the outside for what appeared to be an eternity. Eventually, we watched a war that seemed to have been brought on by this poisoning which took the lives of both creators and created."

Ophidian smiles.

Lupdels nods to Saragos.

Etasia takes a sip of her whiskey.

Aaiyaah whispers something to Valynn.

Leilanie whispers something to Allye.

Allye gives Leilanie a wry grin.

Zersha rubs her head.

Miraena says to Tambellis, "My understanding is they return as quickly as they are killed... but I am no adventurer to see them myself."

Leilanie manages a sad-eyed grin for Allye.

Miraena looks at Tambellis and blushes.

Parkons takes a sip of his brandy.

Allye leans over and scratches Leilanie's back.

Imroth looks over Asildu very closely.

Aaiyaah whispers something to Valynn.

Saragos asks Asildu, "I've done my best to relay this as accurately as I can, without bias. Do you have any knowledge of such a prison, or how it might have been used on our missing people?"

Roughneck Rileos just arrived.

Ruea smiles at Rileos.

Miraena quietly says to Asildu, "I am sorry my friend, I will give you a chance to answer this man."

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Kethrai says to Miraena, "That's certainly the case for most sorcerers I've known."

Rileos leans on Ruea.

Ruea wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Tambellis joylessly says to Miraena, "They're non-stop, but the only thing that can halt them is death for a time, that's why it's a non-stop process."

Lupdels glances at Asildu.

Plague Doctor Marienn just arrived.

Tambellis joylessly says, "All day every day, sorcerer blood everywhere."

Asildu says to Miraena, "It is alright. I'm sorry to have left you to face them all alone. The questions come fast and furious."

Miraena quietly says to Kethrai, "One Adventurer invited me to join them to spread my message there. I did not sense good intentions on his part, and so I declined."

Madigan calmly asks, "Did we hear the answer to whether our folks are save in the Clans or not?"

Miraena looks at Kethrai and blushes.

Madigan says, "Safe even."

Imroth seems to be waiting for something.

Etasia smiles at Rileos, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Miraena nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai frowns.

Ophidian smiles at Madigan.

Ophidian grins.

Nawain gives Rileos a slight nod.

Ophidian blushes, the tips of his ears turning a deep shade of red.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Ophidian with a crisp hand salute.

Kethrai quietly says to Miraena, "The Heralds seem to have gifted you some strength, but no you probably shouldn't go there."

Parkons says to Madigan, "I don't think they know."

Miraena asks Madigan, "I thought your friends had disappeared before the Clans were encased?"

Unyielding Valor Comfrin moseys southeast.

Asildu says, "I think a lot of questions have been lost in the cacophony. We can try to circle back to some here."

Tambellis joylessly says to Madigan, "I'm at my limit for personal interaction, let me know if you need anything."

Lupdels nods to Asildu.

Tear Reaper Tambellis goes southeast.

Ophidian grins at Nawain.

Miraena says to Madigan, "I may have the timing of things confused. We hear lots of different and competeing information from folks."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Xionara softly says, "Don't blame that one."

Eyst says, "I think the question of what is going on inside the calamity zones is a good one to circle back on."

Madigan says, "Our folks are also those in the clans."

Kethrai says to Miraena, "I think he meant the folks living in those Clans, not the five missing adventurers."

Allye nods to Eyst.

Asildu says, "So, while I can't speak directly to all of the visions I've heard spoken of, I can speak to a few things."

Miraena looks at Kethrai and blushes.

Shaylynne nods to Medir.

Ophidian grins at Xionara.

Lupdels shifts his weight.

Shaylynne hugs Medir, who wraps his arms around Shaylynne with a warm smile.

Medir hugs Shaylynne, who wraps her arms around Medir with a warm smile.

Ophidian laughs at Xionara.

Medir smiles.

Ophidian nods.

Xionara nods to Ophidian.

Medir walks southeast.

Malorna chuckles.

Miraena says, "My apologies. Adventurers are just so confusing, and ask questions round and round in the same circles."

Allye trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Parkons nods to Miraena.

Lupdels chuckles at Miraena.

Madigan nods to Kerennya.

Kethrai mutters something into the air about you're not wrong.

(Zersha stands quietly, trying to follow the overlapping conversations.)

Leilanie frowns at Miraena.

Kerennya nods to Madigan.

Rileos nods to Nawain.

Madigan puts his coffee in his traveler's pack.

Anuril observes Asildu with fascination.

Asildu says, "The Heralds would consider themselves gardeners. Protectors of that... Primal Elanthia."

Parkons says to Miraena, " I agree with you for a change. I'm not sure why anyone feels compelled to repeatedly entertain this garbage."

Parkons takes a sip of his brandy.

Madigan bows to Etasia.

Xionara chuckles at Parkons.

Xionara bows her head, acknowledging Parkons.

Luna takes a sip of her wine.

Ophidian takes a seat near Malorna.

Kethrai says to Parkons, "Nothing between you and the door either."

Ophidian scoots over a little closer to Malorna.

Imroth asks, "Miraen How are you so callous to the deaths of the Clans here, when your whole story for being here is based on your village suffering?"

Malorna takes a seat near Ophidian.

Imroth coughs.

Malorna smiles at Ophidian.

Ophidian grins at Malorna.

Allye's ears droop dejectedly as a look of melancholy crosses her face.

Parkons says to Asildu, "I pity you two. Truly."

Crobin says, "Speaking of the door."

Miraena says, "We do not know what has happened to or is happening to those encased in the clans. But again, we are confident that finally listening to the Heralds and ceasing the use of sorcery would be a good start to righting things again."

Crobin says, "I am sure it is best I retire."

Asildu says, "But, as I said, visions... in my experience... are never direct. They are always open to interpretation. And confusion, at that."

Xionara begins chortling at Parkons.

Zynell hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Crobin says, "It gets harder for me to hold the old tongue at times."

Illiya grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Ophidian waves to Sothios.

Luna grins at Crobin.

Crobin gives Aaiyaah a brotherly hug, ruffling his hair with his knuckles.

Crobin waves to Ophidian.

Eyst asks Miraena, "On the subject, are the zones surrounding the former clan sites an example of "Primal Elanthia"? If the Heralds have their way can we expect they will continue trying to turn the rest of Elanthia into such places?"

Crobin waves to Luna.

Asildu says, "What I can say that, if we are considering the Heralds gardeners, the sorcery is what is poisoning the garden."

Ruea glances at Crobin.

Ophidian waves to Crobin.

Miraena says to Imroth, "It is not callous to try to work to save the world instead of a handful of people. I left my village knowing the burden of this message was far greater than any one, two, or ten individuals."

Ophidian beams at Crobin!

Luna waves to Crobin.

Lupdels frowns at Asildu.

Crobin waves.

Ruea asks Crobin, "When have you ever?"

Zynell hugs Etasia, who wraps her arms around Zynell with a warm smile.

Crobin says, "Count this as a first then."

Crobin winks at Ruea.

Zersha gazes thoughtfully at Miraena.

Asildu says, "For that garden to flourish, the gardeners require pure mana."

Luna shakes Crobin's hand.

Crobin shakes Luna's hand.

Crobin just hugged Ruea.

Miraena says to Imroth, "I have been telling adventurers of the horrible things happening in villages across the world for many weeks, and only now that it has happened close to home do you even appear to care."

Crobin waves.

Xionara softly says, "And isn't that exactly what mana parasite feeds on."

Parkons says, "I don't want your so called garden. Just as I am sure the good people of the clans feel."

Fearless Crobin saunters southeast.

Xionara leans back.

Xionara folds her arms across her chest.

Miraena asks Imroth, "Why did YOU not care when I brought the plight of my village to YOU?"

Morlokk nods emphatically at Parkons.

Sothios smiles at Etasia.

Miraena raises an eyebrow in Imroth's direction.

Tirost says to Asildu, "Primal Elanthia you mean, not the state of the plane we and our people lived in."

Miraena asks Imroth, "What of MY family? What of MY neighbors?"

Rileos looks at Ruea, obviously trying not to grin.

Etasia smiles at Sothios, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kethrai trills softly at Miraena.

Etasia smiles at Zynell, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

A tear runs down Valynn's face.

Zersha whispers something to Allye.

Illiya asks Asildu, "What do they need the pure mana for? Are they consuming it in vast quantities?"

Valynn wipes one of her eyes.

Allye nods to Zersha.

Eyst nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Imroth says, "My condolences for your village, and all of the suffering. Asildu requested MORE destruction as a proof of power."

Asildu says to Illiya, "They need pure mana to correct the balance."

Ruea smiles.

Miraena asks Imroth, "No, why do YOU not care about MY village until now?"

Xionara shakes her head.

Asildu says, "Or, rather... to restore the balance."

Aerilia says to Miraena, "There's a signifcant difference between villages lost to disasters and one destroyed with intent. Both are terribly, but one is malicious."

Zersha cocks her head at Hebion.

Miraena says to Imroth, "Prove to me that you cared about my village."

Luna asks Miraena, "Haven't we assisted your village?"

Eyst says to Tirost, "It is an important distinction as to what state of the world the Heralds want us to return to."

Imroth ponders.

Tirost nods to Eyst.

Miraena asks Imroth, "You cannot prove it?"

Luna peers quizzically at Miraena.

Nawain gives Rileos a slight nod.

Leilanie glances at Miraena.

Miraena says, "Sounds familiar."

Asildu rests a consoling hand on Miraena's shoulder.

Aaiyaah says to Miraena, "He does not have to prove anything to you."

Kethrai says to Aerilia, "Not when the disaster comes as a result of utter neglect."

Parkons says, "I'd argue everyone cares about all the villages. I don't see a single PERSON in the room that doesn't actually care."

Saragos sighs.

Lupdels rolls his eyes.

Allye whispers something to Zersha.

Etasia drifts southeast.

Casari says to Aaiyaah, "That's probably her point."

Aerilia shakes her head at Kethrai.

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zersha smiles at Allye, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Anuril nods to Casari.

Leilanie gnaws on her lip.

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "He demands to know why I do not care about those in Knife Clan or Tiger Clan, while not showing regard for anyone else. I think if he wants proof that I care, he can show the same."

Ruea quietly says, "I bet the overt hostility in the room is really helping keep this conversation informative and rational."

Asildu says to Saragos, "I wish I had more knowledge to interpret the vision. I can only speak of what I know of the Heralds. And I can't say that there is anything specific in that vision that stands out as something I can rightly interpret."

Kethrai says, "If these disasters ARE caused by sorcery, by refusing to give it up, we declare that our pursuit of sorcery is more important than those villagers' lives."

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "And if he can not, maybe he will understand the position we are in."

Lupdels says to Asildu, "I hold the blue iris that Miraena gave me and I keep my promise against sorcery. But I care not just for this world, but it's people too. A bard is nothing without society. Asildu, I emplore you, your emotions getting the best of you and the destruction of the Clans hurts your message. Please be careful in the future, I beg of you. And when you cannot provide an answer, a direct admission that you don't know may serve you better than serving up vague platitudes and parables."

Leilanie nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zynell nods to Ruea.

Imroth says, "No, I have proof that you do not care. They are innocent third parties."

Lupdels frowns.

Allye gazes at Lupdels.

Zersha looks at Ruea, obviously trying not to grin, but the dimples in her cheeks give her away.

Tirost asks Kethrai, "Asildu said the Immortals are lazy and negectful. Do you feel that way about Hodierna? The guidence she gave when Maelshyve attempted to manifest herself here, or when Briaen beseeched Berengaria?"

Miraena gazes at Imroth.

Tirost shakes his head.

Nawain gazes at Kethrai.

Imroth says, "I cannot prove my feelings of the past either way to you."

Asildu says to Lupdels, "I thank you for the advice, but I believe that's what I just did for that man."

Asildu gestures at Saragos.

Luna nods to Tirost.

Allye trills softly at Tirost.

Kethrai frowns at Tirost.

Ophidian stands up.

Xionara nods to Ophidian.

Lupdels nods to Asildu.

Asildu says, "I don't know the answer to his question."

Malorna hugs Ophidian, who wraps his arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Ophidian grins at Xionara.

Tirost says, "I do not believe it. A unicorn lead me through Zaulfung, and Meraud has saved me many times."

Xionara hugs Ophidian, getting a smile in return.

Ophidian hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Ophidian with a warm smile.

Asildu says, "I wish I did."

Ruea gazes off into the distance.

Ophidian just kissed Malorna.

Imroth says, "But I can prove that Asildu requested destruction on people that did not deserve it."

Lupdels asks Asildu, "Well maybe you could ask the Heralds?"

Miraena quietly says to Asildu, "They demand proof, and yet believe random visions given to them by demons for all we know."

Miraena grumbles.

Pit Viper Ophidian canters southeast.

Malorna grins.

Ruea leans on Rileos.

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Miraena quietly exclaims to Asildu, "Or building that weapon or whatever it is!"

Aerilia shakes her head.

Valynn frets.

Kethrai says, "I... don't know what to think. No, I don't think the Immortals are lazy and neglectful. But I also don't think they're wrong that sorcery is the cause of all this suffering."

Asildu says to Miraena, "The Immortals did their job in being the known caretakers. Their mortals will follow them blindly because they don't want to believe they have been misled."

Zersha gazes at Kethrai.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya goes east.

Miraena looks at Asildu and sighs.

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Lupdels says, "If the visions are correct, this original Gardener may be older than the Heralds that were created second as replacement Guardians. I think they should be worried that the entity that predated them may exist and perhaps just escaped from prison."

Shaylynne nods to Kethrai.

Madigan says to Miraena, "Ohh, it is much more simple than that farm girl. We believe when someone shows us who they are. So far, we see the Heralds as murders and you are speaking up for them."

Imroth asks, "Can we kill them yet?"

Luna asks, "Demons? The immortals?"

Illiya grins at Imroth, her dimples flashing into view.

Nawain nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Miraena asks Madigan, "I have been here for weeks speaking this plain and simple message. What actions have you taken?"

Ezerak says to Kethrai, "It is alright. Things do not always have to be so black and white."

Zersha nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

(Casari adjusts the naphtha holsters on her belt.)

Malorna asks, "So... if we follow an immortal we are blind and wrong in your eyes?"

Luna blinks at Miraena.

Nawain just touched a viridian whip enveloped by razor-winged goldenglow glaes butterflies.

Parkons takes a sip of his brandy.

Lupdels nods to Kethrai.

Asildu says, "The point I think everyone misses is that this isn't a matter of murder to the Heralds. This is a matter of preservation. I was honest with you when I said the Heralds don't need us."

Asildu says, "And by us, I mean mortals."

Madigan says to Miraena, "We have another saying I like. Deeds above words. You are showing us exactly who you are."

Miraena nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Lupdels frowns.

Miraena says to Madigan, "Yes, I have been asking for people to cease using sorcery to save our world for weeks. Those are my actions."

Anuril gazes upward.

Shaylynne scratches her head.

Asildu says, "Everyone keeps trying to attach mortal emotions to beings that are not mortals."

Madigan says to Kethrai, "And, no..no argument that the people in the cland deserved to die is plausable or acceptable."

Miraena says, "If I could cast magic, I would have ceased."

Ezerak nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Trajan says to Asildu, "'Well then, they can interpret us rebelling as a likewise act of preservation."

Valynn gazes down at the floor.

Kethrai asks Madigan, "Who's making that argument? Who?"

Nawain makes a grunting noise.

Aerilia traces a careful sigil in the air.

Asildu quietly says, "More defiance..."

Asildu quietly says, "More arrogance."

Nevali moves over to guard Miraena.

Zersha sighs softly.

Imroth glances at Asildu.

Allye glances at Asildu.

Saragos says to Asildu, "Point of clarification - among mortals, murder is generally still murder, even if you don't think you need the person to exist anymore."

Leilanie shifts her weight.

Xionara softly says, "Too little, too late. Cannot go backwards. Is called pragmatism."

Miraena whispers something to Asildu.

Zersha says to Asildu, "Some of us ARE listening."

Miraena gazes at Asildu.

Nawain says to Asildu, "Don't you dare."

Leilanie frowns at Zynell.

Shaylynne nods to Zersha.

Xionara softly says, "Not arrogance. Not defiance."

Tirost says to Asildu, "That is the height of irony coming from you, Asildu."

Casari says, "Hey, everyone cool it. We don't like what the Heralds do when Asildu is upset."

Lupdels nods to Zersha.

Asildu says to Zersha, "And I thank those who are."

Aerilia says, "Start yelling at the sky and the next metor we see will be your soul entering the red spiral, Asildu."

Valynn nods to Zersha.

Anuril nods to Casari.

Asildu sighs.

Rileos flourishes his Imperial spear about in a butterfly pattern.

Leilanie glances about with concern on her face.

Saragos quietly says, "Here we go again..."

Parkons says to Madigan, "I would encourage everyone to refrain from violence against these two sorry attempts to appeal to our nature as inhabitants of Elanthia. If the powers that compel them retain the capabilities to strike entire villages then attacking these puppets at this time will likely only cause more harm. We need to weaken the puppet master or else more "gardens" will destroy life as we know it."

Shaylynne nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Xionara softly says, "If anything arrogant, is two who represent Heralds. Heralds do not appear themselves to speak."

Lupdels says, "This crowd seems so quick to violence ..."

Madigan draws forth a gleaming silversteel hurling axe sculpted with the curves of a jubilant visage.

Xionara folds her arms across her chest.

Madigan slides a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield off his left arm, gripping it in one hand.

Asildu says, "It's not arrogance to come here and tell the truth. It's just not a truth anyone wants to hear."

Anuril nods to Lupdels.

Miraena says to Asildu, "We say do not poke the bear, and maybe put down the stick if you want to survive. And they pick up a second stick and pretend the left arm is not their responsibility."

Zersha says to Xionara, "He told us why."

Miraena gazes at Asildu.

Xionara lets out an exasperated, "Pbpbpb."

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Xionara softly says, "Not convinced."

Aaiyaah says, "I would just add that in one of Unaka's visions and in discussion she did say that in regards to Asildu, we should have patience."

Anuril nods to Aaiyaah.

Illiya says, "Asking people to give up the religion they have believed in for their whole lives, based on words alone, is a big ask."

Imroth nods to Parkons.

Lupdels tugs at the tip of his beard distractedly.

Zersha says to Xionara, "Do you want your brain melted? I don't."

Shaylynne nods to Aaiyaah.

Tirost says to Asildu, "You have spat on the truth so many of us have experienced, and disrespected the immortals who have protected us."

Asildu says, "I will stick to the important points, then. The ones that hopefully someone will hear."

Shaylynne says, "She did say that."

Malorna says, "Huge ask."

Xionara softly says to Zersha, "Not afraid of such."

Asildu says, "To restore the balance, the Heralds require pure mana."

Xionara scoffs.

Miraena says to Illiya, "All we are asking, all we have ever asked, is to cease using sorcery."

Zersha fixes Xionara with a serene, lofty stare.

Kethrai nods to Asildu.

Ezerak says, "And I would like to remind everyone of what happened the last time one of their messengers was struck down."

Madigan sheathes his hurling axe.

Parkons exclaims, "We've seen what happens when these two are attacked. I say any violence against them will make you complicit!"

Asildu asks, "If anyone is going to throw any parties, maybe consider, even just once... a pure mana party?"

Xionara fixes Zersha with an intent, predatory stare.

Tirost asks Asildu, "To restore balance? Or to inflict primal Elanthia on us?"

Urbaj shakes his head.

Imroth says, "I know what happens when they get that arrogance talk going."

Lupdels nods to Parkons.

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Zersha nods to Asildu.

Rozalynde quietly says, "If the Herald's strike again, it's just going to cause the people convinced that sorcery is the correct path, to do sorcery even harder..."

Asildu says to Tirost, "To restore the balance."

Parkons says, "Honestly, I feel sorry for them, their minds and bodies have been taken from them."

Aaiyaah says to Asildu, "I think the biggest problem you have is, many of us simply do not trust you."

Miraena quietly says to Asildu, "I should like to attend one of those."

Xionara softly says to Tirost, "Best not to trust those who don't need ourselves."

Asildu says, "Sorcery threw off the balance. Pure casting can restore it."

Xionara smirks.

Parkons says to Asildu, "I'll argue the best possible outcome for you two is that we ignore you and hope the puppet master releases you."

Trajan nods to Aaiyaah.

Miraena asks Asildu, "But you believe a vision given to you with no proof who it was from?"

Miraena babbles incoherently.

Kethrai says to Asildu, "If pure mana will help, rather than simply not hurt, we can make something like that happen."

Lupdels asks Asildu, "Would you suggest only one type of mana, or just everyone using their own native mana?"

Miraena asks Aaiyaah, "But you believe a vision given to you with no proof who it was from?"

Parkons exclaims, "May the thirteen find a way to save your soul otherwise!"

Asildu nods to Kethrai.

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "My apologies, there are so many heads here, it's hard to speak to the right one."

Aaiyaah says to Miraena, "We of course have proof of who it was from."

Eyst asks Asildu, "Is this balance the world before these wild magic phenomenon? Or the world made of writhing vines and stone?"

Miraena asks Aaiyaah, "What proof?"

Valynn nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai says to Eyst, "Might want to ask that of Liraxes."

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Shaylynne.

Illiya asks Miraena, "Couldn't one ask you the same thing about your visions from the Heralds?"

Aerilia says to Miraena, "I hope you see the incredible hypocrism of what you just said. You came her because of a vision that you believed to be from the Heralds."

Miraena asks, "Physical, in front of your eyes, irrefutable truth?"

Aaiyaah says to Miraena, "It was from Truffenyi and Unaka interpreted it as so."

Leilanie nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Asildu says to Kethrai, "It's something I should have been clearer about in the past when asked for ways to help. I said then that ceasing sorcery was the answer, and it is. It can stop the imbalance from worsening. But you want to know how to fix it. That is pure mana."

Lupdels takes a sip of his wine.

Kethrai nods to Asildu.

Lupdels puts his iris in his green backpack.

Leilanie fidgets nervously.

Luna takes a sip of her wine.

Miraena says to Illiya, "We tried gently telling you we were who we were. The clans were the Heralds more forceful way of getting you to listen."

Aaiyaah says to Miraena, "No, that was a huge mistake."

Rileos glances outside a moment.

Miraena says, "This is a dire situation in which you MUST listen and act, or the world is doomed."

Nawain nods at Aaiyaah, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ezerak says, "Aaiyaah I would be cautious of anything that one interprets. The vision may have occurred to fast for it."

Anuril sighs.

Parkons warily says, " The answer isn't here with these two. I have business to tend to even if it's all going to be encased in stone before too long."

Casari says, "If I could have one wish, it was that the Heralds would understand how their plan is always going to backfire. They need to change their strategy."

Casari sighs.

Rozalynde quietly says, "But it's done the opposite of make people listen. It's made people more defiant..."

Asildu says, "I am willing to overlook the threats and insults some of you cast upon us tonight because I want to help, whether you believe it or not. If the Heralds wipe us all out, I die, too. So don't think that's what I want."

Parkons takes a sip of his brandy.

Parkons rolls his eyes.

Miraena says to Aaiyaah, "Then I lay the horrible loss of those so far to your hubris."

Bookkeeper Parkons goes southeast.

Lupdels ponders.

Miraena hitches up the waistband of her workman's pants.

Allye frowns at Ezerak.

Aaiyaah says to Miraena, "Forgive me if your words mean nothing to me."

Kethrai moves over to guard Miraena.

Lupdels says to Kethrai, "I would like to join in a pure mana party."

Kethrai nods to Lupdels.

Hebion asks, "So the clans are truly lost and not merely displaced?"

Lupdels gets a blue iris from inside his green backpack.

Madigan says, "Actually, a pure mana party does not sound like a bad idea at all."

Valynn glances at Aaiyaah.

Xionara shakes her head.

Shaylynne nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Lupdels says, "And speaking for myself, Miraena's words mean a lot to me, and I will continue to listen."

Lupdels taps a blue iris that he is holding.

Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived.

Miraena glances at Madigan.

Madigan asks Asildu, "If we do this, will you bloody ask them to release the clans?"

Miraena says to Madigan, "Finally, some action."

Dasheek stands near Illiya.

Xionara raises an eyebrow.

Saragos glances at Madigan.

Dasheek clasps Illiya's hand tenderly.

Dasheek just took the hand of Illiya and gently kissed the back of it.

Trajan says to Miraena, "'Frustrated, or not, these aren't words of benevolence. From either you, or Asildu. I can assure you, no one argues with Unaka when she graces us with her presence."

Luna peers quizzically at Saragos.

Kethrai says to Madigan, "I don't think... that's how it works."

Asildu says to Madigan, "I can promise to try. I still can't say my connection to them allows direct communication, but I'd be willing to shout the request and hope for the best."

Lupdels snorts at Trajan.

Anuril says to Trajan, "Unaka is telling sorcerers what they want to hear."

Casari gazes at Asildu.

Asildu says to Madigan, "The request to release the Clans, that is."

Kethrai says to Trajan, "That's because Unaka hasn't asked us to do anything at all."

Lupdels nods to Anuril.

Miraena says to Trajan, "You close your eyes and believe that what you have no proof of."

Luna asks Saragos, "What do you think?"

Lupdels nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai says, "Unaka has offered to support us, but not offered a path of her own for people to disagree with."

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Madigan says to Asildu, "Now...that is something we can work with. If we think of you as an oppressor, which your boss is intent on being...I can negotiate for prisoners."

Trajan asks Miraena, "'First you assume my burden, and now you assume what I believe?"

Miraena says to Trajan, "You make your believes known very clearly."

Ezerak says, "I feel like that is largely where the distrust stems from. People who use sorcery do not want to hear that they are doing something wrong."

Valynn gazes sadly at Aaiyaah.

Rileos says to Kethrai, "And if she had, we'd have done it in a heartbeat. Unaka is a damn treasure."

Lupdels nods.

Tirost says to Kethrai, "She asked us to discover the cause of wild magic, to follow Truffenyi, and she has helped by leading by example."

Lupdels nods to Ezerak.

Anuril smirks at Rileos.

Nawain nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai says to Rileos, "I think that depends a lot on what she asked."

Morlokk gives Aaiyaah a slight nod.

Trajan says to Kethrai, "'And just the fact that Unaka has encouraged us to pursue our own path speaks volumes."

Madigan says to Ezerak, "The distrust comes from these people dropping meteors on three clans."

Asildu says to Madigan, "I'm just grateful to have someone listen."

Ezerak nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost says to Kethrai, "That is far more than Asildu has done."

Rileos says to Kethrai, "Maybe for you, I'm used to extreme demands from strong women."

Miraena quietly says, "Your own path has not led to very good effects thus far."

Tirost says to Kethrai, "...To help, anyway."

Miraena gazes upward.

Hebion says to Madigan, "I'd remind you of the picture lesson you gave me. I'm not saying I support any side, but the lesson you gave was a good one."

Ezerak says to Madigan, "The distrust started from the moment they arrived. Before the meteors."

Kethrai says to Rileos, "'Go fetch some snacks' would be a lot different from, say... 'you're not allowed to swim the rivers any more.'."

Anuril nods to Ezerak.

Kethrai says to Rileos, "I don't think we'd see a huge increase in people taking the ferry."

Imroth says, "Be thankful Madigan is a nicer man than I. I don't negotiate with terrorists."

Rozalynde quietly says, "Like flipping the chess board after making a such a bad move that you can't win... or taking your ball home because no one wants to play the game you want to play..."

Madigan says to Hebion, "That is not a bad vision presently Hebion."

Valynn gazes down at the floor.

Rileos looks at Kethrai and shrugs.

Rozalynde quietly says, "They could have proved their seriousness without meteors..."

Lupdels sighs.

Lupdels takes a sip of his wine.

Lupdels puts his iris in his green backpack.

Leilanie smiles at Zynell.

Tirost asks Ezerak, "Do you trust those who insult the Immortals, and call on demonstrations of power that decimate the lives of innocent people?"

Trajan says to Miraena, "'Just to make my beliefs abundantly clear, I believe that anyone who wants the best for us does not express it in the language of thinly veiled hostility."

Zersha says, "If we want proof, or at least an attempt at it, then let's plan this pure mana party and see what happens. Then we can argue more afterwards."

Shaylynne pats Lupdels on the back.

Kethrai says to Asildu, "If I may ask, going back to early in your talk..."

Reriyn goes southeast.

Asildu nods to Kethrai.

Rileos puts his spear in his war belt.

Miraena quietly asks Asildu, "How are you feeling?"

Rileos gets a long indigo cigarillo printed with white sheep from inside a velvet-lined gold cigarillo case.

Luna nods in agreement.

Rileos offers Ruea a long indigo cigarillo printed with white sheep.

Hebion nods to Zersha.

Ruea accepts Rileos's indigo cigarillo.

Asildu nods to Zersha.

Ruea gets a small silver dragon from inside her feyweave purse.

Lupdels nods to Zersha.

Ruea points her silver dragon at a long indigo cigarillo and a flame shoots from the creature's mouth, making the cigarillo quickly catch fire.

Zersha quietly says, "Or stop arguing because that would be nicer."

Asildu quietly says to Miraena, "Tired."

Zersha appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Kethrai says to Asildu, "You said, the Immortals don't care what happens to this world, because they could just make another and populate it with new mortals, and be the only game in town so to speak."

Ruea puts her dragon in her feyweave purse.

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning indigo cigarillo.

Valynn gazes at Aaiyaah.

Asildu nods to Kethrai.

Lupdels nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai asks Asildu, "What is stopping them from doing that right now, if that's what they wanted?"

Shaylynne whispers something to Lupdels.

Valynn pulls the hood of her shroud up.

Miraena quietly says to Asildu, "Perhaps we should call it a night. The sun is soon to rise."

Shaylynne rubs her head.

Miraena ponders.

Ruea quietly says, "The threats and posturing isn't getting anyone anywhere and is, arguably, getting us further from resolution."

Rileos scratches distractedly at his beard.

Miraena quietly says, "I suppose that would be calling it a morning."

Shaylynne nods to Lupdels.

Zersha nods to Ruea.

Valynn goes east.

Ezerak nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Ruea casually flicks some ashes off the end of her indigo cigarillo.

Shaylynne asks Miraena, "You wanted to speak with me?"

Asildu says to Kethrai, "Spite, perhaps? A slap to the faces of the Heralds. Defiance. Like a teenager showing their parent they can do what they want."

Miraena beams at Shaylynne!

Miraena stands near Shaylynne.

Kethrai ponders.

Lupdels bows to Miraena.

Lupdels bows to Asildu.

Lupdels says, "Thank you both for your time."

Asildu nods to Lupdels.

Miraena says to Shaylynne, "I apologize for the lack of staffing at Gaethrend's. Apparently the coin I was given does not go far enough for them to pass me what you wanted to deliver."

Kethrai says, "That's... not a very strong motive."

Imroth chuckles.

Ezerak says to Tirost, "I trust that there are a lot of things that we do not know."

Rileos says to Asildu, "That makes very little sense in the face of all the threats they've had to put down. If they could just take the ball and leave, that's easily less trouble than what they've dealt with so far."

Shaylynne nods to Miraena.

Miraena says to Shaylynne, "If you would like me to take the donations, I am happy to at this time."

Trajan says to Asildu, "'Again with the chafing at the first sign of free will."

Madigan deftly slings a triple-reinforced vardite pavise shield onto his left arm in one graceful movement.

Allye gets a rugged puce backpack from inside her tapestry carpetbag.

Madigan nods to Tirost.

Ezerak says to Tirost, "I trust my own senses."

Allye offers Shaylynne a rugged puce backpack.

Imroth says, "The Heralds sound like they have the emotional control of children."

Asildu peers quizzically at Trajan.

Marienn dryly says, "Ah the abject zealotry of it all."

Shaylynne accepts Allye's puce backpack.

Shaylynne rummages through a rugged puce backpack.

Shaylynne peers quizzically at Allye.

Shaylynne nods.

Ezerak nods to Marienn.

Zersha wryly says to Imroth, "We're not exactly acting much better in some cases."

Luna says to Imroth, "As he's displayed."

Nevali says, "I've heard the gods called children before, too."

Zersha grins at Imroth, her dimples flashing into view.

Luna nods to Imroth.

Miraena chuckles at Zersha.

Asildu quietly says to Miraena, "I'm starting to wonder if any of them were ever teenagers..."

Kethrai says, "Thank you, Asildu and Miraena, for coming to talk with us again."

Hebion says, "Perhaps if the heralds are as powerful as you claim, we can make an exchange. Something they want for something we mortals want."

Shaylynne says to Miraena, "Let me just run for the coin."

Shaylynne puts her tea in her box hive.

Miraena quietly says to Zersha, "I have seen better behaved flocks of geese."

Miraena giggles at Zersha.

Zersha grins at Miraena, her dimples flashing into view.

Miraena nods to Shaylynne.

Shaylynne wanders southeast, leading her group.

Imroth scoffs at Miraena.

Relee strides southeast.

Nevali says to Asildu, "If you would let me ask a question or two..."

Kethrai says to Miraena, "Geese would bite you for making the comparison."

Shaylynne just arrived, leading her group.

Miraena laughs at Kethrai.

Asildu says, "I hope we've at least been able to shed some light on something for someone tonight."

Shaylynne pats Miraena on the shoulder appreciatively and offers her a tip.

Miraena accepts Shaylynne's tip and slips it away.

Tirost says to Ezerak, "None of my senses are telling me Asildu is correct about the Immortals, or worthy of our trust, loyalty and perhaps penance for our sorcerous ways. He is a connection to that which has taken the things we care about most."

Miraena says to Kethrai, "Thank you for your presence here tonight, Adventurer Kethrai."

Miraena curtsies to Kethrai.

Shaylynne moves a rugged puce backpack to her right hand.

Shaylynne offers Miraena a rugged puce backpack.

Zersha asks, "Maybe those of us who would like to hold a pure mana party could gather and talk so we're not all trying to plan the same thing?"

Zersha tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Shaylynne says to Miraena, "And the items, donated, as well."

Allye nods to Zersha.

Miraena says to Kethrai, "It is always good to feel another farmer, or farmer adjacent nearby."

Kethrai trills softly at Miraena.

Miraena accepts Shaylynne's puce backpack.

Miraena beams at Shaylynne!

Shaylynne beams at Miraena!

Allye says to Zersha, "That is a good idea."

Nevali asks Asildu, "Are there Heralds or Ultra-Heralds or anything, in charge of other planets, do you know? And... I tried to ask before, but are ALL the gods against the Heralds, or only some of them?"

Zersha smiles at Allye, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kethrai asks Miraena, "Hopefully it's not the smell...?"

Lupdels nods to Zersha.

Miraena says to Shaylynne, "This is a wonderful donation, thank you so much."

Allye smiles at Miraena.

Luna says to Madigan, "I must go. I will see you soon, sir."

Miraena says to Shaylynne, "I will keep it with me, and return it to the village when I go."

Court Advisor Aaiyaah strides east.

Miraena giggles at Kethrai.

Madigan snaps to attention and hails Luna with a crisp hand salute.

Shaylynne nods to Miraena.

Luna bows to Madigan.

Tezirite Luna strolls southeast.

Hebion asks Miraena, "Were you the one asking for people to promise not to cast sorcery?"

Miraena says to Allye, "And thank you, Adventurer Allye."

Miraena curtsies to Allye.

Allye curtsies gracefully to Miraena.

Asildu says to Nevali, "There are only Heralds, to my knowledge. The only branch would be the semi-mortal ones that gave up some of their power. The ones in the history books about Lanival."

Allye says to Miraena, "I hope it will help."

Shaylynne says to Miraena, "I hope it helps."

Kethrai says to Anuril, "I need to run on some guild business, maite."

Shaylynne nods to Allye.

Allye grins at Shaylynne.

Miraena says to Hebion, "Yes, and I would invite anyone here who is prepared to stand for the world and pledge, to do so."

Lupdels nods to Asildu.

Miraena nods to Hebion.

Anuril nods to Kethrai.

Kethrai gently kisses Anuril on the cheek.

Anuril smiles.

Kethrai says, "Be safe..."

Morlokk just left.

Kethrai just left.

Nevali says to Asildu, "Just, with all this talk about... worlds being destroyed, or renewed, or remade, and everyone's forgetting the star-bugs that came from the skies..."

Sothios grins at Zynell.

Nevali asks, "What else is out there, if this world fails?"

Zynell giggles at Sothios.

Imroth says, "I hope the Heralds decide to throw a meteor at your field of flowers."

Asildu says to Nevali, "That's a good question."

Ezerak says to Tirost, "I think you misunderstand what he his. He is a postman, delivering a letter. Just because you don't like the contents of the letter, does not mean you should shoot the postman. Though Casari and the rest were justified with the meteor situation."

Miraena pointedly ignores Imroth.

Shaylynne nods to Asildu.

Asildu quietly says to Miraena, "I think it may be time for us to take our leave."

Zersha sighs.

Rileos says to Ezerak, "Postmen leave."

Shaylynne says, "Nevali asks the best questions..."

Rileos looks at Ezerak, obviously trying not to grin.

Shaylynne grins at Nevali.

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Tirost says to Ezerak, "So far, I haven't. But anyone who grovels at the foot of my enemy is not my friend."

Imroth nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Nawain smirks.

Nevali trills softly at Shaylynne.

Tirost sheathes his haralun sword.

Hebion says to Miraena, "Perhaps your benefactors will take a sacrifice in exchange for some information on those who are lost. I'm willing to give my knowledge of sorcery in exchange for information that will help return loved ones."

Asildu says to Imroth, "Don't worry. We'll be back."

Nawain nods at Tirost, obviously agreeing with his views.

Asildu smiles at Imroth.

Imroth says, "Go on then."

Miraena says, "If anyone would like to reach me in private, to pledge privately, I would be happy to see that."

Ezerak raises an eyebrow in Tirost's direction.

Ezerak asks Tirost, "Who is groveling?"

Miraena says, "I can receive mail here at Gaethrends, it appears."

Miraena beams!

Madigan says to Asildu, "And, we are going to hold you to your promise if we have a pure mana gathering."

Ruea smiles at Miraena.

Marienn eloquently asks, "Pledge?"

Lupdels frowns.

Shaylynne smiles at Miraena.

Asildu nods to Madigan.

Marienn snickers.

Madigan nods to Asildu.

Casari smiles.

Asildu says to Madigan, "I would expect no less."

Tirost says to Ezerak, "Asildu."

Asildu bows to Madigan.

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Ezerak says to Tirost, "Ah, I see."

Ruea smiles at Asildu.

Miraena attempts to wave awkwardly with a puce backpack in one hand and a walking stick in the other.

Reriyn just arrived.

Shaylynne nods to Nevali.

Asildu bows to those still assembled.

Lupdels smiles at Miraena.

Tirost asks Ezerak, "What else do you call one who claims the immortals are full of hubris, and only Heralds know what's best for the realm?"

Xionara frowns.

Messenger Miraena wanders southeast, leading her group.

Debrief Discussions

Ruea just nudged Rileos.

Zersha gazes off into the distance.

Madigan stretches his arms.

Leilanie shakes her head at Zynell.

Ruea gazes upward.

Madigan adjusts his half plate.

Xionara softly says, "No."

Casari stops guarding.

  • Miraena returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Allye sighs deeply, looking very depressed.

Nevali stops guarding.

* Asildu returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Nevali says, "People are funny."

Zynell grins at Leilanie.

Saragos says, "Interesting position to take that people need to choose between the Heralds and the Immortals. Think I'm going to stick with the Immortals. If I've got to pick one, I think I'll at least pick the ones that don't see us as expendable."

Ruea says, "I need a drink."

Imroth folds his arms across his chest.

Trajan asks, "What do we expect from a pure mana gathering, exactly? Less thinly veiled threats?"

Lupdels ponders.

Rileos says, "I swear, every time I meet that guy I like him less."

Lupdels looks at Allye and sighs.

Leilanie smiles.

Saragos gives a courteous nod and tips his hat politely.

Nawain growls low in the back of her throat.

Imroth nods to Ruea.

Rozalynde gazes off to the southeast.

Nawain nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost nods to Rileos.

Tempest Knight Saragos strides southeast.

Allye nods to Lupdels.

Illiya says, "That was like a barfight without the beer."

Shaylynne ponders.

Zersha asks Trajan, "And if we don't at least try?"

Rileos says to Ruea, "Agreed."

Shaylynne begins chortling at Illiya.

Allye says to Illiya, "That's the worst kind of barfight."

Imroth nods to Illiya.

Lupdels taps a tall glass of silver wine that he is holding.

Ruea nods to Illiya.

Lupdels says to Illiya, "You need to come prepared."

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Allye.

Aerilia shakes her head.

Zynell holds her hand out towards Leilanie for a highfive.

Leilanie and Zynell highfive each other.

Leilanie smiles at Zynell.

Allye nods to Shaylynne.

Trajan says to Zersha, "'I'm more concerned about what happens if we do."

Tirost says to Madigan, "I'm curious what they mean by "pure magic."

Ezerak says to Tirost, "I'd call them a postman that has clearly been touched by the Heralds in some unknowable way."

Ezerak shrugs.

Madigan says, "Well, a pure mana gathering in exchange for the Clans seems a small price to pay."

Zersha says to Trajan, "I doubt anyone is going to drop a meteor on us for it at least."

Zersha grins at Trajan, her dimples flashing into view.

Casari nods to Madigan.

Imroth says, "Just.. not sorcery."

Rileos nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Shaylynne nods at Madigan, obviously agreeing with his views.

Madigan says to Tirost, "I was hoping you smart people would tell me."

Shaylynne says to Madigan, "Count me in."

Madigan grins at Tirost.

Hebion says, "A pure magic attempt would be easy enough to disrupt should it prove to be the wrong action."

Tirost grins at Madigan.

Lupdels frowns.

Imroth looks at Madigan and shrugs.

Zersha nods to Hebion.

Trajan says to Zersha, ""One never knows these days."

Madigan nods to Hebion.

Rileos says to Madigan, "Certainly couldn't hurt...I hope."

Xionara frowns.

Madigan says, "A very, very small price to pay for the return of the Clans."

Illiya says, "I just assumed pure magic was non-sorcerous magic."

Anuril rubs his head.

Anuril raises two fingers to his brow in a quick hand salute.

Veteran Apprentice Anuril goes southeast.

Lupdels nods to Illiya.

Zersha nods to Illiya.

Shaylynne nods to Illiya.

Tirost nods to Madigan.

Madigan says to Illiya, "That is my guess."

Zersha says, "We cast it all the time, it seems fairly...safe. I hope."

Nawain gives a slight nod.

Imroth says, "Assuming they follow through with releasing them."

Madigan nods to Imroth.

Imroth says, "I certainly have my doubts."

Zersha says, "They only promise to try and ask."

Madigan says, "We will see. Easy to find out."

Leilanie asks, "Didn't they say they don't know what became of the clans?"

Zersha nods to Leilanie.

Hebion says, "If they don't we haven't lost anything, if pure magic empowers them and sorcery weakens them, you have your solution if the contract is broken."

Tirost says, "I can't bring myself to do anything that feeds the entity they wish to support."

Madigan nods to Hebion.

Casari says, "He said he would try to get the Heralds to cooperate. That's progress."

Ruea grins at Rileos.

Lupdels smiles at Casari.

Hebion says, "Just keep in mind they can't make deals for their masters anymore than we can."

Zersha says to Tirost, "Do you never cast your own magic? If you do, you are."

Zersha looks at Tirost and shrugs.

Leilanie nods at Hebion, obviously agreeing with his views.

Allye nods to Hebion.

Imroth nods to Zersha.

Rozalynde quietly says, "Pure magic party is seperate but equal parties for each mana type, far away from each other as to not accidently mix them up."

Tirost says to Zersha, "Frequently - and if that's all he wants, he has it already."

Ezerak says to Imroth, "I certainly do, too."

Madigan asks, "Anyone have a reason why we should not give this a go?"

Rileos says to Tirost, "That's what confuses me about it."

Allye says to Casari, "I hope so."

Hebion says, "I'm finding it odd that we're having a religious debate now, but when math appeared everyone fell in line easily."

Lupdels nods to Rozalynde.

Trajan nods to Madigan.

Rileos says to Tirost, "We're all already doin that -all of the time-."

Tirost nods to Rileos.

Lupdels chuckles at Hebion.

Zersha says, "I think we should try it. It is at least less likely to cause distaster."

Nawain says, "Empowering that which obviously desires to "repair" us into oblivion doesn't seem wise. But what do I know."

Rileos says, "It's like askin us to have a breathin party."

Dasheek chortles softly at some secret joke.

Madigan grins at Rileos.

Ezerak says, "They are unknowable, and just because their messengers implied they might, doesn't mean they are beholden to anything we ask."

Madigan says, "This is why we have RIleos around."

Trajan says to Madigan, "All we've been doing is taking shots in the dark."

Hebion nods to Ezerak.

Illiya grins at Rileos, her dimples flashing into view.

Ezerak says, "But anything is worth a try."

Madigan nods to Trajan.

Leilanie hugs Zynell, getting a smile in return.

Urbaj says, "It seems like a meaningless gesture to me, in terms of practical impact. But if they see meaning enough in it, to return one or all of the clans, it seems worth doing."

Leilanie hugs Sothios, who wraps his arms around Leilanie with a warm smile.

Lupdels says, "I think some people would stop breathing if the Herald's Messengers encouraged people to breath."

Imroth says to Madigan, "We should. Even if it pains me to be doing what they want."

Ruea takes a long drag off of a burning indigo cigarillo.

Trajan says to Madigan, "Yet another party, yet another shot. We're flailing."

Zynell hugs Leilanie, getting a smile in return.

Ruea casually flicks some ashes off the end of her indigo cigarillo.

Sothios hugs Leilanie, getting a smile in return.

Rileos says to Madigan, "I'm still for it, though. At the worst it, hopefully, does nothin and we learn somethin. We still ain't got the pieces of this puzzle, so."

Madigan nods to Urbaj.

Rileos looks at Madigan and shrugs.

Allye says, "I'd attend a breathing party. That sounds kind of nice."

Illiya says, "I think we should try it too. It gives the Heralds or whoever a chance to prove their sincerity by giving us a positive return instead of just threats."

Ezerak says, "Seems the cost to us is pretty minimal to try this thing."

Leilanie wraps her arm around Allye's shoulder in a friendly hug.

Zersha grins at Allye, her dimples flashing into view.

Healer Leilanie walks southeast.

Shaylynne nods to Allye.

Zynell stands up.

Ruea says to Allye, "Soothing."

Hebion says to Allye, "That's your next catering theme."

Zynell carefully gathers up the delicate folds of a night-black starlight velvet prayer tapestry stitched with loimic and fey-bone.

Zersha asks Allye, "Breathing and snacks?"

Allye appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Allye asks, "Better than a not-breathing party?"

Imroth says, "If they don't follow through and the vines stay then I hope we become more drastic in our stance against them."

Shaylynne nods to Zersha.

Rozalynde says, "Depends on like... if there are any heavy breathers there."

Illiya asks Allye, "A Merelew party under the sea?"

Allye grins at Rozalynde.

Ruea asks Allye, "I've been to a few of those, they are much less relaxing. And yet also somehow more-so?"

Shaylynne says to Zersha, "We won't suffocate or starve."

Zersha nods at Shaylynne, obviously agreeing with her views.

Allye says to Illiya, "Don't tempt me..."

Illiya grins at Allye, her dimples flashing into view.

Ruea says to Illiya, "No, we do not encourage Allye to walk into the sea."

Allye grins at Ruea.

Ruea shakes her head at Allye.

Xionara glances outside a moment.

Ruea says to Allye, "No ma'am."

Shaylynne says, "That's what lemicule wands are for."

Zersha asks, "It might not hurt to have the party near one of the encased Clans?"

Shaylynne just nudged Illiya.

Hebion gazes thoughtfully at Allye.

Lupdels nods to Shaylynne.

Illiya nods at Shaylynne, obviously agreeing with her views.

Lupdels nods to Zersha.

Ruea's indigo cigarillo glows faintly as it burns down.

Hebion whispers something to Allye.

Zersha asks, "Perhaps the the first one?"

Imroth sheathes his Imperial spear.

Allye grins at Hebion.

Trajan says, "I think we need to calm ourselves, and consider what our goal is, and what has worked thus far to move us closer to that goal."

Allye shakes her head at Hebion.

Aerilia frowns in thought.

Nawain shakes her head.

Trajan says, "Or, we can keep flailing and hope we hit something."

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Rileos says to Trajan, "It's worked for us a lot in the past."

Madigan says, "This shot is as good as any other shot we have taken."

Ruea's indigo cigarillo goes out and crumbles away.

Lupdels nods to Allye.

Rozalynde exclaims, "Oh, throw the party at the spire, that way if they miss you with the meteors for having a party again, they'll put another spire on top of the spire!"

Trajan says, "I'm saying we need to stop taking shots."

Imroth says, "I would take other shots."

Imroth grumbles.

Rileos says to Rozalynde, "I like the way you think."

Zersha asks, "Does anyone have the brain power and time to talk now and plan?"

Shaylynne says to Madigan, "Could consider the ancient tower, it's between all three."

Lupdels chuckles.

Lupdels nods to Shaylynne.

Trajan says, "Shots are no good if we don't know what we're shooting at."

Nevali asks, "Maybe I'm just Naive-eli, but if we just took their words at face value, true or not, I think a lot of you weren't really listening to some of the things they were saying... Hope someone wrote it down so you can take your time to think over them slower, and think about your reactions... emotional, and whatnot. Just something to consider, eh?"

Imroth says, "I've got some scaley targets in mind."

Tirost sighs.

Madigan asks Shaylynne, "I was thinking the place where she called those meteors the first time?"

Trajan says, "You know who gets hurt by stray shots? Innocent bystanders."

Lupdels nods to Zynell.

Shaylynne nods to Nevali.

Ruea says to Nevali, "You worded that perfectly."

Allye nods to Nevali.

Ezerak says, "I do not think it will work, but it seems very low risk for potentially a high reward."

Allye says to Nevali, "Certainly a lot to process."

Shaylynne nods to Madigan.

Rileos nods to Ezerak.

Trajan says to Rileos, "Your point is well taken, by the way. I'm not ignoring you."

Ruea says, "There was so much barely restrained rage in the room that I feel like a lot of the finer points were trampled over."

Nevali says, "Hope all manage to have a mornin' as pleasant as any mornin' can be."

Nevali nods at Allye, obviously agreeing with her views.

Rileos says to Trajan, "Nobody can ignore all this, I know."

Imroth nods.

Numinist Nevali parades southeast.

Allye nods to Shaylynne.

Ruea says, "Perhaps if we get to speak with them again everyone could hold their tempers and then we can have a spar after to let it all out of your systems."

Tirost asks Ruea, "What'd we miss? Is their message not more or less as it as been? Stop sorcery? The Heralds don't need us? The Immortals are inferior beings who are lazy?"

Madigan asks Trajan, "Sir, my apologies but I may have lost the thread of our conversation. Are you saying not to do the mana gathering?"

Ruea gazes at Tirost.

Madigan says to Trajan, "And, that is fine if you are. I am curious as to opinions."

Zynell bows to Lupdels.

Zynell puts her tapestry in her encompassing shadows.

With a friendly smile, Shaylynne holds Lupdels's hand.

Lupdels smiles at Shaylynne.

Ruea says to Tirost, "Start over."

Soul Surgeon Zynell patters southeast, leading her group.

Imroth says, "Even just the possibility of fixing the Clans is worth effort."

Tirost nods to Ruea.

Zersha smiles at Shaylynne, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zersha nods to Shaylynne.

Illiya leans over to give Shaylynne a friendly smooch.

Allye nods to Imroth.

Shaylynne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Trajan says to Madigan, "Not necessarily. I'm saying a more relevant gathering might be one in which we consider a solid course of action."

Imroth says, "Maybe we have a sorcery afterparty planned though."

Zersha glances at Imroth.

Allye squints at Imroth.

Illiya grins at Imroth, her dimples flashing into view.

Imroth says, "In case it doesn't work out the way we want."

Lupdels blinks.

Trajan says to Madigan, "If the mana gathering then lends itself to that goal, I'm all for it."

Shaylynne nods to Zersha.

Tirost says to Ruea, "...If there are those who might be able to get them to help, please try. I distrust them. It is hard for me to want to do what they say or support them or the entities they serve."

Madigan says to Trajan, "Ohh gads yes. However, if there was a decisive path already...we have not found it yet."

Madigan looks at Trajan and shrugs.

Lupdels nods to Shaylynne.

Allye says, "Safe paths, everyone."

Imroth waves to Allye.

Illiya says, "I just think it would be good to give them a chance to give us someting positive rather than just threats."

Illiya hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Ruea says to Tirost, "I don't know that I believe them or think they aren't hiding things, but I think there was nuance to the statements that cooler heads will be able to see better tomorrow."

Nawain nods to Allye.

Madigan says to Trajan, "For what it is worth, The Watch is backing Liraxes until he proves to be right or spits the bit."

Allye hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Trajan says to Madigan, "Respectfully, I haven't seen anyone trying to come to a consensus."

Trajan nods to Madigan.

Ezerak nods at Ruea, obviously agreeing with her views.

Zersha smiles at Hebion, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Zersha clasps Hebion's hand tenderly.

Tirost says to Ruea, "Fair. Can't claim to have a cool head."

Shaylynne wanders northeast, leading her group.

Urbaj signals his departure with a courteous bow, and then is simply gone -- in what direction, or by what means, you cannot say for sure.

Madigan says to Trajan, "I agree. But, at least for the Watch..we have picked a path."

Casari says, "I have... something else I might want to try. It will need Bards. All the Bards. I'll think about it."

Imroth says, "I need to think more as well. I will meet up with everyone another time."

Imroth says, "Take care."

Imroth raises his hand in a quick salute.

Desert Dancer Zersha goes northeast, leading her group.

Trajan nods politely to Imroth.

Holy Vengeance Imroth trudges southeast.

Madigan says, "Subject to change of course as we learn information, but that seems the most logical choice right now."

Trajan nods.

Illiya gazes thoughtfully at Casari.

Aerilia asks, "The man announced he was forsaken by the Immortals. After everything we've seen and heard from Them lately, doesn't that.. speak quite clearly?"

Ruea says to Tirost, "My goal is to keep them talking as long as possible every time we see them. Because eventually, something is going to slip that wasn't supposed to and we're going to find an answer."

Nawain nods at Aerilia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Nawain makes a grunting noise.

Ruea says, "Yelling and posturing works against that goal."

Tirost says to Aerilia, "To me it does, but I have made my choice to follow the path of Meraud long ago."

Illiya asks Madigan, "Are you still planning the breach of the Knife Clan encasement sir?"

Trajan says to Madigan, "I believe Liraxes when he says he's beholden to Balance. I'm not not one hundred percent clear on what that means to him."

Madigan nods to Illiya.

Illiya says, "I heard that the Zoluren government has been making some attempts to get information about the encasements."

Madigan says to Illiya, "I am Illiya. We are going to use the opposite of magic and try to break into Knife Clan."

Trajan says to Madigan, "Just not, rather."

Tirost says to Ruea, "I think that moment has come for me, but it is true they may know things that could lead us where we need to go."

Ruea nods to Tirost.

Madigan says, "I hope a group of barbarians and thieves can do what we magic users cannot."

Madigan shrugs.

Tirost says to Ruea, "I leave the diplomacy to you. I hope you will call on me when it is time to cast spells and wield swords."

Rozalynde trudges southeast.

Madigan says, "Again, worth a try I think."

Ruea says to Tirost, "Let us both do what we do best. While dressed fabulously."

Illiya says, "I heard that they have tried scrying and tunnelling but not made any significant shots at it for fear of harming any possible life inside."

Ruea smiles.

(Tirost laughs in spite of himself.)

Tirost nods to Ruea.

Ruea winks at Tirost.

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Tirost quietly says to Ruea, "May need your help with the last part."

Madigan says, "Well, nothing can go wrong me letting lose a company of berserking barbarians."

Madigan nods in agreement.

Illiya flashes a quick grin at Madigan.

Madigan grins.

Eyst just left.

Ezerak grins at Madigan, his dimples flashing into view.

Illiya says to Madigan, "I hope not, sir."

Madigan says, "In all seriousness, I am hoping their magic resistence works."

Eyst just arrived.

Tirost says to Madigan, "Definitely worth a try."

Illiya nods to Madigan.

Madigan says, "I think so, we will see."

Ezerak says, "I should be off."

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Ezerak hugs Maraisel, who wraps her arms around Ezerak with a warm smile.

Maraisel hugs Ezerak, who wraps his arms around Maraisel with a warm smile.

Ezerak hugs Rileos, getting a smile in return.

Rileos grins at Ezerak.

Tirost bows to Maraisel.

Illiya says to Madigan, "I meant to ask you something else also."

Ezerak just hugged Ruea.

Maraisel nods politely to Tirost.

Trajan nods politely to Ezerak.

Ezerak shakes Madigan's hand.

Madigan smiles at Illiya.

Rileos says to Ezerak, "You did real good back in Shard."

Madigan shakes Ezerak's hand.

Maraisel smiles at Rileos.

Casari nods in agreement.

Ezerak says to Rileos, "Thank you. I hope I did Ayrell proud."

Ruea hugs Ezerak, who wraps his arms around Ruea with a warm smile.

Maraisel smiles at Ezerak.

Madigan smiles at Ezerak.

Ruea says to Ezerak, "I think you did."

Rileos says to Ezerak, "Without question. Next time put on one of her gowns and do your hair up."

Maraisel says to Ezerak, "You did. I'm sure of it."

Illiya asks Madigan, "We are hosting a Zoluren Community Forum before your breach attempt, and we were wondering if you or some other representative might come by and explain your plan?"

Nawain praises Ezerak.

Ruea grins at Rileos.

Maraisel laughs!

Ezerak chuckles at Rileos.

Maraisel nods at Rileos, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ezerak doffs his top hat.

Madigan asks Illiya, "I would love to Illiya. Thank you for the invitation. Please just let me know when and where?"

Casari waves to Ezerak.

Ezerak waves to Casari.

Illiya nods to Madigan.

Maraisel waves to Ezerak.

Mountain Lord Ezerak swaggers southeast.

Madigan bows to Illiya.

Madigan nods to Illiya.

Xionara shakes her head.

Illiya says, "It will be at the Meeting Hall in the Crossing."

Madigan says, "Alright friends. Time for me to retire."

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Madigan.

Tirost snaps to attention and hails Madigan with a crisp hand salute.

Madigan nods to Illiya.

Madigan raises his hand in a quick salute.

Sir Madigan goes southeast.