Cythra/Battle Cry

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The unofficial official song of the assault on Basalt Isle

Dedicated to all those who defended our lands.

This is my gift to all Elanthians.

Battle Cry by Cythra Feralclaw

The Squire Notes were in,
The battle’s name was coined.
Survival chance was slim.
But the battle must be joined.

The youngsters then all sighed,
We don’t want to die.
Their tears the veteran’s spied.
It’s just their battle cry.

The empaths all prepared,
Triage was all planned.
They hoped that lives were spared.
On that island sand.

The empaths then all sighed.
They feared their friends would die.
They said, as they dried their eyes,
It’s just our battle cry.

The leader he was bold,
The fighters all had said.
The legends would be told
Of the warriors lying dead.

His fear was not denied
Saying as he wiped his eyes,
I’m not going to lie,
It’s just my battle cry.

My top notch battle cry.

The fighting has now waned.
None remain the same.
All that’s left is pain,
That lingers in our brains.

Conception Notes:

The concept for this was actually pretty simple: I wanted to use the term Battle Cry with a twist on the word "cry". It was written while Madigan (the "leader" in the song) and others were planning the Basalt Isle attack.