Item:Storm-grey linen shirt with an upright collar

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|ptype=clothing |verby=Yes |pcrystal=No |atmos=No |istone=No |wearloc=shirt (with armor) |type=pockets |metal=no |weight=5 |appcost=37,500 |rarity=festival |lsize=9 |wsize=1 |hsize=1 |ilsize=3 |iwsize=1 |ihsize=1 |csize=10 |enchanted=No |feature-change=No |generator=No |sourcetype=- |fname=No }} Thinking about the shirt, you wonder if you might not be able to CLEAN, CLUTCH, PAT, POKE, PULL, REMOVE, ROLL, RUB, TICKLE, WAVE, WEAR, and YANK it.