Ayrell/Logs/Researching the Storm First Experiment/10292022

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A log of the first experiment in the Researching the Storm event series.

Date & Time

Year of the Golden Panther, 443 years since the Victory of Lanival the Redeemer. It is the day of the 6th month of Arhat, the Fire Lion. It is currently summer. 10/29/2022


[Shard, Katamba's Crescent Road]

Stormwill Tower, home of the Warrior Mages and Empaths of Shard, dominates much of the view to the northwest, an ominous shadow that passes a heavy hand over the sky and stars. Even more ominous is a cloud that hovers over the tower, churning and rumbling with thunder and lightning. The babbling burble of water rushing brings comfort to the night's loneliness where the Bridge of Linden Leaves rises up, creating safe passage over one of Shard's many natural channels to the south. You also see a black panther that is sitting and a prominent sign staked into the ground outside the guild.