Maraisel/Logs/07312024/Asildu and Miraena Meet

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Asildu and Miraena Meet
Event Date: 07/31/2024
Event Instance: Prime

Lord Ezerak's group went through the Western Gate.
[Mycthengelde, Flatlands] Well-worn paths lead through a grove of trees to a gate in The Crossing's western wall. Now and again you hear birds calling to one another in the branches, or the bustling of a merchant's cart as it makes its way past. A handful of adventurers nod at you in greeting as they make their way into town. An aromatic mix of wildflowers mingles with wyndwood, oak and juniper trees as the grove stretches north and south, while to the west, you can see grassy flatlands through a small clearing. You also see a Prydaen commoner, a wooden sign printed in large block letters, a path that heads westward toward the grasslands, a town wall, a narrow trail and the western gate. Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Heart Tender Kethrai, Firehawk Casari and Messenger Miraena. Obvious paths: northwest.

Miraena beams!

* Breath of the Heralds Asildu joins the adventure.

Casari waves to Ezerak.

You wave to Casari.

Ezerak waves to Casari.

Ezerak brushes the surface of his gais diadem and begins to reel! He clutches his head in pain!

Casari waves to you.

Casari asks, "I was just about to show Miraena one of the taverns. Care to join us?"

Ezerak joins Casari's group.

Miraena shifts her weight between her feet as she waits.

You join Casari's group.

You say, "That sounds fun."

Casari says, "Okay, let's go."

Miraena smiles at you.

Firehawk Casari's group went through the western gate.
[The Crossing, Western Gate]
Camels, oxen, and mules compete with Elves, Gor'Togs, and Humans to pass through the narrow gate which breaches the stone wall between town and the western reaches. The lowing of animals, and the bellowing of irate travelers become almost indistinguishable the more you listen. After a few minutes, so do the unmistakable odors of unwashed sojourners and domestic beasts of burden. It begins to dawn on you why folks are anxious to pass through customs, whatever the cost, as quickly as possible. You also see the Western Gate, the Guard House and some stone stairs leading to the top of the town wall.
Also here: Messenger Miraena, Mountain Lord Ezerak and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: east.

Ezerak asks, "Are we going to a good one?"

Ezerak chuckles.

Miraena smiles at Ezerak.

Ezerak takes a sip of his reserve.

Casari asks, "Which one's the good one?"

You smile at Miraena.

Ezerak says to Casari, "Depends on how we're defining good today."

Casari grins.

Casari says, "Somewhere where people are comfortable."

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Goodwhate Pike]
Old woodframe buildings that appear to be vacant border the wide pike here. Heavy traffic has taken its toll, leaving deep ruts and almost demolishing the curb, so that the already decrepit mud-and-twig structures almost seem to spill out upon the road. You have no doubt that, during the height of the rainy season, they literally do. Directly west lies the Western Gate.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Messenger Miraena and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Goodwhate Pike]
A long, barn-like structure hunkers just by the road here, wedged between the cobbled way and the high outer walls of town that lie just north. A very high, very wide double door leads in and from it the lowing of oxen, the whinnying of steeds and the braying of obstinate pack animals can be heard. An exotic-looking trader in a silk robe forcibly leads a recalcitrant camel from the building, almost knocking a nearby attendant to the ground. You also see a huge mound of manure.
Also here: Messenger Miraena, Mountain Lord Ezerak and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Miraena says, "Oh yes, comfortable sounds lovely. I have been sleeping outside the past few nights."

Ezerak says to Casari, "Raven's Court has the finest drinks, Gaethrend's probably the most comfortable."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Casari says, "Gaethrend's it is, then. I... probably remember where that is. East side somewhere."

Miraena gazes down at her clothing, picking at pieces here and there.

Shh'oiyvh-ur Ograth Elizzibiana just arrived.

Miraena quietly says, "In fact, I could probably use a bath."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Casari grins.

You gaze at Miraena with a sympathetic look on your face.

Casari says to Elizzibiana, "We're heading to Gaethrend's, if you'd like to join."

You ask Miraena, "You're the only face I don't quite recognize. You must be Miraena?"

Miraena beams at you! What a warm feeling!

Miraena exclaims, "You know my name!"

Miraena nods to you.

Elizzibiana says to Casari, "Thanks but just stopping by."

Ezerak asks, "Ah, the one with the visions, no?"

You say, "Only because Casari said it."

Miraena glances at Ezerak.

You chuckle.

Casari nods to Elizzibiana.

Miraena exclaims, "Yes, that is me!"

Miraena beams!

Casari grins.

You say to Miraena, "I'm Maraisel. It's nice to meet you."

Miraena curtsies to you.

(Casari continues strolling.)

Ezerak says to Miraena, "Ezerak."

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Goodwhate Pike]
The gates to the west, the river and Oxenwaithe Bridge to the east, the town walls and dense forests and scrub just beyond to the north - all serve as a reminder of the dichotomy between the untamed forces of nature and the works of mortals that life in Elanthia constantly confronts its inhabitants with. Such cosmic musings are soon cut short, however, as a foul-smelling Dwarf barbarian shoves aside a few passersby rudely and lumbers past.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Messenger Miraena and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Oxenwaithe Bridge]
This bridge is wide and sturdy, its strong oaken planks weathered but in good repair. Across this span must stream all the traffic directly proceeding to or coming from the Northern and Western Tiers. Oxcarts laden with imports and exports rumble past.
Also here: Messenger Miraena, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Firehawk Casari and Shh'oiyvh-ur Ograth Elizzibiana who is shadowed by the spectral image of a grey-eyed viper formed of fire and smoke.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard]
The meandering course of the River Oxenwaithe lies dead ahead. Wooden carts, powered by all manner of two- and four-legged beasts, rumble past, headed west towards the broad, well-worn planks of the Oxenwaithe Bridge and east into the heart of the Crossing. Groups of armed adventurers, mystics, merchants and rogues weave in and out of the wheeled and hoofed mobs.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Messenger Miraena and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: east.

Miraena says to you, "It is a pleasure to meet you, Adventurer Maraisel and Adventurer Ezerak."

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard]
From the west comes the sound of currents rushing through a narrow river bend, while in the distance, just barely evident to the northwest, is a corner of the outer town wall, over which the calls of birds can be heard. Mingled among the sublime sounds of nature, are the equally sweet sounds reaching your ears from a small, unpretentious building set unobtrusively off to the south side of the road. You also see a wrought-iron gate and a small building.
Also here: Messenger Miraena, Mountain Lord Ezerak and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

You follow Casari east.

[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard] A side entrance to the Academy, in the form of a low, bronze gate, stands here. Students and faculty come and go through it, since it provides convenient access to the inns and eateries clustered to the north and east of Elanthia's most renowned seat of learning and research. Several blocks to the east looms the dome of the Champions' Arena, which also houses the Barbarians' Guild and farther north, both within and without the sheltering walls of town, lie various other Guilds.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Messenger Miraena and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: north, east, west.

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard]
You pause a moment at one of the busiest crossroads of town. Through this intersection must pass most of those traveling from the wilderness of the Western Tier into the heart of the Crossing, and those departing as well. To the east lie the gates to the Eastern Tier, affording access to the Warrior Mages' Guild and the Observatory, and other, more perilous, destinations.
Also here: Messenger Miraena, Mountain Lord Ezerak and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard]
The cobblestones here are grey and flecked with crystals that sparkle as you move along the boulevard. High walls over which loom still higher structures with shuttered, mute windows that face the street and baked tile roofs, indicate you are passing through one of the wealthier residential sections of the Crossing. You also see a wandering minstrel, a grand stone archway with a bronze plaque on it and a small hut with a grey raven perched on the roof.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Messenger Miraena and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Clanthew Boulevard]
Intimidatingly large passersby crowd around you, and you gulp as you notice most of the men and women here of all races tower above their average counterparts. They also tend to dress differently - fully equipped, even in the midst of the city - in leathers, hide and armor, weapons drawn or at the ready over shoulders or at their sides. Carefully you make your way through the throng, since something tells you this would not be a good spot to step on anyone's toes. You also see a city meeting hall.
Also here: Messenger Miraena, Mountain Lord Ezerak and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

Miraena shakes Ezerak's hand.

Miraena beams at Ezerak!

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Champions' Square]
Statues of famous barbarians and arena champions form an arcade leading to the arched steel-clad door of the Barbarians' Guild. The building itself is high and massive, and the roof rises into a dome towards the east, covering the Champions' Arena. Through narrow, slit windows you can hear the clang of weapon on shield, and the voice of the trainers barking out instructions to the would-be fighters, gladiators, knights and mercenaries within. You also see a sturdy stone structure.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Messenger Miraena and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

You follow Casari north.
[The Crossing, Magen Road]
The whitewashed building before you is stark and functional. A sign mounted on it is hand painted and carved with cunning skill. White-robed figures and all manner of injured and infirm people stream in and out of a double door, leaving thin trails of blood on the spotless pavement. You also see a wide arch and a stone urn.
Also here: Messenger Miraena, Mountain Lord Ezerak and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: east, south, west.

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Magen Road]
Not far off you spot the town walls, which meet at a right angle in this northeast corner of town. This road is kept busy by the traffic to and from the popular haunts crowded into this sector - the Barbarians' Guild, the Champions' Arena, the Empaths' Guild, Martyr Saedelthorp's Healing Hospital, and the convivial Gaethrend's Court Inn. In addition, the Paladins' Guild farther north, and the gate leading out of town to the Warrior Mages' Guild and the wilds all are accessed through this street.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Messenger Miraena and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: north, east, west.

You follow Casari east.
[The Crossing, Magen Road]
This bustling junction presents a cross section of the world's inhabitants in various states of health and disrepair. Bloodied adventurers, impaired healers, overextended spellsingers, and other members of the walking wounded lurch their way towards the Healing Hospital to the west. Litters, carts and horses carry those too badly hurt to move under their own power. In striking contrast are the strapping barbarians who swagger by, towards the Arena and Barbarians' Guild southwest.
Also here: Messenger Miraena, Mountain Lord Ezerak and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: north, south, west.

You follow Casari north.
[The Crossing, Boar Alley]
This quaint alley connects Magen Road to the south and Firulf Vista to the north. An ornately carved building with an ancient wooden door is set back from the curb. You would hardly stop and give it a second glance, except that the windows on the second story all seem to glow with soft, pulsating hues that cycle through the colors of the spectrum.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Messenger Miraena and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious paths: north, east, south.

Firehawk Casari's group went through an ancient wooden door.
[Gaethrend's Court, Foyer]
An elaborately ornamented desk serves as a check-in point for travellers seeking a night's rest. Beside the ancient-looking wooden doorway which leads out, two amazingly detailed stone statues stand guard over the entryway. You begin to wonder if they are truly the product of genius or perhaps the unfortunate result of some powerful mage's disfavor. In the corner, a staircase leads up into darkness. You also see an ancient wooden door.
Also here: Messenger Miraena, Mountain Lord Ezerak and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious exits: north, northeast, northwest.

You follow Casari northeast.
[Gaethrend's Court, Barroom]
Plush red carpet surrounds a glistening pinewood bar where thirsty travellers stop for a taste of Gaethrend's finest brew. A seemingly endless array of bottles are lined up in front of a classic long bar mirror. You note a few of the bottles contain actively swirling elixirs, twisting about in their containers as if alive. You also see an elegant menu.
Also here: Mountain Lord Ezerak, Messenger Miraena and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious exits: southwest, west, northwest.

Miraena says, "I am very happy to hear that my message is reaching new adventurers."

You smile.

Casari says, "I'll ask people to come and join us here."

Miraena beams at Casari!

Ezerak says, "I recommend anything but the brandy."

Ezerak chuckles.

[General] Your mind hears Casari thinking, "Miraena and several of us are at the bar in Gaethrend's Court. I know she'd like more adventurers to hear her message."

Miraena says, "Oh, I do not drink anyway. I usually have to be up very early in the morning, and that gets very difficult after a drink."

Miraena shakes her head.

Ezerak nods.

You chuckle.

You notice as a grey cat prances into the room.

The grey cat begins to watch the goings on carefully.

Ezerak takes a sip of his reserve.

A grey cat seems to relax somewhat.

Miraena beams!

Ezerak says, "Fair enough."

You say, "I can agree with that."

Miraena pets the grey cat.

Sublime Mender Kerennya just arrived.

Miraena exclaims, "Hello cat!"

The grey cat purrs, "Meow, meow, purr purr"

Casari grins.

Miraena laughs!

Casari peers through her silversteel spectacles at the grey cat.

Kerennya says, "Asildu just woke, too."

Ezerak chuckles.

Miraena gasps at Kerennya!

Miraena asks, "Asildu?? Do you know him?"

Casari leans against a tufted leather barstool.

The grey cat sits down.

Kerennya says, "No, I have only read of him."

Miraena quietly says, "Oh."

Miraena frowns.

Ezerak says to Miraena, "I have met him. Very scholarly, speaks in riddles."

Miraena beams at Ezerak!

You nod at Ezerak, in complete agreement with his views.

You say, "That's accurate."

Miraena asks Ezerak, "Do you think you could introduce me?"

Breakfast Connoisseur Myrable just arrived, leading her group.

Scarabella scans the area briefly.

Myrable ponders.

[Gaethrend's Court, Barroom]
Plush red carpet surrounds a glistening pinewood bar where thirsty travellers stop for a taste of Gaethrend's finest brew. A seemingly endless array of bottles are lined up in front of a classic long bar mirror. You note a few of the bottles contain actively swirling elixirs, twisting about in their containers as if alive. You also see a grey cat that is sitting and an elegant menu.
Also here: Scarabella, Breakfast Connoisseur Myrable, Sublime Mender Kerennya, Mountain Lord Ezerak, Messenger Miraena and Firehawk Casari.
Obvious exits: southwest, west, northwest.

Miraena gazes at Ezerak.

Kerennya puts her almanac in her mariner's rucksack.

Ezerak says, "Well, certainly. Though I suppose we would have to find him."

Ezerak chuckles.

Kerennya says, "I was rather hoping to meet him myself."

Miraena asks, "Oh! That part is simple. Have you seen these?"

Miraena points at a kyanite gwethdesuan she has.

Ezerak chuckles.

Casari smiles.

Ezerak says to Miraena, "That is fair."

Miraena grins.

Forging Guru Sozinho just arrived.

Miraena says, "Oh my, many new adventurers here for me today."

You chuckle.

Sozinho waves.

Miraena says, "Thank you Adventurer Casari for asking people to come."

Miraena smiles at Casari.

Casari exclaims, "My pleasure!"

Miraena adjusts her blue wool cap into place.

Sozinho asks, "What's the message?"

Sozinho grins at Miraena.

Scarabella stands near Myrable.

Miraena beams at Sozinho!

Miraena asks Casari, "Should I give my speech now? Or wait a little longer?"

Leviathan Friend Lupdels just arrived.

Myrable says, "Scarabella is with me, I was curious."

Miraena beams at Lupdels!

Casari ponders.

Lupdels bows to Miraena.

Miraena waves to Lupdels.

Love's Future Witterwell just arrived.

Truthseeker Elurora just arrived.

Casari says, "Maybe another roisan or two, in case anyone is traveling."

Elurora bows.

Miraena beams at Elurora!

Kerennya says, "In my thoughts for a few roisaen."

Miraena waves to Elurora.

Kerennya waves to Elurora.

Lupdels yawns expansively.

Elurora smiles at Miraena.

Miraena nods to Casari.

Witterwell melodiously exclaims, "Hi hi!"

Elurora waves to Miraena.

Sozinho rubs some of his jadice unguent on himself.

Casari waves to Elurora.

Miraena smiles.

Elurora waves to Casari.

Wild Card Elore just arrived.

Miraena says, "Hello new faces! I am so pleased to meet you all."

Witterwell bounces around happily.

Witterwell melodiously exclaims to Miraena, "Hiya!"

Witterwell waves to Miraena.

The bargirl places Lupdels's Golden Ale on the pinewood bar.

Lupdels gets a pint of Golden Ale from atop a glistening pinewood bar.

Lupdels moves a pint of Golden Ale to his left hand.

Lupdels takes a sip of his Ale.

Elore smiles.

Elore waves.

Elurora waves to Elore.

Miraena smiles at Elore.

Miraena says to Elore, "Thank you for coming to meet me today."

You notice as a grey cat meows loudly.

Lupdels glances at a grey cat.

Citizen Miraeven just arrived.

Knight of Meraud Tirost just arrived.

Miraena smiles quietly to herself.

War Healer Rejind just arrived.

[General] Your mind hears Shavay thinking, "So one guy's message was to stop all sorcery. The other guy's message was to do more sorcery. Is this person's message to... do -some- sorcery, but not too much?"

Reriyn just arrived.

Miraena smiles at Miraeven.

Mathematician Avrenka just arrived.

Avrenka waves.

Elore says to Miraena, "It's hard to resist an open invitation to a bar! I've been hearing a lot about your messages."

Rejind closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Elore smiles.

Miraeven nods to Miraena.

Elore hugs Rejind, getting a smile in return.

Elore hugs Reriyn, who wraps her arms around Elore with a warm smile.

Elore snaps to attention and hails Avrenka with a crisp hand salute.

Witterwell lifts herself up on her tip toes, trying to get a better view.

Avrenka says, "Greetings."

Avrenka waves to Elore.

Miraena says to Miraeven, "I would like to apologize to you for the last time we met. You very kindly asked if you could study one of my irises, and I never replied."

Miraena looks at Miraeven and blushes.

[General] Your mind hears Kethrai thinking, "No, that was the fourth person."

[General] Your mind hears Dytt thinking, "in other words they don't have any more clue then the rest of us, and brings us no closer to where our missing people are"

Miraena beams at Elore!

[General] Your mind hears Comfrin thinking, "so status quo?"

Casari gets a blue iris from inside her black longcoat.

Miraeven quietly says to Miraena, "You did not."

Ezerak says to Miraena, "I have asked Asildu to join us."

[General] Your mind hears Nulak thinking, "what people is missing?"

Miraeven smiles faintly

Elurora bows to Ezerak.

Ezerak waves to Elurora.

Miraena says to Elore, "I am so happy to hear that! It is very important that I spread my message, so the more people that hear it the better."

Miraena nods to Miraeven.

Elurora smiles at Ezerak.

Supernova Vaerek just arrived.

Avrenka gets a shadowleaf rugged cap from inside his black backpack.

Avrenka puts a shadowleaf rugged cap on his head.

Ezerak looks over Miraena very closely.

Miraena says to Miraeven, "They are nothing special I'm afraid... just simple blue irises that you might find growing throughout the lands."

[General] Your mind hears Comfrin thinking, "answers?"

Miraena tugs on the sleeves of her doeskin longcoat and shrugs it off.

Tirost gets a burnished silversteel tankard crowned with laurel leaves from inside his sling bag.

Tirost flips open the lid on his silversteel tankard.

Miraena says to Elurora, "Thank you again for letting me borrow this longcoat."

Miraena smiles at Elurora.

[General] Your mind hears Lexxa thinking, "yes 5 people are missing"

Miraeven quietly says to Miraena, "I see."

Tirost raises his tankard, drinking deeply from the Dwarven ale inside.

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "Dantia, Navesi, Miskton, Mazrian, and Ayrell are missing."

Casari says, "A thing's value isn't always about how common it is."

Miraena beams at Ezerak!

[General] Your mind hears Dytt thinking, "our experiment at Arhats tower got most of us put in some kind of Void prison and we're still missing some"

Elurora says to Miraena, "You're welcome to keep it, it's cold and I have other options."

Miraena asks Ezerak, "He is on his way here now?"

Elurora smiles at Miraena.

Mageling Aerilia just arrived.

Ezerak gazes upward.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Ezerak says to Miraena, "He has not answered as of yet."

Miraena quietly says, "Oh."

Lupdels ponders.

Miraena frowns.

Aerilia stands near Tirost.

(Casari carefully tucks the iris back into her longcoat.)

Casari puts her iris in her black longcoat.

Miraena smiles at Casari.

Strawberry Nurse Illiya just arrived.

Lupdels smiles at Illiya.

Aerilia whispers something to Tirost.

Illiya hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Miraena says to Casari, "You honor me greatly, Adventurer Casari."

Elurora hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Illiya smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Casari smiles at Miraena.

[General] Your mind hears Dytt thinking, "so I'm REALLY not interested in people blabbering about sorcery unless they have an idea on how to get them back"

Tirost shakes his head at Aerilia.

Illiya hugs Lupdels, getting a smile in return.

Witterwell waves to Illiya.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Witterwell.

Elurora says, "Miss Casari is correct."

Elurora smiles at Casari.

Witterwell melodiously exclaims to Illiya, "Hii!"

Miraena hesitantly says, "Oh my, so many new faces."

Witterwell hums cheerfully to herself.

[General] Your mind hears Nulak thinking, "sorcery bad. Best way to get people back is to find them. You are welcome"

Casari says, "Big city, lots of people. Don't worry, we didn't go to one of the REALLY busy places."

Miraena tries to keep her confident smile up as the room fills with faces, but it's clear it's more and more being forced.

[General] Your mind hears Lexxa thinking, "well they were put in a null prison we know where they are they are just not with us"

Miraena gazes at Casari.

Tirost says to Miraena, "My name is Tirost. Thank you for coming. I am eager to hear your message."

Miraena says, "This is almost as many people in my entire village."

Lupdels chuckles.

Miraena smiles at Tirost.

Miraena curtsies to Tirost.

Casari grins.

Tirost smiles at Miraena.

Tirost bows to Miraeven.

Miraena says to Tirost, "Hello Adventurer Tirost, it is my pleasure to meet you as well."

[General] Your mind hears Lexxa thinking, "and we have no clue what we're up against"

Casari says, "I'd probably prefer to have a little more space, most of the time, too."

Kerennya waves to Tirost.

Illiya gently says to Miraena, "We heard that you had a message to share and wanted to hear it."

Tirost waves to Kerennya.

Heart Tender Kethrai just arrived.

Witterwell melodiously exclaims to Miraena, "Do you need a hug? Hugs totally help!"

Miraena nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Witterwell nods emphatically.

Miraena looks at Witterwell and blushes.

Witterwell giggles.

Witterwell lifts herself up on her tip toes, trying to get a better view.

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Tirost says to Kerennya, "It is good to see you again, Kerennya."

Elurora hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Elurora with a warm smile.

Witterwell beams!

Elurora bows to Kerennya.

Miraena says, "Oh, I believe I may be a little dirty. I have been camping outside the city for several nights now."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Kerennya says to Tirost, "And you as well."

Tirost smiles at Kerennya.

Witterwell melodiously exclaims, "Oh that's ok, Saemus says a good hug helps everything!"

Breath of the Heralds Asildu just arrived.

Witterwell nods emphatically at Miraeven.

Lupdels raises an eyebrow.

Casari glances at Asildu.

Lupdels glances at Asildu.

Asildu casually observes the area.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Asildu.

Miraena hitches up the waistband of her workman's pants.

Kethrai says to Miraena, "Only several nights? There are rangers who have been out there for years."

Kethrai tilts his ears forward playfully.

Miraena laughs at Kethrai.

Asildu nods politely.

Casari just nudged Miraena.

Elurora bows to Asildu.

Miraena raises an eyebrow in Casari's direction.

Illiya says to Miraena, "If you'd prefer we can arrange for a room in an inn for you."

Casari points at Asildu.

Ezerak says to Miraena, "Ah, this is Asildu."

Tirost stares intently at a grey cat for a moment.

Miraena gasps!

Miraena beams at Asildu!

Witterwell tilts her head to one side.

Asildu looks thoughtfully at Miraena.

Ezerak says to Asildu, "And this is Miraena."

(Kerennya nods in greeting to Asildu.)

Tirost scratches the grey cat.

The bargirl places Kethrai's ancient brandy on the pinewood bar.

Asildu nods politely to Miraena.

Lupdels takes a sip of his Ale.

Miraena quickly exclaims, "Hello Asildu! I am Miraena, and the Heralds have sent me, too!"

Miraena stands near Asildu.

Kethrai gets a snifter of ancient brandy from atop a glistening pinewood bar.

Ezerak raises an eyebrow.

Kerennya closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Witterwell melodiously exclaims, "Hello other other people!"

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Asildu blinks at Miraena.

Witterwell beams!

Tirost bobs a brief, respectful bow towards Asildu.

Miraena beams!

Tirost says to Asildu, "I am Tirost. It is good to meet you."

Asildu asks Miraena, "Miraena, you say?"

Wind Listener Sceth just arrived.

Miraena nods in agreement.

Asildu nods to Tirost.

Ezerak looks over Asildu very closely.

Reriyn gives Sceth a good pinch!

Miraena says, "Miraena, yes. The farmer."

Sceth chews on Reriyn's shoulder. Weirdo.

Miraena adjusts her blue wool cap into place.

Miraena has more than twenty favors with her god!

Asildu has more than twenty favors with his god!

Reriyn shows Miraena her farmer's shirt.

Reriyn exclaims, "Me too!"

Witterwell melodiously says, "I like farmers they grow strawberries."

Reriyn nods to Elore.

Casari looks over Asildu very closely.

Elore begins to lecture Reriyn on the proper use of the Targeted Magic skill.

Witterwell nods emphatically.

Miraena grins at Reriyn.

Ezerak nibbles his lip thoughtfully.

Illiya beams at Witterwell!

Witterwell beams at Illiya!

Asildu asks Miraena, "Ah, yes. Were you the one whose thoughts I heard the other day?"

Witterwell snuggles up to Illiya.

Miraena gasps!

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Miraena gazes at a kyanite gwethdesuan.

Miraena says, "Yes, I believe so! These things really are handy."

Asildu chuckles.

Kethrai says, "More a curse than a blessing most days, but when you need one you need one..."

Illiya grins at Kethrai, her dimples flashing into view.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Kethrai.

Miraena asks Asildu, "I have been practicing my speech to share our message. Would you like me to share it with those here now?"

Illiya gets an oversized blueberry-iced cupcake with a plump fondant mammoth perched on top from inside her lunchbox.

Illiya puts her cupcake in her lunchbox.

Illiya gets a brandied strawberry cupcake glazed in white chocolate icing topped with crystalline sugar from inside her lunchbox.

Ezerak nods at Kethrai, obviously agreeing with his views.

Illiya offers Witterwell a brandied strawberry cupcake glazed in white chocolate icing topped with crystalline sugar.

Witterwell accepts Illiya's strawberry cupcake.

Elore sits down on the leather barstool.

Witterwell melodiously says, "Eeeee Yay Cupcake."

Witterwell hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Asildu says to Miraena, "A messenger. I am intrigued."

The bargirl places Elore's silver wine on the pinewood bar.

Asildu gestures at Miraena.

Elore gets a tall glass of silver wine from atop a glistening pinewood bar.

Asildu says to Miraena, "Please, do."

Elore takes a sip of her wine.

Witterwell takes a bite of the cupcake.

Miraena nods.

Illiya nods to Miraeven.

Phantom Judge Crobin just arrived.

Witterwell takes a bite of the cupcake.

Miraena inhales deeply, puffing up her chest.

Tirost hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Tirost with a warm smile.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Tirost, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Miraena formally says, "My name is Miraena. I come from a small village many many days to the west of here."

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Illiya smiles at Miraena, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Crobin hugs Kethrai, who wraps his arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Elurora gazes at Miraena.

Crobin pats Vaerek on the back.

Asildu observes Miraena with intrigue and fascination.

Vaerek nods to Crobin.

Miraena formally says, "My village has been under siege by destructive events such as swirling vortexes of wind and light."

Witterwell tilts her head inquisitively.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Crobin says, "Sorry I am late."

Vaerek dusts himself off.

Miraena slowly empties her lungs.

Miraena inhales a great swallow of air.

Miraena formally says, "Recently, the Heralds bestowed upon me a flood of visions to warn me about the effects of sorcerous magic."

Reriyn grins at Sceth.

Miraena glances at Asildu.

Tirost raises his tankard, drinking deeply from the Dwarven ale inside.

Miraena formally says, "They made it clear to me that our world will continue to experience more and more disastrous effects should nothing change."

Sceth raises an eyebrow.

Illiya gazes thoughtfully at Miraena.

Crobin gets a ceramic jug of partially congealed blood-ale from inside his multi-strapped carryall.

Grinning, Crobin pulls a swig from a ceramic jug of partially congealed blood-ale.

Elurora leans on Illiya.

Elore takes a sip of her wine.

Miraena formally says, "I am here to petition adventurers to cease all use of sorcerous magic."

Asildu looks thoughtfully at Miraena.

Crobin hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Witterwell takes a bite of the cupcake.

Illiya leans over and scratches Elurora's back.

Miraena nods.

Elurora hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Elurora with a warm smile.

Miraena formally says, "I am asking that you do this for the good of the common men and women who live each and every day around you, and for the ones you do not see... like myself, my village, and my family."

Miraena gazes off to the west.

Kethrai trills softly at Miraena.

Asildu nods.

Elore leans forward and rests her chin in her hand and directs a thoughtful expression at Miraeven.

Miraena quickly says, "Thank you for your time."

Miraena curtsies.

Crobin stands near Tirost.

Elore ponders.

Elore leans forward and rests her chin in her hand and directs a thoughtful expression at Miraena.

Kethrai says, "Hear hear."

Elore grins.

Casari says to Miraena, "You're getting really good at public speaking."

Lupdels smiles at Miraena.

Raising his ancient brandy to Miraena, Kethrai gives her a toast.

Tirost's rage dissipates.

Miraena beams at Casari!

Asildu says to Miraena, "Very well said."

Aerilia smiles at Miraena.

Miraena says, "You are all very kind, thank you."

Miraena smiles.

Illiya asks Miraena, "Is it okay if we ask you a couple of questions?"

Witterwell takes a bite of the cupcake.

Asildu says, "She speaks the truth. I can attest to that."

Asildu nods.

Miraena beams at Asildu!

Miraena hitches up the waistband of her workman's pants.

Lupdels just left.

Miraeven observes Asildu with fascination.

Illiya smiles at Miraena, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Kethrai closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Miraena nods to Illiya.

>app asild
It appears that the subdermal keratosis can be worn on the head.
It appears that the dragon charm can be worn placed in the hair.
It appears that the kyanite gwethdesuan can be worn.
It appears that the linen tunic can be worn.
It appears that the linen robe can be worn like a shirt or robe.
It appears that the subdermal keratosis can be worn on the left arm.
It appears that the jade dragon can be worn on the wrist.
It appears that the parry stick can be worn on the right arm.
It appears that the subdermal keratoses can be worn on the hands.
It appears that the scholar's satchel can be worn attached to a belt.
It appears that the linen pants can be worn like pants or a skirt.
It appears that the leather shoes can be worn on the feet.
Asildu looks well.

Ezerak says, "I have some questions for both of you."

Casari moves over to guard Miraena.

Miraena smiles at Casari.

Witterwell tilts her head to one side.

Illiya asks Miraena, "Were the Heralds specific about what kind of sorcery was dangerous, or was it just sorcery in general?"

Witterwell takes a bite of the cupcake.

Miraeven glances at Casari.

Ezerak moves over to guard Miraena.

You notice Atuen trying to remain hidden while speaking.

You hear the voice of Atuen say, "I told you what i would do if i saw you again, Human."

Miraena glances at Ezerak.

Atuen reveals himself.

Atuen gestures at Miraena.
Conjoined by cobwebby traceries of light, five orange motes are drawn out from Miraena's eyes and swing apart harmoniously around her. As the pentad of motes then gyrates with dizzying velocity, Miraena becomes encased in a spectral cocoon which soon sinks into her body. The motes disappear into the ground one by one.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

A wispy phantom thrall fades into view.

Elurora moves into position to cover Miraena from harm.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Miraena.

Miraena frowns.

Miraena tries to back away, but something holds her fast.

Miraena tries to back away, but something holds her fast.

Casari gestures at Atuen.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Atuen!
Atuen slips and falls forward, slamming his face on the ice.

A wispy phantom thrall near Atuen bounds toward Casari like a rabid dog, black smoke trailing behind it!

The final leap of the phantom thrall brings it to an impact with Casari's face. Her head is tossed back forcibly as the specter disappears into it.

Miraena tries to back away, but something holds her fast.

Aerilia frowns.

Fractals of pale light materialize in a cascading pattern around Atuen, outlining the faint beginnings of a complex gyre. With a bestial moan, shafts of brilliant white light erupt from the ether, illuminating the pattern as if it were lifeblood sustaining the vein. The wall of light echoes outward rapidly, leaving a misty white halo to shroud Atuen in its wake.
In a bright flash of light, Ezerak is suddenly revealed!
The ring of light smashes into Ezerak, forcefully pushing him away from Atuen.

Vaerek moves over to guard Miraena.

Casari begins to advance on Atuen.

Casari begins to focus intently on Atuen.

Casari closes to melee range on Atuen.

Asildu moves over to guard Miraena.

Casari grasps out at Atuen, but misses.

Tirost flips the lid on his silversteel tankard closed.

Tirost puts his tankard in his sling bag.

Kethrai moves over to guard Miraena.

Atuen gasps and regains control of his breathing.

A brief chilly wind dissipates from around Illiya as she removes some heavy icesteel plate gauntlets interlaced with strips of ice-veined leather.

Atuen stands up.

Casari lowers her shoulders and draws back her arm.

Atuen's silver glow flares.

The air around Atuen solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and throws off bright waves of light as it resists the attack.

Casari makes an agile leap and thrusts her open palm towards Atuen!

Casari's palm lands a light hit (1/23) to Atuen's chest!

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Miraena as his eyes fix on her in a vehement stare.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Miraena. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Atuen!
He manages to get out of the way!

Streamers of glistening silver light trail in the air as bolts of flame begin to fall from above like miniature comets!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her chest, lightly singeing her flesh.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Miraena.

Casari begins to advance on Atuen.

Miraena stands near Asildu.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
The air around Atuen solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence and throws off shimmering light in the wake of the attack.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to Atuen's head.

Bolts of roiling silver flame spiral downward from above!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her left leg, lightly singeing her flesh.

Casari juts her chin at Atuen.
The air bubbles in a line between Casari and Atuen, intensifying as it travels forward. A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lurches into visibility, tatters of pastel colors wrapped around its serpentine length like a second skin. A sublime, sibilant melody fills the area.

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her neck, lightly singeing her flesh.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Miraena as his eyes fix on her in a vehement stare.

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her right arm, lightly singeing her flesh.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.
A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust wheels about and propels itself onward, the air rippling under the pressure of its passage.
The lesser naga begins to advance on Atuen.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Miraena. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Casari closes to melee range on Atuen.

The lesser naga closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
The air around Atuen solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, buckling and losing much of its mass under the force of the attack.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a light hit (1/23) to Atuen's head.

A glowing rain of surreal silver fire begins to cascade down from above!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her left arm, lightly singeing her flesh.

Casari gestures at Atuen.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Atuen!
Atuen slips and falls backward, slamming his head on the ice.

Altar Boy Harsh just arrived.

Atuen's halo of misty white light echoes outward!
The ring of light smashes into Ezerak, forcefully pushing him away from Atuen.
The ring of light smashes into Casari, forcefully pushing her away from Atuen.
The ring of light smashes into a dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust, forcefully pushing it away from Atuen.

Crobin puts his blood-ale in his multi-strapped carryall.

Miraena inhales a great swallow of air.

A torrent of luminous silver flame rains down from above!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her right arm, lightly singeing her flesh.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Miraena slowly empties her lungs.

A shroud of vapor rises from Miraena's body, dissipating rapidly from view.

A torrent of luminous silver flame rains down from above!

A bolt of holy fire smashes to the ground near Miraena.

Casari draws forth an imposing steel flamberge with a corvid hilt.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust wheels about and propels itself onward, the air rippling under the pressure of its passage.

The lesser naga begins to advance on Atuen.

Casari begins to advance on Atuen.

A torrent of luminous silver flame rains down from above!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her left arm, lightly singeing her flesh.

Atuen gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Harsh assesses his combat situation.

Casari lowers her shoulders and steadies her weapon.

Atuen stands up.

The lesser naga closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari sidesteps and adjusts her footing.

Avrenka assesses his combat situation.

Casari takes a step back and readies her flamberge behind her.

Reriyn assesses her combat situation.

The lesser naga closes to melee range on Atuen.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen gestures at Miraena.
Conjoined by cobwebby traceries of light, five orange motes are drawn out from Miraena's eyes and swing apart harmoniously around her. As the pentad of motes then gyrates with dizzying velocity, Miraena becomes encased in a spectral cocoon which soon sinks into her body. The motes disappear into the ground one by one.

Atuen's silver glow flares.
The air around Atuen solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, losing most of its mass under the force of the attack.
A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lands a light hit (1/23) to Atuen's chest.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
The air around Atuen solidifies into a blinding yellow luminescence, collapsing under the force of the attack in a silent cascade of glassy fragments that vanish before reaching the ground.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Atuen's left arm.

Sceth folds her arms across her chest.

Casari closes to melee range on Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Miraena bravely says, "It is okay. It is okay. If I must die for this, I will."

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Casari begins to focus intently on Atuen.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust wheels about and propels itself onward, the air rippling under the pressure of its passage.

The lesser naga begins to advance on Atuen.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Miraena.

The lesser naga closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Illiya moves over to guard Miraena.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Miraena as his eyes fix on her in a vehement stare.

Casari sidesteps and adjusts her footing.

Casari begins to advance on Atuen.

Vaerek sighs.

Atuen retreats from combat.

The lesser naga closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Elurora traces a complex glyph in the space above her right arm.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Miraena. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust wheels about and propels itself onward, the air rippling under the pressure of its passage.

The lesser naga closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Atuen!
He manages to get out of the way!

Harsh gestures at Miraena.
A lucent sphere glistens around Miraena.

Atuen stares at the lesser naga coming after him, hypnotized.
Atuen stares at the lesser naga coming after him, hypnotized.
Atuen stares at the lesser naga coming after him, hypnotized.
Atuen stares at the lesser naga coming after him, hypnotized.

Miraena tips her chin up towards the sky and plants her feet beneath her

The lesser naga closes to melee range on Atuen.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Bolts of flame begin to fall from above like fiery fists of Everild, punching savagely into the ground as collateral energy sprays outward!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her left eye, lightly singeing her flesh.

Atuen stares at the lesser naga coming after him, hypnotized.

Atuen stares at the lesser naga coming after him, hypnotized.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

You notice as a black dog pads into the room.

The black dog begins to watch the goings on carefully.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and quickly fades.

Ezerak slips out of the shadows behind Atuen! Displaying controlled ferocity, he draws back before smoothly slicing Atuen's leg with swift and elegant precision.

Casari closes to melee range on Atuen.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Casari.

Bolts of roiling silver flame spiral downward from above!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her left eye, lightly singeing her flesh.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust wheels about and propels itself onward, the air rippling under the pressure of its passage.

The lesser naga begins to advance on Atuen.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

A bolt of holy fire smashes to the ground near Miraena.

Casari loosens the straps securing her target shield and removes it.

You notice as a grey cat meows loudly.

The lesser naga closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari sheathes her steel flamberge.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Casari as his eyes fix on her in a vehement stare.

Casari gestures at Atuen.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Atuen!
Atuen slips and falls backward, slamming his head on the ice.

Illiya lays her hand on Casari's arm.

Atuen gasps and regains control of his breathing.

The lesser naga closes to melee range on Atuen.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Casari. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

An almost visible connection between Illiya and Casari seems to thrum through the air.

Witterwell takes a bite of the cupcake.

Atuen's silver glow flares.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lands a good strike (3/23) to Atuen's left leg.

Fractals of pale light materialize in a cascading pattern around Atuen, outlining the faint beginnings of a complex gyre. With a bestial moan, shafts of brilliant white light erupt from the ether, illuminating the pattern as if it were lifeblood sustaining the vein. The wall of light echoes outward rapidly, leaving a misty white halo to shroud Atuen in its wake.
In a bright flash of light, Ezerak is suddenly revealed!
The ring of light smashes into Ezerak, forcefully pushing him away from Atuen.
The ring of light smashes into a dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust, forcefully pushing it away from Atuen.

Harsh gestures at Miraena.
A shaft of pure white light pools in Harsh's hands and streaks out toward Miraena, bathing her in its radiance.

Atuen stands up.

Miraena clenches her eyes closed to block out what is happening around her.

Casari briefly spreads her arms outward and begins to chant. The sounds intensify, burgeoning with cold savagery.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Rejind closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

A glowing rain of surreal silver fire begins to cascade down from above!

A bolt of holy fire strikes Casari's target shield and slams into her right leg, lightly singeing her flesh.

Casari grows flushed as she segues to the new verse of her song, biting off each word with a fierceness that seems to incite the very air as a conflux of flames and frost is born about her.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Tirost says, "Atuen, not here."

Reriyn assesses her combat situation.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Ezerak.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Casari's target shield and slams into her back, scorching her flesh.
Casari is lightly stunned!

Kerennya says to Miraena, "There are empaths present. We won't let you die if we can help it."

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust disappears in a rupture of sound and color as its song ends.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Casari's target shield and slams into her abdomen, scorching her flesh.

Miraena glances at Kerennya.

The wounds afflicting Casari gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Illiya's flesh.

Casari appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Casari's target shield and slams into her left leg, scorching her flesh.
Casari hardens her stance and bellows a defiant decry against oppression!

Asildu says, "Violence during peaceful discussions. Now I remember why I enjoy my books more than public gatherings."

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Miraena asks Kerennya, "Do you promise?"

Atuen begins to focus intently on Ezerak.

Casari looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

A shroud of vapor rises from Miraena's body, dissipating rapidly from view.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!

Atuen's silver glow flares.

Ezerak's parazonium lands a hard hit (5/23) to Atuen's left arm.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Casari begins to advance on Atuen.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Casari looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Casari appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Kerennya nods to Miraeven.

Miraeven shifts his weight.

Casari looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Illiya gestures.

Kethrai says to Miraena, "Promise."

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she looks much better.

Casari looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she looks much better.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Miraena nods to Kethrai.

Reriyn loudly exclaims, "Its just another typical day in Crossing!"

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!

Atuen's silver glow flares.

Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Atuen's back.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Ezerak as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Casari looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Ezerak. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she looks much better.

Elurora says to Miraena, "You also have enough guards on you to face a small army."

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier.

A glowing rain of surreal silver fire begins to cascade down from above!
Ezerak is revealed from concealment.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Ezerak's small shield and slams into his left eye, lightly singeing his flesh.
Ezerak is stunned!

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Casari.

Illiya waves her hand.

Atuen retreats from combat.

The wounds afflicting Casari gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Illiya's flesh.

Atuen's body below the waist is soaked.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Brilliant sparks of rutilant light dance around Illiya, bathing her in a warm glow.

Bolts of roiling silver flame spiral downward from above!

A bolt of holy fire strikes Ezerak's small shield and slams into his back, scorching his flesh.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Ezerak's small shield and slams into his back, lightly singeing his flesh.

Casari closes to melee range on Atuen.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Casari as his eyes fix on her in a vehement stare.

Harsh gestures at Atuen.

Illiya lays her hand on Ezerak's arm.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Miraena gazes at Elurora.

An almost visible connection between Illiya and Ezerak seems to thrum through the air.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Casari gestures at Atuen.

A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Atuen!

Atuen slips and falls backward, slamming his head on the ice.

A shower of blazing silver fire pounds down from above!

A bolt of holy fire strikes Ezerak's small shield and slams into his head, lightly singeing his flesh.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Casari. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Danger Wizard Dasheek just arrived.

Casari gets some throwing blades from inside a swirling eddy of incandescent light bound by a gold-striated coralite frame.

Atuen's silver glow flares.

Casari's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Atuen's back.
The throwing blade lodges itself shallowly into Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Casari's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Atuen's left leg.
The throwing blade lodges itself shallowly into Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Casari's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Atuen's right leg.
The throwing blade lodges itself shallowly into Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Casari's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Atuen's right arm.
The throwing blade lodges itself shallowly into Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Casari's blade lands a light hit (1/23) to Atuen's right hand.
The throwing blade lodges itself shallowly into Atuen!

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Injuries bloom on Illiya's flesh.

Illiya seems to weaken.

A glowing rain of surreal silver fire begins to cascade down from above!

A bolt of holy fire smashes to the ground near Casari.

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Casari's target shield and quickly fades.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a strong hit (6/23) that pricks Atuen's back (Get your needle work out!), lightly stunning him.

Atuen's halo of misty white light echoes outward!
The ring of light smashes into Ezerak, forcefully pushing him away from Atuen.

A bolt of holy fire smashes to the ground near Casari.

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

Vaerek gestures at Atuen. Vaerek and Atuen glare at each other for a moment. Casari begins to focus intently on Atuen. A bolt of holy fire strikes Casari's target shield and slams into her back, lightly singeing her flesh. Harsh gestures at Atuen. Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Casari appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

The wounds afflicting Ezerak gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Illiya's flesh.

Ezerak appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Atuen gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Atuen stands up.

Breakfast Connoisseur Myrable moseys southwest, leading her group.

Casari begins to advance on Atuen.

Dasheek gestures at Illiya.

Miraena nods shakily, still watching the commotion around her.

Ezerak sidesteps and adjusts his footing.

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier.

Eyes blazing with an intense rage, Casari unleashes a single, prolonged shout directed at Atuen. Atuen blocks the blast with his ka'hurst shield.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Atuen!
The slurry splatters against his ka'hurst shield.

Ezerak sidesteps and adjusts his footing.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Ezerak appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Casari begins to focus intently on Atuen.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Ezerak sidesteps and adjusts his footing.

Ezerak takes a step back and readies his parazonium behind him.

Ezerak takes a step back and readies his parazonium behind him.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Ezerak takes a step back and readies his parazonium behind him.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Ezerak takes a step back and readies his parazonium behind him.

Ezerak sidesteps and adjusts his footing.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Ezerak takes a full step back and plants his feet firmly.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Casari.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Harsh gestures at Atuen.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Ezerak appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Reriyn assesses her combat situation.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Casari as his eyes fix on her in a vehement stare.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Atuen!
He manages to get out of the way!

Atuen retreats from combat.

Ezerak looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Atuen's silver glow flares.

Casari inhales deeply before unleashing an ear-splitting shout directed at Atuen. The concussive blast lands a light hit (1/23) against Atuen's left leg!

Rejind assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Brilliant sparks of rutilant light dance around Illiya, bathing her in a warm glow.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Casari. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) that cuts a ragged line across the back.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari begins to focus intently on Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Vaerek regards Atuen with an incisive, calculating look.

Glinting lines weave chaotically in midair, growing brighter with each intersection until a net of burning ultramarine bars unfurls and passes through Atuen.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Bolts of flame begin to fall from above like fiery fists of Everild, punching savagely into the ground as collateral energy sprays outward!

A bolt of holy fire strikes Casari's target shield and slams into her right eye, scorching her flesh.
Casari is stunned!

Atuen retreats from combat.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Casari's target shield and slams into her back, scorching her flesh.

Vaerek laughs!

Elurora gestures at Atuen.
Elurora and Atuen stare at each other intently for a few moments.

A torrent of luminous silver flame rains down from above!

A bolt of holy fire strikes Casari's target shield and slams into her right arm, searing and charring her flesh!

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

Kethrai touches Casari with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Casari hardens her stance and bellows a defiant decry against oppression!

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

Asildu observes the goings on, keeping close to Miraena.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Casari's target shield and slams into her right hand, searing and charring her flesh!

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

You notice Phierre attempting to conceal his spell preparations despite his invisibility.

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

Atuen searches around for a moment.

The wounds afflicting Casari gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Illiya's flesh.

Casari appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Casari voicelessly whispers to the air.
The air around Casari stirs in response as snowflakes and hail form around her. The wind whips the wintery slurry into a spiral focused at Atuen!
He manages to get out of the way!

Miraena gazes at Atuen.

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!

Atuen's silver glow flares.

Ezerak's parazonium lands a hard hit (5/23) to Atuen's head.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Kethrai touches Casari with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier.

Phierre reveals himself.

With a wave of Phierre's hand, he suddenly looks much healthier.

Casari drops her voice to a frosty whisper as she reprises the last tones of the chorus once more.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

Illiya waves her hand.

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Atuen gestures at you.
Leaden hooks take hold somewhere within your being, inciting a series of twinges to race toward your eyes and escape in the form of five orange motes. Conjoined by cobwebby traceries of light, the pentad of motes swings apart harmoniously around you before gyrating with dizzying velocity! You become encased in a spectral cocoon which soon fades, then the motes disappear into the ground one by one, anchoring your bound spirit in place though your body is unrestrained.

Casari looks healthier and Kethrai appears to weaken.

The wounds afflicting Casari gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Illiya's flesh.

Casari appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Casari looks healthier and Kethrai appears to weaken.

Casari looks healthier and Kethrai appears to weaken.

Casari builds the final notes of her chant with an upward scale that rises into a steep crescendo, and ends with an abrupt silence.

Casari briefly spreads her arms outward and begins singing. A melody of profound sadness trembles its way from Casari's lips.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier.

Aerilia yells, "Guards!"

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Casari looks healthier and Kethrai appears to weaken.

Casari looks healthier and Kethrai appears to weaken.

You ask, "What did I do?"

Casari sings in a wailing, eerily shaking voice:

 "Home beckons me back, like a dream,
 For my love sleeps with the end of days."

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Casari looks healthier and Kethrai appears to weaken.

Casari juts her chin at Atuen.
The air bubbles in a line between Casari and Atuen, intensifying as it travels forward. A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust lurches into visibility, tatters of pastel colors wrapped around its serpentine length like a second skin. A sublime, sibilant melody fills the area.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Casari looks healthier and Kethrai appears to weaken.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a solid hit (4/23) to Atuen's back.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Casari looks healthier and Kethrai appears to weaken.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust wheels about and propels itself onward, the air rippling under the pressure of its passage.

The lesser naga begins to advance on Atuen.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Casari looks healthier and Kethrai appears to weaken.

Atuen gestures at Miraena.
A lucent sphere enfolds Miraena.

A few gossamer tidbits of light escape Miraena's eyes.

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

The lesser naga closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari gestures at Atuen.
A sheet of slippery ice forms beneath Atuen!
Atuen slips and falls forward, slamming his face on the ice.

Vaerek exclaims, "Yeah, gods! I mean guards!"

The lesser naga closes to melee range on Atuen.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Fractals of pale light materialize in a cascading pattern around Atuen, outlining the faint beginnings of a complex gyre. With a bestial moan, shafts of brilliant white light erupt from the ether, illuminating the pattern as if it were lifeblood sustaining the vein. The wall of light echoes outward rapidly, leaving a misty white halo to shroud Atuen in its wake.
The ring of light smashes into Ezerak, forcefully pushing him away from Atuen.
The ring of light smashes into a dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust, forcefully pushing it away from Atuen.

Miraena says, "I do not know why this one feel so strongly against me."

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust wheels about and propels itself onward, the air rippling under the pressure of its passage.

The lesser naga begins to advance on Atuen.

Harsh gestures at Casari.
A lucent sphere glistens around Casari.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Cascading points of rutilant light swirl around Illiya like sparks dancing up from a blazing fire.

The lesser naga closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari begins to advance on Atuen.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Miraena asks, "Is he a prolific sorcery user?"

Kerennya says to you, "Don't take it personally."

The lesser naga closes to melee range on Atuen.

Atuen's halo of misty white light echoes outward!
In a bright flash of light, Ezerak is suddenly revealed!
The ring of light smashes into Ezerak, forcefully pushing him away from Atuen.
The ring of light smashes into a dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust, forcefully pushing it away from Atuen.

Atuen gasps and regains control of his breathing.

Atuen stands up.

Phierre holds out his arms, then brings them down evenly.
Phierre's actions quickly stir up a ruckus in the area, as annoyed citizens quickly move out of the way. One mentions to his friend that he's off to report Phierre for disturbing the peace.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust wheels about and propels itself onward, the air rippling under the pressure of its passage.

The lesser naga begins to advance on Atuen.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Atuen stares at Casari coming after him, hypnotized.

A faint breeze surrounds her.

Atuen stares at Casari coming after him, hypnotized.

Atuen stares at Casari coming after him, hypnotized.

Atuen stares at Casari coming after him, hypnotized.

Atuen stares at Casari coming after him, hypnotized.

Atuen stares at Casari coming after him, hypnotized.

You notice a grey cat rub against Phierre for a moment.

The lesser naga closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Casari closes to melee range on Atuen.

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

The lesser naga closes to melee range on Atuen.

Casari sings in a lonely voice:

 "My love has vanished,
 Through my abandoned heart."

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Casari begins to advance on Atuen.

You say, "Oh, with that one, I never do. But it's always worth asking."

You chuckle.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!

Atuen's silver glow flares.

Ezerak's parazonium lands a hard hit (5/23) to Atuen's back.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Elurora says to Miraena, "He is angry and takes it out on those around him."

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Casari closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

A sudden shout of "The woman's dangerous!" heralds a nearby citizen to run for the guards.

A sudden lurching sensation grips your spirit as you feel the magic anchoring you dissipate.

Casari closes to melee range on Atuen.

Miraena frowns at Elurora.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust wheels about and propels itself onward, the air rippling under the pressure of its passage.

The lesser naga begins to advance on Atuen.

The lesser naga closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Reriyn begins chortling at Elurora.

Elore stands up.

Wild Card Elore wanders southwest.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

"Stop right there!" The shout reverberates through the area as the guard charges towards Casari. "You're under arrest!"
Casari seems to be in shock as the guard binds her hands and she is led off.

A dark lapis-hued lesser naga trailing gold dust darts sinuously away.

Harsh gestures at Asildu.
A lucent sphere glistens around Asildu.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen laughs!

Phierre gestures.
Rutilant sparks of light encircle Phierre, seeping into his skin and bathing him in a warm glow.

Atuen says, "Ah good."

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Asildu says to Miraena, "You spoke a good message."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a solid hit (4/23) to Atuen's head, lightly stunning him.

Phierre casually observes the area.

Miraena gives a slight nod.

Atuen's halo of misty white light echoes outward!
The ring of light smashes into Ezerak, forcefully pushing him away from Atuen.

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Kerennya touches Elurora with a confident grace and familiar smile.
An almost visible connection between Kerennya and Elurora seems to thrum through the air.

Elurora shivers briefly as wounds and traces of battle abruptly vanish from her body.

Kerennya exhales slowly as corresponding wounds bloom on her flesh.

Atuen says, "Even the guards agree with me."

Miraena says to Asildu, "I do not understand why they act so violently against it."

Kerennya exudes life and vitality, rutilant sparks dancing around her.

Aerilia scowls.

[General] Your mind hears Rejind thinking, "Atuen attacks people in a bar and the people defending the Messenger of the Herald gets arrested? This is the Justice of Zoluren?"

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Atuen's back.

Atuen gestures at Ezerak.
Ezerak begins to mope around obliviously.
He drops to his knees before Atuen, sobbing in dysphoria.

Phierre exudes life and vitality, rutilant sparks dancing around him.

Ezerak is able to move once again.

Ezerak stands up.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Ezerak.

Kethrai touches Ezerak with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

You notice Elurora attempting to conceal her spell preparations.
A radiant glow wreathes Elurora's hands as she weaves lines of light in a complicated pattern.

Kerennya's features are limned in fiery rutilant light, her eyes burning with a fearsome vivacity.

Asildu says to Miraena, "My understanding is that some people would rather die than give up certain... power."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a solid hit (4/23) to Atuen's head.

Atuen's balaclava flashes, sending a green globe of lightning towards Ezerak!
Atuen's globe of lightning lands a tingling strike to Ezerak's left arm!

Harsh gestures at Ezerak.
Small tendrils of curious silvery light slither from Harsh's fingertips toward Ezerak.

With a friendly smile, Elurora holds Ezerak's hand.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Ezerak.

Miraena frowns at Asildu.

Atuen searches around for a moment.

Elurora draws herself to full height, rallying her comrades with righteous confidence as she charges into battle like a star blazing through a midnight sky!

Injuries bloom on Illiya's flesh.

Illiya seems to weaken.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good hit (2/23) to Atuen's abdomen.

Atuen points at Ezerak.

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Atuen's balaclava ignites, sending a green globe of lightning towards Ezerak!
Atuen's globe of lightning lands a tingling strike to Ezerak's left leg!

Cascading points of rutilant light swirl around Illiya like sparks dancing up from a blazing fire.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.

Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Ezerak as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Ezerak. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

[General] Your mind hears Voranos thinking, "Pretty much sounds correct, they run a very backwards ship in Zoulren."

Atuen begins to focus intently on Ezerak.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Atuen's right arm.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

A glowing rain of surreal silver fire begins to cascade down from above!

A bolt of holy fire strikes Ezerak's small shield and slams into his abdomen, lightly singeing his flesh.

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Miraena says, "They will certainly get their wish, if their actions continue."

With a wave of Illiya's hand, she suddenly looks much healthier.

A torrent of luminous silver flame rains down from above!

A bolt of holy fire smashes to the ground near Ezerak.

The wounds afflicting Ezerak gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Illiya's flesh.

Ezerak appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

A torrent of luminous silver flame rains down from above!

Ezerak is revealed from concealment.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Ezerak's small shield and quickly fades.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Ezerak as his eyes fix on him in a vehement stare.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Ezerak's small shield and quickly fades.

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Dasheek asks Illiya, "Why're they fightin?"

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Ezerak. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Illiya seems to glow with an inner light, trailing rutilant sparks with every movement.

Asildu nods at Miraena, obviously agreeing with her views.

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "Zoluren does have some... deficiencies. The guards aren't very good at sorting out who is rabble-rousing, and who is just rabble."

Streamers of glistening silver light trail in the air as bolts of flame begin to fall from above like miniature comets!

Ezerak is revealed from concealment.

A bolt of holy fire smashes to the ground near Ezerak.

Phierre looks at Dasheek and shrugs.

The wounds afflicting Ezerak gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Illiya's flesh.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Ezerak's small shield and slams into his left eye, lightly singeing his flesh.

Knight Penitent Briaen just arrived.

Sceth asks, "Bored?"

Phierre says, "I just got here."

Ezerak closes to melee range on Atuen.

A bolt of holy fire strikes Ezerak's small shield and slams into his chest, lightly singeing his flesh.

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Kethrai touches Elurora with a confident grace and heartfelt smile.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a strong hit (6/23) that scratches an eyebrow after nearly poking out an eye, lightly stunning him.

Fractals of pale light materialize in a cascading pattern around Atuen, outlining the faint beginnings of a complex gyre. With a bestial moan, shafts of brilliant white light erupt from the ether, illuminating the pattern as if it were lifeblood sustaining the vein. The wall of light echoes outward rapidly, leaving a misty white halo to shroud Atuen in its wake.
The ring of light smashes into Ezerak, forcefully pushing him away from Atuen.

Cascading points of rutilant light swirl around Phierre like sparks dancing up from a blazing fire.

A torrent of luminous silver flame rains down from above!

A bolt of holy fire strikes Ezerak's small shield and quickly fades.

Rejind says to Asildu, "This is why we are truly doomed. If stopping all Sorcery is what will save us, then this Plane of Abidind is actually lost."

Harsh gestures at Ezerak.
A lucent sphere glistens around Ezerak.

Illiya seems to weaken.

An almost visible connection between Phierre and Atuen seems to thrum through the air.

Ezerak looks healthier and Illiya appears to weaken.

Miraena frowns at Rejind.

Elurora gestures.

Vaerek shakes his head at Asildu.

Illiya assesses her combat situation.

Atuen gestures at Miraena.

A lucent sphere enfolds Miraena.

A few gossamer tidbits of light escape Miraena's eyes.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a hard hit (5/23) that pricks Atuen's back (Get your needle work out!).

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Atuen appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Ezerak lowers his shoulders and steadies his weapon.
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak dashes quickly at Atuen, attacking him with a mighty cleave!

Ezerak's serrated parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Atuen's left leg!

Asildu says to Rejind, "That is why we must spread our word as far and wide as we can."

Atuen begins to focus intently on Miraena.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a solid hit (4/23) that punctures a small hole in Atuen's right cheek.

Miraena gazes at Atuen.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Atuen appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

Brilliant sparks of rutilant light dance around Phierre, bathing him in a warm glow.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a solid hit (4/23) that cuts a ragged line across the back, stunning him.

Miraena says to Atuen, "It is okay to act afraid."

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Atuen's halo of misty white light echoes outward!
v The ring of light smashes into Ezerak, forcefully pushing him away from Atuen.

Rejind says to Asildu, "Sadly, it will not matter. You will not convince those such as he, nor will you convince the Necromancers." You notice as a grey cat examines its tail.

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Atuen appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.

Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Miraena as his eyes fix on her in a vehement stare.

Illiya grins at Miraeven, her dimples flashing into view.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen is enraged by Ezerak's attack!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a strong hit (6/23) that punctures a small hole in Atuen's right cheek.

Atuen's hauberk flashes, sending a green globe of lightning towards Ezerak!

Atuen's globe of lightning lands a tingling strike to Ezerak's left arm!

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Illiya grins at Miraena, her dimples flashing into view.

Ezerak appears stronger, while Illiya seems to weaken.

Cascading points of rutilant light swirl around Phierre like sparks dancing up from a blazing fire.

An obese Elothean male with a queer smell strolls into the area, looking around casually.

The smelly Elothean man wanders off.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Atuen!
Atuen's silver glow flares.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a hard hit (5/23) that nicks Atuen's neck.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Atuen retreats from combat.

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Atuen appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

Miraena says to Atuen, "I was afraid, too. But if I, a simple farmer, can overcome their fear and make change, I believe so can you."

Ezerak begins to advance on Atuen.

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Miraena.

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

Harsh gestures at Miraena.
A lucent sphere glistens around Miraena.

Atuen looks healthier and Phierre appears to weaken.

Ezerak closes to pole weapon range on Atuen.

Ezerak stops advancing on Atuen.

Ezerak begins to advance on Phierre.

Dasheek traces a careful sigil in the air.

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

With a wave of Phierre's hand, he looks much better.

Cascading points of rutilant light swirl around Phierre like sparks dancing up from a blazing fire.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's back.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Miraena as his eyes fix on her in a vehement stare.

Miraena smiles at Harsh.

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Miraena. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

Harsh smiles.

Asildu says to Rejind, "But we must try."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a hard hit (5/23) to Phierre's head.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Miraena.

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Streamers of glistening silver light trail in the air as bolts of flame begin to fall from above like miniature comets!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her back, lightly singeing her flesh.

Miraena says to Harsh, "I do not know what that is, but it feels pleasant."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's back.

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her abdomen, lightly singeing her flesh.

Atuen closes his eyes, drawing his closed fist toward his chest.
Seconds later he swings his arm outward, pointing at Miraena as his eyes fix on her in a vehement stare.

Atuen retreats from combat.

He suddenly looks rather passive.

He suddenly looks rather passive.

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her left eye, lightly singeing her flesh.

Phierre seems to glow with an inner light, trailing rutilant sparks with every movement.

Several bolts of flashing silver flame flare into view, churning around Miraena. With surprising speed, they swirl upward with a wailing shriek!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her left leg, lightly singeing her flesh.

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Atuen appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

Crobin shakes his head as if clearing it.

A glowing rain of surreal silver fire begins to cascade down from above!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her. A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her back, lightly singeing her flesh.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre is enraged by Ezerak's attack!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a hard hit (5/23) to Phierre's head, lightly stunning him.

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her abdomen, lightly singeing her flesh.

A torrent of luminous silver flame rains down from above!

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her left leg, lightly singeing her flesh.

Reriyn assesses her combat situation.

A multicolored ward wavers about Miraena, softening Atuen's attack against her.
A bolt of holy fire strikes Miraena's subdermal keratosis and slams into her chest, lightly singeing her flesh.

[General] Your mind hears Lexxa thinking, "well at least you can check the jail to see if our missing people got transported"

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a solid hit (4/23) that bloodies Phierre's lip.

Illiya gestures.

Illiya closes her eyes and settles into a graceful stance.

Harsh quietly says to Miraena, "It is meant to help a bit against his nonsense."

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Atuen appears stronger, while Phierre seems to weaken.

[General] Your mind hears Voranos thinking, "The trick is to use blackfire to leave no evidence and then plead innocent. That'll throw the judges off."

Phierre produces a coin and begins rapidly rolling it across his knuckles.
Brilliant sparks of rutilant light dance around Phierre, bathing him in a warm glow.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a solid hit (4/23) to Phierre's neck.

Firehawk Casari just arrived.

Casari assesses her combat situation.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a hard hit (5/23) to Phierre's neck.

Reriyn assesses her combat situation.

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Miraeven quietly says, "It would appear that sides are clearly being delineated, here."

Casari moves over to guard Miraena.

Miraena says to Casari, "Adventurer Casari, please be careful."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a solid hit (4/23) to Phierre's head.

Kethrai gestures at Phierre.
Kethrai fixes Phierre with an intent stare.

Atuen begins to focus intently on Ezerak.

Phierre seems to glow with an inner light, trailing rutilant sparks with every movement.

Phierre smirks.

Casari touches the tattoo on her hand and closes her eyes in concentration.

Illiya lays her hand on Casari's arm.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's back.

Phierre retreats from combat.

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

An almost visible connection between Illiya and Casari seems to thrum through the air.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's back.

The wounds afflicting Atuen gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Phierre's flesh.

Phierre rests his hand on Atuen's arm with a soft smile.

Phierre's features are limned in fiery rutilant light, his eyes burning with a fearsome vivacity.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's right arm.

Phierre yawns expansively.

Phierre retreats from combat.

Atuen says to Phierre, "Retreat Brother, we have the names."

Atuen just tried to take Phierre's hand, but he politely pulled away.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's parazonium lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's head.

Casari asks Atuen, "Are you done now?"

He suddenly looks rather passive.

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Phierre retreats from combat.

Phierre retreats from combat.

Ezerak begins to advance on Phierre.

Elurora gestures at Ezerak.

Atuen says to Casari, "For now."

Phierre turns his greatcloak.

Phierre fades from your very sight!

Atuen smirks.

Appearing to have lost sight of his target, Ezerak stops advancing.

Atuen goes west.

Rejind assumes a meditative stance, concentrating on something.

Miraena gazes off to the west.

Ezerak begins to advance on Phierre.

Briaen gazes off to the west.

Illiya closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Elurora shakes her head.

Harsh sighs.

You sigh.

Ezerak comes out of hiding.

Miraena says, "Thank you to the healers who attended me. I have only heard of those abilities before, and to witness them was beyond my dreams."

Aerilia says, "What a contemptable pair."

Kethrai says to Miraena, "Apologies, our city is treating you poorly for your first visit."

Miraena gives a slight nod.

Casari slowly empties her lungs.

Tirost asks Miraena, "I'm sorry about that. Are you ok?"

Crobin sighs.

Casari searches around for a moment.

Phantom Judge Crobin saunters southwest.

Miraena says to Kethrai, "After my first encounter with that one, I knew I must come to terms with death."

Miraena nods to Tirost.

Elurora says to Miraena, "I will keep my shield on you for as long as we are both here, that should help a little."

Casari says, "Not on our watch."

Casari cracks her knuckles.

Phantom Judge Crobin just arrived.

Asildu remains positioned somewhat in front of Miraena, his arm braced in front of her protectively.

You hear someone grumble.

Miraena says, "Yes, I did not feel much of anything, other than the tingling from the healers and the warmth from Adventurer Harsh."

Illiya says to Miraena, "Sorry that you had to go t hrough that."

Miraena smiles at Harsh.

You hear a voice say to Miraena, "My apologies."

Harsh smiles.

Rejind closes his eyes for a moment and grows still.

Rejind searches around for a moment.

Miraena says, "I do not want that event to distract from why we are here. Asildu and I."

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Asildu nods at Miraena, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya nods to Miraena.

Ezerak asks, "Sorry, so what did I miss?"

Ezerak blushes, the tips of his ears turning a deep shade of red.

Illiya says, "He interrupted my question too."

Miraena smiles at Ezerak.

Crobin says, "Well you didn't miss very many stabs."

Crobin says, "I know that much."

Illiya grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Elurora softly says to Kerennya, "Thank you for tending my wounds."

Miraena says to Ezerak, "Thank you for fighting on our behalf."

Kethrai nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Miraena curtsies to Ezerak.

Kerennya says to Elurora, "Of course."

Miraena says, "I am sorry if there were other fighters, it was very chaotic."

Knight Errant Trajan just arrived.

Elurora smiles at Kerennya.

Witterwell melodiously says, "I'm very confused. But then again I can't see very much. Too many big people."

Pit Viper Ophidian just arrived.

Harsh pats Trajan on the back.

Witterwell lifts herself up on her tip toes, trying to get a better view.

Shadow Tracker Sliyder just arrived.

Trajan waves to Harsh.

Niliaevat Raesh Isen Malorna just arrived.

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Ezerak says to Miraena, "Well, I certainly could not let them hurt you or drive you off before I've had a chance to ask my questions."

Miraena smiles at Ezerak.

It appears that the doeskin longcoat can be worn as a shirt or robe, even with armor.
It appears that the craftsman's satchel can be worn attached to a belt.
It appears that the blue wool cap can be worn on the head.
It appears that the subdermal keratosis can be worn on the head.
It appears that the kyanite gwethdesuan can be worn.
It appears that the burlap tunic can be worn.
It appears that the subdermal keratosis can be worn on the left arm.
It appears that the parry stick can be worn on the right arm.
It appears that the subdermal keratosis can be worn on the hands.
It appears that the workman's pants can be worn like pants or a skirt.
It appears that the leather sandals can be worn on the feet.
Miraena looks well.

Dasheek clasps Illiya's hand tenderly.

Ophidian comes out of hiding.

Ophidian searches around for a moment.

Dasheek just took the hand of Illiya and gently kissed the back of it.

Malorna hums to herself.

Malorna closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Miraena says, "Were there questions for Asildu and I? We can do our best to answer them..."

Illiya asks Miraena, "Sorry, but I was asking... if the Heralds were specific about what kind of sorcery was dangerous, or if it was just sorcery in general?"

Miraena stands near Asildu.

Ezerak gives a slight nod.

Sliyder bows to Asildu.

Wild Card Elore just arrived.

Ezerak says, "I have many."

Asildu nods to Sliyder.

Ezerak asks, "The first of which, you are both sent here by the Heralds?"

(Crobin moves to the back of the room and leans against the wall)

Miraena says to Illiya, "It must be all sorcery, although I hope you do not ask me more details about that. I do not know anything about magic in the first place, so to describe in more detail will be impossible."

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Illiya nods to Miraena.

Ophidian waves to Crobin.

Ophidian smiles.

Crobin waves to Ophidian.

Ophidian smiles.

Miraena nods to Ezerak.

Harsh hugs Witterwell, who wraps her arms around Harsh with a warm smile.

Ezerak gives a slight nod.

Asildu says to Ezerak, "We bring their message, yes."

Tirost asks Miraena, "I hear your general message, but I was wondering if you might share as detailed an account of your vision as possible?"

Elore gasps at Reriyn!

Reriyn snickers.

Kethrai says to Asildu, "Are you aware another visitor came to the Empath's guild shortly after you left, asking after you? He seemed to have less than friendly intentions."

Dasheek nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Asildu raises an eyebrow in Kethrai's direction.

Elurora smiles at Elore.

Malorna raises an eyebrow in Kethrai's direction.

Asildu asks Kethrai, "Another visitor?"

Reriyn beams!

Elore snaps to attention and hails Elurora with a crisp hand salute.

Kethrai nods.

Crobin hugs Malorna, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Malorna hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Malorna with a warm smile.

Elore stands near Reriyn.

Miraena quietly says to Asildu, "They have told me that others have come preaching the use of MORE sorcery."

Miraena frowns.

Ezerak asks, "The Heralds...many seem to believe they were involved with the disappearance and imprisonment of several of our people, my wife Ayrell included. Do either of you know anything about that?"

Rejind says, "One claiming to be Human."

Asildu frowns.

Kethrai says, "Called himself Valenal, a Human Warrior Mage, but I suspect he was none of those things."

Reriyn says, "Well, i've never used sorcery before. So if thats what you thinkk, I'll continue notn to do it."

Reriyn smiles at Miraena.

Asildu shakes his head at Ezerak.

Miraena beams at Reriyn!

Miraena stands near Reriyn.

Sliyder casually observes the area.

Miraena asks Reriyn, "May I know your name, adventurer?"

[General] Your mind hears Voranos thinking, "Anything going on tonight besides Lani's murderous rampage?"

Reriyn says to Miraena, "Reriyn. Leek Farmer at your service."

Reriyn curtsies to Miraeven.

Asildu says to Ezerak, "I know only what I was told at that meeting, in between the demands being thrust at me."

Miraena slides her arms into her doeskin longcoat and settles the garment around herself.

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena says to Reriyn, "Leek Farmer Adventurer Reriyn, please accept this iris, grown by my own hands from my village."

Kethrai mutters something into the air about exhausting.

Miraena offers Reriyn a blue iris.

Reriyn accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Sliyder takes a bite of the slugs.

Asildu says to Ezerak, "But I can tell you the Heralds have no reason to kidnap anyone."

Reriyn beams at Miraena!

Miraena says to Reriyn, "Please let it remind you of the lives you are saving by making this promise."

Sliyder takes a bite of the slugs.

Ezerak frowns.

Reriyn nods to Miraeven.

Illiya says to Asildu, "That was my impression of the Heralds as well."

Asildu nods to Illiya.

Reriyn takes a bite of a blue iris.

Asildu says, "The Heralds are all powerful. If they want something done, it is done. They have no need for games."

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Miraeven raises an eyebrow in Asildu's direction.

Rejind says to Asildu, "The one calling themself Valenal was telling us that normal casting was causing mana energy to be stolen out of this plane, and that is what is causing the issues. He further suggested that Sorcery was pulling mana IN from the Void, and thus we should do more Sorcery and prepare to fight whatever is stealing our mana."

Kethrai says, "...short of stopping all sorcery use, at least."

Crobin nods to Briaen.

Miraeven quietly asks Asildu, "Then, why send you?"

Elore asks Asildu, "Is there a way for us to see some type of proof that you are who you say you are?"

Briaen nods to Crobin.

Crobin asks, "You do understand that stopping all nigh impossible yes?"

Dasheek nods at Elore, obviously agreeing with her views.

Elore says, "Surely they would have known that people would be skeptical."

Ezerak nods to Miraeven.

Dasheek points at Crobin.

Vaerek says to Miraena, "I promise not to use sorcery but only because I no longer have use of it."

Asildu says, "So many questions..."

Crobin says, "There are people out there that will do it just cause you tell them not to."

Illiya gazes at Vaerek.

Miraena says to Crobin, "It has to be possible, or you, everyone you love, your families and your friends... will all die."

Elore sits down on the leather barstool.

Miraena frowns at Crobin.

Elurora glances at Crobin.

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Witterwell tilts her head to one side.

Trajan pets Dasheek's black dog.

Illiya smiles at Casari, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Harsh quietly says, "I asked everyone nicely on the gweth."

Harsh shrugs.

Rejind says to Miraena, "If the answer is 'Sorcery use must go to absolute 0', then I fear that is our fate."

Witterwell snickers at Harsh.

Casari smiles at Illiya.

Miraena asks, "Do you all not see and feel the disasterous effects around you?"

Crobin nods to Rejind.

Elurora nods to Miraena.

Ezerak asks, "If they are all-powerful, why do they not just...make everyone stop?"

Ezerak searches around for a moment.

Miraena asks, "And you are content to stand in the thunderstorm with your arm raised, simply awaiting the lightning strike?"

Sliyder searches around for a moment.

Asildu says to Rejind, "That is an interesting theory. Incorrect, but interesting."

Briaen says, "Actions taken to stop or continue sorcery will not impead the death that eventually will call us all home."

Crobin says, "Sure we see it, but again I tell you getting everyone to stop doing one thing."

Dasheek says, "Just because we don't believe you when you say it's caused by sorcery doesn't mean we don't acknowledge there's a problem."

Asildu asks Rejind, "You say his name was Valenal?"

Aerilia says, "Some people are too far removed from the consequences of their actions to care about what happens in the end."

Rejind says to Asildu, "That is the name he gave us, at any rate."

Miraena says to Crobin, "I have to try. We have to try."

Rejind nods to Asildu.

Miraena glances at Asildu.

Crobin says, "I for one do not partake in the ways of magics like most here."

Elurora grins at Crobin.

Miraena says to Crobin, "A farmer does not see an empty field and think the thing cannot be done. We get up at dawn, and we start plowing the land. It's that simple."

Harsh quietly asks, "Your wedding night wasnt magical?"

Harsh gazes at Crobin.

Ophidian grins.

Crobin says, "But really there is going to be those that care little about what you speak of, and will use the magic cause it is there...and not only is it there, but they know it causes problems."

Avrenka begins chortling at Harsh.

Miraeven chuckles at Harsh.

Crobin says, "Some people want to watch the world burn."

Crobin squints at Harsh.

Rejind says to Asildu, "He seemed very certain, and he was almost certainly not actually a Human. What he was, we're not sure."

Harsh gazes off into the distance.

Miraena asks Crobin, "You do not use sorcery? Would you allow me to give you a gift?"

Crobin asks, "It was magical, but not magiced?"

Asildu says to Miraeven, "They have more important business to attend to than social gatherings."

Crobin asks, "A gift?"

Miraena nods.

Vaerek grins at Crobin.

Crobin asks, "For not being able to use magic?"

Crobin says, "I do like gifts."

Kethrai asks Crobin, "Win by default?"

Crobin laughs!

Kethrai looks at Crobin and shrugs.

Crobin nods to Kethrai.

Miraena says to Crobin, "We may disagree on the task at hand, but I am grateful that you do not use sorcery."

Miraena smiles at Crobin.

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Dasheek puts his gyre in his encompassing shadows.

Miraena offers Crobin a blue iris.

Crobin accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Asildu says, "Forgive me, I can only answer one question at a time. I may be a scholar, but I've been out of society for some time. Conversation is... difficult."

A Gnome commoner wanders into the area.

Miraena says to Crobin, "Please keep this as a token of the world which we may live to see."

Crobin examines a blue iris.

Harsh gazes at a Gnome commoner.

A Gnome commoner gazes about the area with an intent look, watching the goings on.

Dasheek gets a dog talisman from inside his encompassing shadows.

Sliyder glances at a Gnome commoner.

You wince as a black dog barks loudly at a Gnome commoner.

Dasheek puts his talisman in his encompassing shadows.

Ophidian says, "I come back in a sec."

Crobin says, "Thank you."

Kerennya glances at a Gnome commoner.

Crobin searches around for a moment.

Asildu asks Rejind, "If not human, what do you believe he was?"

The Gnome commoner asks, "Did I forget pants again? Is that why everyone keeps looking at me?"

Malorna nods.

Sliyder nods to a Gnome commoner.

Elurora nods to a Gnome commoner.

Ezerak asks Asildu, "If they are indeed all-powerful, why do they not just...stop people from practicing sorcery?"

Witterwell melodiously says, "Pants are pretty important."

Miraena quietly says to Tirost, "I did indeed hear your question about my vision. I will let Asildu answer some questions and then I will be sure to tell you of it."

Miraena smiles at Tirost.

Pit Viper Ophidian canters southwest.

Crobin smiles at Ezerak.

Illiya glances at a Gnome commoner.

Bioenchantress Allye just arrived.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Sliyder says, "You're not wearing anything.."

Briaen nods to Allye.

Allye flashes a quick grin at Briaen.

Vaerek waves to Allye.

Allye waves to Vaerek.

Trajan pets a truegold firebird, soothing its articulated feathers. The bird stretches, then tucks its head under its wing for a nap.

Crobin hugs Allye, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Elurora hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Allye hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Allye with a warm smile.

Allye hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Rejind says to Asildu, "It is impossible for me to say. Something not fully familiar with this Plane, they did not seem at ease here and seemed extremely eager to convince us that they were a Human...but they understood mana and energy at a very high, inter-planar level, at least they seemed to. Lots of math was involved."

Illiya hugs Allye, getting a smile in return.

Crobin puts his iris in his thigh bag.

Asildu says to Ezerak, "I bring their message, I don't read their minds. What they do in their spare time is their secret, not mine."

Allye hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Ezerak sighs.

Ezerak gives a slight nod.

Crobin asks, "So you say they didn't take our friends?"

Elurora looks with concern at Ezerak.

Asildu nods to Crobin.

Crobin asks, "Cant they give you a message about who did?"

Asildu says to Crobin, "As I said, the Heralds have no need for such games."

Casari folds her arms across her chest.

Briaen says to Crobin, "No, not exactly. They said the Heralds have no purpose to take someone. They didn't say they were innocent of the act."

Crobin nods to Briaen.

Ezerak says, "There are many who believe it so, however. The Lord of the Void, for one."

Crobin says, "Good point Briaen."

Miraena glances at Crobin.

Tirost nods to Miraena.

A Gnome commoner glances about, looking for someone.

Trajan asks, "Could someone please get that gnome some pants?"

Trajan raises an eyebrow.

Crobin says, "We have more and more people appearing saying the speak for this person or this person again and again."

Asildu says to Crobin, "Communication with the Heralds is not that simple."

Crobin asks, "Oh?"

Sliyder grins over at his bear and gives it an affectionate pat on the head.

Miraena says to Crobin, "I am very sorry to hear about your friends, but the message we bring is one to help save your other friends, and everyone."

A Gnome commoner wanders away.

Malorna says, "They very short jsut dont look down."

Malorna nods to Tirost.

Sliyder runs his fingers across the back of his silver-backed bear absentmindedly and it seems to stir in response to his touch.

Asildu nods at Miraena, obviously agreeing with her views.

Crobin says, "You make it sound like if we save the people here...the ones taken die."

Crobin says, " not acceptable."

With a waver like a mirage, Waydren fades into view.

Harsh quietly says, "They do look up a lot though, so all you tall folks make sure your nostrils is neat and trimmed."

Harsh nods.

Miraena asks, "Are the people in this room here not alive?"

Ezerak raises an eyebrow.

Miraena asks, "Do you not wish to continue to see them live?"

Vaerek pats Crobin on the back.

Kethrai says, "Well..."

Witterwell nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Ezerak casually observes the area.

Asildu raises an eyebrow in Ezerak's direction.

Kethrai says, "Oh, no, the gnome's gone."

Ezerak says, "Most of them, I suppose."

Briaen says, "Very threat adjecent question, that."

Crobin asks, "Can you tell me how communicating with the Heralds is then?"

Miraeven smirks at Ezerak.

Miraena sighs.

Dasheek points at Crobin.

Miraena says to Asildu, "We tell them there are pests in the fields, and they ask what time dinner will be."

Crobin says, "For I would love to have a talk with them myself."

Miraena frowns.

Asildu nods at Miraena, obviously agreeing with her views.

Illiya smiles at Waydren, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Ezerak says, "I do appreciate your message, however."

Waydren nods to Illiya.

In the blink of an eye, Waydren disappears into his surroundings.

Miraena says to Tirost, "Perhaps now is a good time to tell you of my vision."

Asildu says to Crobin, "I'm sure many would like to. But we don't always get what we want, sadly."

Ezerak says, "And agree that sorcery is a problem."

Tirost nods to Miraeven.

Crobin laughs!

Miraena beams at Ezerak!

Kethrai nods at Ezerak, obviously agreeing with his views.

Elurora nods to Ezerak.

Miraena asks Ezerak, "Do you pledge to cease using sorcery, too?"

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Aerilia folds her arms across her chest.

Ezerak nods to Miraena.

Miraena beams!

Miraena stands near Ezerak.

You nod to Miraeven.

You hear someone laugh.

Casari says, "Oh, Ezerak never started. He's a pure elementalist."

Briaen smirks.

Ezerak says to Miraena, "I'll do you one better. I've never used it."

You say, "I never started, but... I can pledge not to start."

You chuckle.

Miraena says to Ezerak, "Adventuer Ezerak, please accept this as a token of my humble gratitude for your pledge."

Miraena offers Ezerak a blue iris.

Miraena praises Ezerak.

Crobin nods to Ezerak.

Ezerak accepts Miraena's blue iris.

You hear someone snickering.

Sozinho raises his hand.

Kethrai says, "I'll pledge to continue... not using it, if it'll help."

Ezerak smiles at Miraena, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Sozinho says, "I promise not to use any sorcery."

Miraena beams at Kethrai!

Ezerak says to Miraena, "Thank you."

Sozinho nods.

Briaen says, "It's quite easy to make the promise not to use magic when you've no attunement with which to do so in the first place."

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Ezerak sniffs at a blue iris.

Miraena stands near Kethrai.

Miraena offers Kethrai a blue iris.

Ezerak puts his iris in his rucksack.

Harsh quietly says, "That snickerer is a good hider."

With a waver like a mirage, Waydren fades into view.

Kethrai accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Miraena asks Kethrai, "Thank you, friend. May I know your name?"

Elore smirks.

Waydren nods at Briaen, obviously agreeing with his views.

Crobin nods to Harsh.

Harsh gazes at Waydren.

Kethrai says to Miraena, "Kethrai."

Harsh's jaw drops.

A Gnome commoner wanders into the area.

Miraena curtsies to Kethrai.

Kethrai sniffs at a blue iris.

Waydren raises an eyebrow in Harsh's direction.

Avrenka asks Asildu, "I have a question for you. In our first meeting with you, you mentioned "Sorcery is a disease, in desperate need of a cure. Find a cure, and you might find your friends." I fail to see the connection -- how will "curing sorcery" release our friends from an interplanar prison?"

Harsh looks at Waydren and applauds!

Crobin nods to Briaen.

A Gnome commoner looks about rather warily.

Miraena says to Kethrai, "Thank you Kethrai, for thinking of the common citizens like myself."

Crobin says, "As I said...I don't have the magics like many in the room."

Sliyder shifts his weight.

Vaerek says, "I too have never used sorcery."

Kethrai says to Miraena, "I was a farmer before I was an Empath."

Vaerek says, "Not once."

Miraena praises Kethrai.

The Gnome commoner says, "There, I found some pants."

Elore whistles a merry tune.

Sliyder gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Trajan mumbles a word of general praise.

Elore nods to a Gnome commoner.

Trajan praises a Gnome commoner.

Miraena says to Kethrai, "Thank you understand! We must remove the weeds of sorcery if we want the corn to continue to thrive."

Illiya gazes at a Gnome commoner.

Sliyder snickers at a Gnome commoner.

Asildu says to Avrenka, "If curing sorcery is the fix to the problem, perhaps that is the key to destroying what holds them? I can't speak in definitives, but I can speak in possibilities."

Malorna asks, "Is there a chance that the majority of casters if they opt to not use sorcery .. but the few folks who say are .. far away and not paying atteention to current events may continue using.. would help shift the balance versus an all or nothing option?"

Witterwell quietly asks, "Didn't the nice Paladin lady grow lavender?"

Avrenka asks Asildu, "You are implying Sorcery is the cause of their imprisonment?"

Miraena says to Malorna, "Every single person who ceases will help restore the balance."

Rejind nods to Witterwell.

Crobin nods to Witterwell.

Elurora nods to Witterwell.

Witterwell melodiously says, "Now iris'."

Witterwell ponders.

Miraena stands near Vaerek.

Malorna nods to Miraeven.

Kethrai holds a blue iris in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Vaerek nods to Miraeven.

Asildu says to Avrenka, "I'm implying sorcery caused a problem. I don't know why they were imprisoned any more than I know who imprisoned them."

Miraena asks Vaerek, "I heard you also say you do not use sorcery. May I know your name?"

Waydren shakes his head, quickly covers his eyes, mouth and then ears and then holds his two thumbs side by side.

Miraena smiles at Vaerek.

Crobin asks, "And speaking of corn?"

Vaerek says to Miraena, "I promise not to use sorcery."

Aerilia whispers something to Tirost.

Miraena beams at Vaerek!

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Kethrai assumes a rigid stance, concentrating on something.

Avrenka says to Asildu, "If you don't know why they were imprisoned, then how do you know Sorcery is the cause of the problem."

Miraena says to Vaerek, "Please accept this iris, grown by my own two hands, as a token of thanks."

Miraena offers Vaerek a blue iris.

Allye trills softly to herself.

Vaerek accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Witterwell melodiously says, "I mean lavender is calming purity ... Iris' are faith and hope..."

Waydren points at Avrenka.

Vaerek says to Miraena, "Thank you."

Illiya says to Asildu, "Unaka, who said that she was sent by Truffenyi, told us that regular sorcery was fine and only high sorcery and Necromancy were a problem. She also told us not to listen to all these people who show up telling us what to do."

Miraena asks Vaerek, "And your name, so that I may add it to my list of friends?"

Waydren says to Avrenka, "That is the first wise words spoken this eve."

Vaerek bows to Miraena.

Asildu says to Avrenka, "Knowing one detail does not imply I know all details."

Shadow Tracker Sliyder goes west.

Sceth offers Crobin some wild corn.

Dasheek stands near Illiya.

Casari nods to Illiya.

Vaerek says to Miraena, "I am Vaerek, a simple man."

Crobin nods to Waydren.

Reriyn reaches up and flicks a speck of dust off of her leather hat.

Illiya says to Asildu, "So it kind of puts us in the conundrum of, we hear you, but we've also heard people who say that we shouldn't trust you."

Miraena smiles at Vaerek.

Vaerek puts his iris in his surveyor's case.

Avrenka says to Asildu, "If you say "i don't know why" but then you point out a possible cause, then either you are completely speculating, or you do know in part why."

Miraena says to Vaerek, "A simple man who has made a greater pledge than most in this room. You are a good man."

Miraena curtsies to Vaerek.

Vaerek bows to Miraena.

Candy Pirate Akeiro just arrived, leading his group.

Crobin smiles at Avrenka.

Harsh frowns at Witterwell.

Witterwell stands near Harsh.

Crobin hugs Selame, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Crobin pats Akeiro on the back.

Witterwell looks at Harsh and shrugs.

Akeiro waves.

Harsh loudly says to Witterwell, "Talk louder."

Selame hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Selame with a warm smile.

Selame waves.

A Gnome commoner goes about her business.

Witterwell giggles at Harsh.

Avrenka asks Asildu, "So which is it? Are you completely guessing, or do you have some knowledge you are hiding?"

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Elurora glances at Avrenka.

The bargirl places Akeiro's ancient brandy on the pinewood bar.

Selame gets a snifter of Rissan brandy from inside her libation caddy.

The bargirl places Akeiro's ancient brandy on the pinewood bar.

Miraena frowns.

Witterwell melodiously says, "Probably nothing."

Waydren says to Illiya, "You walk upon a trail. You see strange signs of four beasts. You know not their origin, their purpose, or their drive. And yet they call to you. The calls carry on the wind and speak of "trust." A wise hunter knows not to trust the calls, but to trust what the beasts do instead."

Selame offers Akeiro a snifter of Rissan brandy.

Witterwell shakes her head at Harsh.

Akeiro nods to Rejind.

Raising his ancient brandy to Akeiro, Kethrai gives him a toast.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Waydren.

Harsh quietly says to Witterwell, "I say a lot of nothing for how much i say."

Harsh nods.

Harsh hugs Witterwell, who wraps her arms around Harsh with a warm smile.

Asildu says to Avrenka, "Something was happening that led to whatever your friends were doing which led to their imprisonment. That something that was happening was a problem caused by the use of sorcery."

Witterwell wraps her arms lovingly around Harsh, snuggling close.

Illiya says to Waydren, "Very true.."

Akeiro stretches out a hand imploringly to Selame.

Miraena nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Selame offers Akeiro a snifter of Rissan brandy.

Akeiro accepts Selame's Rissan brandy.

Harsh gestures at Witterwell.

Witterwell beams at Harsh!

Witterwell melodiously says, "Thanks Uncle Harsh."

Harsh nods.

Akeiro takes a sip of his brandy.

Miraena says, "I cannot speak for Asildu, but the Heralds granted me vision as clear as day. I know the truth of what they told me to my bones, just as I know how to wiggle my pinkie. It simply IS."

Avrenka asks Asildu, "Interesting. Both Sorcery and non-Sorcery spellcasting was done that night. In addition to Aether manipulation. Yet you specifically know it was Sorcery?"

Miraena raises a hand and wiggles her pinky finger up and down.

Witterwell grins, revealing her dimples.

Vaerek blinks.

Asildu says to Avrenka, "The problem was happening before that night."

Waydren says to Miraena, "And you have shown us nothing to engender trust. You have empty words, no actions. Your truth will be told in what you do, not what you say."

Casari says to Asildu, "So, in your scholarly opinion, what is the relationship between the Heralds and the Immortals? Are they at odds? Because their apparent messengers are delivering slightly different messages about the problem."

Waydren nods.
In the blink of an eye, Waydren disappears into his surroundings.

Akeiro takes a sip of his brandy.

A Gnome commoner goes about her business.

A Gnome commoner wanders off in search of someone.

Akeiro waves to Elore.

Crobin says, "Three different messages it seems."

Akeiro clasps Elore's hand tenderly.

Illiya nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Tirost asks Miraena, "May we hear your vision in detail?"

Miraena nods to Tirost.

Elore chuckles.

Allye angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Akeiro takes a sip of his brandy.

Selame wraps her arms around Elore, giving Elore a great big bear hug!

Asildu asks Casari, "Are you saying the Immortals have sent messengers?"

Elore leaps to her feet!

Elore leans over to give Selame a friendly smooch.

Casari nods to Asildu.

Elurora nods to Asildu.

Miraena says, "I apologize that I lack the full words to explain it, but I will try. It was not a single vision, but like a million visions all at once. I saw the death and destruction of villages, cities, people. People I love, people I have never met."

Ezerak glances at Casari.

Briaen says, "They're always sending messages, if you've the ear to hear Them."

Rejind says, "Truffenyi did, at any rate."

A pained expression crosses Tirost's face.

Akeiro gazes at Miraena.

Asildu says, "So many questions at once, if it was spoken already, my ears may have missed it."

Tirost nods to Miraena.

Akeiro says, "Sounds like you saw necromancy in action."

Akeiro gazes at his claws.

Akeiro takes a sip of his brandy.

Miraena says, "As well as I know my own mother and father, I knew this was a grace from the Heralds and that sorcery was the cause."

Illiya says to Asildu, "We had a messenger from Truffenyi who said that regular sorcery was fine but high sorcery and necromancy were dangerous."

Vaerek slowly empties his lungs.

Elore waggles her fingers mystically at Selame. How nice.

Akeiro takes a sip of his brandy.

Miraena says, "If you need more specific answers than that, I would encourage you to look to the world around you. Things are out of balance, and choosing to continue the way you are will not result in a change for the good."

Ezerak searches around for a moment.

Asildu says to Illiya, "Interesting. As with this Valenal person, it is an interesting theory. Incorrect, but interesting."

Selame leans back against Akeiro with a loving smile.

Some throwing blades suddenly appears.

Casari says to Asildu, "Specifically, she spoke of manipulating pure magics blindly, not specifically sorcerous magics."

Miraena nods to Asildu.

Harsh sniffs the air around him.

Elurora blinks at Asildu.

Avrenka says to Asildu, "I'd like to know specifically what problem you think Sorcery is causing, and how you think it is causing it."

Tirost asks Miraena, "You said you are certain your vision of destruction is from the Heralds. Is that your conviction, or did they appear to you, or speak to you and assert who they were?"

Avrenka says to Asildu, "Because you seem very sure of what theories are incorrect and what is correct."

Asildu says, "Just as these supposed messengers accuse us of an erroneous message, we can easily make the same claim of them. Which we do."

Miraena quietly says, "I bet it was those demons Adventurer Lupdels told me about."

Miraena frowns.

The bargirl places Rejind's sweet mead on the pinewood bar.

Crobin nods.

Rejind gets a glass of sweet mead from atop a glistening pinewood bar.

Phierre fades into view.

Phierre whispers something to Elore.

Rejind takes a sip of his mead.

Phierre saunters west.

Sliyder ponders.

Akeiro gazes off to the west.

Harsh gazes off to the west.

Candy Pirate Akeiro drifts west, leading his group.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Asildu.

Shadow Tracker Sliyder goes west.

Rejind gazes off to the west.

Asildu says to Avrenka, "I'm certain you all know what the current state of magic is without need of me explaining anything."

Miraena gives a slight nod.

Candy Pirate Akeiro just arrived, leading his group.

Akeiro takes a sip of his brandy.

Asildu says, "I'm a scholar, not a professor."

Elurora whispers something to Ezerak.

Rejind takes a sip of his mead.

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Illiya says to Asildu, "The messenger from Truffenyi also told us not to listen to all of you other people who show up telling us what to do."

Avrenka asks Asildu, "Then how do you speak so assuredly that other theories are wrong, if you do not put forth your own thoery?"

Casari asks Asildu, "Where do you get your information, scholar?"

Ezerak whispers something to Elurora.

Miraena frowns.

Phierre nods to Akeiro.

Asildu says to Avrenka, "You have a lot of questions."

Elurora gives Ezerak a slight nod.

Akeiro touches Elore on the wrist with two fingers, feeling for a pulse hopefully.

Avrenka asks Asildu, "Are you afraid of questions?"

Ezerak whispers something to Elurora.

Asildu says to Illiya, "And we could say the same of that messenger."

Crobin smiles at Avrenka.

Asildu says to Avrenka, "You seem afraid of not being given answers."

Miraena asks Illiya, "Did this messenger from Truffenyi tell you how to correct what is happening in the world?"

Mountain Lord Ezerak swaggers west.

Crobin says, "Well to be fair people seem to be appearing with "help" but not actually help."

Knight Penitent Briaen goes west.

Elore gives Rejind a playful poke in the ribs.

Aerilia says to Miraena, "I agree that the world would be better off with no sorcery. I only feel hopeless in the face of stopping it to the degree that you want."

Akeiro gazes off to the west.

Akeiro snarls.

Avrenka says to Asildu, "I am afraid of ignorance, yes. I will not take baseless claims as truth."

Illiya says to Miraena, "She said that she would protect us.. although we don't know how yet."

Miraena smiles at Aerilia.

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!

Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!

Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's head.

Asildu nods to Avrenka.

Knight Penitent Briaen just arrived.

Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.

Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Phierre's head.

Phierre sighs.

The wounds afflicting Phierre gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Phierre's right leg.
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a light hit (1/23) to Phierre's chest.
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's left arm.

Phierre asks, "Really?"

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre does not seem to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's right arm.

Trajan raises an eyebrow.

Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Phierre barely seems to feel the wound, despite the injury.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good hit (2/23) to Phierre's abdomen.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's left arm.

Aerilia frowns.

Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's chest.

An almost visible connection between Akeiro and Phierre seems to thrum through the air.

Phierre shivers briefly as wounds and traces of battle abruptly vanish from his body.

Akeiro exhales slowly as corresponding wounds bloom on his flesh.

Ezerak's pasabas flares red, striking out with an angry flame and lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's left hand.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's right leg.
Ezerak's pasabas lands a good strike (3/23) to Phierre's back.

The wounds afflicting Phierre gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Phierre appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

He suddenly looks rather passive.

Asildu says, "Ah, this again."

Miraena says to Aerilia, "We must have faith, and continue to tend to the garden. It will grow, eventually."

Ezerak leaps from hiding and ambushes Phierre!
Phierre is enraged by Ezerak's attack!
Phierre's skin gleams with an adamantine sheen!
Ezerak's pasabas blazes red, striking out with a dreadful fury of fire and lands a hard hit (5/23) to Phierre's neck.

Akeiro gestures at Ezerak.

Akeiro fixes Ezerak with an intent stare.

Ezerak disengages from Akeiro.

Dasheek puts his talisman in his encompassing shadows.

The wounds afflicting Phierre gradually fade, corresponding injuries blooming on Akeiro's flesh.

Phierre appears stronger, while Akeiro seems to weaken.

Akeiro seems to glow with an inner light, trailing rutilant sparks with every movement.

Phierre retreats from combat.

Ezerak begins to advance on Phierre.

Phierre retreats from combat.

Akeiro gazes at Ezerak.

Phierre saunters west.

Allye raises an eyebrow.

Trajan says, "This seems... inappropriate."

Sliyder says, "So...."

Avrenka asks Asildu, "Again you sidestep explaining yourself, do you deny that you refuse to answer my questions?"

Miraena asks Aerilia, "May I ask your name, adventurer?"

Elore rubs her head.

Asildu says, "We are here to provide the insight so that you can go forth and make a change."

Miraena stands near Aerilia.

Aerilia says to Miraena, "Well, I hope so. We can only answer for ourselves in the end. My name is Aerilia."

Dasheek says, "Maybe don't interrupt the man that's lost his spouse when he's trying to get answers.. That's not gonna end well."

Elore frowns at Rejind.

Miraena smiles.

Avrenka says, "Understood. No further questions from me then."

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena offers Aerilia a blue iris.

Ezerak puts his pasabas in his rucksack.

Aerilia accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Sliyder sniffs the air around him.

Miraena says to Aerilia, "Please accept this as my thank you for thinking of the common men and women of the world."

Asildu says to Avrenka, "I don't deny anything. I've answered your questions, I'm just not sure you liked my answers."

Ezerak scowls at Akeiro.

Akeiro leans on his sledgehammer.

Aerilia smiles at Miraena.

Akeiro angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Ezerak.

Aerilia says to Miraena, "Thank you. It's lovely."

Avrenka smiles at Asildu.

Akeiro winks at Ezerak.

Miraena looks at Aerilia and blushes.

Miraena smiles.

Elurora shifts her weight.

Akeiro says to Ezerak, "I'm always froggy."

Aerilia sniffs at a blue iris.

Avrenka says to Asildu, "Your non-answers are answers enough for me."

Kethrai shakes his head at Illiya.

Vaerek gets a blue iris from inside his surveyor's case.

Akeiro fixes Ezerak with an intent, predatory stare.

Vaerek holds a blue iris in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Illiya asks Asildu, "The messenger from Truffenyi did bring proofs that her message came from an Immortal though. She was bestowed with special powers. What proof do either of you bring that your message is really from the Heralds?"

Vaerek examines a blue iris.

Miraena gasps at Illiya!

Miraena exclaims, "I can speak languages!"

Miraena glances at Asildu.

Vaerek gives a blue iris a hug!

Miraena asks Asildu, "Can you?"

Casari looks thoughtfully at Asildu.

Vaerek puts his iris in his surveyor's case.

Crobin laughs!

Illiya asks Miraena, "You can speak languages too?"

Allye gnaws on her lip.

Kethrai casually observes the area.

Harsh quietly says, "Could be some enchantment in that cap makes you talk languages."

Miraena beams at Illiya!

Harsh shrugs.

Miraena says, "Yes! Some adventurers helped me realize I could."

Avrenka says, "I was under the impression that Miraena could only understand, not speak other languages."

Dasheek raises an eyebrow.

Asildu says, "I can speak languages as well."

Elurora furrows her brow.

Miraena asks Avrenka, "How is one to know they can speak a language if they have never tried to speak that language?"

Miraena laughs!

Illiya asks, "Can you both show us that?"

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Avrenka says to Miraena, "By all means, demonstrate."

Allye grins at Casari.

Selame gazes at Miraena.

Selame gazes at Asildu.

Akeiro says, "Have a bard enchante and see what you udnerstand."

Kerennya says to Asildu, "I should like to know why you are called Breath of Dragons.look casa."

Dasheek says, "Also, how do we know you're speaking a language, without someone else to verify. Anyone can babble."

Casari smiles at Allye.

Kerennya babbles incoherently.

Asildu asks in Ilithic, "What words shall I speak as proof?"

Miraena asks something in Prydaenese.

Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Sozinho quirks his ears outward for a moment, blinking in surprise at Miraena.

Sliyder babbles incoherently.

Kethrai nods to Miraena.

Aerilia furrows her brow.

Asildu chuckles at Miraena.

Avrenka says, "Interesting."

Briaen nods to Elurora.

Allye angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Miraena.

Miraena beams at Asildu!

Akeiro says something in Prydaenese.

Crobin says, "You slurred your ss's like a drunk."

Miraena laughs at Akeiro.

Dasheek raises an eyebrow.

Crobin chuckles.

Akeiro grins at Miraeven.

Selame nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Kethrai says to Crobin, "It wouldn't be easy for her tongue."

Elore slowly empties her lungs.

Crobin says, "Unaka had no problems with it though."

Akeiro leans over and scratches Elore's back.

Crobin asks, "Is her tongue much different?"

Kethrai ponders.

Tirost asks Miraena, "Please allow me to ask once more: you said you are certain your vision of destruction is from the Heralds. Is that your conviction, or did they appear to you, or speak to you and assert who they were?"

Crobin says, "I will confirm though she spoke prydaen."

Miraena says, "I am surprised we are bringing this down to a comparison of accent, but I suppose I have heard many weird things since being here."

Miraena grins.

Miraena says to Tirost, "No, they did not appear to me. They did not need to."

Harsh quietly asks, "Callin us weird?"

Harsh squints.

Miraeven quietly asks, "I'd like to echo Casari's earlier question about the Immortals and the Heralds. Do either of you serve, worship, or otherwise venerate the Immortals in your daily life?"

Vaerek grins.

Miraeven raises an eyebrow in Miraena's direction.

Briaen says, "Yes."

Miraena nods at Miraeven, obviously agreeing with his views.

Tirost asks Miraena, "Because you felt so strongly the message was from them?"

Selame holds her hand out towards Akeiro for a highfive.

Vaerek says to Harsh, "I mean..."

Vaerek peers quizzically at Harsh.

Akeiro and Selame highfive each other and follow it up with simultaneous finger snaps. Sassy!

Harsh grins at Vaerek.

Harsh nods in agreement.

Miraena says, "My village venerates the Immortals in the proper way, just as I'm sure many of you do."

Vaerek chuckles.

Harsh sighs.

Phierre just arrived.

Phierre joins Akeiro's group.

Akeiro moves over to guard Phierre.

Ezerak draws forth a blue-black glaes pasabas with a silversteel swept hilt.

Casari lays her hand on Ezerak's arm.

Asildu says, "I have dedicated my life to the Heralds."

Kethrai trills softly at Ezerak.

Wild Card Elore wanders southwest.

Allye asks Miraena, "Do you... participate in your village's efforts there?"

Wind Listener Sceth goes southwest.

Harsh quietly says, "To learning about them. Why."

Miraena says, "But the Heralds... they are something distinctly different and... more. The message they delivered to me was clearly above and beyond that of what an Immortal may ask of me."

Phierre sighs.

Phierre gazes upward.

Phierre saunters southwest.

Akeiro stops guarding.

Miraena ponders.

Illiya asks Miraena, "What do you mean that it was above and beyond?"

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Aerilia nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Miraena ponders.

Crobin raises his hand.

Candy Pirate Akeiro drifts west, leading his group.

Miraena says, "It is all very... metaphysical. It is hard to describe the idea of being bigger and more than an Immortal."

Miraeven quietly says to Asildu, "Interesting."

Trajan asks, "What did you say they were heralding, exactly?"

Briaen gazes at Asildu.

[General] Your mind hears Ezerak thinking, "Quit running and take your lumps, Phierre."

Miraeven quietly says to Miraena, "It is also...blasphemous."

Miraeven clears his throat.

Allye nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Casari says to Asildu, "I asked you if the Heralds and Immortals are at odds."

Mountain Lord Ezerak just arrived.

Crobin says, "So you say you have had visions."

Ezerak puts his pasabas in his rucksack.

Crobin asks, "Do they come to you often?"

Illiya says, "It does seem that perhaps the Immortals and Heralds are sending different messages."

Illiya nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Candy Pirate Akeiro just arrived, leading his group.

Dasheek says, "Sounds like the heralds and the gods are at odds.."

Crobin asks, "And do they show you a way to fix this...besides stop sorcery?"

Asildu says to Casari, "If I could speak to that, I would. But I have no answer."

Dasheek says to Illiya, "S'what it sounds like to me."

[General] Your mind hears Phierre thinking, "i'm more likely to die from old age first than your paper cuts sir. I'm trying to find someone vastly more pretty than you"

Crobin nods to Dasheek.

Casari asks Asildu, "Then answer my other question. Where do you get your scholarly information?"

Akeiro leans back against Selame with a loving smile.

Selame leans over and scratches Akeiro's back.

Asildu says to Casari, "I have spent years... decades, even... researching. Studying."

Selame kisses Akeiro on the nose.

Casari asks, "But where? Where is this mysterious information about the Heralds?"

Miraena says to Crobin, "I received the one vision, which was like a million visions at once, and I knew my calling was to try to save those around me."

Crobin says, "But."

Ezerak gets a blue-black glaes pasabas with a silversteel swept hilt from inside his rucksack.

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Asildu says, "I devoted my entire life, every waking moment, to seeking out everything I could of their existence. Their power."

Crobin asks, "Did they show you a way to stop it...besides stop sorcery?"

Miraena smiles at Asildu.

Rejind takes a sip of his mead.

Harsh quietly asks, "Searching for a weakness perhaps, some way to gain that power?"

Briaen says to Asildu, "I know Necromancers who have stated that exact same phrasing."

Miraena says to Asildu, "I very much envy your time spent learning about them. I am ashamed to say I never gave them much thought, until now of course."

Briaen gazes at his fingernails.

Illiya gazes thoughtfully at Briaen.

Asildu smiles at Miraena.

Allye shifts her weight.

Crobin angles his ears forward in curiosity.

Crobin asks, "Is that a no?"

Rejind takes a sip of his mead.

Miraena says to Crobin, "Ceasing the use of sorcery is the way."

Asildu says to Briaen, "I can tell you I am not a necromancer."

Illiya hugs Akeiro, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Crobin says, "Okay."

Crobin says, "So these powerful beings are giving visions...and the answer is stop sorcery."

Briaen says to Asildu, "Yes, this much is obvious."

Asildu says, "I am but a Bard devoted to history."

Selame gets a glass of iced strawberry lemonade from inside her dragonwood lunchbox.

Crobin asks, "But how?"

Dasheek asks, "Ceasing the use of sorcery is the way *to what*?"

Dasheek asks, "Help which side?"

Crobin says, "Cause asking and handing out not going to do it."

Miraena says to Dasheek, "To fixing all of this, all of the wrong that you face and feel in the world right now."

Selame winks at Illiya.

[General] Your mind hears Nawain thinking, "Run away, little necromancer. I'll be here when you're bored again. Sitting and unbuffed. And still stronger than you and every corpse-puppet you can call."

Crobin says, "If we have to stop every person from using sorcery then the realm is doomed forever."

Akeiro nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Asildu asks, "Might I suggest optimism?"

Dasheek says to Miraena, "Maybe. Maybe it's the way to speed our world's destruction."

Crobin says, "And that doesn't seem like much of a vision if that is the answer."

Asildu smiles.

Rejind says, "Realistically, the only way to stop all sorcery is to shut mana off. Or, I suppose, the Immortals or Heralds intervene and force everyone using it to Walk the Starry Road."

Rejind shrugs.

Miraena asks, "Have you not seen these... surges, as they defined to me... or vortexes? Have you not been asking us about loved ones who have gone missing?"

Avrenka says, "Yes, I wouldn't be surprised if a third or even half of the Realms use Sorcery without heed for anyone else."

Crobin nods.

Crobin says, "And like I said."

Crobin says, "If you talk to everyone."

Crobin says, "There is going to be at least one person who wants to see the world on fire, and keep doing it."

Miraena says to Crobin, "I am trying. I must start with this room."

Kethrai asks, "As I understand it, neither of you are saying it's all-or-nothing. Stop everyone from using sorcery or we're lost. But rather, everyone who stops using sorcery is a help. Yeah?"

Briaen asks Asildu, "You come burdened with the story of the future end of the world, of the death of those we love, and then yern for optoptimism in your audience?"

Elurora says to Avrenka, "I would be since most of the realms doesn't use magic at all."

Rejind says, "Honestly? There's a solid group of people who will step up their use of sorcery BECAUSE it will end the world and everyone in it."

Briaen chuckles.

Malorna nods to Kethrai.

Malorna says, "A shift ..or balance."

Crobin points at Rejind.

Asildu says to Briaen, "We present a means to fix things. If the response is to simply state we're all doomed, that... doesn't fix things."

Avrenka says to Elurora, "I meant ... amongst Adventurers."

Miraena says, "A colony does not weep over the loss of one ant, it continues to work towards the good of they colony. That is what I will do."

Miraena nods.

Asildu nods to Miraena.

Rejind says to Miraena, "A noble calling, and an honorable quest."

Miraena curtsies to Rejind.

Aerilia nods to Tirost.

Miraena asks Rejind, "Will you pledge to cease the use of sorcery?"

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Miraena raises an eyebrow in Rejind's direction.

Crobin chuckles.

Akeiro clears his throat.

Harsh quietly says, "I wouldnt do it pal."

Akeiro leans back against Selame with a loving smile.

Sliyder asks, "Ok so let's say we decree an end to sorcery - Are we going to have help enforcing?"

Harsh shakes his head.

Briaen says to Asildu, "I'm not sure your message does deliver, however. You offer a means to slow change not entirely end it."

Selame leans over and scratches Akeiro's back.

Tirost nods to Aerilia.

Knight of Meraud Tirost drifts southwest.

Rejind says, "I have never uesd it to begin with, no thanks or gifts are needed."

Miraena asks Sliyder, "Would you like me to bop them over the head with my walking stick?"

Miraena grins at Sliyder.

Sliyder grins.

Selame softly says to Akeiro, "I promise to never use sorcery."

Rejind says, "I have been looking for a useful Ranger spell to get a scroll for sometime."

Rejind ponders.

Crobin smiles at Selame.

Miraena beams at Rejind!

Miraena curtsies to Rejind.

Asildu says to Briaen, "It is a start, if nothing else."

Miraena says to Rejind, "You have my thanks."

Briaen gives a gracious nod.

Selame leans back against Akeiro with a loving smile.

Miraena stands near Selame.

Miraena smiles at Selame.

Asildu says, "But the continued use of sorcery will be the end of all."

Crobin says, "You speak of visions and help, but the help seems...far fetched in the least."

Selame gazes at Miraena.

Miraena asks Selame, "May I give you a gift?"

Allye ponders.

Miraena nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sliyder ponders.

Briaen says to Asildu, "The end comes undaunted by any mortal action."

Selame asks Miraena, "Is it a flower by chance?"

Miraena beams at Selame!

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena offers Selame a blue iris.

Avrenka exclaims, "Funny how after the Sorcery incident where 5 of our friends vanished, suddenly Heralds have been sending representatives shouting "No more sorcery please!!"

Avrenka says, "What a coincidence that is."

Miraena says to Selame, "As a reminder of that which you are saving by not using sorcery."

Sliyder says, "Maybe they found something."

Crobin nods to Avrenka.

Harsh quietly says, "Yeah thats been my feeling."

Selame declines Miraena's offer.

Miraena gazes at Avrenka.

Harsh nods to Avrenka.

Crobin says, "But not actually giving more hints then...stop sorcery."

Asildu says, "About as coincidental as the Immortals sending representatives asking for more sorcery, I'd say."

Crobin asks, "Is there a door we can close or something?"

Asildu nods to Avrenka.

Miraena says to Avrenka, "We are here to try to save more of your people, to save all of us."

Selame says to Miraena, "I will politely decline, not sure I trust you or your flowers."

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Crobin asks, "Is someone leaving the door open and letting the sorcery in?"

Miraena looks at Selame and blushes.

Vaerek gets a blue iris from inside his surveyor's case.

Harsh quietly says, "And we gonna sacrifice us all to get the ones we lost back."

Miraena quietly says, "Of course. I will keep this one in your stead."

Harsh quietly says, "So."

Miraena nods to Selame.

Miraena sniffs at a blue iris.

Allye asks Asildu, "Please pardon the tangent, but in your studies, have you come across any beings besides Heralds that can arrest our access to magic at their whim?"

Miraena puts her iris in her craftsman's satchel.

Vaerek holds a blue iris high into the air for all to see.

Rejind says to Asildu, "The Immortals didn't say to use more, their messenger just said They didn't care about low sorcery. The Valenal fellow who we're not sure...who or what he the one who was promoting Sorcery."

Miraena gazes upward.

Vaerek gestures at a blue iris.

Avrenka says to Rejind, "Valenal did not specify what kind of sorcery either, but it seemed like he was referring to the most often casted kind."

Kethrai nods to Avrenka.

Vaerek holds a blue iris in both hands and closes his eyes in concentration.

Miraeven quietly asks Asildu, "At times, when we manipulate mana streams, we will hear the sound of shattering glass and all magics cease to function in the area. Given that you study the Heralds, perhaps you know whether it is their doing?"

Casari says, "Point of clarity, again. I don't think Unaka said sorcery was good. She said casting spells from other mana types was fine. It's not really the same thing, as any scholar would know."

Rejind says to Avrenka, "He seemed extremely pro-Sorcery in all forms, but aye he most often spoke of the low kind."

Ezerak nods at Casari, obviously agreeing with her views.

Allye nods to Casari.

Stars' Silence Kystrk just arrived.

Elurora nods to Casari.

Asildu says to Allye, "There are many beings out there, the likes of whom this world has never seen, that could potentially have such power. I regret I can't say more beyond potentially the Immortals, or some other extra planar beings. My studies were more on the Heralds than other entities."

Harsh quietly says, "And oddly though, merauds blessing stops that from happening......the gods step in."

Avrenka says, "I find it strangely coincidental, the appearance of these Heraldic messengers."

The bargirl places Aerilia's sweet mead on the pinewood bar.

Aerilia gets a glass of sweet mead from atop a glistening pinewood bar.

Selame whispers something to Akeiro.

Harsh ponders.

Crobin gets a blue iris from inside his thigh bag.

Allye nods to Asildu.

Akeiro nods at Selame, obviously agreeing with her views.

Crobin examines a blue iris.

Miraena smiles at Crobin.

Vaerek says to Crobin, "It's as pure as it gets."

Allye says to Asildu, "I see. Thank you."

Crobin nods.

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Selame whispers something to Akeiro.

Ears tilted forward, Selame curls her tail around Akeiro's waist loosely.

Vaerek nods to Crobin.

Akeiro laughs happily.

Akeiro leans back against Selame with a loving smile.

Crobin nods to Avrenka.

Aerilia takes a sip of her mead.

Sliyder puts his cloth in his rucksack.

Miraena says to Asildu, "I am so glad I was able to meet you today. With the two of us, we can speak with twice as many adventurers."

Vaerek puts his iris in his surveyor's case.

Miraena smiles.

Ezerak puts his pasabas in his rucksack.

Harsh gestures.

Kethrai takes a sip of his brandy.

Sliyder says, "Haha."

Vaerek chuckles.

Selame grabs Crobin by the shoulders and shakes him!

Sliyder says, "Twice as much confusion."

Crobin wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Sliyder coughs.

Crobin says, "Oh...DIZZY."

Asildu says, "It seems there are several messengers about, however. Odd timing, for sure. I can understand the confusion it might cause you all, but I hope you will at least hear our message."

Vaerek says, "And twice of us can speak with less than half of us."

Allye smiles.

Harsh begins to focus intently around himself.

Asildu nods at Miraena, obviously agreeing with her views.

Miraena nods at Asildu, obviously agreeing with his views.

Crobin says, "We have heard it...along with the others."

Sliyder asks, "Asildu, what does breath of the dragon mean to you?"

Avrenka asks Asildu, "By the way, you never did say where you were from ... what province and village do you hail from?"

Akeiro quietly says, "Morning breath."

Akeiro casually observes the area.

Sliyder glances at Asildu.

Crobin nods to Selame.

Akeiro twiddles his thumbs.

Miraena says, "Thank you all for coming to hear us speak, I am most grateful for all of your time."

Kethrai puts his iris in his rose-colored haversack.

Elurora bows to Miraena.

Malorna carefully lifts the puppy by the scruff of its neck and then tucks it gently into the crook of her arm.

Harsh quietly says, "Just checkin for undeads."

Harsh grins.

Miraena says, "The night grows late for me, and I must still find my way to the outskirts of town."

Selame begins chortling at Akeiro.

Allye nods to Harsh.

Malorna pets a shaggy husky puppy.

Dasheek looks over Miraena very closely.

A Prydaen commoner wanders into the area.

Illiya asks Miraena, "Would you like to spend the night in an inn instead?"

Rejind nods to Miraeven.

Ezerak asks Miraena, "Do you need coin for a room?"

War Healer Rejind goes southwest.

Asildu says to Avrenka, "I could tell you, but I expect you'd only question my response."

Harsh quietly says, "Theres one now i think."

Harsh snaps his fingers.

Kystrk says, "Well thats a bit forward."

Selame asks Miraena, "Yes, why the outskirts of town?"

Avrenka asks Asildu, "If I promise I will not, will you answer?"

Miraena ponders.

Illiya looks over Miraena very closely.

Vaerek says to Avrenka, "Miraena glanced to the west."

Vaerek looks at Avrenka and shrugs.

Akeiro angles his ears forward, gazing curiously at Illiya.

Asildu says to Sliyder, "It is a reputation I have earned through my studies."

Akeiro quietly says to Illiya, "Touch her."

Akeiro nods to Illiya.

Miraena says, "I did not come with much coin, so I do not think I could afford a room. My campsite is plenty comfortable."

Illiya lays her hand on Miraena's arm.

Akeiro gazes at Miraena.

Miraena hitches up the waistband of her workman's pants.

Sliyder nods to Asildu.

Avrenka says, "Miraena indeed has told us she hails from an unnamed village to the far west ... but Asildu has not told us any thing of his origins."

Akeiro quietly asks Illiya, "Anything weird?"

Selame gives Miraena some coins.

Miraena blinks at Selame.

Selame says to Miraena, "That should suffice."

Illiya shakes her head at Akeiro.

Allye grins at Selame.

Akeiro slowly empties his lungs.

Miraena quietly says, "I do not think I have ever seen so many platinum pieces together..."

Aerilia says to Miraena, "You should accept their offer so that violent man doesn't find you again."

Harsh quietly says to Selame, "I too do not have enough for an inn and hope my campsite will suffice."

Harsh nods.

Harsh bats his eyelashes.

Kystrk snickers.

Illiya looks over Asildu very closely.

Sliyder snickers at Harsh.

Avrenka flashes a quick grin at Harsh.

Akeiro gives Harsh some coins.

Allye begins chortling at Harsh.

Dasheek says, "Yeah, that one will come back.."

Kerennya rolls her eyes.

Akeiro pats Harsh on the back.

Harsh grins at Akeiro.

Malorna giggles at Harsh.

Harsh lets out a hearty cheer for Akeiro!

Asildu says to Avrenka, "My studies exposed me to magics unlike anything you could imagine. During my time away from society, searching the realms for information regarding the Heralds, other details in my mind, regarding my past, seem to have been replaced. I no longer recall my origin."

Trajan says, "We'll set up a tent for you at the pond."

Selame says to Miraena, "Should be enough for a fine room and snack delivery."

Trajan nods to Harsh.

Ezerak asks Asildu, "I've one last question, about the Heralds. You say they are all powerful. Do they have any weaknesses?"

Dasheek says to Illiya, "We will have to be extra vigilant, so that Berries are not interrupted."

You notice as a grey cat meows loudly.

Miraena asks Elurora, "You were kind enough to provide for me that banner in our last meeting. Could you recommend an inn? Here?"

Avrenka says to Asildu, "Fascinating."

Allye quirks her ears outward for a moment, blinking in surprise at Asildu.

Dasheek says, "And they'd better not be."

Asildu says to Ezerak, "No."

Illiya smiles at Dasheek, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Malorna gives Harsh some coins.

Harsh sighs.

Briaen grins at Ezerak.

Allye says, "How unusual."

Malorna grins.

Son of Stone Nulak just arrived.

Harsh laughs!

Harsh just tickled Malorna, who laughs and returns the favor.

Harsh pats Nulak on the back.

Aerilia takes a sip of her mead.

Nulak says, "Oh."

Avrenka asks Asildu, "How old did you say you were?"

Malorna says, "They were prolly yers anyways."

Akeiro waves to Malorna.

Elurora says to Miraena, "This one is nice or Half Pint."

Miraena smiles.

Harsh quietly says, "This guy does so much sorcery."

Harsh points at Nulak.

Asildu says to Avrenka, "I never said."

Malorna grins.

Miraena says, "Then I will stay here."

Harsh quietly says, "Should talk to him."

Miraena nods.

Avrenka grins.

Ezerak asks Asildu, "None at all?"

Malorna waves to Akeiro.

Elurora smiles at Miraena.

Nulak asks, "What's sorcery?"

Witterwell holds her hand up before her mouth and begins to cough, her shoulders shaking. Hope it's not contagious!

Asildu says to Ezerak, "We are talking about the Heralds."

The bargirl places Akeiro's Venom Root elixir on the pinewood bar.

Akeiro gets a mug of Venom Root elixir from atop a glistening pinewood bar.

Ezerak gives a slight nod.

Elurora says to Miraena, "Shorter walk that way too."

Elurora looks at Miraena, obviously trying not to grin.

Akeiro squints.

Crobin says, "Everything has one."

Kerennya gets a tall chilled glass of Eluned's Elixir from inside her sea blue pouch.

Akeiro offers Selame a mug of Venom Root elixir.

Nulak says, "I aint even short."

Kerennya takes a sip of her Elixir.

Briaen nods at Crobin, obviously agreeing with his views.

Miraena says, "Thank you all very much again. I feel we are making progress, even if there are still disbeliefs."

Kerennya puts her Elixir in her sea blue pouch.

Miraena grins at Elurora.

Selame accepts Akeiro's Venom Root elixir.

You notice as a grey cat yawns.

Asildu nods at Miraena, obviously agreeing with her views.

Miraena smiles at Asildu.

Nulak asks, "Diswhut?"

Miraena curtsies to Asildu.

Asildu bows to Miraena.

Illiya says to Miraena, "Thank you for taking the time to meet with us."

Allye curtsies gracefully to Miraena.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Miraena.

Miraena waves.

Nulak sniffs at Miraena.

Harsh quietly says, "They are lieing and they dont think we onto em."

Harsh nods to Nulak.

Nulak says, "Oh humans eh."

Nulak says, "I know one."

Kethrai says to Miraena, "It was a pleasure to speak with you. Thank you for the flower."

Messenger Miraena wanders southwest.

Nulak points at Harsh.

Vaerek stops guarding.

Harsh beams!

Harsh pats Nulak on the back.

Asildu says, "After so many questions, I think my mind could use some rest as well."

Asildu stops guarding.

Casari stops guarding.

Kethrai stops guarding.

Ezerak says to Asildu, "I thank you for sharing your knowledge."

Illiya says to Asildu, "And thank you as well for meeting with us."

Elurora bows to Asildu.

Illiya bobs a quick curtsy to Asildu.

Asildu nods to Ezerak.

Illiya stops guarding.

Asildu nods to Illiya.

Aerilia takes a sip of her mead.

Ezerak says to Asildu, "And for responding to my gweth."

Avrenka says to Asildu, "Fascinating conversation ... till next time."

Avrenka smiles sardonically.

Kerennya says to Asildu, "Yes, thank you for meeting with us."

Asildu says, "Thank you all for being less violent than others."

Nulak chews on Witterwell's shoulder and follows it up with a kiss on her cheek.

Vaerek waves to Asildu.

Allye curtsies gracefully to Asildu.

Asildu bows.

Vaerek grins.

Akeiro sweeps Selame into a dance.

Malorna laughs!

Casari folds her arms across her chest.

Vaerek bows to Asildu.

Witterwell grins at Nulak, her dimples flashing into view.

Breath of the Heralds Asildu goes southwest.