Crystal City Players/Logs/A Variety Extravaganza

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A Variety Extravaganza was the inaugural performance of the Crystal City Players, performed at the Shoan a Sidelkuloa theater in Shard. The theme of the show was "Love Language" and included a variety of acts from singing, to dancing, to dramatic readings and acting. Each act served as an introduction to one of the group's members, allowing them to express through performance an example of something meaningful to themselves. An example of something they love or that holds a special place in their heart.


Lady of Elamiri Ayrell came through a thick dark curtain.

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Ayrell says, "Good evening, everyone, and welcome to the Shoan a Sidelkuloa theater! Tonight, I am pleased to introduce you to our newly assembled theater troupe, The Crystal City Players."

Ayrell smiles.

Ayrell says, "Our inspiration for this inaugural performance is 'Love Language.' As we all know, love is far more than just something we might feel for another person. It is something we feel for little blessings, experiences, and luxuries that we find - or that find us - throughout our lives."

Ayrell says, "With this in mind, we have prepared a variety show based upon the little things, or big things, in our lives that speak to our members in our own individual love languages. Some fun, some intriguing, some touching - and all entirely for your entertainment."

Ayrell exclaims, "So, without further ado, I am honored to present our first act - The amazingly talented, Shaylynne Kendialahle!"

Act One


You hear a voice recite from the shadows:

"The lights lower and the stage is plunged into darkness, empty save for a squat brazier centered upon the floor.  A flickering column of flame ignites from the basin, dancing restlessly within."

(Shaylynne enters from behind the curtain, her scintillant gown shimmering in the faint light of the fire. From the shadows just beyond the illumination of the blaze, a Gnome costumed as a Kather warily approaches.)

Shaylynne smiles at the Kather, who scowls in return at the Human standing before them.

(Shaylynne slowly circles the area around the brazier, eyes locked with the diminutive creature. The Kather hastily retreats from Shaylynne as the pair rotates clockwise, louring in an apparent mix of fear and mistrust.)

(Shaylynne gazes with a careful consideration at her fierce little foe, with whom she was hoping to befriend. The quiet thumping of a deep, resonant tribal drum starts up from somewhere off stage.)

Shaylynne gently sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "I sense that you doubt me
    Intentions honest yet unheard
    How I long to express them
    Despite my foreign words"

Shaylynne reaches both hands toward the earth, fingers splayed wide and eyes closed in a moment of silent communion.

Shaylynne gestures.

Shaylynne's flesh momentarily swirls, though she seems unhurt by the experience. When the magic stabilizes, her body is covered with scales of shifting color.

(Shaylynne uses her magic to transform her image into something mystical and dragon-like, scales forming on her skin and creating a vibrant contrast with the solid gold of her imbricated dress. The essence of both sparkle on the dim firelit stage.)

Shaylynne smiles at the Kather again, their interest now piqued by the alteration of appearance. The drumming through the area amplifies as its pace picks up.

Shaylynne softly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "We have the land in common
    The rivers and the trees
    The canyons between mountains
    The deserts to the seas"

(Shaylynne makes a large arching motion with her hand, opens her fist as she raises it and then makes a wavy motion with her hand.)

Shaylynne sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Nature's spirits warn us
    Sending droughts and scolding storms
    Our existence always threatened
    By blighted enemies and undead hordes"

(Shaylynne crosses her wrists and then strikes her arm downward as her body quivers.)

Shaylynne soothingly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Let us come together
    Drop our guards and strife
    Defeat our common enemies
    With the magic we call Life"

(Shaylynne raises her hands over her head, motioning towards the Kather with serpentine undulations in an enchanting dance, who is no longer creating more distance between the two. Shaylynne smiles once more, extending her hand in a welcoming gesture, and this time the Kather smiles in return.)

Shaylynne says, "A ranger's love language often comes from the heart, and the spirits of the nature that surrounds us. We use it to communicate with each other in the wilds, with our companions, and sometimes it helps us to overcome a language barrier between strangers. In this case, I knew the Kather would appreciate dragons, music, and body language more than the spoken word."

Shaylynne enthusiastically exclaims, "And now, a man who has sailed the high seas and everywhere beyond to find his love language back at home, the talented crooner, Ezerak!"

(Shaylynne takes the hand of her Gnomish costar and sinks down into a low curtsy leading them into an elegant bow beside her. The duo walks backwards, disappearing behind the curtain as the flame extinguishes itself, the lights return to their usual brightness, and the drumming fades into silence.)

Act Two


Ezerak smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Ezerak says, "Good evening. This is an original song I call The Beauty of the Sea."

Ezerak sings in a baritone voice:

   "When I was a young man, my fortune I did seek.
    I searched for work all over town for many a week
    Then one day, down at the docks, a merchant ship I found,
    Her old bosun spotted me, and said "Son, let me buy you a round.""

Ezerak says, "He asked me."

Ezerak sings in a baritone voice:

   "Have you ever seen the sunset o'er the Reshal Sea?
    Or how it glows 'neath the blue moon's silv'ry light?
    The view from the crow's nest, on a clear, starry night?
    All these sights and more you'll see, if you come along with me."

Ezerak sings in a baritone voice:

   "So I joined the crew, and we set sail the next morn.
    Though the work was hard, I took to it like a sailor born.
    Across the sea, to Reshalia's bays, sounds, and bights.
    And on the way, I saw such wonderous sights."

Ezerak sings in a baritone voice:

   "Have you ever seen the sunset o'er the Reshal Sea?
    Or how it glows 'neath the blue moon's silv'ry light?
    The view from the crow's nest, on a clear, starry night?
    All these sights and more you'll see, if you come along with me."

Ezerak sings in a baritone voice:

   "For decades I sailed, beholding the beauty the world had to offer,
    Believing I'd seen it all, until the daaaay I met...her.
    Her long raven locks, and eyes of sapphire blue,
    It wasn't long before I settled down and said "I do.""

Ezerak sings in a baritone voice:

   "Although I've seen the sunset o'er the Reshal Sea,
    And how it glows 'neath the blue moon's silv'ry light.
    I've seen the view from the crow's nest, on a clear, starry night.
    Of all the lovely sights I've seen, the most beautiful is she."

Ezerak bows.

Ezerak exclaims, "For our next performance, please welcome our resident Mistress of Water, the very talented Siendra!"

Act Three


(Siendra steps into view, her gait somehow predatory and elegant all at once as she approaches the center of the stage. She stops in the beam of light focused there, standing proudly and looking out at everyone with a wolfish smile. With a confident toss of her head she begins her performance, her tone strong and sharp.)

Siendra theatrically says, "Hello to you all! I am Siendra, Alpha of the Dzirta Sfek Vauns Arotru, the Lady of Frostbite and the Storm of Katamba. I have traveled these lands far and wide, hunting down both prey and knowledge as I rise above..."

(Siendra trails off with a quiet giggle, her posture relaxing as she grins suddenly much more sheepishly out at the audience.)

Siendra laughingly says, "No, that's not right at all. I mean, I am all those things, but what I am not is a very good actress."

Siendra ducks her head.

Siendra happily says, "At least, I suppose, not when it comes to myself. I am here to show you all who I am, in the best way I can. To me, that means knowing who I was, before I knew where my heart lay. As the Rakash well know, it is the changes we go through that make us who we are."

(Siendra gives a wry smile before sweeping her arms outward, signaling the gaffer to spread the range of the light. Satisfied she has enough room she begins to pace, her hands weaving careful patterns in the air. An aethereal story begins to build right before your eyes.)

Siendra recites:

   "When I was young I rejected my pack
    I left them behind and never looked back
    I told myself I was destined for more
    But way back then, I knew not what for."

(Siendra sets the scene on the stage, motes of colorful light forming a village recognizable as Siksraja with the mountains rising around it. A small figure can be seen walking away from it all, down a path that seems to lead nowhere. Siendra gazes down with a slight pout at the loner, sighing.)

Siendra recites:

   "I danced in high courts and dined with great bards
    But that life for me was not in the cards
    One day, quite bored, it was Crossings I found
    And twas Gauthus who showed me a future unbound."

(Siendra walks beside the small aethereal version of herself as the scenery changes around it. Suddenly a tower looms before it, and the figure seems to jump in surprise. Siendra hides a grin as she uses a foot to nudge the image forward. Just as the figure enters the tower, the entire scene breaks apart into droplets of water that suspend in the air around Siendra.)

Siendra recites:

   "I heard the water calling to me
    An ache in my bones that needed set free
    And through my hard work I met my dear Rin
    In every form my most faithful companion."

(Siendra lifts one hand to trace a pathway through the droplets, and they seem to drift towards her in answer to some unheard call. Gently she guides the water together, a shape coming together until a watery replica of a panther sits beside her. She rests a hand on its head gently, gazing fondly down at it before addressing the audience once more.) Siendra recites:

   "I learned to fight with magic and steel
    But there was still more my path would reveal
    After years of resisting the call of my kind
    To my great surprise - a pack I would find."

(Siendra narrows her eyes, but can't hide the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. With true affection she brushes her fingertips over her soft grey armband before throwing her head back in a mighty howl. The sound echoes around the stage, making it seem as though there is a multitude of Rakash standing with Siendra - a serenade of many coming from one. Slowly silence falls once more.)

Siendra recites:

   "So what do I love? For what do I live?
    In truth it all lies in what I can give
    As Alpha I serve and honor my pack
    As a Mage I pursue all the knowledge I lack."

(Siendra releases her magic completely, her panther drifting apart in dewy wisps and leaving her standing alone. Behind her the darkness creates a background to only her, helping her shine like a sliver of ice cutting through the night. She clasps her hands behind her back, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before glancing back out at the crowd.)

Siendra recites:

   "I find love in my songs and the stories I tell
    In every exciting new cast of a spell
    In quiet nights spent in a wintry wood
    And a nice glass of fratvarit's always good."

(Siendra winks, grinning, and spreads her hands outward. Shards of ice coalesce around her and seem to dance in the air, chiming musically as they bump into each other. Siendra sways with them, lifting her voice for her final verse as though singing for her icy allies.)

Siendra recites:

   "A joust or a spar can excite any night
    In all of these things my heart will take flight
    To better myself and the ones that I love
    This is, to me, what a good life is made of."

(Siendra balances a single icicle on a fingertip as she finishes, her voice dreamy as it trails off. She turns slowly, releasing her magic once more to clear the air around her. Placing one hand on her heart she bows deeply, beaming as she straightens once more.) Siendra cheerfully exclaims, "Thank you everyone! It's now my absolute honor to introduce our next performance, someone who I've looked up to for many years and am now privileged to share the stage with. A lady of great knowledge and refinement, talented and charming, with an eye for...well, that part is for her to share. Please welcome the lovely Lady of Elamiri, Ayrell!"

(Siendra lets the applause cover her exit as she disappears Stage Left, giving a little wave just before she does.)

Act Four


(Ayrell walks onto the stage, her cheeks faintly blushing pink as she finds her mark to begin.)

Ayrell says, "As many of you know, my greatest love language in life is my family. I could talk and sing and gush about my husband and my children for days on end, though, for tonight, I thought it best to spare you all such a lengthy and excessively sentimental performance and present something a little more lighthearted and playful."

Ayrell says, "With that in mind, I have prepared a song about one of the more amusing love languages with which I have been known to speak, on occasion. A sprightly piece I like to call - Sapphires are a Girl's Best Friend."

Ayrell smiles.

(Ayrell idly runs her index finger along the sapphire sparkling from its setting within an elegant choker resting against her neck.)

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "My mother told me to strive for love,
     Find a man to keep me warm at night.
     But all I found were fickle boys,
     Who only wanted to steal my light.
     Sure, they were handsome,
     With honey on their tongue - 
     But sapphires are a girl's best friend."

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "I did my best to make mom proud,
     Let too many men dull my shine.
     Once I learned the love of a gemstone,
     I realized alone I'd be fine.
     A marquise will twinkle,
     Even when I've wrinkled -
     Those sapphires are a girl's best friend."

(Ayrell appears to warm up to the performance, her confidence building as she takes a step forward, lightly running her hand along her arm to brush the glittering sapphires draping from delicate chains on the armband around her bicep.)

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "The first time I saw that stone glitter on my finger,
     I knew it was love at first sight.
     Cabochon, trillion, make me one in a million,
     And help my inner glow to ignite."

(Ayrell does a graceful pirouette, pausing in a dainty stance, her hand open to playfully indicate another sapphire shining from her ring finger.)

Ayrell sweetly sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "The colors span the spectrum,
     In blue, green, violet, and pink.
     One dangle of that Elamiri gem,
     May just earn you a wink.
     With a selection this endless,
     I'll never be friendless -
     Yes, sapphires are a girl's best friend."

Ayrell playfully sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Sweet words are all empty,
     And cold as a winter's breeze.
     Over time men's love will fail,
     Their arms will make you freeze.
     But this ice stone looks so nice,
     Have heads turning 'round twice -
     Oh, sapphires are a girl's best friend."

(Ayrell moves fluidly across the stage, letting the light play off the array of sapphires adorning her, offering a flirtatious wink to the crowd.)

Ayrell playfully sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "The way to this girl's heart is duskbloom and phantom,
     In hues like the midnight sky.
     Pear, round, or rose-shaped, on my shoulders when draped,
     Their beauty no one can deny."

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Dalaeji are bolder, while crimson do smolder -
     Oh, sapphires are a girl's best friend.
     Those tempest and twilight, keep me sparkling all night -
     'Cause sapphires -
     Yes, these sapphires -"

(Ayrell does one last balletic twirl, the fabric of her skirt billowing out around her to display the sapphires sewn into the garment.)

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Oh, sapphires are a girl's best friend."

Ayrell smiles at the crowd, dipping in a gracious curtsy before pausing to raise her hands in a graceful clasp before her chest.

Ayrell exclaims, "It is my pleasure to introduce our next act, the wonderfully entertaining, Senthic!"

Act Five


(Senthic, nervously taking in the sight of an audience, stumbles out onto center stage with a sheepish grin.)

Senthic blinks.

Senthic blinks.

Senthic grins sheepishly.

Senthic clears his throat.

Senthic breathes very slowly and looks much calmer.

Senthic tremulously says, "I, uh.. Completely forgot the music to go along with this so, uhm, I'm just gonna.." He glances down at his zills and winces apologetically. "Just gonna make do. Sorry."

(Senthic begins a halting refrain on his zills, the tempo uncertain and inconsistent.)

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "Food is meant to be shared
     With family, friends, or even strangers
     Whether freshly caught or painstakingly prepared
     because everyone needs to eat, even ...Rangers?"

(Senthic mouths the word, "Rangers...?")

Senthic shrugs.

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "And when it comes to culinary delights
     There are two types of people in these realms
     One who can enjoy the taste of a sparrow mid-flight
     And the other.. Who seem to be so easily overwhELMed."

(Senthic winces as his voice breaks with that last note, echoing faintly in the sudden silence.)

Senthic clears his throat.

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "As a child, I was not allowed
     To eat the food that made my people proud
     So, now, I always try to accept and perceive
     My friends' unique, if not strange, dietary needs."

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "So here is what I have learned
     In my efforts to feed friends, family, and strangers alike
     Though their individual tastes I have not yet quite discerned
     I can list, with certainty, what they dislike."

(Senthic takes a small break to hop about on stage wildy and play his zills off-key.)

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "The first thing you must know
     When serving anyone other than my kind
     Is that they like food cooked nice and slow
     And the occasional piece of foliage they don't mind."

Senthic sincerely sings in a tenor voice:

   "They cook most of the taste out of the meat
     They often will find something to augment some flavor
     like the additions of things sugary or sweet
     to offset the blandness of their supper."

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "Considering this, I found a savory pastry to share
     and I could barely contain my excitement
     when I handed off a flaky tart lovingly prepared
     and stuffed with crisp beetles swimming in a glaze congealment."

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "The tart was, unfortunately, a miss
     Though it wasn't a great loss
     It was intended as only an appetizer dish
     I still had the entree -- steamed worms in cold cream sauce."

(Senthic abruptly launches into a zill solo, rocking forward in time with the beat. After a moment, the tempo slows, and as though realizing he is not, actually, alone, he abashedly readjusts his hat and straightens.)

Senthic shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "It turns out that simply 'cooked' is not the equalizer I'd thought
     There are apparently more standards to be met
     But these culinary skills I'm willing to be taught
     if only to keep my friends' stomachs from upset."

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "I quickly learned, when offering a perfectly cooked ham smeared with lard
     that decorating with desiccated ants enveloped in animal fat
     was perhaps an example of 'trying too hard'."

Senthic thoughtfully says, "Next time, maybe just a charcuterie board of cheese and rat."

Senthic looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "For my delicate-palate friends, I'll continue to try
     Because feeding others is a language of love, it shows you care
     Everyone has to eat, and I am here to supply
     Because food is meant to be shared."

(Senthic brings his song to a close with the soft ringing clap of his zills. After the last note fades into silence, Senthic quickly bows before clumsily making his way off-stage.)


Group Song

(Ayrell gracefully returns to the stage, taking her place a the center as she gestures for the others to join her as a soft, melodic music begins to play.)

(Senthic frantically runs back onto the stage, his expression slightly panicked.)

Senthic apologetically exclaims, "Sorry," and pauses to catch his breath. After a moment, he clears his throat and says, with much more confidence, "Please welcome again our illustrious director, Ayrell Everytime-Very!"

Ayrell smiles.

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "So important it is to live life with passion,
     Be it about love, magic, or fashion.
     Curling up by the fire on a cold winter's night,
     Or gazing out to the sea at the first morning's light."

Ayrell sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Sapphires the hue of soft twilight skies,
     The love in my heart when I look in my children's eyes,
     For the blessings in my life, I do praise the gods above.
     These are but a few of the million things that I love."

Shaylynne stands near Ayrell.

Shaylynne sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Wind, fire, water, and sounds of the earth
    My daughter Almarius' mischief and mirth
    Losing my way just to find it again
    The patter of rain on a glass windowpane"

Shaylynne sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "Peace, love, flowers and everything nice
    The Huntress in me that can't turn down a fight
    The smell of wood shavings and freshly carved bows
    Last but not least all the friends I keep close"

Ezerak stands near Ayrell.

Ezerak sings in a baritone voice:

   "Music, and sailing, and my hat collection,
    Beaches, Ilithi, and dressing to perfection.
    I love fine wine, whiskey, and brandy,
    But nothing compares to the love of family."

Siendra stands near Ayrell.

Siendra sings in a soprano voice:

   "The howl of my Pack when Katamba is full
    The reflection of stars in a still mountain pool
    The glimmer of frost on a chill winter morn
    The soft feel of leather on a book that's well worn."

Siendra sings in a soprano voice:

   "Telling a tale with a drink in my hand
    Roaming with Rin all across the land
    With many or few there's so much to explore
    And that is what in this life I adore."

Senthic stands near Ayrell.

Senthic sings in a tenor voice:

   "Sunlight on sails and sea spray in the breeze
     First Mate Lasaia lounging with ease
     The mischievous twinkle of Cote's eyes
     And warm-blooded, plump sparrows that fall from the skies."

Senthic shifts his weight.

Ayrell graciously sings in a mezzo-soprano voice:

   "We would be remiss not to mention our love for this crowd,
     With our performance this evening, we hope we made you all proud.
     As we say our farewells, we want you all to know,
     We thank you for coming and hope you enjoyed the show."

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Curtain Call

Ayrell exclaims, "Please, if you will put your hands together in a round of applause for our wonderful players! The wonderfully gifted Shaylynne!"

Shaylynne carefully lifts the skirt of her evening gown and dips into a deep curtsy.

Ayrell gestures at Shaylynne.

Ayrell exclaims, "Our own Legendary Bard, the talented Ezerak!"

Ayrell gestures at Ezerak.

Ezerak bows.

Ayrell exclaims, "Our beautiful and courageous mistress of water - Siendra!"

Ayrell gestures at Siendra.

Siendra blushes a bright red color.

Siendra bows.

Ayrell exclaims, "Our exotic food loving Senthic!"

As Senthic begins a sophisticated genuflection, he suddenly topples forwards, his equipment flopping over his shoulders as he face plants into the floor.

Ayrell gestures at Senthic.

Senthic shifts uncomfortably for a moment.

Senthic leaps to his feet!

Senthic dusts himself off.

Senthic shifts his weight.

Senthic exclaims, "Oh! And Ayrell!"

Senthic gestures at Ayrell.

Ayrell blushes, the tips of her ears turning a delicate scarlet hue.

With a graceful flutter of her hands, Ayrell sinks down in a formal curtsy.

Ayrell says, "On behalf of the Crystal City Players, we thank you all for attending. Please, have a wonderful evening and we shall be in the lobby for those who would like to meet the cast."

Ayrell beams!

Ayrell smiles.

Ayrell curtsies gracefully.

Senthic grins like an idiot.

Siendra waves.

Shaylynne smiles.

Ezerak smiles, revealing the dimples in his cheeks.

Shaylynne waves.

Ayrell waves.

Lady of Elamiri Ayrell's group went through a thick dark curtain.