Item:Haphazardly assembled chaosknit robes overflowing in excess layers of fabric

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haphazardly assembled chaosknit robes overflowing in excess layers of fabric
Look: Voluminously constructed from differing swathes of black, smoke-grey, and midnight-purple fabric to cling to the wearer in polychromatic mounds, a variety of colorful feathers, sequins, and beads make the overall aesthetic difficult to take in at once.
Weight: 50 stones
Metal: No
Appraised Cost: Unknown
Properties: This is an article of clothing.
  • This item is worn in the shirt (with armor) slot.
  • This item hides robe-covered items and armor and backpacks and belt-worn items and cambrinth and gwethdesuans and lumpy bundles and jewelry and skinning knives and trinkets and weapons.
Dimensions: ? length x ? width x ? height
Sources: Source is Hollow Eve Festival 443/Auction

STUDY: You think you can TURN the chaosknit robes to hide certain items. The robes appears to be able to hide cambrinth, belt items, backpacks, lumpy bundles, armor, weapons, containers, magical jewelry, head jewelry, body jewelry, trinkets, skinning knives, and gwethdesuans.

You can think you can get a hidden item to show up, even when hidden, by using SHOW {item} ALWAYS. [Type SHOW by itself for syntax]

Recharge Info: Infuser stones can work on some magical item hiders, but this particular hider does not have charges, and thus no need of infuser stones. You can't tell anything else about some haphazardly assembled chaosknit robes overflowing in excess layers of fabric.