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Status Active
Race Elothean
Gender Male
Guild Moon Mage
Instance Prime
Relatives Gherynn

Appearance and Introduction

Xinphinity has sparkling Katamba-black eyes and a glossy obsidian-hued glaes nose hoop resembling an ouroboros through the right side of an aquiline nose. His silver-gilt-streaked blue-black hair is shoulder length and straight, and is worn loose. He has weathered skin and a lean build.

He has a long narrow mustache that droops to either side of the mouth on his upper lip and a long thin beard. His right wrist has a tattoo of a series of intricate celestial symbols inked in shimmering crimsons, azures and ebony.
He typically wears a diaphanous nightstalker silk uaro's'sugi that is loosely wound around the head and neck, a silvery moonsilk hood haloed with glittery starstones, a faded black leather longcoat, a telescope case fashioned from a scrimshaw tube with silver end caps labeled "eschatology", a platinum nose ring, a spidersilk-paneled Enchanter's kit with a jadeite-inlaid clasp, a triple-belted greatkilt of black and loden wool stitched with gold thread, a spiral-carved ironwood starchart tube labeled "Moons Guide", a large hex bag stitched with crude symbols, some nebulous enshrouding clouds of soft white smokewhorl, a burnished gold bracelet set with a sky-blue sapphire disc, an antiqued silver bracelet set with a dark crimson garnet disc, a rugged fractalline hip pouch dangling a battered pair of metal plates and some dark leather boots with flat soles.

About Xin

Xinphinity dislikes being called upon by his full name, and prefers simply Xin, pronounced 'zin'. A professor of arcane archaeologist, Xin is a founding member of the Moon Mage Heritage House sect, and acts as an intercessory and intermediary between the sect and his Elothean House, Waxen Moon. He is known for his battlefield interdiction and emergency transport skills, serving multiple tours during the Sorrow War where his establishment of battlefield to triage evacuation duties saw hundreds of Zoluren champions ushered to the safety of the Empaths and Clerics, who had been forced to sequester in one of the few remaining safe havens remaining in The Crossing.
Known in equal parts for his quiet, soft spoken demeanor, extended travels and explorations, and wanderlust, he rarely remains in any one place for any significant period of time. "Like Braun and my forefathers, the Moons guide me to explore the unknown, the lost, the forgotten," Xin was heard to say during a rare lecture. An accomplished instructor, Xin can often be found in the company of his wife Gherynn, a Prydaen Moon Mage and a protege of Xin's unique style of training in lunar arts, and his personal physician, Dr. Saaren Bloor, on permanent loan to him at the insistence of his parents, rumored to be members of the secretive Waxen Moon.

Gweld Aevar Avren

Trained by the Moon Mage Gueneviere, Xin soon became disinterested in the rote pursuit of his guilds practices, calling it "The Grand Circle Chase". Favoring a balanced regiment of magical, intellectual, survival and combat, Xin developed the Aevar Avren training approach, using it to advance multiple Moon Mages to well beyond his own level and standing, a feat he called "a welcome goal, and an excellent reward" for his students to complete their training by advancing beyond his own training.
Early critics of his methods called out his tendency to begin training his students on mixed mental debilitation and battlefield control tactics, advising his students early on that this would almost certainly first result in their demise.
His battlefield domination approach involves high volume, high speed debilitation of hostile creatures, reduction in battlefield forces through psychic manipulation and command. To this end, he can often be found sitting amongst creatures far beyond his physical combat skills, a feat he commonly uses to drive the point home to his students that- physical combat is required, but a Moon Mage should never allow any creature within melee range if they don't specifically desire it; driving his students to become experts are rapid snap casting of psychic control skills to first gain complete control of the battlespace, while formulating a plan to reduce enemy forces through attrition using specific patterns of combat magic and physical attacks.
Student's of Xin's unique approach often go on to join the Crystal Hand Monks as Xin traditionally required that hand to hand combat and unarmed brawling be the highest of his students physical combat skills.

A self proclaimed pacifist, Xin refrains from engaging in conflict of any kind, unless directly attacked first. "Violence is the last resort of the incompetent," he would often say to his students, requiring them to specialize in conflict mediation, parlay and peaceful resolution of conflict.

Heritage House, Waxen Moon and Diplomacy

Tracing his Elothean lineage to Waxen Moon, Shoana ilet Usun Sarbu, Xin nonetheless has never revealed his parentage, and speaks infrequently of his house, in keeping with it's long and secretive nature. It was long rumoured, but never established that his parents actually discovered him held hostage by a group of Adan'f mages who were attempting to glean anatomical information about Elotheans from him - before being rescued by a team deployed by Waxen Moon. While this has never been concretely established, even as a young student of the Moon Mages, Xin showed an unusual amount of animosity towards the Adanf, even to the point of sneaking among them on a routine basis as soon as he had learned his guilds Refractive Field spell. He still often wears the now customized Mage's cloak he pilfered from the Adanf at third circle.