White Gladiolus Society/Logs/20240221 Zoluren Arts: A Province in Concert

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Event Name: White Gladiolus Society, Zoluren Arts: A Province in Concert
Event Instance: Prime
Real Date: 2024-02-21
Game Date of Event: 448-04-06
Point of View: Unknown Audience Member
[Yulugri Wala, Balcony]

Bright red upholstered seats allow guests to sit in comfort for the performances. The balcony seats guarantee a clear -- if somewhat distant -- view of the stage.
You also see a fluffy cream kitten wearing a strawberry creampuff costume with pink sprinkles and an adorable jet black kitten.
Also here: Fire Witch Merilwen who is sitting, Veteran Apprentice Anuril who is sitting, Strawberry Nurse Illiya who is sitting, Shield of Starlight Betlind who is sitting, Shuya who is sitting, Valynn who is sitting, Aes-Amachi Useff who is sitting, Nikabi Tokaru Ishimmer and Stray Stelling who is sitting.
Obvious exits: out.

You rummage through a cheery azure gift box and see a book covered in red leather titled "Zoluren Ballads" and a gold-edged ivory parchment.

>read parchment in my gift box
In Common, it reads:

   [Leafy stalks climb up either side of the page and arc together to form a floral letterhead, lushly strewn with elegant, ruffled white gladiolus blooms.  Each petal is limned with delicate gilt, beading at the joining points like shimmering drops of dew.  At the center of the parchment, flowing letters read:] 
   The White Gladiolus Society welcomes you to Zoluren Arts: A Province in Concert!  Your performers tonight are: 
   Nilme Iondu'il - Something for Everyone 
   Raikage Ravenblood - The Paladin's Call to Meraud 
   Mavekaelaja - Dirge of the Docks 
   Kethrai - Distant Home 
   Nilme Iondu'il - The Beginning of Madness 
   Maltris Remlane - Vorclaf's Banner 
   Vixonia Toryan - Off Beaten Paths 
   Please sit back, relax, and enjoy a whirlwind melodic tour of the sights, sounds, and histories of our beloved province!

Mistress of Ceremonies Allye came through a curtain.

As Shuya starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Stelling starts applauding.

Hamuk slips out of his seat.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Betlind starts applauding.

Merilwen starts applauding.

Betlind gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Allye.

The audience response of unanimous applause surges louder.

Illiya starts applauding.

(Allye steps out from the wings and sweeps forward across the stage, dutifully followed by a spotlight that catches the gems on her jewelry and gown to throw out a dazzling array of sparkling light.)

Useff starts applauding.

Anuril puts his parchment in his gift box.

You hear Elurora cheering for Allye somewhere nearby.

Anuril gets a book covered in red leather titled "Zoluren Ballads" from inside his gift box.

The rushing sound of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Allye smiles as a bright refrain issues forth from the orchestra pit, decreasing slightly in volume as she begins to speak.

The rushing sound of unanimous applause lowers in volume.

Anuril puts his book in his gift box.

Allye exclaims, "Hello, everyone! Welcome to Zoluren Arts: A Province in Concert, hosted by the White Gladiolus Society!"

Xionara shifts her weight.

Anuril puts his box in his enshrouding clouds.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

As Merilwen starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Anuril gets an elegant smokewood pipe with a long stem of silversteel from inside his silk backpack.

Stelling grins at Xionara.

Anuril gets some Dark Pass Desire tobacco from inside his tobacco pouch.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Valynn smiles at Useff.

Anuril puts his tobacco in his smokewood pipe.

Allye says, "I'm so glad that you all could join us tonight. We have some incredible performances lined up for you, each piece weaving a thread of the beautiful, complex tapestry that is our province."

Valynn gently kisses Useff on the cheek.

Anuril touches some Dark Pass Desire tobacco with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.

Valynn quietly slips out of the row.

Allye perks her ears up in delight.

Anuril puffs away on his smokewood pipe.

(Allye takes another step forward and makes a quarter turn, casting her gaze into the other side of the dark theater. The skirts of her gown swirl around her before settling once more.)

You hear Leayne cheering for Allye somewhere nearby.

Hamuk slips into the row and takes his seat.

Allye exclaims, "Before we begin, a quick note for anyone who may not be familiar yet with the White Gladiolus Society. We are a new social club, catering to Zoluren's citizens and all friends of the province. Our main purpose is to host social events and charity benefits across Zoluren, from balls and galas to game nights, shopping faires, and much more!"

Xionara enters the archway to take her seat.

Hamuk slips out of his seat.

Allye says, "Membership comes with a few perks, including a free trustee level membership to the Raven's Court." She grins cheerfully, her dark curls bouncing slightly as she peers into the rows of seating. "If you enjoy social events (attending, preparing, hosting, or anything in between!) and would like to see them flourish in Zoluren, I hope you'll consider joining. Please reach out to me anytime to do so, or if you have any questions about the group."

Allye says, "But for now, please sit back, relax, and enjoy a whirlwind melodic tour of the sights, sounds, and histories of our beloved province."

Allye beams!

As Anuril starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Merilwen starts applauding.

Allye says, "Starting off our show tonight is a prolific songstress who may be familiar to many of you."

The audience response of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Useff leans forward.

Allye exclaims, "Here to sing a delightful romp through some of the province's finest settings is the illustrious Nilme!"

The lingering echoes of sound hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Illiya's rage dissipates.

You hear Elurora cheering for Nilme somewhere nearby.

Stelling exclaims, "Oh I've heard of her before!"

As Stelling starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

(Allye applauds along with the audience, stepping quickly out of the spotlight and into shadow.)

Shuya starts applauding.

Nilme smiles warmly.

The audience response of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Nilme gets an elegant sana'ati khurmary depicting the singers of the Ru'atin Peri'el from inside her musician's case.

(Nilme takes a moment to position her khurmary. She steps forward a few steps, smiles, and begins to play an upbeat tune on her khurmary.)

Illiya grins at Stelling, her dimples flashing into view.

Illiya starts applauding.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

Nilme enthusiastically sings in a soprano voice:

   "There's a province that has much to offer - no matter what mood you are in.
    The chance to be social, go hunt, or find peace, you'll find in Zoluren!"

Ishimmer takes a sip of his stout.

The sound of unanimous applause maintains intensity.

Ishimmer paces back and forth.

Akeiro slips into the row and takes his seat.

Ishimmer slips quietly out of the room.

Selame slips quietly into the row, taking a seat near the end.

Akeiro enters the archway to take his seat.

Akeiro slips into the row and takes his seat.

Nilme cheerfully sings in a soprano voice:

   "In Crossing's busy Marketplace, you'll find accessories, armor, and bows
    And you'll find many types of tarts, if to Thipbeets in Arthe Dale, you go.
    There are creatures of many kinds if hunting is what you like to do.
    There are Pubs with ale and whiskey for drinking when you're through."

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Akeiro waves to Illiya.

(Nilme grins and with a rapid series of notes moves to a slightly different key before continuing.)

Illiya hugs Selame, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Illiya waves to Akeiro.

Selame leans over to give Illiya a friendly smooch.

Akeiro puts his box in a glinting eddy of striated light zealously cradled by a mighty sandstone spider.

Nilme brightly sings in a soprano voice:

   "Entertainment can be found in Zoluren's many towns.
    Held by the many Orders, activities and classes can be found.
    Events are held by individuals and groups, in addition to those by official Orders,
    There are parties, weddings, and auctions held frequently within Zoluren's borders."

Illiya snuggles up to Selame.

Selame puts her box in her old backpack.

Akeiro casually observes the area.

Nilme proudly sings in a soprano voice:

   "Many years ago, brave people set a mighty precedent
    Of standing firm against all foes to protect our residents.
    In continuing that tradition, the Zoluren Defense Team is getting their start,
    They have many people stepping up - each glad to do their part."

(Nilme's tune fills the area, each note crisp and delightful.)

Nilme reverently sings in a soprano voice:

   "The Temple is a beacon, drawing pilgrims from far and wide.
    They come to honor the Immortals whose altars are inside.
    And then there's Iliya Taipa with fine ships with goods to sell,
    And the quiet town of Leth - where one can relax when all is well."

Elore slips into the row and takes her seat.

Elore exhales softly on her sanowret crystal, and scintillating sparks of light dance across its surface.

Hamuk slips quietly into the row, taking a seat near the end.

Useff's movements come down from their fluid and somewhat manic tempo.

Elore enters the archway to take her seat.

Hamuk quietly slips out of the row.

Nilme happily sings in a soprano voice:

   "The shopping is tremendous!  There's almost something great to buy!
    And just board the nearby Airship, if to Muspar'i you want to fly.
    No ode to Zoluren's qualities would be complete without their food,
    Get a membership to Raven's Court.  Eat there, and find your energy renewed."

Nilme delightedly sings in a soprano voice:

   "Even the Immortals find Zoluren is a place you just can't hate.
    Every Winter they bless the Crossing with a frozen pond upon which to skate!
    You're sure to see someone you know at a shop, the bank, or your Guild,
    And it's easy to meet others with whom a friendship you can build."

Selame leans back against Akeiro with a loving smile.

(Nilme leads into the final verse with a cheerful smile.)

Anuril puffs away on his smokewood pipe.

Nilme warmly sings in a soprano voice:

   "There is so much more to Zoluren than I could ever sing.
    Take some time to explore this province, and you'll discover wonderful things!"

(Nilme plays with a flourish and the final notes fill the air. She lowers into a deep curtsy and smiles as she rises.)

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

You hear Elurora cheering for Nilme somewhere nearby.

Selame whispers something to Akeiro.

Nilme gently sets an elegant sana'ti khurmary into her musician's case.

You hear Jaelia cheering for Nilme somewhere nearby.

Stelling gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

Useff lets out a whistle at Nilme.

Stelling starts applauding.

The audience response of unanimous applause surges louder.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Anuril starts applauding.

Merilwen starts applauding.

Useff starts applauding.

Betlind starts applauding.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

Illiya puts her box in her encompassing shadows.

Selame starts applauding.

Akeiro whispers something to Selame.

Akeiro starts applauding.

The rushing sound of unanimous applause surges louder.

(Allye steps forward as the spotlight finds her once more, now positioned at the far left corner of the stage.)

Akeiro quietly says, "Bravo."

Shuya starts applauding.

The air around Useff shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses.

Allye beams!

Allye exclaims, "That was wonderful, wasn't it? Just the thing to entice one to remember their favorite parts of the province, and encourage one to discover even more to enjoy!"

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Allye says, "Thank you, Nilme."

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

The audience response of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Selame just tickled Akeiro, who laughs and returns the favor.

You hear the sounds of Jecala cheering from somewhere nearby.

The sound of unanimous applause maintains intensity.

Allye says, "Our next performer is an up-and-coming rising star, if you ask me! He's performed in plays, but from what I understand, this may be his first musical performance on the stage."

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Illiya takes a bite of the truffle.

Allye exclaims, "He's demonstrated a great knack for songwriting, and he's a natural talent at drawing in a crowd, so I know you'll all enjoy this next piece!"

Akeiro's face lights up with joy.

Allye exclaims, "Performing a song entitled "The Paladin's Call to Meraud," please welcome the tremendous Raikage to the stage!"

As Merilwen starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Illiya starts applauding.

Selame gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Raikage.

(Allye slips into the shadows of the stage's periphery once again, clapping and cheering as she goes.)

The audience response of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Anuril starts applauding.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Raikage.

You hear Elore cheering for Raikage somewhere nearby.

Akeiro gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Raikage.

Selame gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Raikage.

Akeiro gets some shamrock satin knickers from inside his entangling brambles.

You hear the sounds of Hamuk cheering from somewhere nearby.

Raikage opens his small case.

You hear Crobin cheering for Raikage somewhere nearby.

Raikage grasps his lower back and twists roughly from side to side. You hear a loud pop and see him visibly relax.

Raikage sighs.

The sound of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Raikage gets an ebonwood fiddle from inside his small case.

Akeiro waves some shamrock satin knickers around.

Raikage gets a bow from inside his small case.

Useff grins.

Raikage effortlessly begins a masterful folk song on his ebonwood fiddle, his eyes sparkling with pride at his hard-won skill.

Raikage paces back and forth.

Selame gets some peony-pink polka-dot knickers from inside her old backpack.

Raikage solemnly sings in a baritone voice:

   "In the province of Zoluren, a story does unfold
    Of a valiant paladin, whose tale is oft retold
    Vorclaf was his name, with a heart as pure as gold
    But his soul was in danger, to darkness it was sold"

Selame waves some peony-pink polka-dot knickers around.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Akeiro gasps!

Raikage loathingly sings in a baritone voice:

   "Lyras, the necromancer, with her malicious grin
    Cast a curse upon him, committing a grievous sin
    In the shadows of the night, she sought to win
    Taking Vorclaf's soul, leaving his fate so grim"

Anuril gazes at Selame.

Anuril gazes upward.

You listen with appreciation as Raikage continues to play a masterful folk song with a splash of sound.

Akeiro waves some shamrock satin knickers around.

Betlind clucks her tongue and shakes her head.

Raikage paces back and forth.

Raikage resolutely sings in a baritone voice:

   "But Meraud, god of magic and foresight
    Sent a majestic wolf, shining in the moonlight
    Carrying Vorclaf's soul, in the dead of the night
    To hold it safe and sound, away from Lyras' blight"

Schimmelpeninck slips into the row and takes his seat.

Schimmelpeninck grins.

Schimmelpeninck exclaims, "Just in time!"

Raikage loftily sings in a baritone voice:

   "Oh, the Paladin's call to Meraud, in the hour of need
    His soul was saved from darkness, by the wolf's noble deed
    In the province of Zoluren, where faith and magic freed
    Vorclaf's spirit soars high, in Meraud's eternal creed"

Useff takes a bite of the popcorn.

You hear Jaelia cheering for Raikage somewhere nearby.

Displaying an incredible gift of style, a masterful folk song flows from Raikage's ebonwood fiddle.

Leayne slips quietly into the row, taking a seat near the end.

Illiya beams at Leayne!

Raikage leans forward.

Raikage ravenously sings in a baritone voice:

   "So raise your voices high, sing the Paladin's praise
    In the province of Zoluren, where hope always stays
    With Meraud's guidance, through the darkest days
    The Paladin's soul is saved, in the most mystical ways"

Crobin slips quietly into the row, taking a seat near the end.

Illiya hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Crobin hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Illiya hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Illiya with a warm smile.

Leayne hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Crobin hugs Selame, who wraps her arms around Crobin with a warm smile.

Leayne waves.

Selame puts her knickers in her old backpack.

Crobin pats Anuril on the back.

Crobin waves to Stelling.

Crobin waves to Akeiro.

Raikage triumphantly sings in a baritone voice:

   "Oh, the Paladin's Call to Meraud, a tale of light and dark
    In the realm of Zoluren, where legends leave their mark
    May the spirit of Vorclaf, forever not fall
    On a journey of salvation, in Meraud's grand hall"

With a glorious burst of sound Raikage continues to perform a masterful folk song on his ebonwood fiddle.

Crobin hugs Betlind, getting a smile in return.

Stelling waves to Crobin.

Leayne giggles.

Selame hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Selame with a warm smile.

Stelling waves to Leayne.

Betlind hugs Crobin, who wraps his arms around Betlind with a warm smile.

Stelling takes a sip of his scotch.

Leayne hugs Selame, who wraps her arms around Leayne with a warm smile.

Selame wraps her arms around Leayne, giving Leayne a great big bear hug!

Betlind hugs Leayne, who wraps her arms around Betlind with a warm smile.

Leayne just hugged Akeiro.

You hear the sounds of Elore cheering from somewhere nearby.

Leayne just hugged Anuril.

Merilwen whispers something to Stelling.

Raikage stops playing his song.

Akeiro waves to Leayne.

Akeiro waves to Crobin.

Raikage smiles.

Raikage puts his fiddle in his small case.

Leayne hugs Betlind, getting a smile in return.

Raikage puts his bow in his small case.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Raikage somewhere nearby.

Raikage does an incredible backflip!

Anuril gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Leayne just hugged Shuya.

As Useff starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Selame gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Raikage.

Leayne giggles.

Anuril starts applauding.

Raikage sweeps an Elven gold crown displaying a massive green dwalgim off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.

The audience response of unanimous applause surges louder.

Raikage spins around!

Akeiro gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Raikage.

Raikage flashes a wide grin.

Leayne scoots over a little closer to Crobin.

Akeiro waves some shamrock satin knickers around.

Akeiro waves some shamrock satin knickers around.

Illiya starts applauding.

Useff asks, "Did he just backflip?"

Leayne scoots over a little closer to Illiya.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Illiya exclaims, "Impressive backflip!"

Shuya starts applauding.

Useff starts applauding.

Akeiro nods to Useff.

Merilwen says, "He did."

Illiya grins at Useff, her dimples flashing into view.

The rushing sound of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Selame softly says, "He certainly did."

Useff says, "Well done, sir."

Allye smiles brightly as she steps forward, clapping.

Leayne leans back against Crobin with a loving smile.

Crobin nods.

Shuya rhythmically says, "Between me and ya'll, I have a feeling that guy might not actually be a Paladin."

Merilwen starts applauding.

Akeiro says, "Surprisingly spry for such knobby knees."

The rushing sound of unanimous applause lowers in volume.

Shuya ponders.

Akeiro nods to Selame.

Crobin laughs!

Useff chuckles at Shuya.

Selame nods at Akeiro, obviously agreeing with his views.

Merilwen chuckles.

Stelling chuckles to himself.

Crobin says, "My hips hurt watching it."

Allye says, "That was quite stirring, wasn't it? A compelling song for a man who left an indelible mark on our province and its history."

Schimmelpeninck starts applauding.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Illiya asks, "You mean because of his impressive fiddle playing?"

Allye says, "Thank you, Raikage."

Crobin rubs Leayne gently, massaging her muscles.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Anuril puffs away on his smokewood pipe.

Allye says, "Our next performance is also one that may stir some emotion. This one will take us from the peril of battle to the raucous docks of Crossing."

Allye exclaims, "Please give a warm welcome to the shantyman Mavekaelaja, who will be performing a piece called, "Dirge of the Docks." You may also know him as Short-Haul!"

Selame says to Shuya, "I've seen him dole out justice before."

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

(Allye steps quickly to one side, clapping loudly, as the spotlight illuminating her figure glides away.)

Illiya starts applauding.

Leayne starts applauding.

The audience response of unanimous applause rises in volume.

You hear the sounds of Jecala cheering from somewhere nearby.

Mavekaelaja waves.

Betlind starts applauding.

Shuya gawks at Selame.

Akeiro quietly says to Crobin, "It'd save a lot of wear and tear on the hips if Leayne let you piggyback everywhere."

Stelling starts applauding.

Schimmelpeninck starts applauding.

Selame gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Akeiro nods to Crobin.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Mavekaelaja.

Useff starts applauding.

Merilwen starts applauding.

You hear Object cheering for Mavekaelaja somewhere nearby.

Mavekaelaja says, "I wrote this song 'bout an Old man I met down by the docks one day. He's gone now, but his story deserves t'be told. He spent his whole life in Crossin', yeah? T'me that's more a connection to th'place than I could offer jus praisin' it."

You hear the sounds of Elore cheering from somewhere nearby.

Leayne giggles at Akeiro.

The sound of unanimous applause surges louder.

Leayne softly says, "Not."

Mavekaelaja says, "S'called "Dirge o' the Docks."

Selame giggles at Akeiro.

Crobin chuckles.

Mavekaelaja nods.

Mavekaelaja takes a deep breath.

Mavekaelaja slowly empties his lungs.

(Mavekaelaja stands in place as he rhythmically stomps his right foot in time.)

The lingering echoes of sound hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Jaelia slips quietly into the row, taking a seat near the end.

Jaelia grins.

(Mavekaelaja brings the blowpipe of his bagpipes up to his mouth and fills the bladder with air. Squeezing his arm into the inflated bladder, the drone begins to produce a low, melancholic sound.)

Jaelia just hugged Schimmelpeninck.

Jaelia grins.

Illiya snuggles up to Jaelia.

Akeiro wraps his arms around Jaelia, giving Jaelia a great big bear hug!

Leayne nods to Crobin.

(Mavekaelaja starts to play a slow and haunting melody, his fingers moving around the chanter with ease.)

Schimmelpeninck hugs Jaelia, who wraps her arms around Schimmelpeninck with a warm smile.

Jaelia exclaims to Schimmelpeninck, "Glad you made it on one piece!"

Jaelia just hugged Akeiro.

Jaelia hugs Selame, who wraps her arms around Jaelia with a warm smile.

Jaelia hugs Illiya, getting a smile in return.

Jaelia hugs Betlind, getting a smile in return.

Jaelia just hugged Shuya.

Selame wraps her arms around Jaelia, giving Jaelia a great big bear hug!

(Mavekaelaja removes the blowpipe from his mouth, but continues to let the drones carry a deep hum.)

Jaelia nods.

Leayne grins at Jaelia, her dimples flashing into view.

Useff sighs.

Mavekaelaja hauntingly sings in a baritone voice:

   "Down by the docks where the seagulls mourn,
    In Th'Crossing's shadows where dreams be scorned.
    Ol' Segoltha tells th'tales untold,
    Of young love that vanished in bitter cold."

Schimmelpeninck nods to Jaelia.

Jaelia hugs Merilwen, who wraps her arms around Jaelia with a warm smile.

Stelling gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Mavekaelaja.

Jaelia exclaims, "Ok that is noenough!"

Stelling pats Useff on the back.

Mavekaelaja painfully sings in a baritone voice:

   "On the docks of Th'Crossing, where hearts once 'twined,
    Now one stands alone with mem'ries enshrined.
    W'each passin' ship, my hopes they take flight,
    As I wait by th'river, through th'day and th'night."

Valynn slips quietly into the row, taking a seat near the end.

Akeiro whispers something to Selame.

Useff quietly says to Stelling, "At least he's good at it."

Valynn scoots over a little closer to Useff.

Akeiro rubs Selame's right leg.

(Mavekaelaja fills back up the bladder of his bagpipes with a deep breath.)

Mavekaelaja hauntingly sings in a baritone voice:

   "In the ripples of waves, I can 'vision her clear,
    As she danced in the moonlight, holdin' me near.
    But tempests came, and tore us apart,
    Leavin' but echoes and a cold broken heart."

Stelling grins at Useff.

Schimmelpeninck scoots over a little closer to Jaelia.

Valynn quietly says to Useff, "You got your wish, pipes."

Useff grins at Valynn.

Jaelia laughs!

Merilwen chuckles.

Mavekaelaja painfully sings in a baritone voice:

   "On the docks of Th'Crossing, where love's flame once burned,
    Now flickers so softly, in old lessons learned.
    With each passin' season, my hearts longin' grows,
    For the vanishin' love in the undertow."

Jaelia grins at Schimmelpeninck.

Stelling nods at Valynn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Valynn hums to herself.

A tear runs down Leayne's face.

(Mavekaelaja fills back up the bladder of his bagpipes with a deep breath.)

Schimmelpeninck looks at Jaelia and shrugs.

Mavekaelaja warily sings in a baritone voice:

   "Now my hair's turned t'silver and my eyes th'grow dim,
    But still 'ere I wait, playin' mem'ries within.
    'Fore Segoltha's waters, I stand all alone,
    Deep in th'echoes of a lost love I've known."

Leayne nods to Crobin.

(Mavekaelaja plays the tune of the song's verses.)

Mavekaelaja stoically sings in a baritone voice:

   "Th'ships keep on sailin' and the seasons they turn,
    Yet my poor soul it aches, for the love that I yearn.
    O'er quiet of night, by th'river's song,
    There's solace in knowin' my love is still strong."

Selame whispers something to Akeiro.

Selame kisses Akeiro on the nose.

As Jaelia starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Selame leans back against Akeiro with a loving smile.

Jaelia gestures.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Mavekaelaja yearningly sings in a baritone voice:

   "On the docks of Th'Crossing, where dreams find their rest,
    In the ebb and flow, I lay me to rest.
    With each ragged breath, I can feel her near,
    In whispers o' th'river, she sings crystal clear."

Dasheek slips into the row and takes his seat.

Merilwen waves to Dasheek.

Stelling gawks at Dasheek.

Dasheek scoots over a little closer to Illiya.

Jaelia grins at Dasheek.

Illiya smiles at Dasheek, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Leayne smiles at Dasheek, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Dasheek raises an eyebrow in Stelling's direction.

(Mavekaelaja stops stomping, allowing the low drone of the pipes to be his only accompaniment.)

Mavekaelaja triumphantly sings in a baritone voice:

   "So I'll keep on waitin' in Segoltha's embrace,
    Longin' to see just a glimpse of her face.
    Spent my whole life waitin', an push comes to shove,
    I'll remain til the river, takes me to my love."

Leayne just hugged Dasheek.

Dasheek gently kisses Illiya on the cheek.

Akeiro waves to Dasheek.

Dasheek nods to Akeiro.

Mavekaelaja bows.

Merilwen grins at Stelling.

Selame waves to Dasheek.

Stelling gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Mavekaelaja.

As Anuril starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Mavekaelaja.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Mavekaelaja somewhere nearby.

Selame gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Mavekaelaja.

Stelling says to Dasheek, "I didn't think you still existed."

Useff starts applauding.

Anuril ponders.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Mavekaelaja.

The audience response of unanimous applause surges louder.

You hear Jecala cheering for Mavekaelaja somewhere nearby.

Stelling starts applauding.

Illiya starts applauding.

Leayne starts applauding.

Valynn starts applauding.

Jaelia starts applauding.

Illiya grins at Stelling, her dimples flashing into view.

Merilwen starts applauding.

You hear Object cheering for Mavekaelaja somewhere nearby.

Dasheek grins.

Schimmelpeninck exclaims, "Bravo!"

Mavekaelaja smiles.

The rushing sound of unanimous applause surges louder.

Dasheek starts applauding.

Akeiro whispers something to Selame.

Mavekaelaja waves.

Jaelia gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Mavekaelaja.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Mavekaelaja.

Akeiro rubs Selame gently, massaging her muscles.

Leayne starts applauding.

Jaelia stands up.

Illiya says, "That was a sad one."

Jaelia slips quietly out of the room.

Dasheek exclaims to Stelling, "Oh, still around!"

Leayne sniffles.

The cacophony of unanimous applause lowers in volume.

Selame nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Dasheek says, "Here and there."

Selame slowly empties her lungs.

Stelling grins at Dasheek.

Merilwen grins at Dasheek.

Leayne wiggles over and snuggles up against Crobin.

Mavekaelaja grins at Allye.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Dasheek nods to Merilwen.

Dasheek shakes Crobin's hand.

(Allye slinks back onto the stage, looking a little ruffled.)

Allye says, "I'm fine, I'm alright. I just need-" She sniffs, dabbing at her eyes with a handkerchief. "Just need a moment to collect myself here. That was so sad and haunting, but also hopeful and proud in a way."

Crobin shakes Dasheek's hand.

Merilwen nods to Stelling.

The Desire tobacco in Anuril's smokewood pipe goes out and crumbles away.

Allye says, "Thank you, Mavekaelaja."

Schimmelpeninck nods.

Leayne snuggles up to Crobin and cradles him in her arms.

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Allye clears her throat.

Anuril yells, "More sad songs!"

Valynn glances at a sleek abyssal black kitten and grins.

(Allye tucks her handkerchief into the cuff of her sleeve and gives herself a shake, her dark curls tossed to and fro.)

Akeiro gazes at Anuril.

Allye laughs!

Anuril appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Allye says, "Perhaps, perhaps."

Illiya asks, "Can they here us yell from here?"

Anuril nods to Illiya.

Allye says, "Up next, we have another inventive songwriter, one who builds imaginative worlds with words and tugs at our heartstrings with equal expertise."

Crobin nods to Illiya.

Crobin says, "Just like the jousts."

Allye says, "Please welcome the brilliant Kethrai as he performs a piece called "Distant Home."

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

Betlind starts applauding.

You hear Elurora cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

(Allye once again shifts away, clapping along with the audience.)

Anuril gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Stelling starts applauding.

The audience response of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

You hear Object cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

Anuril gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

Illiya says, "Ooh Keth."

Betlind gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

Anuril starts applauding.

You hear the sounds of Sonatina cheering from somewhere nearby.

Illiya starts applauding.

Merilwen grins at Stelling.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

Crobin gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

You hear Sonatina cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

Selame whispers something to Akeiro.

(Kethrai comes out onto stage and points up into the audience.)

You hear the sounds of Elore cheering from somewhere nearby.

Leayne gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

Crobin says, "GET EM KETH."

Selame gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

The sound of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Kethrai exclaims, "I heard a request from someone up there, and he's in luck!"

Schimmelpeninck begins to listen to Betlind teach the Large Edged skill.

Crobin yells, "GET EM KETH"

Anuril coughs.

Leayne starts applauding.

Kethrai opens his instrument case.

Stelling asks Useff, "More pipes?"

Kethrai gets an ivory-inlaid cherrywood lute sprinkled with diamond dewdrops from inside his instrument case.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Kethrai plucks at the strings of his cherrywood lute, listening intently.

Merilwen chuckles.

Useff says to Stelling, "Fingers crossed."

Illiya exclaims, "I wonder how that person knew what was coming!"

Stelling chuckles at Useff.

Kethrai gives a slight nod.

Selame giggles at Illiya.

Kethrai effortlessly begins a mournful elegy on his cherrywood lute, his eyes sparkling with pride at his hard-won skill.

Kethrai says, "Some of my earliest memories are of gatherings with my extended family, when I got to sit with my cousins and listen to songs and stories from my great-grandparents. All of them survived the Great Migration from our ancestral homeland... Which was true for only a tiny fraction of Prydaen living at the time."

Valynn tilts her head, clearly curious about something.

Anuril grins.

Selame leans back against Akeiro with a loving smile.

Selame rubs Akeiro's right arm.

Akeiro pulls Selame to him in a tight hug.

Kethrai says, "Many think the Migration lasted a relatively short time, but in fact it took the better part of a generation. My grandpas Ahmir and Mrrar were born after it had begun, and were 10 and 12 when the Barrier was raised. So, many of the stories I heard from them came from that time."

With absolute concentration, Kethrai continues to play a mournful elegy with an almost casual grace.

Kethrai says, "Another mistaken belief is that only Prydaen and Rakash were in the Migration. But many of the seven Kermorian races had made their home in the far west, and traveled alongside them. This was how the Westerners even knew where they were going: they learned from their traveling companions about the ancient and storied lands where all of us are standing today."

(Crobin casually drops a bit of food on the floor for the kittens)

Kethrai says, "So, this song is about that journey that my ancestors took, that eventually led them to settle here in Zoluren. It's called Distant Home."

Selame giggles at Crobin.

Kethrai stops playing his song.

Leayne giggles at Crobin.

(Kethrai plucks a slow and winding tune on his lute, starting in a flattened mode that lends an aura of mystery and exoticism to the story he's telling. After an introductory measure, he adds his accompaniment in a breathy voice.)

Valynn grins at Crobin.

Akeiro puts his knickers in his entangling brambles.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "Our home in the West now lost and despoiled,
    We set our sights East and, shoulder to shoulder,
    Braved unmarked trails where floodwaters roiled,
    Huddled for warmth when weather grew colder,"

Crobin says, "You know Akeiro."

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "Darted for shade when the sun's brilliance boiled.
    The miles beyond measure and we ever older,
    Sang songs for our uncle when no more he toiled,
    When our aunt breathed her last, begged Tenemlor hold her."

Selame shivers as she snuggles beside Akeiro.

Leayne peers quizzically at Akeiro.

Merilwen puts her box in her encompassing shadows.

Crobin says, "There are many questions about your knickers in a bunch."

Crobin says, "But never thought about them in a bramble."

(Kethrai navigates a dramatic modulation into a major key for the chorus, bringing an air of cheery optimism and more resonant weight to his voice as he sings what sounds like a Prydaenese folk song.)

Selame bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "Parabe, deyige, do draedi yureko:
    Mezi koribaha vugagi rureko.
    Listen, my child, your voice raised along:
    Pace after pace we'll trace in our song."

Crobin leans back against Leayne with a loving smile.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "Radehe aana grur veetahe vefafi:
    Mebaba vuragoga y griroda lohawi!
    Hasten beside me and sing while we roam:
    Each step brings us closer to our distant home!"

Leayne places her hand over Crobin's mouth.

(Kethrai lowers the intensity of his playing back down for the next verse and deftly shifts the key back down a couple flats, regaining the exotic air of the harmony.)

Selame trills, her ears relaxing minutely back against her head.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "A far promised place we kept in our prayers,
    A land to be welcome and safe from the threat
    That Kin and Rakash and all the world shares.
    These stories we heard from new friends that we met:"

(Crobin licks Leayne's hand)

Leayne grins at Crobin, her dimples flashing into view.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "Where the sun daily rose, that far land was theirs,
    So we kept our backs turned as Westward it set.
    This First Land must be where we settle our heirs,
    Western songs must be sung with the East in duet."

(Kethrai strums the series of major chords again, stronger, resilient and triumphant.)

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "Parabe, deyige, do draedi yureko:
    Mezi koribaha vugagi rureko.
    Listen, my child, your voice raised along:
    Pace after pace we'll trace in our song."

Akeiro grins at Crobin.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "Radehe aana grur veetahe vefafi:
    Mebaba vuragoga y griroda lohawi!
    Hasten beside me and sing while we roam:
    Each step brings us closer to our distant home!"

Dasheek clasps Illiya's hand tenderly.

Dasheek just took the hand of Illiya and gently kissed the back of it.

(Kethrai once again lowers the intensity of his playing but stays in the major scale, the same melody of the verse now sounding more familiar to Zolurenite ears.)

Kethrai hopefully sings in a baritone voice:

   "At last we discovered hallowed Journalai,
    First a few, then a dozen, and then in our scores.
    A barrier raised behind where we'd arrived,
    Our elders' souls bound to shield you and yours,"

Useff takes a bite of the popcorn.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "No more could cross while they were alive.
    There'd be time to prepare for the drumbeat of war,
    And space for our people to grow and to thrive,
    In Zoluren, our new distant home evermore."

Akeiro hums happily to himself.

(Kethrai strums so energetically for the final chorus that he must raise his voice to a cry above the sound of it, echoing boldly through the hall.)

Selame gently kisses Akeiro on the cheek.

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "Modir, phoferitaen, ri cuihle aenan,
    Sa makroaen ia rema abu aevan,
    Listen, you aspiring, to our new melody,
    Be welcomed and join our glad revelry!"

Crobin pulls Leayne towards him!

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "Morlar arthe, olkar cam nefaen li glan:
    Safiral li Zohlu Ren erest trefahle teman!
    Rest where you stand, dig your toes in the loam:
    The First Land will be your new distant home!"

Kethrai sings in a baritone voice:

   "Yes, lay in your path new spokes of your Wheel,
    The First Land will close out your final ordeal:
    No more must your Kin be driven to roam,
    Zoluren can now be forever your home!"

(Kethrai allows the strings of his lute to sing out into the silence for a few more moments before muting them with his palm.)

Leayne sighs.

Anuril gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Illiya rubs Leayne in a friendly manner.

Szarevar slips into the row and takes his seat.

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

Kethrai puts his lute in his instrument case.

Useff starts applauding.

Anuril starts applauding.

Dasheek starts applauding.

Jaelia slips into the row and takes her seat.

Kethrai bows.

Stelling starts applauding.

Crobin leans back against Leayne with a loving smile.

Illiya starts applauding.

Leayne starts applauding.

You hear Elurora cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

The audience response of unanimous applause surges louder.

You hear the sounds of Sozinho cheering from somewhere nearby.

Jaelia beams!

The air around Betlind shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses.

You hear Salvitoriel cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

Jaelia starts applauding.

Betlind starts applauding.

Merilwen's face lights up with joy for Szarevar.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

Stelling takes a sip of his scotch.

Crobin gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

Merilwen starts applauding.

Selame gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

Valynn gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

You hear Object cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

Leayne starts applauding.

Betlind gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

Szarevar scoots over a little closer to Merilwen.

Stelling pats Szarevar on the back.

Selame softly says, "Beautiful."

Kethrai smiles and slips backstage once more.

Anuril whistles a merry tune.

Leayne gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

Szarevar starts applauding.

You hear Xionara cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

Useff lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

Akeiro nods.

Valynn starts applauding.

The booming sound of unanimous applause surges louder.

Szarevar shakes Stelling's hand.

Merilwen kisses Szarevar. And she doesn't seem to want to stop.

Jaelia starts applauding.

You hear Salvitoriel cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

Jaelia gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Kethrai.

Valynn nods to Selame.

Szarevar brushes his lips against Merilwen's in a loving kiss.

The cacophony of unanimous applause lowers in volume.

Selame wraps her arms lovingly around Akeiro, snuggling close.

Anuril starts applauding.

Valynn quietly says, "I agree with you."

Merilwen smiles at Szarevar.

Akeiro quietly says, "That was a long time ago."

Akeiro slowly empties his lungs.

(Allye glides back onstage, finding the spotlight once more with a soft smile.)

Shuya starts applauding.

Leayne gets a gold-edged ivory parchment from inside her rose colored haversack.

The sound of unanimous applause maintains intensity.

Jaelia exclaims, "Please excuse me, I do need to head out but - thank you so much, it was amazing to se you !"

Jaelia waves.

Jaelia slips out of her seat.

Valynn gets a gold-edged ivory parchment from inside her traveler's pack.

The lingering echoes of sound hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Allye says, "That was beautiful and heartbreaking, wasn't it? Such a difficult but powerful history, and so necessary to tell it and remember it in such a way."

Selame nods at Akeiro, obviously agreeing with his views.

As Leayne starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Allye says, "Thank you, Kethrai."

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Szarevar clasps Merilwen's hand tenderly and draws her into his arms.

Szarevar reaches over and holds hands with Stelling.

Merilwen leans back against Szarevar with a loving smile.

Akeiro leans over and scratches Selame's back.

Allye says, "We have the special privilege tonight of being graced not once but twice by the Lily Lady of Music who will be sharing the next song."

Illiya takes a bite of the truffle.

Szarevar grins.

Shuya lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

Merilwen chuckles at Szarevar.

Useff quietly says, "Oooh."

Allye says, "Please welcome the incredible Nilme back to the stage, as she performs "The Beginning of Madness," a journey into the depths of the Forest of Night."

Selame trills with soft affection at Akeiro.

Merilwen grins at Useff.

You hear Elurora cheering for Nilme somewhere nearby.

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

Stelling starts applauding.

(Nilme moves gracefully into the light. Smiling softly, she looks out into the theatre.)

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

The audience response of unanimous applause surges louder.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

(Allye applauds and gives a cheer, before escaping once more into the wings.)

Nilme recites:

   "The song I am about to sing could not have been created without the help of numerous people.  Researchers, explorers, and first-hand witnesses to some of the events I mention were kind enough to share their knowledge and experiences with me, so I could sing this with as much accuracy as possible.  I am grateful to them, and present to you... 'The Beginning of Madness'."

The air around Anuril shimmers with a weak yellow light that quickly disperses.

Selame starts applauding.

Illiya starts applauding.

Szarevar gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Leayne gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

Szarevar starts applauding.

Nilme recites:

   "Within Crossing's Order Headquarters is "Sithsia Hall", with walls of soft sky-blue and lustrous light pine flooring. There are cream-colored brocade curtains tied back with golden rope and a richly hued gold-gilded painting."

The rushing sound of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

Nilme recites:

   "The lovely peacefulness of the room lies in sharp contrast to the subject of the painting, for it depicts Sithsia in a battlefield - horror all around her."

The lingering echoes of sound hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Nilme recites:

   "The painting appears as follows: A woman stands between two clashing armies, her head thrown back and arms beckoning towards the heavens.  Escaping from the ground before her, brilliant silvers create a wicked image of a hellish creature with gnarled arms that snatch at the combatants and a face twisted into a soundless scream."

Useff takes a sip of his stout.

Crobin nods to Leayne.

Akeiro gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

(Nilme waits a moment for complete silence, and then she sings. Unaccompanied. Simply. Her soprano voice is rich and full, commanding the attention of the area.)

Nilme enigmatically sings in a soprano voice:

   "A painting was made - a moment in history.  To most who observe it, it might be a mystery.
    A moment of madness that led to much more - but who was she, and just what lay in store?
    Two clashing armies saw her standing there, as the wind blew through her night-black hair.
    She'd ridden the lines of the battlefield, but soon her madness would be revealed.
    But what moved her to madness and rage?  I'll start with the story of a simple mage."

Selame whispers something to Akeiro.

Nilme directly sings in a soprano voice:

   "Sithsia served Lord Ellington, a man of power.  After twenty years of loyalty, he built her a tower.
    She practiced her magics, growing quite strong.  Ellington entered a war that went drastically wrong.
    He called on Sithsia when no end was in sight, telling her to strike the enemy with all her might.
    Then she saw her love, the Lord's son, (a warrior brave) struck by an arrow, his injuries grave.
    She watched as he fell and gave his blood to the earth, then Sithsia the Mage had an evil re-birth."

Illiya takes a bite of the truffle.

Nilme intensely sings in a soprano voice:

   "Her vengeance was swift as she watched him die.  In her rage, she arose, arms spread toward the sky.
    She chanted words that no mortal should hear and from the earth rose the dead, faces twisted with fear.
    A mist of dark silver arrived with the screams.  The survivors would forever hear them in their dreams.
    As soldiers disappeared and death came like a flood, Sithsia knelt over her love and cried tears of blood.
    The grief and madness in her heart ran very deep and Sithsia walked back alone to her Keep."

Crobin kisses Leayne. And he doesn't seem to want to stop.

Selame slowly empties her lungs.

Dasheek smiles at Illiya.

Leayne gulps.

Nilme matter-of-factly sings in a soprano voice:

   "In ancient history a great enemy was destroyed.  They were brought down through the use of the Void.
    Where the Voidspell was used, all enemies vanished, but additionally, all elements nearby were banished.
    Then The Nameless Evil, Maelshyve, broke through, laying waste to the land and all that they knew.
    The Zaulfung Stones kept the demon encapsulated.  By Sithsia and Farn's Company they'd been created.
    Raising the stones brought Sithsia into history once more.  Perhaps she was the force who had shared unknown lore."

Selame rumbles contentedly and then suddenly stops, as if embarrassed that she was doing it at all.

Nilme somberly sings in a soprano voice:

   "200 years passed, then the Dragon Priests waged a war.  Dzree had twisted the beliefs they held at their core.
    Driven by her evil, city after city was cut down.  They captured and enslaved Neithrel, a Bard of renown.
    They killed many Bards, while extending their reach.  But the borders of Leth, Sithsia would not let them breach.
    She came as a Raven, to keep Dzree from Leth, saying it was under her protection and foretold Dzree's death.
    Dzree failed to win Leth, though repeatedly she tried.  And true to Sithsia's words, one year later, Dzree died."

Leayne snuggles up to Crobin and cradles him in her arms.

Crobin rubs Leayne gently, massaging her muscles.

Nilme articulately sings in a soprano voice:

   "From Ellington forward, time was hers to borrow.  800 years later, she appeared, in the time of Lord Sorrow.
    The Book of Power, in Stone Clan, was kept under guard, but Sorrow sent armies.  He fought, and fought hard.
    Sorrow wanted the book despite the unknowns, seeking control of the demon held back by the Stones.
    He argued with Sithsia about what action to take, and his decision to thwart her was the last one he'd make.
    He chose his own path, opening the Book of Power.  It killed him, and it is assumed she went back to her tower."

Akeiro whispers something to Selame.

Akeiro slowly empties his lungs.

(Nilme's voice softens as she leads into the final verse. Her head held high, she continues to share her tale.)

Leayne sighs.

Nilme ominously sings in a soprano voice:

   "In search of her Keep, many have died, the experience a nightmare to those who have tried.
    It is said she remains, by choice, in her Keep, and that death awaits those who would venture too deep.
    She appears throughout history steeped in mystery and lore, and though we know a lot, her story contains more.
    Rumors say she still lives in her moving tower, a Necromancer of enormous power.
    One day, you and I will be gone, but it seems Sithsia, in her madness, will forever live on."

(Nilme lets the last notes fade and drops gracefully into a deep curtsy.)

You hear Elurora cheering for Nilme somewhere nearby.

As Leayne starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Illiya says, "Some very serious pieces today."

Stelling gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

Selame whispers something to Akeiro.

Stelling starts applauding.

Illiya starts applauding.

Dasheek starts applauding.

Betlind starts applauding.

Stelling nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

The audience response of unanimous applause surges louder.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

Merilwen nods to Szarevar.

Useff starts applauding.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Nilme.

Szarevar starts applauding.

Leayne starts applauding.

Valynn starts applauding.

The rushing sound of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Leayne starts applauding.

Selame nibbles on Akeiro affectionately.

Shuya starts applauding.

Selame starts applauding.

Stelling takes a sip of his scotch.

Valynn quietly says to Useff, "You are lucky, she is quite talented."

Schimmelpeninck comes out of hiding.
Schimmelpeninck rummages through a small box with a frantic look of loss.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Nilme somewhere nearby.

The rushing sound of unanimous applause maintains intensity.

Useff smiles at Valynn.

Leayne starts applauding.

Akeiro starts applauding.

Valynn smiles at Useff.

Stelling nods at Valynn, obviously agreeing with her views.

Crobin starts applauding.

Crobin gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Valynn starts applauding.

Useff says to Valynn, "I am. I would forget half of that were it not for songs."

The rushing sound of unanimous applause maintains intensity.

Merilwen grins.

Leayne starts applauding.

Akeiro whispers something to Selame.

(Allye shivers slightly as she slips back onstage, looking spooked.)

Illiya says, "We are all lucky to have Nilme."

Valynn smiles at Useff.

The rushing sound of unanimous applause lowers in volume.

Leayne gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Valynn nods in agreement.

Leayne nods to Illiya.

The lingering echoes of sound hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Allye says, "That was an eerie one, heavy with history and power. It's amazing to think of how much has happened in these lands over the years. Beautiful things, yes, but also horrible things and everything else in between."

Merilwen says, "She's the bestest."

Crobin kisses Leayne. And he doesn't seem to want to stop.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Allye says, "Thank you, Nilme."

Leayne kisses Crobin. And she doesn't seem to want to stop.

Allye exclaims, "Ah, a special treat for you all tonight! Up next, a duet!"

Allye perks her ears up in delight.

Allye says, "Our next performers require no introduction on the battlefield or in the halls of our province's defense, but we're even more lucky to catch them here on stage."

Szarevar says, "Great lady. Even if she did make me pop a blood veseel last week from shock."

Betlind stands up.

Betlind slips quietly out of the room.

Useff grins at Szarevar.

Allye says, "Please give a warm welcome to Maltris and Raikage as they perform "Vorclaf's Banner."

Leayne closes her eyes for a moment and grows still.

(Allye applauds high over her head and slinks backward and out of the spotlight, disappearing once more into the wings.)

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Merilwen asks Szarevar, "She did?"

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

Raikage stretches his arms.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Raikage opens his small case.

As Valynn starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Raikage gets an ebonwood fiddle from inside his small case.

Merilwen starts applauding.

Raikage gets a bow from inside his small case.

Raikage flashes a wide grin at Maltris.

Raikage asks Maltris, "Ready?"

Maltris asks Raikage, "You have an escape plan ready should this go badly, correct?"

The audience response of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Maltris peers quizzically at Raikage.

Selame whispers something to Akeiro.

Raikage laughs at Maltris.

Raikage exclaims to Maltris, "Always!"

Maltris smirks at Raikage.

Selame wiggles over and snuggles up against Akeiro.

Szarevar says to Useff, "She kept calling Meri her daughter in law. I had no idea why. So I thought there for a minute you were my dad or something. The odds are probably not zero."

Szarevar shrugs.

Raikage effortlessly begins a masterful battle song on his ebonwood fiddle, his eyes sparkling with pride at his hard-won skill.

Szarevar starts applauding.

Maltris valiantly sings in a tenor voice:

   "A band of youthful heroes, Within our Maiden Walls
     Once dar'd a tyrants mandates, As history recalls
     Despising threats and shackles, That would have seal'd their woes
     They thundered forth defiance, Against insulting foes"

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Merilwen laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Useff chuckles at Szarevar.

Schimmelpeninck stands up.

Akeiro says, "Nilme was the one that coordinated with me on Barbara's memorial service."

Maltris gravely sings in a tenor voice:

   "A ruthless force had Crossings surrounded, Doom'd they had thought
    But soon they found their false hopes, Had gained less than they had sought
    A corps of dauntless heros, Our sires in days of yore
    Rush'd boldly out upon the foe, And scorned the onslaught's roar"

Stelling chuckles.

Crobin rubs Leayne gently, massaging her muscles.

Useff quietly says to Szarevar, "Her family seems to be legion."

As Raikage continues to play his ebonwood fiddle, a masterful battle song wafts through the air with deft authority.

Maltris commandingly sings in a tenor voice:

   "When gallant Vorclaf led the charge, Each pulse beat high with praise
    Rever'd the power that rul'd their fate, Their drooping hearts to raise
    Whilst famine, fever, raged within, The savage hordes around
    Foil'd took a hasty moonlight flight, And left the bannered ground"

Stelling nods at Useff, obviously agreeing with his views.

Selame trills with soft affection at Akeiro.

Leayne snuggles up to Crobin and cradles him in her arms.

Merilwen says to Useff, "He means he forgot..."

Useff grins at Merilwen.

Szarevar nods at Useff, obviously agreeing with his views.

Crobin snuggles up to Leayne and cradles her in his arms.

Schimmelpeninck slips quietly out of the room.

Akeiro whispers something to Selame.

Maltris mockingly sings in a tenor voice:

   "Away went King Raenilar with whip and spur, And foremost drove his steed
    Nor look'd behind but wistfully, and hastily sought with speed
    To deserts next he sped his way, And sorely did he rue
    To think e'er he set his mind, to Crossings "rebels to subdue""

Akeiro gives Selame a sharp bite on the shoulder! Hey!

Dasheek rubs Illiya's head.

You listen with appreciation as Raikage continues to play a masterful battle song with incredible dexterity.

Maltris righteously sings in a tenor voice:

   "Let tyrants rule with infamy, And serfs and peasants with courage run
    Religion, life and liberty, Are dear to every one
    Victory reigns supreme with us, Let others dare say nay
    Who snarl and puff or proudly boast, Zoluren bears the sway"

Leayne wiggles over and snuggles up against Crobin.

Illiya just left.

Illiya just arrived.

Maltris triumphantly sings in a tenor voice:

   "Huzza, then for Vorclafs Banners
    That floated brisk and gay
    And wav'd defiance to the foes
    Huzza! Huzza! Hooray!"

Dasheek clasps Illiya's hand tenderly.

Dasheek just took the hand of Illiya and gently kissed the back of it.

Raikage gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Crobin nibbles on Leayne affectionately.

Raikage stops playing his song.

Akeiro wraps his arms around Illiya, giving Illiya a great big bear hug!

Raikage asks Maltris, "Time to escape?"

Selame gently smacks Akeiro across the waist with her tail!

Raikage flashes a wide grin at Maltris.

Raikage looks at Maltris and applauds!

Maltris nods to Raikage.

Maltris looks at Raikage and applauds!

Raikage sweeps an Elven gold crown displaying a massive green dwalgim off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.

Akeiro says to Illiya, "Long time no see."

Maltris sweeps a tapered demonscale helm darkened to a deep abyssal black off his head and in front of him in a large arc, fluidly stepping backward and bowing at the same time.

Maltris spins around!

Raikage spins around!

Illiya grins at Akeiro, her dimples flashing into view.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

You hear the sounds of Hamuk cheering from somewhere nearby.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

From somewhere nearby a chorus of applause breaks out.

Useff starts applauding.

Anuril starts applauding.

The audience response of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Illiya starts applauding.

Valynn starts applauding.

Merilwen starts applauding.

Selame starts applauding.

Leayne shrugs.

Useff takes a sip of his stout.

Dasheek starts applauding.

Szarevar says to Merilwen, "I did not forget. I just misplaced that bit of information. I did not lose it. Massive difference."

The sound of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Merilwen grins at Szarevar.

Merilwen says to Szarevar, "Whatever you say, love."

The lingering echoes of sound hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Crobin chuckles.

(Allye slips back out of the wings with a grin, throwing a cheerful wink to Raikage and Maltris as they make their well-formulated exit.)

Stelling takes a sip of his scotch.

Szarevar nods at Merilwen, obviously agreeing with her views.

Crobin leans back against Leayne with a loving smile.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Allye asks, "Such a rousing battle song! Even as an Empath, I feel a bit like I ought to stand up and fight right now, don't you?"

Merilwen chuckles at Szarevar.

Allye grins impishly.

Allye says, "Thank you, Maltris and Raikage."

Leayne gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Allye.

[Tweedee yells that he wants to fight, from another part of the audience.]

Allye chortles softly at some secret joke.

Crobin gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Allye.

Allye says, "No fighting in the theater seats, though! Maybe some sparring in the cemetery after, if the urge remains."

Selame whispers something to Akeiro.

Illiya finishes playing a masterful concerto on her silversteel cowbell.

Selame taps Akeiro's nose.

Allye says, "Our final performer this evening is no stranger to this stage. She's a shining star, a lovely lily, a guiding light."

As Shuya starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Allye exclaims, "Performing a song she calls "Off Beaten Paths," please welcome the vivacious Vixonia!"

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Stelling gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia.

Illiya nods.

You hear Elurora cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

(Allye gives a loud cheer along with the audience, disappearing into the darkness of the theater as the spotlight sweeps away.)

As Illiya starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Leayne starts applauding.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia.

Stelling starts applauding.

Dasheek starts applauding.

The audience response of unanimous applause surges louder.

Leayne starts applauding.

Valynn grins.

Vixonia smiles as the darkness raises and she is settled on a stool at center stage in a warmly glowing spotlight. Fingers poised elegantly at the strings of her concert harp, she nods as she gazes out at the audience.

Valynn hums happily to herself.

You hear Ishimmer cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Useff takes a bite of the popcorn.

Vixonia exclaims, "When asked to perform tonight at tonight's concert with a Zoulren theme, I honestly wasn't sure what to sing about. There are so many possibilities!"

Selame gazes at Akeiro in awe.

Vixonia says, "From a rich history to fascinating legends, from bustling cities to exotic locals, our fair province has much to celebrate."

Illiya smiles at Dasheek, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

(Vixonia's fingers idly stroke across the strings, letting a few dulcet notes drift through the performance space as she continues to speak.)

Dasheek beams at Illiya!

Vixonia playfully says, "But I decided not to sing about any of that. Instead I would like to share a song with you called 'Off Beaten Paths'."

Vixonia grins impishly.

(Vixonia gazes down at her harp as she starts to play in earnest, a wistful tune that dances through the air with vibrant harmonics that swirl and entice the senses.)

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

   "How I love finding little unknown places
     Off beaten paths that hide such special spaces
     Whether a garden or a secluded nook
     I encourage you all to go take a look!"

Leayne smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Selame laughs at Akeiro.

(Vixonia looks up and gazes over to stage right as a new light blossoms, showing a scenic view of a waterfall cascading near an abundantly flowering clearing.)

Vixonia justly sings in a soprano voice:

   "Head outside of the western gate
     Beyond the foul smell that the musk hogs create
     Swim through a brook, past the waterfall
     You may need a towel, if you can recall..."

Leayne nods.

Illiya says, "Ooh I love unknown places too."

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

   "There sits a clearing surrounded by trees
     And a garden pavilion filled with delicacies
     Just take a moment to enjoy the view
     From the comfy chaise lounge, it's perfect for two!"

Leayne nods to Illiya.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

   "Leave the brook and journey on to the west
     Where you'll come to a spot I find one of the best!
     Make your way through the cougars, always snarling loud
     To the ancient ironwood oak that stands so proud"

Anuril gets some Dark Pass Desire tobacco from inside his tobacco pouch.

Crobin smiles at Leayne.

Anuril puts his tobacco in his smokewood pipe.

Anuril touches some Dark Pass Desire tobacco with a glowing finger, and it quickly catches fire.

Crobin pulls Leayne towards him!

(Vixonia gazes back at the audience as she continues to sing, but as the light on stage right fades, another light illuminates stage left and focuses on an old tree that towers above a clearing.)

Merilwen gives Stelling a gentle poke in the ribs.

Szarevar laughs at Stelling.

You hear Xionara cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

   "Climb up the trunk to my sky sanctuary
     And find a space for my kin to make merry
     Perhaps not as lovely, but wonderful still'
     It's stocked with live treats if that is your will"

Vixonia's tail undulates lazily through the air.

Vixonia heartily sings in a soprano voice:

   "The wind whistle through a hole looking down
     Take care not to sleep or you'll fall to the ground
     This rustic retreat made for laughter and song
     Is a favorite place where I've oft lingered long"

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

   "Now let's head south and cross over the river
     Where along the trade road you'll find spots that deliver
     Some peace and respite from bustling travel
     Along busy paths that are covered with gravel"

Vixonia smiles as her fingers tickle the strings of her harp, continuing the lush melody which accents her soaring soprano. Drawing your attention back to stage right, as the lights shift you now see an ornate stone bench next to a bubbling pool of water, surrounded by abundant greenery.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

   "An overgrown footpath will guide the way
     To a pool with a bench for a quiet getaway
     Rest your weary bones, just relax and enjoy
     Perhaps you'll see fae there, they can be so coy"

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

   "And if you like heights, you just might see
     Some amazing things from the top of this tree
     The Sana'ati Dyaus in the center of Leth
     Ever been to the top? It will take your breath!"

Crobin kisses Leayne. And he doesn't seem to want to stop.

Leayne smiles at Crobin, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

(Vixonia's eyes sparkle in the stage lights as she draws attention to one last vision on stage left. A cloud dappled skyline is reft by a precarious treetop platform, a space with a remarkable view. Within the swelling of the resonant notes from her harp you might almost hear the swish of the wind.)

Illiya quietly says, "I didn't even know you could climb to the top."

Selame wraps her arms lovingly around Akeiro, snuggling close.

Leayne grins at Illiya, her dimples flashing into view.

Vixonia sings in a soprano voice:

   "When looking down, everyone seems so small
     Tiny gusts of wind up there feel like a squall
     But sometimes it's nice just to sit there and think
     It's a whole new viewpoint when the world shrinks"

Merilwen grins at Szarevar.

Valynn nods to Illiya.

Valynn quietly says, "It's lovely."

(Vixonia gazes out at you as the lights fade until the only one is the center spotlight that causes the dreamstone that at the top of her harp to seem to glow. Her fingers still dance over the vibrating strings of the instrument as she sings.)

Illiya smiles at Valynn, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Vixonia playfully sings in a soprano voice:

   "So I guess I should stop there, though I could go on
     You never know where delightful spaces will spawn
     This province has so much to explore and to adore
     And please, if you like you can ask me for more!"

(Vixonia lets the final notes of her ballad ring through the air for a moment before stilling the strings with a soft touch. Raising from the stool she stands beside her instrument and drops into a formal curtsy just before the spotlight dims and the stage is plunged into darkness.)

Stelling gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia.

As Useff starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Stelling starts applauding.

You hear Ishimmer cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

The audience response of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Shuya starts applauding.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

Valynn starts applauding.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia.

Leayne starts applauding.

Shuya mumbles a word of general praise.

Illiya starts applauding.

Valynn gestures.

Merilwen starts applauding.

You hear Elurora cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

You hear Xionara cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

Valynn lets out a loud "Huzzah!"

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia.

You hear Salvitoriel cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

Selame softly says, "There surely is so much to explore."

Dasheek starts applauding.

The sound of unanimous applause surges louder.

Leayne gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Vixonia.

Selame nods in agreement.

Anuril starts applauding.

Szarevar gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Leayne starts applauding.

Szarevar starts applauding.

Merilwen nods to Selame.

The cacophony of unanimous applause lowers in volume.

Leayne starts applauding.

Valynn puts her parchment in her traveler's pack.

(Allye strides forward and back onto the stage, a bright smile crossing her face.)

Useff takes a sip of his stout.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Allye says, "That song makes me nostalgic for things and places that I both know and don't know yet! We'll definitely need to take Vix up on her offer to tell us more."

Stelling takes a sip of his scotch.

Allye exclaims, "Thank you, Vixonia!"

Valynn rubs her left hand.

(Allye sweeps her arms outward, beaming happily.)

Dasheek grins at Illiya.

Leayne smiles, revealing the dimples in her cheeks.

Dasheek looks at Illiya and shrugs.

Selame gazes at Akeiro.

Allye exclaims, "That's all we have for you tonight, everyone! Thank you all so much for joining us!"

Dasheek gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Leayne snuggles up to Crobin and cradles him in her arms.

As Shuya starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Allye says, "I hope you've all enjoyed these performances as much as I have."

Stelling starts applauding.

Useff stands up.

Merilwen starts applauding.

Selame says to Akeiro, "I think we left the stove on."

Useff starts applauding.

You hear the sounds of Hamuk cheering from somewhere nearby.

Dasheek's rage dissipates.

The audience response of unanimous applause surges louder.

You hear Sonatina cheering for Allye somewhere nearby.

Leayne gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Crobin places his hands on Leayne's shoulders and directs a soft, rumbling purr in her direction as Crobin presses his forehead against Leayne's.

Valynn quietly says to Useff, "Please let Nilme know I thought she was wonderful."

Allye exclaims, "Please, let's bring our performers back out so you can show them your appreciation one more time!"

Akeiro gasps at Selame!

Useff smiles at Valynn.

Allye says, "Everyone, please join me out here."

Leayne starts applauding.

You hear Salvitoriel cheering for Allye somewhere nearby.

Selame flails her arms about.

Allye grins.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Allye.

Anuril starts applauding.

The rushing sound of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Kethrai stands near Allye.

Nilme smiles at Allye.

Vixonia stands near Allye.

Valynn quietly says to Useff, "Time for this ranger to get in the woods."

Akeiro stands up.

Akeiro grabs Selame and drags her out with him.

You hear the sounds of Ishimmer cheering from somewhere nearby.

Valynn nods to Useff.

Leayne stands up.

Dasheek stands up.

You hear Sonatina cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

Allye beams!

Useff just hugged Valynn.

Dasheek tries to pull Illiya to her feet, but cannot.

Crobin waves to Valynn.

You hear Salvitoriel cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

Anuril gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Raikage falls out of hiding!

You hear Elurora cheering for Nilme somewhere nearby.

Valynn hugs Useff, who wraps his arms around Valynn with a warm smile.

Allye exclaims, "A huge round of applause for our performers: Nilme, Raikage, Mavekaelaja, Kethrai, Maltris, and Vixonia!"

The rushing sound of unanimous applause lowers in volume.

Useff says to Valynn, "Careful out there."

Raikage stands up.

Dasheek tries to pull Illiya to her feet, but cannot.

Valynn rises to her feet fluidly, like a large, graceful cat.

Shuya slips out of his seat.

Raikage leans on Maltris.

You hear the sounds of Jecala cheering from somewhere nearby.

Valynn smiles at Useff.

You hear Sonatina cheering for Nilme somewhere nearby.

Valynn pulls the hood of her baladrana up.

Maltris grins at Raikage.

Allye giggles.

Dasheek starts applauding.

You hear Salvitoriel cheering for Nilme somewhere nearby.

Leayne nods to Crobin.

Stelling starts applauding.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Raikage somewhere nearby.

Valynn quietly says, "Always."

Nilme curtsies gracefully.

You hear Sonatina cheering for Raikage somewhere nearby.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

Kethrai bows.

You hear Salvitoriel cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

Valynn winks.

Leayne tries to pull Crobin to his feet, but cannot.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Mavekaelaja somewhere nearby.

The sound of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Useff yells, "Huzzah!"

Allye exclaims, "And another round of applause for our amazing lobby greeters, Elore and Hamuk! Thank you so much, you two!"

You hear Sonatina cheering for Mavekaelaja somewhere nearby.

Vixonia sinks into a deep curtsy.

Valynn slips quietly out of the room.

Illiya starts applauding.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Maltris somewhere nearby.

You hear Salvitoriel cheering for Raikage somewhere nearby.

Allye beams!

Useff starts applauding.

You hear Salvitoriel cheering for Maltris somewhere nearby.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer.

Nilme looks at Allye and applauds!

Raikage applauds.

You hear Sonatina cheering for Maltris somewhere nearby.

Leayne tries to pull Crobin to his feet, but cannot.

Vixonia applauds.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Allye.

The rushing sound of unanimous applause lowers in volume.

You hear Salvitoriel cheering for Allye somewhere nearby.

You hear Sonatina cheering for Vixonia somewhere nearby.

Allye giggles.

Leayne tries to pull Crobin to his feet, but cannot.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Nilme somewhere nearby.

Leayne tries to pull Crobin to his feet, but cannot.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Kethrai somewhere nearby.

Raikage praises Allye.

Crobin stands up.

Nilme smiles.

You hear Hamuk cheering for Allye somewhere nearby.

Leayne giggles.

Merilwen gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Allye.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Allye's ears perk up happily.

Dasheek ponders.

Useff takes a sip of his stout.

Szarevar gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Allye.

Leayne slips quietly out of the room.

Allye exclaims, "See you all in the lobby!"

Vixonia exclaims, "And let's hear it for Allye who put this all together!"

You hear Elurora cheering for Allye somewhere nearby.

Vixonia looks at Allye and applauds!

Illiya yells, "Yay Allye!"

Allye giggles at Vixonia.

Kethrai lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

You hear the sounds of Ishimmer cheering from somewhere nearby.

Nilme lets out a hearty cheer for Allye!

As Merilwen starts applauding, a number of other people nearby quickly join in.

Raikage nods at Vixonia, obviously agreeing with her views.

Dasheek nods at Illiya, obviously agreeing with her views.

Useff gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Allye.

Illiya gets an impish expression on her face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Allye.

Raikage looks at Allye and applauds!

Dasheek gets an impish expression on his face, and lets out a hearty cheer for Allye.

Maltris looks at Allye and applauds!

The audience response of unanimous applause rises in volume.

Crobin slips quietly out of the room.

Nilme beams at Allye!

Allye curtsies gracefully.

Nilme looks at Allye and applauds!

Useff takes a bite of the popcorn.

Allye exclaims, "Thank you!"

Allye giggles.

Stelling leaps to his feet!

Useff takes a bite of the popcorn.

Vixonia praises Allye.

Stelling stretches his arms.

The lingering echoes of applause hang over the dais before ceasing altogether.

Useff gets an elegant lotusweave napkin fringed with wispy spun glitter filaments from inside his leather haversack.

Merilwen stands up.

Allye waves.

Stelling slips quietly out of the room.

Mistress of Ceremonies Allye's group went through a curtain.

Illiya asks Dasheek, "Shall we?"

Useff carefully rubs his hands and face with his lotusweave napkin.

Szarevar stands up.

Useff puts his napkin in his leather haversack.

Dasheek nods to Illiya.

Dasheek says, "Lettuce."

Anuril stands up.

Illiya stands up.

Dasheek pulls Illiya towards him!

Anuril slips quietly out of the room.

Dasheek gives Illiya a gentle kiss.

Illiya slips quietly out of the room.

Dasheek slips quietly out of the room.

With a chorus of trilling mews, a fluffy cream kitten wearing a strawberry creampuff costume with pink sprinkles trots off.

Useff slips quietly out of the room.

Szarevar slips quietly out of the room.

Merilwen slips quietly out of the room.