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Incomplete Article
  • This article is incomplete, which means that while it is not a stub, it still lacks certain data or information.
  • Infobox entry for guild
Status: Alive
Guild: Unknown
Gender: Male

You see Steward of Recursion Liraxes, Warden of Adaptation, a being of pure probability.
Liraxes is composed of fractal blue crystal that twists and arcs in lattices into a form vaguely resembling a male humanoid. Impossible geometry forms in only vaguely symmetrical patterns across the body of this being, extruding into a jagged network of fragmented spines. A translucent face approximates what one would expect of a Human, only without a clear definition; it adjusts between varying expression of approximation of emotion, appearing noticeably similar but entirely alien.
Liraxes is of indeterminate age.
He is in good shape.

He is wearing a raiment of fractal crystals.