Post:Something Stirs - 06/26/2024 - 08:42

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Something Stirs · on 06/26/2024 08:42 2269
An attendant hurriedly moves through a narrow passageway lined with golden channels filled with lotuses, pushing her way past a silver cart toward an Elothean that relaxes neck-deep within a natural hot spring. Approaching the bathing figure, she casts her eyes to the floor. "Luminary, pardon the intrusion."

The Elothean pauses, turning toward the attendant with a silent and stern look. The attendant stops still in her tracks, before gently lowering herself to her knees. "Luminary, an outsider has learned of the knowledge that you so recently shared, and has begun investigating. I have been assured --"

From beneath deep purple locks, the Elothean looks up from the pool. Her voice is confident and succinct.

"I expect that the source of this vicious rumor will be identified and will be dealt with."

The attendant nods her head. "Yes, Luminary."

"Publicly. I want to ensure that any others who would spread such slanderous nonsense are aware of the choice they are making. Now bring me a towel, please."

This message was originally posted in Events and Happenings in DragonRealms' Elanthia / Ilithi Events, by DR-IRENOS on the forums.