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Event Name: Meeting Miraena Again
Event Instance: Prime
Real Date: 2024-07-30
Game Date of Event: 449-10-4
Point of View: Casari
[General] Your mind hears Miraena thinking, "Hel- hello? My name is Miraena. Are you there?"
[General] Your mind hears Nevali thinking, "You went from being scared of the city to wearing a gweth? That's a big step."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "Hi Miraena."
[General] Your mind hears Jundara thinking, "Hello Miraena"
[General] Your mind hears Miraena thinking, "Adventurers Nevali and Casari, hello. A nice man gave me this device and told me I might reach an adventurer here."
[General] Your mind hears Miraena thinking, "Jundara, you are here as well. What a kind gift that man provided to me, to let me speak with you again."
[General] You hear your mental voice echo, "That's right.  A lot of adventurers wear them.  You can reach people across the provinces."
[General] Your mind hears Miraena thinking, "Yes please, I am here to reach as many adventurers as I can. I am at the West Gate of Crossing, if any adventurer is available to speak with me?"
[General] Your mind hears Lupdels thinking, "Hello Miraena, we met by the Crossing recently. I still carry the blue iris you gave me. Welcome!"
[General] Your mind hears Miraena thinking, "Hello Lupdels, of course I remember you. Thank you for caring for that iris."

[Mycthengelde, Flatlands]
Well-worn paths lead through a grove of trees to a gate in The Crossing's western wall.  Now and again you hear birds calling to one another in the branches, or the bustling of a merchant's cart as it makes its way past.  A handful of adventurers nod at you in greeting as they make their way into town.  An aromatic mix of wildflowers mingles with wyndwood, oak and juniper trees as the grove stretches north and south, while to the west, you can see grassy flatlands through a small clearing.  You also see a dark black rat, a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood, a horned phantom thrall, a glass of Starry Road sherry, a wooden sign printed in large block letters, a path that heads westward toward the grasslands, a town wall, a narrow trail and the western gate.
Also here: Pilgrim Nawain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Novus Nevali, Brother Harsh who is shrouded in ghostly flames and Messenger Miraena.
Obvious paths: northwest.

You see Messenger Miraena, Voice of the Heralds of Elanthia, a Human.
Miraena has a heart-shaped face, sparkling gold eyes and a small nose.  Her mouse brown hair is short and wavy.  She has rosy skin and a plump figure.
She is tall for a Human.
She appears to be young.
She is in good shape.

She is holding an oak peasant's walking stick in her right hand.
She is wearing a craftsman's satchel, a homespun blue wool cap, a burlap tunic layered under a weathered leather vest, some burlap workman's pants and some weathered leather sandals with burnished brass buckles.

You smile.

Nevali asks, "How was camping out here?"

Avrenka waves.

You say to Miraena, "Glad to see you're safe."

Avrenka bows to Miraena.

Miraena says to Nevali, "Very comfortable, thank you."

Nawain exclaims to Miraena, "Hello, nice person!"

Miraena smiles at Nawain.

Miraena curtsies to Nawain.

Nawain spreads out the edges of her tutu with both hands and does a little dance step.

Avrenka says to Miraena, "Greetings, fellow Human."

Nevali says to Miraena, "I tried telling lots of people about you and what you said..."

Miraena beams at Nevali!

Miraena asks Nevali, "Thank you so very much. Were you able to get them to stop using sorcery?"

Nevali says, "Nope."

Nevali says, "Maybe."

Miraena sighs.

Nevali asks, "Some?"

You wave to Elurora.

Elurora bows to Miraena.

Avrenka waves to Elurora.

Elurora waves to Avrenka.

Avrenka says, "Quite the busy location you've picked."

Nawain worriedly asks Miraena, "I heard that the mana surges are damaging your village. Is it something we can help you rebuild?"

Miraena indicates her walking stick with a smile.

Miraena smiles at Elurora.

Miraena says to Elurora, "Hello there."

Elurora says to Miraena, "Hello, I'm Elu or Elurora, I heard you ask for people on the gweth."

Miraena says to Avrenka, "I would think the inside of the city would be much more crowded, no? I do not think I am quite ready for that."

Miraena beams at Elurora!

Miraena says to Elurora, "Quite a fascinating device this is."

Jundara takes a seat near Nevali.

Miraena rubs her kyanite gwethdesuan.

Elurora nods to Miraena.

Nevali tries to pull Jundara to her feet, but cannot.

Nevali says to Jundara, "No sitting in the road."

Avrenka says to Miraena, "The city has its quiet spots."

Elurora says to Miraena, "It's very useful at times."

Miraena smiles.

Harsh takes a seat near Jundara.

Miraena says to Jundara, "Thank you for helping to bring all of these adventurers for me to speak with."

Nevali says, "But you don't get to see so many people fall on their tush inside..."

Avrenka says, "Can we move to a ... less trafficked spot? This is a really busy juncture."

Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Elurora says, "We could step into the grove that is nearby, that might be quieter and not within the city."

You nod at Elurora, in complete agreement with her views.

Avrenka says, "Ah, Pfanston's Grove, excellent idea."

Miraena glances at Elurora.

Miraena glances at Avrenka.

You say to Miraena, "It's a safe place."

Miraena comes and stands near you.

Miraena nods to you.

Miraena just tried to join you, but you avoided her.

You're now allowing attempts to join.

Elurora asks, "I can go first and cast a banner if that would make you more comfortable?"

You add Miraena to your group.

Avrenka joins your group.

Miraena gazes at Elurora.

Miraena says to Elurora, "I do not think I warrant a banner announcing myself."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Elurora joins your group.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.

Avrenka asks, "Shall we follow Casari?"

You nod.

You ask, "Anyone else coming with us?"

Jundara joins your group.

Istercal joins your group.

Nevali joins your group.

Miraena smiles at Istercal.

Nawain joins your group.

Elurora says to Miraena, "It's not quite like that, it's a spell that keeps an area violence free but I understand magic might make you uncomfortable too."

You study the area...

Daydance is a male S'Kra Mur.  He appears to be elderly.
Istercal is a male Prydaen.  He appears to be young.
Jundara is a female Prydaen.  She appears to be young.
Elurora is a female Elf.  She appears to be young.
Avrenka is a male Human.  He appears to be in his prime.
Nawain is a female Rakash.  She appears to be mature.
Nevali is a female Prydaen.  She appears to be young.
Miraena is a female Human.  She appears to be young.
That's everyone!

Nevali says, "Prydaen contigent assembled."

Miraena ponders.

Avrenka chuckles.

Nawain giggles at Nevali.

Jundara giggles at Nevali.

You say, "Okay, here we go."

- - - short travel - - -

[Northwall Trail, Wooded Grove]
The sweet smell of wildflowers carried on the breeze mingles with the spicy scent of cedar and juniper.  At the sound of an owl, a startled woodmouse scurries across the trail toward a gnarled and broken oak tree.  You also see a coppery saluki puppy flaunting a goldenglow glaes collar and jadeleaf snood and a town wall.
Also here: Pilgrim Nawain who is shrouded in ghostly flames, Novus Nevali, Holy Mage Istercal, Battle Empath Jundara, Truthseeker Elurora whose figure is gracefully highlighted in a soft aurora of silvery-violet light, Mathematician Avrenka and Messenger Miraena.
Obvious paths: east, southwest.

Miraena says to Elurora, "If you have the power to do that, I would appreciate it. I have already faced... threats... just for being here."

Miraena frowns.

Avrenka asks Miraena, "Threats? From who or what?"

Nawain frowns.

Nawain asks, "Threats?"

Elurora says, "Let me see if I can cast it with us all here."

Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Elurora left the group.

Nevali asks Miraena, "Do you have Prydaens in your village?"

You say, "Atuen threatened her."

Nawain scowls.

You narrow your eyes.

Elurora gestures.
You feel an overwhelming sense of peace flood your senses, but the sensation fades quickly.

Nawain says, "Someone needs to set that weevil on fire."

Avrenka says, "Ah hah ... well ... it would be unusual if Atuen didn't threaten you."

Nawain mutters to herself.

Nevali says, "Atuen threatens anything that breathes."

Miraena says, "Yes, I did not know his name. But he threatened me should I return to the city. But my need is too great."

Jundara nods to Nevali.

Istercal chuckles.

Elurora asks, "Would you all mind stepping one room over for just a moment, please?"

Avrenka asks, "East?"

You go southwest, leading your group.

Time drags on by...

Miraena quietly says, "And please, if you say something to me or ask a question, I will attempt to answer it all. This is far more attention than I normally receive, so I am still getting used to it."

You go northeast, leading your group.

Elurora yells, "And come on back!"

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Elurora blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

Elurora giggles.

Nawain smiles at Miraena.

You point at a shifting green banner overgrown with verdant rose vines.

You say, "There we go."

Elurora says, "That should keep us safe for the moment."

Elurora nods.

Miraena beams at Elurora!

Miraena curtsies to Elurora.

Elurora smiles at Miraena.

Elurora bows to Miraena.

Miraena says to Elurora, "Thank you so much, you are very kind."

You get a blue iris from inside your black longcoat.

Elurora says to Miraena, "I am sorry you have faced threats just for bringing us your vision."

Avrenka asks Miraena, "So tell us, what is your great and pressing need?"

Nawain says, "Atuen is allergic to being nice."

Nawain grumbles.

Miraena says to Nevali, "You asked if I have Prydaens in my village. We do not have any living there, although I have met one or two as they pass through."

Nevali nods to Miraena.

Miraena says to Nevali, "Quite beautiful people, as I find most adventurers to be."

Jundara smiles at Miraena.

Miraena smiles.

Jundara preens.  Someone's pleased with herself!

Nevali says, "When I told people you were from the west... they were very excited about how far west... where we came from."

Nawain nods to Nevali.

Nawain chuckles.

You say, "It would have been amazing if you were from so far west that the dragons live there."

You cock your head at Miraena.

Elurora quietly asks Miraena, "Have you eaten?"

Elurora gets some sugar and cinnamon biscuits from inside her square lunchbox.

Miraena says, "Oh, my deepest apologies. It may be hard to describe distance to you. I see adventurers running through here so quickly, I would imagine what takes me weeks takes you only days."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Elurora offers Miraena some sugar and cinnamon biscuits.

Miraena gazes at Elurora.

Miraena accepts Elurora's cinnamon biscuits.

Miraena beams!

Miraena takes a bite of the biscuits.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Miraena.

The snowfall grows very heavy.

Miraena says to Elurora, "I had not yet eaten today, as I do not know these lands."

Nevali gets a large slice of juicy watermelon from inside her purple hat.

Nevali offers Miraena a large slice of juicy watermelon.

Jundara smiles at Nevali.

Harsh takes a bite of an apple.

Miraena laughs!

Avrenka asks, "Where exactly did Miraena say she was from?"

Miraena puts her biscuits in her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena accepts Nevali's juicy watermelon.

Elurora says to Miraena, "You'll have more food than you know what to do with now."

Elurora chuckles.

Nevali says, "A wizard's hat is capable of many things."

Miraena says, "Now you are all going to fatten me up. It will take me twice as long to walk home."

Miraena takes a bite of the watermelon.

Istercal chuckles at Miraena.

Elurora asks, "Perhaps we could offer to escort you home if you need?"

Miraena chows down on the juicy watermelon, wiping her mouth on the sleeve of her tunic as needed.

Miraena frowns.

Elurora glances up at the sky.

Miraena says to Elurora, "I do not think I can leave until I have properly shared my message. And once I am successful, I believe you will be too busy with other things to attend to me."

Miraena nods.

Elurora says to Miraena, "Taking care of those in need is part of what I do, I'm not too busy for that.  But please, share your message with us and let us help."

Miraena quietly asks you, "Do you think I should give them my speech?"

Miraena quietly says, "I practiced it some more over night."

Miraena takes a bite of the watermelon.

You say to Miraena, "The more people who hear it, the more likely you'll convince someone."

Miraena beams at you!  What a warm feeling!

Elurora nods at you, obviously agreeing with your views.

Miraena inhales deeply, puffing up her chest as if to give herself courage to continue.  She tilts her head upward, sets her jaw, and begins speaking.

Nawain gazes at Miraena.

Elurora cocks her head at Miraena.

Lupdels smiles.

Miraena formally says, "My name is Miraena. I come from a small village many many days to the west of here."

Nawain hugs Lupdels, who wraps his arms around Nawain with a warm smile.

Lupdels hugs Nawain, who wraps her arms around Lupdels with a warm smile.

Miraena formally says, "My village has been under siege by destructive events such as swirling vortexes of wind and light."

Nawain winces.

Elurora nods to Miraena.

Miraena formally says, "Recently, the Heralds bestowed upon me a flood of visions to warn me about the effects of sorerous magic."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Miraena says, "Sorcerous. I knew I should have practiced more..."

Miraena sighs.

Jundara's tail lashes sharply at the air as she trills worriedly in Miraena's direction.

Nawain praises Miraena.

Elurora shakes her head at Miraena.

Elurora says, "You're doing fine."

Nawain says, "You're doing great."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Miraena nods.

Miraena formally says, "They made it clear to me that our world will continue to experience more and more disastrous effects should nothing change."

Miraena formally says, "I am here to petition adventurers to cease all use of sorcerous magic."

Miraena nods matter-of-factly.

Avrenka raises his hand.

Miraena formally says, "I am asking that you do this for the good of the common men and women who live each and every day around you, and for the ones you do not see... like myself, my village, and my family."

Jundara nods to Miraena.

Lupdels gazes into his mirror, smiling slightly as he checks his appearance.

Elurora gives Miraena a slight nod.

Lupdels smiles.

Nawain smiles at Miraena.

Miraena gazes between each face gathered.

Miraena quickly says, "Thank you for your time."

Miraena curtsies.

Miraena slowly empties her lungs.

Lupdels applauds.

You smile.

Elurora smiles at Miraena.

You say, "You did well."

Nevali looks at Miraena and applauds!

Nawain praises Miraena.

Jundara lets out a hearty cheer for Miraena!

Miraena quietly says to Lupdels, "The Heralds really should have picked someone more comfortable with crowds."

Elurora asks Miraena, "Would you be willing to share your visions with us?"

Lupdels chuckles.

Miraena nods to Elurora.

Ruea just arrived.

Nevali says, "You could use some trumpeters before and after, a little fanfare..."

Miraena says, "I apologize for my use of the word 'vision' but I have no other way to describe it."

Miraena says, "But I will try."

Ruea smiles.

Lupdels says, "If they picked someone who loved the crowds too much, people would believe they present the message just for attention and not because it must be shared."

Jundara giggles at Nevali.

Harsh quietly says, "We can't always know why we are chosen, and sometimes we may never find out. But if we are chosen there are reasons."

Ears tilted forward, Jundara curls her tail around Nevali's waist loosely.

Miraena smiles at Lupdels.

A Gnome commoner gazes about the area with an intent look, watching the goings on.

Miraena nods to Harsh.

Elurora bows to Ruea.

Elurora nods to Harsh.

Elurora tugs on the sleeves of her doeskin longcoat and shrugs it off.

Lupdels glances at a Gnome commoner.

Ruea curtsies gracefully to Elurora.

Elurora says, "Please take this so you don't freeze."

Elurora offers Miraena a tanned doeskin longcoat painted with a spreading oak tree on the back.

Miraena says, "I was helping to repair the home of a neighbor, who's dwelling had been destroyed by a vortex."

Miraena gazes down at her full hands.

Nevali suddenly glances about as a loud purr fills the air.

A Gnome commoner wanders away, seeking rest.

Elurora gazes thoughtfully at Miraena.

Miraena asks Elurora, "Would you hold onto it a moment?"

Elurora nods to Miraena.

Miraena smiles.

Miraena takes a bite of the watermelon.

Jundara draws her riding cloak away from her hips.

Miraena says, "While I was working, I was struck with what felt like a thousand visions at once."

Elurora furrows her brow.

Miraena asks, "You know how sometimes you can gaze across a field of newly planted corn, and yet your mind can envision what it will be like when every stalk has grown tall and strong?"

Lupdels winks at Nawain.

Elurora gives Miraena a slight nod.

Nawain grins at Lupdels.

Nawain nods to Lupdels.

Miraena says, "It was like that. Only a thousand times over. Everything all at once."

Harsh quietly says, "Attracted necromancers here, so ya know we have company, but she isnt anyone to be concerned with."

Miraena glances at Harsh.

Nawain moves over to guard Miraena.

Nawain mutters to herself.

Elurora extends her hand toward a shifting green banner overgrown with verdant rose vines and concentrates.

Miraena shakily says, "I can continue."

Miraena nods.

Nawain nods to Miraena.

Elurora says, "You are safe with us."

Elurora nods to Miraena.

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.
You hear the voice of Sofina say, "Getting quite tired of hearing that. Suppose I should lash out some more later on."

Jundara closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Nawain says, "You have a reputation, oh bald one."

Miraena says, "I fell to my knees, sobbing at what I had seen."

Nevali pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

Miraena quietly says, "I saw vision after vision of destruction. Of the deaths of all of my loved ones. Of the death of your loved ones. Of the devestation of this city, and every city beyond it."

Miraena gazes off to the east.

A pained expression crosses Nawain's face.

Miraena gazes off to the west.

Elurora looks with concern at Miraena.

Jundara shudders.

Jundara's ears droop for a moment as she gazes sadly at Miraena.

Nevali says, "Can I ask a really weird question..."

Miraena says, "I knew in my heart of hearts, just as one knows their own mother and father, that these visions were graced upon me by the Heralds."

Miraena nibbles her lip thoughtfully.

Avrenka searches around for a moment.

Ruea glances up at the sky.

Ruea says, "Graced seems generous, that sounds more like a curse."

Miraena says, "And so I have come to Crossing to speak with those who would use sorcery, to beg for you to cease."

Miraena pushes the sleeve of her tunic across an eye.  Was she tearing up?  No matter, it is hidden now.

Miraena nods.

You notice Sofina trying to remain hidden while speaking.
You hear the voice of Sofina ask, "That include all of my magic?"

Nevali asks Miraena, "Does your village have any problems with insects?"

Avrenka asks, "So you saw visions of everyone dying and everything being destroyed ... but how do you know it's a message to stop sorcery?"

Miraena asks Nevali, "What farming village does not?"

Jundara angles her ears forward in curiosity.

Nevali angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Jundara.

Harsh quietly says to himself, "Was warned to not listen to everyone who has some advice."

Jundara smiles at Nevali.

Jundara nods.

Nevali says to Jundara, "You're the farm girl..."

Jundara smiles at Nevali.

Elurora chews on her lip, looking deep in concentration.

Miraena says to Avrenka, "Because that is what the Heralds made known to me. I know it as clearly as I know the sun will rise tomorrow."

Lupdels says, "Let us hope the sun will rise tomorrow ..."

Jundara says to Nevali, "All the insects.. all the time."

Lupdels mumbles something under his breath.

Miraena frowns.

Elurora grins at Lupdels.

Harsh proclaims cheerfully, "Praise be to Berengaria, bringer of the dawn light, queen of the morning!"

Miraena nods to Lupdels.

Nevali nods to Jundara.

Avrenka asks Miraena, "How do you, a farm girl, know about the Heralds?"

Elurora glances at Avrenka.

Sofina shifts her weight.

Sofina gazes at Miraena.

Avrenka raises an eyebrow.

Jundara closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

Miraena says to Avrenka, "I had heard stories. We are not ignorant, even if we are removed from the city."

Avrenka shrugs.

Lupdels sings in a countertenor voice:

    "Oh, heed the farmer's plea, Oh, heed the farmer's plea!
     For the earth and sky are a'weepin', in the darkness, we are a'sleepin'.
     Change our ways, change our ways, least the ruin end our days!
     Oh, heed the farmer's plea, and let the land be free of sorcery!"

Elurora says, "The story of Lanival isn't exactly a highly kept secret."

Elurora grins at Avrenka.

Ruea nods at Elurora, obviously agreeing with her views.

Avrenka shrugs.

You say to Miraena, "I promised you before that I would do what is right to help you and your village.  That's still true.  However, there is some doubt as to whether it was truly the Heralds who showed you this vision, or if the Heralds truly have your best interest at heart.  There was someone believed to be a champion of Truffenyi who had a different story, and our own evidence has shown that any magic, not sorcery alone, is at risk of producing the vortexes that have troubled your village."

Avrenka says, "Even we are having a hard time figuring out whether the Heralds are behind certain actions."

Miraena says, "My village does not have magic casters, nor do we get many adventurers through our parts except maybe once a year. It was not enough for me to speak to those who are already not casting sorcerous magic. I had to come to where I believed there was a number of them."

Elurora nods to Miraena.

Miraena frowns at you.

Lupdels tugs at the tip of his beard distractedly.

Miraena says to you, "I am sorry that I am unable to provide you more proof. But I know what I know, and I know that this is the truth."

Nevali says, "People were asking... how are vortexes appearing in your village, if they're caused by casting spells..."

Ruea quietly says, "A perfectly nice girl comes to share important information with us and we're going to insult and doubt her?  Come now..."

Ruea shakes her head.

Elurora nods to Nawain.

Lupdels nods to Ruea.

Miraena asks, "Have you not all felt these effects growing more disasterous over time?"

Istercal nods to Nevali.

Harsh quietly says, "Well only cause that other perfectly nice girl told us not to listen to everyone."

Jundara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Nevali.

Harsh nods to Ruea.

You say to Miraena, "I do not doubt that you are honest and genuine.  I am just worried that some nefarious entity is pretending to want to help you."

Jundara ponders.

Miraena says to Nevali, "We can see them traveling from quite some ways away. We are not so far removed that there are not areas of more travel around us."

Lupdels ponders.

Elurora says, "The Heralds have held their stance against sorcery for a long time so far as I know, this doesn't seem unlike them."

Ruea says to you, "She isn't starting an army.  It'll be up to us to determine truth from lie now that the message is delivered."

Avrenka says to Miraena, "Just curious, what's the name of your village? If you're comfortable in speaking of such things."

Miraena says, "But we are powerless to stop their path. They go where they wish to go... through our crops, through our homes, and those of our neighbors."

Elurora asks, "And Miraena is a messanger, isn't there a saying about not shooting the messager?"

Elurora raises an eyebrow.

Miraena laughs!

Lupdels nods to Elurora.

Avrenka looks at Elurora and shrugs.

Miraena says to Avrenka, "This question always makes me laugh. We do not have a need for a name, we simply call it our Village. There has been no need to name it when speaking with those who already live there."

Avrenka chuckles.

Elurora says to Avrenka, "There is no reason not to treat her with kindness, she is doing what she feels is right."

Lupdels glances up at the sky.

You nod at Elurora, in complete agreement with her views.

Harsh beams at Jundara!

Miraena looks at Elurora and blushes.

Lupdels says, "Such a cold day for such a sad message."

Elurora wraps her arm around Aerhys's shoulder in a friendly hug.

Harsh grins at Jundara.

Elurora extends her hand toward a shifting green banner overgrown with verdant rose vines and concentrates.

Jundara just touched Harsh.

Aerhys hugs Elurora, getting a smile in return.

Avrenka says, "I have been to many remote corners of the world, and even a small 10 family village will give itself a town name."

Miraena says, "I am here for my people, and I hope to represent the common citizens who live not just in villages like mine, but those who live in this very city."

Jundara smiles at Harsh.

Miraena says, "Our lives are entwined with the actions of adventurers."

Miraena frowns.

Elurora says, "And she has a very good point, we as adventurers tend to not think about the common folks and their safety as much as we should."

Elurora gestures at Miraena.

Miraena smiles at Elurora.

Miraena takes a bite of the watermelon.

Miraena puts her watermelon in her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena glances up at the sky.

Miraena frowns.

Aerhys gets a dainty cup of fragrant nanasea tea from inside his scavenger's pack.

Elurora offers Miraena a tanned doeskin longcoat painted with a spreading oak tree on the back.

Aerhys takes a sip of his tea.

Miraena beams at Elurora!

Miraena accepts Elurora's doeskin longcoat.

Elurora smiles at Miraena.

Avrenka asks, "Well then. Is that all?"

Miraena wraps a doeskin longcoat over the front of her torso, warming herself agains the weather.

Miraena gazes at Avrenka.

Avrenka asks Miraena, "Do you have any other words of wisdom to share with us?"

Miraena asks Avrenka, "Humbly, will you at least consider our plight?"

Miraena quietly says, "We are losing our homes, our livlihoods, and in some cases our lives..."

Avrenka says, "I consider all bits of information presented to me, trust me."

Miraena gazes off to the west.

Miraena gives a slight nod.

Ruea glances at Avrenka.

Aerhys frowns.

Aerhys nods to Elurora.

Miraena says to Avrenka, "Than I have made more progress than when I awoke today."

Miraena nods.

Miraena says to Avrenka, "Thank you so kindly for hearing my message."

Miraena curtsies to Avrenka.

Avrenka nods to Miraena.

Elurora says, "The surges your speak of, they come from casting spells that aren't that of sorcery too.  We are trying to figure out how to solve the overall issue, to find out what is causing them."

Avrenka bows.

Lupdels smiles.

Elurora smiles at Jundara.

Aerhys nods to Elurora.

Jundara nods to Elurora.

Jundara just touched Elurora.

Elurora bows to Jundara.

Jundara smiles at Elurora.

Miraena says to Elurora, "From my vision, it was made clear to me that sorcerous magic is having an effect on many things, beyond just the use of sorcerous magic itself."

Elurora nods to Miraena.

[General] Your mind hears Harsh thinking, "ok everyone who can hear me. Stop doin sorcery! cause someone I never met before told us we have to. Thank you everyone for your cooperation in this matter and have a blessed day"

Miraena says, "It is making many things that were once whole and right into pieces that are fractured, or... loose."

Miraena frowns.

Miraena sighs.

Istercal chuckles at Harsh.

Elurora asks Miraena, "Did your visions tell you if the sorcery stopped if it would heal what is hurt?"

Jundara curtsies to Elurora.

Ruea raises an eyebrow in Harsh's direction.

Miraena nods to Elurora.

Elurora nods to Miraena.

Ruea asks Harsh, "That was necessary?"

Elurora smiles at Jundara.

Harsh quietly says, "Spreading the message."

Harsh smiles.

Miraena says to Elurora, "If adventurers were to cease using sorcerous magic, the world would return to it's natural balance. It is like removing the weeds from a field before planting. The nutrients will eventually sort themselves back out."

Elurora looks at Harsh and sighs.

Nevali ponders.

Ruea says to Harsh, "...How altruistic of you.  Charming."

Aerhys nods to Miraena.

You say, "Believe me, we all want to see the problem solved, for everyone's sake, including yours."

Harsh quietly says, "Well it was more to gauge a response, pal."

You nod to Miraena.

Harsh quietly says, "To get the users of magic to just stop sorcery....."

Nevali says to Miraena, "It could be a long time to get everyone to stop. If you go back home, you should bring someone magical with you... to stop the vortexes, meanwhile."

Avrenka chortles softly at some secret joke.

Elurora nods to Nevali.

Ruea says to Harsh, "You know exactly why you did it, let's not start dancing now."

Ruea waves her hand distractedly.

Lupdels asks Miraena, "Friend Miraena, have you ever heard tales of dragons, growing up in your small village?"

Miraena says to Harsh, "I am sorry we have never met before. It is as if asking the beautiful bluebird why she has not visited you before."

Ruea smiles at Miraena.

Miraena says, "Suffice to say, sometimes we should be happy the bluebird is here now."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Elurora smiles at Miraena.

Miraena exclaims to Lupdels, "Oh yes, I have read tales of the World Dragon!"

Lupdels nods.

Miraena gazes down at the ground.

Lupdels asks, "And other Dragons?"

Miraena ponders.

Harsh quietly says to Miraena, "There have been many visiers lately. They all conflict on how to solve the problem. Some claim visions from heralds, others claim visions and interaction with gods themself."

Harsh quietly says, "And i am Harsh, nice to meet you."

Elurora says, "We might not forget that Unaka did tell us that High Sorcery isn't good as well.  Miss Miraena's message isn't that different."

Harsh smiles at Miraena.

Miraena asks Lupdels, "I have never heard of other dragons... are they... real?"

Harsh quietly says, "Visiters."

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Harsh babbles incoherently.

Harsh sighs.

Harsh appears to be poking himself.

Miraena smiles at Harsh.

Lupdels says, "A very good question. Maybe they are. Some say they can take human or other mortal form, like shapeshifters."

Lupdels glances at Miraena.

Miraena says to Harsh, "I am so very pleased to finally meet you."

Harsh smiles.

Miraena gazes at Lupdels.

Lupdels smiles at Miraena.

Miraena quietly asks Lupdels, "Are... are you a dragon?"

Jundara gazes at Nevali in wonder.

Elurora appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Elurora giggles.

Lupdels chuckles.

Aerhys appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Elurora glances at Lupdels.

Miraena glances at Lupdels.

Harsh blinks.

Lupdels says, "Only in my dreams."

Ears tilted forward, Nevali curls her tail around Jundara's waist loosely.

Harsh quietly says, "I worry about that too."

Harsh nods to Miraena.

Jundara nods to Nevali.

Elurora quietly says to Aerhys, "I was kind of hoping he was."

Aerhys chuckles at Elurora.

Aerhys nods to Elurora.

Miraena asks, "I am sorry, one moment... did you say someone else was here with a vision from the Heralds?"

Miraena peers quizzically at Harsh.

Harsh quietly says, "There have been several now, visits."

Elurora says, "Not the Heralds, but from Truffenyi.  If we're talking about Unaka."

Lupdels nods to Elurora.

Harsh quietly says, "Unaka claimed to speak directly to a god."

Miraena quietly says, "Oh. I was hoping I was not the only ones the Heralds would choose for this."

Harsh quietly says, "The others have said do more sorcery."

Elurora says, "Not exactly, she claimed to give given visions as well."

Lupdels says, "Everyone is getting visions it seems, and I'm just a lonely Bard ..."

Lupdels sighs.

Elurora says, "Have been given."

Elurora gazes up at the sky.

Harsh quietly says, "Oh pulsing blue is Mol."

Miraena peers between each speaking face, trying to take in all of the different things beind said.

Mol leans on Harsh.

Miraena says, "Oh my, there seems to be a lot of information."

Mol flashes a wide grin.

Elurora says, "We have been given a lot of different views recently."

Avrenka says, "There was another Scholar who came around claiming to be intimately familiar with the Heralds who also told us to cease the practice of all sorcery."

Miraena beams at Avrenka!

Harsh nods to Avrenka.

Harsh quietly says, "Forgot that one name...."

Elurora asks, "And some fellow claiming to be a Human Warrior Mage who...said to do more, I think?"

Miraena excitedly asks, "Did they give you their name?"

Lupdels nods to Elurora.

Avrenka glances at Miraena.

Lupdels says, "I think it's three to one against sorcery so far, for those keeping score ..."

Lupdels gazes off into the distance.

Miraena shifts her weight excitedly between one foot and the other.

Avrenka asks Miraena, "Why? Do you wish to meet him?"

Miraena nods to Avrenka.

Miraena says, "Oh yes, very much! If they have also been sent by the Heralds, it means I am not alone in this mission."

Avrenka asks Miraena, "His name was Asildu ... does that ring a bell for you?"

Miraena furrows her brow as she gazes towards the ground, clearly thinking about something in fierce concentration.

Miraena quietly says, "Asildu... Asildu..."

Sofina leans against an oak tree.

Miraena shakes her head slowly.

Miraena says, "No, I don't believe I have."

Miraena exclaims, "But!"

Miraena rubs her kyanite gwethdesuan.

Miraena asks, "I have this! I can reach them, yes?"

You exclaim, "Maybe!"

Lupdels tugs at the tip of his beard distractedly.

You nod to Miraena.

Elurora says, "If they have one as well."

Lupdels says, "If they too have one."

Lupdels nods.

[General] Your mind hears Miraena thinking, "Hello Asildu! My name is Miraena, and I have also been sent by the Heralds! Please would you come to meet me?"

Harsh grins.

Avrenka says, "Oh boy."

Miraena beams!

You grin.

Miraena gazes at a kyanite gwethdesuan.

Nevali leans on Jundara.

Miraena says, "I am so very pleased to hear I am not alone on this journey."

Avrenka searches around for a moment.

It has been 449 years, 363 days since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer.
It is the 10th month of Nissa the Maiden in the year of the Bronze Wyvern.
It is currently winter and it is early evening.
You're positive it's 7 roisaen before the Anlas of Phelim's Vigil.

Jundara warmly says to Miraena, "Would you allow some of us to accompany you back to your village to provide aid? I can heal those who have been injured, and several people, like Nevali, are gifted with magic and able to stop the storms."

Lupdels smiles.

Miraena smiles at Jundara.

Elurora nods to Jundara.

Jundara angles her ears forward, gazing curiously at Miraena.

Jundara smiles.

Avrenka asks Miraena, "Another question for you ... does the name Liraxes ring a bell for you?"

Miraena says to Jundara, "You are all so very kind to offer. But, I will not be returning to my village until I am successful here."

Miraena nods.

Miraena gazes at Avrenka.

Miraena ponders.

Aerhys gets a dainty cup of fragrant nanasea tea from inside his scavenger's pack.

Nevali says, "I might suggest getting a long-term lease agreement on an inn room then..."

Miraena says to Avrenka, "No, I am sorry. I have never heard that name, except with Adventurer Casari asked me about it during my first visit to the city."
Aerhys offers Miraena a dainty cup of fragrant nanasea tea.

Miraena smiles at you.

You smile.

Miraena beams at Aerhys!

Miraena slides her arms into her doeskin longcoat and settles the garment around herself.

Aerhys bows to Miraena.

Miraena shivers.

Miraena accepts Aerhys's nanasea tea.

Jundara asks Miraena, "What will mark success for you?"

Avrenka makes a grunting noise.

Jundara nods to Nevali.

Lupdels says, "I hope Truffenyi watches over your family and your village while you are here sharing your vision."

Mol glances up at the sky.

Miraena says to Jundara, "When adventurers cease using sorcery."

Elurora nods to Lupdels.

Jundara begins an eerie, warbling wail of despair.

Miraena says, "There will be no home for me to return to if I fail at that mission."

Nevali rubs Jundara gently, massaging her muscles.

Aerhys frowns.

Harsh ponders.

Elurora gazes sadly at Miraena.

Miraena quietly says, "And I humbly remind you... none of you will have homes, either."

Aerhys nods to Miraena.

Miraena takes a sip of her tea.

Elurora says, "I cannot offer to stop what I haven't started, but I do hope to help put an end to what is happening."

Miraena asks, "Do you believe this will be difficult for me to accomplish?"

Miraena raises an eyebrow.

Miraena beams at Elurora!

Jundara nods to Miraena.

Miraena asks Elurora, "You do not use sorcery?"

Avrenka chuckles.

Sofina smiles at Miraena.

Elurora says to Miraena, "I do not."

Aerhys waves to Sofina.

Miraena beams!

Miraena stands near Elurora.

Sofina smiles at Aerhys.

Elurora smiles at Miraena.

Miraena asks Elurora, "May I offer you a gift?"

Elurora blinks at Miraena.

Miraena puts her tea in her craftsman's satchel.

Elurora says, "If you like."

Miraena rummages through a craftsman's satchel with a frantic look of loss.

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena asks Elurora, "May I know your name, Adventurer?"

Lupdels smiles.

Aerhys says to Miraena in Ilithic, "You have my pledge that I will not use it as well. I don't think I ever knowingly did, but I will endeavor to be more aware."

Elurora says to Miraena, "I'm Elurora.  Or Elu for short."

Citizen Miraeven just arrived.

Nevali says, "I don't think you can change people's minds. The best you can do is take their gift of magic from them. And that's going to... that's going to be a war. Between guilds, adventurers... everyone."

Miraena beams at Aerhys!

Miraena nods to Elurora.

You ask, "Oh, you speak Ilithic?"

You smile at Miraena.

Aerhys blushes, the tips of his ears turning a deep shade of red.

Aerhys says, "I'll repeat in Common for everyone."

Aerhys says to Miraena, "You have my pledge that I will not use it as well. I don't think I ever knowingly did, but I will endeavor to be more aware."

Miraena says, "Adventurer Elurora, please accept this iris that I grew in my village, as a reminder of that which you have pledged to protect."

Miraena offers Elurora a blue iris.

Elurora bows to Miraeven.

Elurora accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Ruea smiles at Miraeven.

Avrenka roots around the area for a moment.
Avrenka forages around the area for a while until he finds a blue iris.

Elurora says to Miraena, "Thank you, it is beautiful and I will do my best to honor it."

Miraena curtsies to Elurora.

Ruea says, "You're a lovely gardener."

Avrenka takes a bite of a blue iris.

Elurora indicates her blue iris with a smile.

Sofina asks in Ilithic, "Yes, how is it you understand Ilithic?"

Miraena blinks.

Avrenka coughs.

Miraena says, "Are you speaking a different language? I hear it all the same..."

Miraena glances at Sofina.

Elurora says, "Unaka could speak other languages and understand them as well, perhaps her visions have worked in a similar way."

Harsh quietly says, "Are you able to communicate in all languages? Interesting we met a gortog who was givin that gift, as well as being able to cast sorcerous magic with ease. A gift given by a god, so they say."

Harsh gazes at Miraeven.

Harsh gazes at Miraena.

Miraena lightly nips Miraeven in warning.

Miraena says, "How would I know if I could communicate in other languages? I never have before..."

You say to Harsh, "Do you mean Unaka?  She wasn't using sorcery."

Harsh quietly says, "You seem to be."

Lexxa just arrived.

Miraena makes some awkward babbling noises, as if trying to stumble on another language.

Sofina says in Ilithic, "If you can understand, just try talking back."

Ruea says, "Perhaps a gift from the Heralds to spread their message."

Ruea says, "It isn't unheard of."

Elurora nods to Ruea.

Ruea shrugs.

Harsh nods.

Aerhys nods.

Miraena gazes at Sofina.

Ruea says, "Many people are multi-lingual."

Elurora says, "Unaka was not using sorcery, she was gifted only holy magic."

Elurora puts her iris in her multi-strapped carryall.

Miraena says, "Only adventurers would say to simply speak in another language you have never spoken in before, and expect it to be so simple."

Miraena laughs!

Nevali asks Miraena something in Prydaenese.

You grin.

Miraena beams at Nevali!

Miraena nods to Nevali.

Nevali babbles incoherently.

Nevali exclaims, "How!"

Jundara giggles.

Jundara nods.

Miraena exclaims, "How did I receive a vision from the Heralds! I do not know!"

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Elurora says, "It appears the Heralds have granted her the ability to understand at least."

Harsh nods.

Aerhys nods to Elurora.

You say, "We have magic to do something like that, but it's noteworthy that you can do it without a spell or device."

You smile.

Elurora nods to you.

Lupdels smiles.

Miraena says, "One does not have use for many languages when one is simply tending to the potatoes."

Lupdels says, "A gift indeed."

Miraena quietly says, "Except perhaps a bit of baby talk. They do seem to like that."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Aerhys chuckles at Miraena.

Elurora giggles at Miraeven.

Leilanie smiles at Miraena.

Miraeven glances at Elurora.

Nevali says, "I've always thought gnomes grew from potatoes or a similar vegetable, maybe a gourd..."

Miraena says, "I do see some new faces have gathered with us. Welcome to everyone, and thank you for coming to hear me speak."

Miraena smiles.

Miraena laughs at Nevali.

Jundara giggles at Nevali.

Miraena exclaims to Nevali, "I have never pulled up a Gnome before, but wouldn't that be a delight!"

Miraena gazes off into the distance.

Jundara rubs Nevali's back.

Nevali says, "Hopefully not a Danger Gnome..."

Jundara chortles softly at some secret joke.

Miraena ponders.

Miraena smiles at Leilanie.

Aerhys grins at Nevali, his dimples flashing into view.

Harsh quietly says, "No easy feat to get all them to stop sorcery. No easy feat to stop myself."

Harsh sighs.

Elurora says, "There are many who do not wish to give up the magic they use."

Elurora gives Harsh a slight nod.

Ruea smiles.

Nevali says, "Nawain uses sorcery to stay connected to her gods..."

Nevali's ears droop for a moment.

Harsh gestures.

Miraena says, "I was hoping that once I had the ear of a few understanding adventurers, that you might help me spread the word."

Miraena exclaims, "And this Asildu! I bet they are doing much better than I am!"

Miraena beams!

Elurora casually observes the area.

You say, "I like you a lot more than I liked Asildu."

You smile at Miraena.

Ruea says to Miraeven, "I can assure you, we will spread the word.  People may not choose to listen but your message will be repeated many times."

Miraena looks at you and blushes.

The snow increases in severity and is now a blizzard.

Miraeven glances at Ruea.

Elurora gives Ruea a slight nod.

Lupdels sings in a countertenor voice:

    "Oh, heed the farmer's call, Oh, heed the farmer's call!
     For the Heralds send us warnings, least the mountains start to fall!
     Turn away, turn away, from evil magic's wild sway!
     Oh, heed the farmer's call, and let peace find its way!"

Miraeven raises an eyebrow.

Harsh quietly says, "Well the strange part is that following a visit from Asildu there was another who claimed we should do more sorcery. I was not there only heard about it, and i did not meet them nor do i even know the name."

Ruea winks at Miraeven.

Miraena says to you, "I am very humbled by your words. You have been a strong ally since my arrival, and for that I thank you."

Harsh nods to Miraena.

Ruea says to Miraena, "I can assure you, we will spread the word.  People may not choose to listen but your message will be repeated many times."

Miraena frowns at Harsh.

Nevali asks, "V-something, wasn't it... Vale...?"

You smile.

Sofina says, "More sorcery, less regular magic."

Miraena asks Harsh, "May I say something plainly, and since we have only gotten to know one another, assure you that I say it with no disrespect?"

Nevali says, "Or am I confusing that name with another story I heard..."

Harsh nods.

Sofina asks, "Valenal?"

Lupdels says, "That sounds like when some Bards tell me the best cure for my hangover is more drinking ..."

Miraena nods.

Sofina nods to Nevali.

Lupdels tugs at the tip of his beard distractedly.

Nevali shrugs.

Harsh quietly says, "Valenal sounds right."

Miraena asks Harsh, "Adventurers have been using sorcery for quite some time now. Things do not seem to have... gotten better. Why would the use of more sorcery be the solution to this?"

Leilanie nods at Harsh, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sofina says, "Theres been a lot of them strangers rambling things. Lot to keep up with."

Lupdels nods to Sofina.

Ruea laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Elurora gives Sofina a slight nod.

Miraena says, "In my village, when a heavy rainfall floods our crops, the answer is not to go out the next morning and water them again."

Ruea says to Miraena, "I like you."

Miraena looks at Ruea and blushes.

Elurora grins at Miraena.

Ruea winks at Miraena.

Miraena asks Aerhys, "I am sorry that I was distracted. Did you say you will also cease using sorcery?"

Nevali says, "But... how else do you get watermelons, if not lots and lots of water? They're the biggest of all melons."

Miraena laughs at Nevali.

Jundara giggles at Nevali.

Miraena exclaims to Nevali, "They are mostly water!"

Nevali nods emphatically.

Miraena says to Nevali, "I enjoy your farmer humor."

Jundara snuggles up to Nevali.

Miraena beams!

Nevali says, "I just really like watermelons..."

Nevali shifts uneasily, gazing fixedly at her claws.

Miraena rummages through a craftsman's satchel, pausing once in a while and then quickly resuming the search.

Miraena gets some sugar and cinnamon biscuits from inside her craftsman's satchel.
Jundara rubs Nevali's back.

Miraena beams!

Miraena takes a bite of the biscuits.

Jundara smiles at Nevali.

Nevali kisses Jundara on the nose.

Jundara beams!

Aerhys blushes, the tips of his ears turning a deep shade of red.

Miraena asks, "Will anyone else here pledge to assist the common folks in our fight to survive, by ceasing to use sorcerous magic?"

Aerhys nods to Miraena.

Aryss just arrived.

Miraena beams at Aerhys!

Miraena asks Aerhys, "May I have your name?"

Jundara raises her hand.

Elurora smiles at Aerhys.

Miraena beams at Jundara!

Elurora smiles at Jundara.

Aerhys says to Miraena, "Apologies, I was distracted momentarily as well. I am Aerhys."

Aerhys bows to Miraena.

Ruea smiles.

Miraena nods.

Elurora says, "He was probably thinking of his crush or something."

Elurora glances at Aerhys.

Aerhys laughs!

Aerhys just nudged Elurora.

Miraena says, "I am doing my best to remember each of you who are so selflessly making this pledge."

Elurora looks at Aerhys, obviously trying not to grin.

Miraena stands near Aerhys.

Miraena puts her biscuits in her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Aerhys beams at Miraena!

Miraena says to Aerhys, "Please accept this token of my appreciation, and of the appreciation of my entire village."

Miraena offers Aerhys a blue iris.

Aerhys bows to Miraeven.

Leilanie smiles.

Aerhys accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Miraena smiles.

Istercal says to Miraena, "I mean no disrespect, but I don't see this as mission that can be accomplished."

Miraena gives a slight nod.

Sofina says, "With enough blue flowers it could be."

Miraena says to Istercal, "Every new crop feels impossible. But the only thing for it is to wake up and start tilling."

Aerhys says to Miraena, "Thank you for this gracious gift. I will do my best to be worthy of it."

Istercal says, "I do not train in sorcery, but there are many who have devoted their lives to it."

Miraena says to Istercal, "Every farmer knows this. And I am a farmer."

Nevali pushes her glasses up the bridge of her nose.

Miraena smiles at Aerhys.

Miraena beams at Istercal!

Miraena gets a blue iris from inside her craftsman's satchel.

Miraena offers Istercal a blue iris.

Istercal accepts Miraena's blue iris.

Istercal smiles at Miraena.

Miraena asks Istercal, "May I have your name? To remember alonside the others who have pledged?"

Istercal nods to Miraena.

Istercal says, "I am Istercal."

Miraena beams!

Miraena says to Istercal, "I recognize your face from yesterday. Thank you for coming to hear me speak again."

Miraena curtsies to Istercal.

Istercal bows to Miraena.

Lexxa asks Miraena, "Does the Heralds have our people?"

Aerhys sniffs at a blue iris.

Miraena peers around the room once more, stopping on each face with a questioning look.

Elurora smiles at Aerhys.

Istercal puts his iris in his dreamweave pack.

Aerhys grins at Elurora, his dimples flashing into view.

Miraena asks, "Are there any others who will commit to this?"

Sofina casually observes the area.

Miraena asks Lexxa, "I am sorry, I do not understand your question. Your peoples?"

Harsh sighs.

Harsh frowns.

Miraena glances at Harsh.

Elurora nods at Aerhys, obviously agreeing with his views.

Sofina stares fixedly at her zenganne gown, studying it intently.

Sofina fiddles with the fastenings of her zenganne gown, ensuring the garment is properly secured.

Lexxa says, "We had 5 people disappear they are still missing. We're trying to find them."

Lupdels nods to Lexxa.

Miraena frowns.

Harsh nods emphatically.

Aerhys glances at Harsh.

Ruea says to Sofina, "Oh that's a pretty dress, I like the neckline quite a lot."

Ruea smiles.

Miraena quietly says, "Oh my, here I am trying to earn your support, without having asked you how sorcery has affected you."

Sofina smiles at Ruea.

Miraena frowns.

Sofina says, "Why thank you."

Sofina shows Ruea her zenganne gown.

Miraena says, "I offer you all my deepest apologies. I prattle about lose houses and crops, while you have lost your own loved ones."

Lupdels pats Miraeven on the back.

Istercal says to Miraena, "Please understand, you have my pledge, but it is an easy decision for me as I don't require sorcery to commune with the Immortals.  Many others will not head your words."

Ruea says to Sofina, "I envy you being able to wear that color, it's so striking."

Lexxa nods to Miraeven.

Miraena smiles at Istercal.

Sofina laughs at herself.

Sofina says to Ruea, "Its the only color I own."

Harsh quietly says, "I only use it for flash and show and saving lives when im opening boxes. I don't need to be flashy, and lives can be lost. I don't have to use. I won't."

Miraena says to Istercal, "I am grateful for every single wheat stalk that grows, not only if the entire crop comes up."

Harsh quietly says, "Sorcery that is."

Ruea says to Sofina, "Don't you find that limiting?  But I do appreciate having a signature look."

Aerhys praises Harsh.

Nevali says to Harsh, "I know spells to help with boxes, mine might not be very good, but surely others would be happy to help you with them."

Miraena asks, "I am sorry that I do not know anything about your missing people. But it would seem to me that... such an effect might be more convincing to you that things have to change?"

Leilanie nods in agreement.

Sofina shakes her head at Ruea.

Miraena lightly nips Miraeven in warning.

Aerhys nods to Miraeven.

Lexxa nods to Miraeven.

Aerhys nods to Miraena.

Lexxa sighs.

Nevali cackles!

Miraeven makes a grunting noise.

Harsh quietly says, "Just not convinced that sorcery is the problem,."

Lexxa says, "I just want our people back..."

Harsh nods in agreement.

Miraena says, "The use of sorcery is like... cutting holes in your fishing net. The answer is not to cut more holes after the loss of a fish, but to mend it."

Elurora nods at Lexxa, obviously agreeing with her views.

Miraena gazes off into the distance.

Leilanie gnaws on her lip.

Miraena quietly says, "Oh my, now I think I have likened your friends to fish. I hope you will forgive me."

Nevali giggles at Jundara.

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Aerhys chuckles.

You grin.

Jundara nods to Nevali.

Jundara giggles.

Miraena gazes up at the sky.

Harsh quietly says, "Non of the husbands are here of the missing wives. So you are safe."

Istercal ponders.

Harsh smiles.

Miraena says, "It seems the evening draws nears..."

Miraena exclaims, "Speaking with you all is more entertainment than I normally have in a month. No, a year!"

Miraena laughs!

Miraena says, "I do grow quite tired."

Aerhys chuckles at Miraeven.

Aerhys sighs.

Elurora flashes a quick grin at Miraena.

Miraena smiles at Aerhys.

Nevali says, "Wait until the Tavern Troupe puts on a show..."

Nevali nods to Miraena.

Elurora asks Miraena, "Is there somewhere safe we can escort you to?"

Jundara nods at Nevali, obviously agreeing with her views.

Miraena glances at Nevali.

Aerhys chuckles at Nevali.

Miraena smiles at Elurora.

Aerhys nods to Elurora.

Avrenka asks Miraena, "Sorcery cuts holes in the fishing net, you say?"

Miraeven quietly asks, "Miraena I don't suppose I might have one of those flowers for study?"

Sofina subtly reels as a pained expression crosses her face.

Miraena says to Elurora, "I think it best after the threats the other day that I keep my encampment hidden away for now."

Nevali gently kisses Jundara on the cheek.

Miraena nods to Avrenka.

Nevali asks Jundara, "Bed time?"

Elurora says to Miraena, "I understand but if you find yourself in need of help, please reach out to us."

Jundara nods to Nevali.

You say, "Do try to keep warm in this weather."

Jundara smiles at Nevali.

Nevali sweeps a pointed blue hat with a wide brim off her head and in front of her in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing to Miraena at the same time.

Aerhys nods.

Avrenka asks Miraena, "How do you know regular spell casting isn't also tearing holes in the fishing net?"

Nevali says to Miraena, "Keep faith, keep safe."

Miraena says to Avrenka, "It cuts holes in many things. I am surprised that adventurers seem so non-chalant about those effects, but perhaps you simply have not been made aware of them yet."

Jundara curtsies to Miraena.

Miraena smiles at Jundara.

Miraena nods to Elurora.

Harsh quietly says, "It has blown many of us to pieces. We get healed and laugh it off and try some more."

Harsh shrugs.

Miraena asks, "If any of you are to come across this Asildu, will you tell them of me?"

Jundara beams at Nevali!

Elurora nods to Miraena.

You nod to Miraena.

Aerhys nods to Miraena.

Miraena frowns at Harsh.

Avrenka says, "If we see him again."

Miraena says to Harsh, "Some lessons are harder than others, I suppose. Perhaps I will help you see that it is not safe to do such a thing."

Elurora says to Harsh, "Most common folks do not have access to healers and empaths like we do."

Miraena smiles.

Harsh nods.

Elurora says to Harsh, "For many, death is forever."

Harsh nods to Elurora.

Lupdels nods to Elurora.

Miraena says, "Thank you again Adventurers for hearing my plea today. You are all much kinder than I expected to face in such a large city."

Miraena blushes a bright red color.

Miraena curtsies.

Elurora bows to Miraena.

Aerhys bows to Miraena.

Lupdels bows to Miraeven.

Avrenka gives a slight nod.

You nod to Miraena.

Leilanie curtsies to Miraena.

Messenger Miraena wanders southwest.

Miraeven quietly says, "I'll take that as a resounding no."

Elurora furrows her brow.

Avrenka scoffs.

Ruea smiles.

Miraeven clears his throat.

Lexxa asks, "What was the message?"

 * Miraena returns home from a hard day of adventuring.

Harsh quietly says, "Stop sorcery."

Elurora says, "To stop sorcery."

Harsh quietly says, "No."

Sofina says, "Sorcery is bad."

Elurora nods to Harsh.

Harsh quietly says, "Now."

Ruea says, "Stop doing sorvery or we're all going to die."

Lexxa gives a slight nod.